FFmpeg - dnxhd Bitrate Won't Take - ffmpeg

In and attempt to make my recordings more digestible for video editors I'm trying to re-encode my files to DNxHR, after a few hiccups I got solid output with this command:
ffmpeg -ss 00:08:20 -i \\ASEXYCAPTUREPC\Users\djcim\Videos\Main\Magewell\Mage00.ts -map 0 -c:v dnxhd `
-profile:v dnxhr_hq -b:v 250M -acodec copy -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:20 `
However it doesn't seem like it's taking my specified bitrate, when I probe the file with ffprobe:
ffprobe -i [input file] -show_streams
it says bit_rate=1739980800 which comes out to 1700M if I'm not misaken, far above the 250M I want.
Not sure if this is the only factor but the result is huge files, around 12GB a minute while the source file itself is 10 minutes long but only 15GB.
The source file is also encoded / recorded using FFmpeg and has a resolution / frame rate of 3440x1440 # 100FPS with a 250MB bitrate.
Any ideas? Really hoping to get these files much smaller.

The DNx encoders don't accept bespoke ratecontrol. The quantization parameters are fixed. Output bitrate is a function of frame size, framerate and pixel format.


ffmpeg convert one png to DNxHD

I'm trying to create a DNxHD file from one PNG file. The output should be "24000/1001" fps, 1920x1080, using the dnxhd codec. Every frame should be the same. The outputted stream must be 20 seconds in length.
I have a solution which uses filter_complex to loop the PNG for each frame, however this results in extremely large files. Given that I will be combining possibly multiple hundred DNxHD files into one AAF file, the output file size is too large.
Is there any improvement I can make on the command below which would achieve this file size reduction?
ffmpeg -i INFILE.png -y -nostdin -an -vcodec dnxhd -pix_fmt yuv422p -vb 36M -framerate 24000/1001 -filter_complex loop=479:1:0 OUFILE.dnxhd
I do not know ffmpeg all that well, this command has been constructed by copying parts of commands I have found online.
DNxHD is an intra-coded codec i.e. each frame is encoded (and thus decodable) independently of each other. So, the size can't be decreased without changing ratecontrol parameters like bitrate.
BTW, your command can be simplified to
ffmpeg -framerate 24000/1001 -loop 1 -t 20 -i IN.png -c:v dnxhd -pix_fmt yuv422p -b:v 36M OUT.dnxhd
framerate doesn't have any relevance when saving to a raw stream (.dnxhd); only when saving to containers like .mov. It is possible technically to construct a MOV file with only two frames, with the 2nd frame, having a timestamp 20 seconds forward, but not sure if your workflow will handle such files as desired.

ffmpeg: recommended bitrate vs resolution [duplicate]

I'm using ffmpeg to watermark videos with a PNG file using vfilters like so:
ffmpeg -i 26.wmv -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -vf "movie=logo.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=10:10 [out]" 26_w.mkv
However, the input files are all of different quality/bitrates, and I want the output files to be of similar quality/bitrate to the input files. How would I achieve this?
Also, I know almost nothing about ffmpeg, so are there any options which would be sensible to set to give a good quality:filesize ratio?
Usually wanting the output to be the "same quality" as the input is an assumed thing that people will always want. Unfortunately, this is not possible when using a lossy encoder, and even lossless encoders may not provide the same quality due to colorspace conversion, chroma subsampling, and other issues. However, you can achieve visually lossless (or nearly so) outputs when using a lossy encoder; meaning that it may look as if the output is the same quality to your eyes, but technically it is not. Also, attempting to use the same bitrate and other parameters as the input will most likely not achieve what you want.
ffmpeg -i input -codec:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 24 -codec:a copy output.mkv
The two option for you to adjust are -crf and -preset. CRF (constant rate factor) is your quality level. A lower value is a higher quality. The preset is a collection of options that will give a particular encoding speed vs compression tradeoff. A slower preset will encode slower, but will achieve higher compression (compression is quality per filesize). The basic usage is:
Use the highest crf value that still gives you the quality you want.
Use the slowest preset you have patience for (see x264 --help for a preset list and ignore the placebo preset as it is a joke).
Use these settings for the rest of your videos.
Other notes:
You do not have to encode the whole video to test quality. You can use the -ss and -t options to select a random section to encode, such as -ss 30 -t 60 which will skip the first 30 seconds and create a 60 second output.
In this example the audio is stream copied instead of re-encoded.
Remember that every encoder is different, and what works for x264 will not apply to other encoders.
Add -pix_fmt yuv420p if the output does not play in dumb players like QuickTime.
Also see:
FFmpeg and x264 Encoding Guide
FFmpeg and AAC Encoding Guide
Here is a set of very good examples http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Examples
Here is a script i made for converting files to flv video and also adding a preview image
$filename = "./upload/".$_GET['name'].".".substr(strrchr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], '.'), 1);
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $filename);
chmod($filename, 0777);
exec ("ffmpeg -i ".$filename." -ar 22050 -b 200 -r 12 -f flv -s 500x374 upload/".$_GET['name'].".flv");
exec ("ffmpeg -i ".$filename." -an -ss 00:00:03 -an -r 1 -s 300x200 -vframes 1 -y -pix_fmt rgb24 upload/".$_GET['name']."%d.jpg");

FFmpeg Slideshow issues

trying to get my head around ffmpeg to create a slideshow where each image is displayed for ~5 seconds with some audio. created a bat file to run the following so far:
ffmpeg -f image2 -i image-%%03d.jpg -i music.mp3 output.mpg
It gets the images and displayes them all very fast in the first second of the video, it then plays out the rest of the audio while showing the last image.
I want to make the images stay up longer (about 5 seconds), and stop the video after the last frame (not playing the rest of the song), are either of these things possible? i could hack the frame rate thing i guess by having hundreds of the same image in order to keep it up longer, but this is far from ideal!
The default encoder for mpg output, mpeg1video, is strict about the allowed frame rates, so an input and an output -r are required:
ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i image-%03d.jpg -i music.mp3 -r 25 -qscale:v 2 -shortest -codec:a copy output.mpg
The input images will have a frame rate of 1 frame every 5 seconds and the output will duplicate frames to reach 25 frames per second.
-f image2 is generally not required.
-qscale:v can control output quality. A sane range is 2-5.
-shortest will make the output duration the same as the shortest input duration.
-codec:a copy copy your MP3 audio instead of re-encoding.
MPEG-1 video has more modern alternatives. See the FFmpeg and x264 Encoding Guide for more info.
Also see:
* FFmpeg FAQ: How do I encode single pictures into movies?
* FFmpeg Wiki: Create a video slideshow from images
You could use the filter fps instead of output framerate
ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i img%03d.png -i musicfile -c:v libx264 -vf fps=25 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
This however skips the last image for me strangely.

FFmpeg frame rate when converting from GIF to MP4

I have a GIF image. I am trying to convert it to MP4.
ffmpeg -f image2 -r {delay_time_of_gif_between_each_frame}/1 -i temp/%05d.png -vcodec libx264 video.mp4
This MP4 is not running at the same speed when compared to the original GIF. How do I make it to run with the same speed?
It seems I am making mistakes with the -r property. I played with it but don't get anything useful. I even removed it. Still it isn't working.
If you already know the time of delay between subsequent frames, then you need to take the inverse of it to convert it to a frame rate. For example, if the time between each frame is 40ms (or 0.04s), then the inverse would be 1 divided by 0.04, thus 25 fps.
You can not simply divide the time between frames by 1, since division by 1 will give you the same result as before.
So, try either of these again:
ffmpeg -f image2 -r 1/0.04 -i temp/%05d.png -c:v libx264 out.mp4
ffmpeg -f image2 -r 25 -i temp/%05d.png -c:v libx264 out.mp4
Note that the default input frame rate for image2 is 25 anyway, but this was just for illustration.
Also, you can change the frame rate of the output video as well, by putting -r after the input file, which should make a difference.
ffmpeg -f images -i temp/%05d.png -c:v libx264 -r 25 out.mp4
Although this question is somewhat older:
Current versions of ffmpeg automatically determine the delays between the frames according to the information in the gif images, so no need to set the frame rate in the command.

FFMPEG sensible defaults

I'm using ffmpeg to watermark videos with a PNG file using vfilters like so:
ffmpeg -i 26.wmv -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -vf "movie=logo.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=10:10 [out]" 26_w.mkv
However, the input files are all of different quality/bitrates, and I want the output files to be of similar quality/bitrate to the input files. How would I achieve this?
Also, I know almost nothing about ffmpeg, so are there any options which would be sensible to set to give a good quality:filesize ratio?
Usually wanting the output to be the "same quality" as the input is an assumed thing that people will always want. Unfortunately, this is not possible when using a lossy encoder, and even lossless encoders may not provide the same quality due to colorspace conversion, chroma subsampling, and other issues. However, you can achieve visually lossless (or nearly so) outputs when using a lossy encoder; meaning that it may look as if the output is the same quality to your eyes, but technically it is not. Also, attempting to use the same bitrate and other parameters as the input will most likely not achieve what you want.
ffmpeg -i input -codec:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 24 -codec:a copy output.mkv
The two option for you to adjust are -crf and -preset. CRF (constant rate factor) is your quality level. A lower value is a higher quality. The preset is a collection of options that will give a particular encoding speed vs compression tradeoff. A slower preset will encode slower, but will achieve higher compression (compression is quality per filesize). The basic usage is:
Use the highest crf value that still gives you the quality you want.
Use the slowest preset you have patience for (see x264 --help for a preset list and ignore the placebo preset as it is a joke).
Use these settings for the rest of your videos.
Other notes:
You do not have to encode the whole video to test quality. You can use the -ss and -t options to select a random section to encode, such as -ss 30 -t 60 which will skip the first 30 seconds and create a 60 second output.
In this example the audio is stream copied instead of re-encoded.
Remember that every encoder is different, and what works for x264 will not apply to other encoders.
Add -pix_fmt yuv420p if the output does not play in dumb players like QuickTime.
Also see:
FFmpeg and x264 Encoding Guide
FFmpeg and AAC Encoding Guide
Here is a set of very good examples http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Examples
Here is a script i made for converting files to flv video and also adding a preview image
$filename = "./upload/".$_GET['name'].".".substr(strrchr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], '.'), 1);
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $filename);
chmod($filename, 0777);
exec ("ffmpeg -i ".$filename." -ar 22050 -b 200 -r 12 -f flv -s 500x374 upload/".$_GET['name'].".flv");
exec ("ffmpeg -i ".$filename." -an -ss 00:00:03 -an -r 1 -s 300x200 -vframes 1 -y -pix_fmt rgb24 upload/".$_GET['name']."%d.jpg");
