Is Entity Manager cleared automatically after each request? - spring

Spring is providing one Entity Manager per thread. But I can`t find info if Spring clears Entity Manager after #RestControllers method is finished executing? So for example, if I have a method similar to this
public ResponseEntity<SomeEntity> someRequest() {
SomeEntity res = someService.doSomeJpaRelatedWork();
return new ResponseEntity<>(res), HttpStatus.OK);
Will spring call EntityManager.clear() after the request or will Entity Manager keep entities for further requests on that thread?

Since your method doesn't use an EntityManager nor has it #Transactional annotation it is completely independent of the EntityManager and will on its own not affect any EntityManager.
Also, I doubt anything is Spring will call clear implicitly.
BUT Spring doesn't use one EntityManager per Thread but one per request.
So the next request in your web application will get a fresh EntityManager with a clear 1st level cache. So while the correct answer for the question you asked is "No, clear isn't called", the answer which is probably relevant is "Yes, the EntityManager is clear on each call of your controller method."


how to Resolve "could not initialize proxy - no session" error when using Spring repository

I'm working on a mutitenant project it maintains different schema for each tenant, followed Project
As we are dynamically switching the tenants so it looks like some configuration is missed which is closing the session or not keeping the session open to fetch the LAZY loaded objects. Which results in "could not initialize proxy - no session" error.
Please check below link to access the complete project and db schema scripts, please follow the steps given in Readme file.
It will be helpful if someone can point out the issue in the code.
i tried to put service methods in #Transactional annotation but that didn't work.
I'm expecting it to make another call to the LAZY loaded object, This project is simplefied verson of the complex project, actually i have lot more lazy loaded objects.
I'm getting no Session error "could not initialize proxy [com.amran.dynamic.multitenant.tenant.entity.Tenant#1] - no Session"
at line 26 (/dynamicmultitenant/src/main/java/com/amran/dynamic/multitenant/tenant/service/
The issue is that your transaction boundaries are not correct. In TenantDatabaseConfig and MasterDatabaseConfig you've correctly added #EnableTransactionManagement, which will setup transactions when requested.
However - the outermost component that has an (implicit) #Transactional annotation is the ProductRepository (by virtue of it being implemented by the SimpleJpaRepository class - which has the annotation applied to it - )
and so your productRepository.findAll(); call will start a transaction, create a JPA session, run the query, close the session, close the transaction, which means that there is no longer any transaction / session open in which to perform the lazy-loading.
Therefore, your original attempt of
i tried to put service methods in #Transactional annotation but that didn't work.
IS the correct thing to do.
You don't say exactly what you tried to do, and where, but there are a few things that could have gone wrong. Firstly, make sure you're adding a org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional and not a javax.transaction.Transactional annotation.
Secondly (and the more likely problem in this scenario), you'll need to configure the annotation with which transaction manager the transaction should be bound to, otherwise it may use an existing / new transaction created against the master DB connection, not the tenant one.
In this case, I think that:
#Transactional(transactionManager = "tenantTransactionManager")
public class ProductServiceImpl implements ProductService {
should work for you, and make all the methods of the service be bound to a transaction on the tenant DB connection.
EDIT: Answering a follow-up question:
can you please also suggest a better way to inject my tenantTransactionManager in all my service classes, as I don't want to mention tenantTxnManger in all service classes if there is any better way to do it ?
Yes, sure. You can create a meta-annotation that applies multiple other annotations, so you could create:
* Marks class as being a service operating on a single Tenant
public #interface TenantService {
and then you can simply annotate your service classes with #TenantService instead of #Service:
public class ProductServiceImpl implements ProductService {

Spring Data: How to maintain cache consistency in transactional methods?

Let's assume we have a standard Spring Boot application with JPA. We have repositories, services and REST controllers. On the service layer, we have this:
public class UserService {
private UserRepository userRepo;
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public User getUserById(userId: String) {
return this.userRepo.findById(userId).orElse(null);
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public User saveUser(User user){;
We want to cache the result of getUserById, either via #Cacheable or via an explicit cache. We have the following two options:
If a call to saveUser(...) occurs, we call and then we immediately put the saved user into our cache (write-through).
If a call to saveUser(...) occurs, we invalidate the corresponding entry in the cache. Once the user is requested by ID again, we read it from the database and put it into the cache.
Both methods have issues:
If we write-through, we risk that the database transaction fails at some point after the call and is rolled back. We may have written a version of the user into our cache that never hit the database. Our cache is out-of-sync with the database.
If we only invalidate the cache, there is a time period between the invalidation and the transaction commit where a concurrent transaction may call getUserById(...). This transaction will still read the old version of the user and write it into the cache. The result is that we have outdated data in our cache.
Is the built-in spring cache susceptible to these issues as well? How do you avoid such problems in your application?
Ok so I got confused here. There is the Spring Boot side of caching, which is supposed to cache method results, and then there is the 2nd level cache of the JPA provider. These are different things with different purposes. My bad for mixing them up.

JPA transactional proxy within a thread issue

In my Controller I have injected (#Autowired) this Service, which implements Runnable (I need multi-threading) and I call it like so:
Thread t = new Thread(service);
Then, in my Service's run() I call this Repository (simple JPARepository), which is injected in Service also with #Autowired:;
The problem is that it doesn't persist the entity with id=1. The transactional proxy (and Hibernate connection pool) is initialized after the unsuccessful saving of the first entity. After that, it works fine.
Can anyone point me to the right direction with my issue: how to force the Thread to initialize the Hibernate transactional proxy before persisting the first entity?
You should consider to start the thread after Spring context is refreshed. This is safer because all your beans may be in an inconsistent state.
public void handleContextStart() {
// ...

TransactionalEventListener won't kick in

I have a problem with #TransactionalEventListener.
Kotlin 1.3.50
Spring Webflux
Spring Data
Hibernate 5
Postgres JDBC (not RDBC!)
What happens:
Request to controller was made.
Service did some job within method marked as #Transactional an event and published event.
Response returned to client
Event listener marked as #Async, #TransactionalEventListener and #Transactional doesn't kick in.
What I did:
I have debugged into service method which publishes an event to find out whether an actual transaction is in progress with the help of some static utility method I don't remember, which told me what I suspected - it is in progress.
Then I enabled debug output to see log saying: No transaction is in progress. Discarding event.
I mean, both publishing and consuming sides do have annotation #Transactional on them. No alterations to default params of annotations were made.
I have found similar situation in this question question but no one answered that.
Also, I have read an article at dzone but there seems to be no mentioning of my case.
I can avoid this by either replacing #TransactionalEventListener to #EventListener (alas, remove transaction bound processing) or by changing param fallbackExecute to true which effectively is the same as first solution.
Suspected parties:
Possibly absence of reactive transaction manager in an webflux environment could be the case? And some weird bug not accounting JpaTransactionManager?

Spring:: If a fork a new thread will it be enforced in transaction by Spring

We are using declarative spring transaction attribute for database integrity. Some of our code call webservice which do bunch of stuffs in sharepoint. The problem is when webservices take longer time users get deadlock from spring which is holding up backend.
If I make a new thread inside a function which has spring transaction declarative attribute will that be ignored from spring?
[Transaction(TransactionPropagation.Required, ReadOnly = false)]
public void UploadPDFManual(/*parameters*/)
//DO some data base related things
if (revisionPDFBytes != null)
//my sharepoint call which calls webservice
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DocumentRepositoryUtil.CreateSharepointDocument(docInfo)); // I draw a new thread from ASPNET worker thread pool.
Anything other options I should go for?
You don't need doing it in a transaction. Transaction makes a database save an object properly. That's it. All other stuff must be done after the transaction commit. In Java, you can make it with Spring's transaction synchronization or JMS. Take a look at the accepted answer over here.
More useful info specific for .NET (see 17.8).
