How in vuetify to set size of carousel images - image

In my Laravel 5.6/"vue": "^2.5.7/"vuetify": “^1.0.8” application I use carousel of
images ( )
it works but if there are uploaded images of different size the images are partly cut and view is broken.
I tried to make like :
<v-carousel-item v-for="(nextArtistImage,i) in artistImagesList" :src="nextArtistImage.image_url" :key=""
:alt="nextArtistImage.image_url" style="width: 200px;height:auto;">
<div class="carousel_image_title">{{ nl2br(concatStr(nextArtistImage.description, 100)) }}</div>
But my attempts to change style did not alter anything...
If there is a valid way ?

<v-carousel-item v-for="(nextArtistImage,i) in artistImagesList" :key="">
<img :src="nextArtistImage.image_url" style="width:200px;height:auto;" :alt="nextArtistImage.image_url"/>
The above html takes advantage of the default slot for the v-carousel-item.

<v-carousel height="auto">
enter link description here
Based on Vuetify Documentation

As I saw images are set as background pictures, for <div class="v-image__image--cover"></div>. They are not rendering on DOM as images (for example: <img src="image_src" />). So if you want to change image view, you have to override css properties of that div, for example background properties (background-position, background-size ...).
I am not sure it is a valid way or not, but if you want to change item's height you have to override carousel's height (<v-carousel>), because the height of <v-carousel-item> determined by height of carousel itself, or you have to override whole structure of carousel (change positions and some other css properties).
But there is one issue, I guess you want to render pictures of different original heights at one height, so that it does not turn off the view. This is a common problem for front-end developers. By the way, one of the best way to solve this problem is the structure you are trying to override.

The code below, shows the entire image within the carousel. Set the height of the v-carousel (300 in this example) and set that same value for the v-img max-height. If there are images that that wide but short, then limits to the width should also be added.
<v-carousel cycle v-model="model" height="300">
v-for="(item, i) in items"
<v-img :src="item.src" contain max-height="300"></v-img>
Where items is defined as:
export default {
data() {
return {
items: [
{ src: require('#/assets/photo1.jpg') },
{ src: require('#/assets/photo2.jpg') },

#peter.edwards just a tiny mistake on your code:
<img src="nextArtistImage.image_url" style="width:200px;height:auto;" :alt="nextArtistImage.image_url"/>
Source of image cannot be loaded because is a string so the correct form should be <img :src="nextArtistImage.image_url" :alt="nextArtistImage.image_url"/> so the final form will be
v-for="(itemnextArtistImagei) in artistImagesList"
><img :src="nextArtistImage.image_url" :alt="nextArtistImage.image_url"/>


switch image when focus/unfocused in svelte

I have a svelte app where I map channelcodes to imported logos and render that logo in a div that is in a focused or unfocused state. Currently I have been mapping 1 image and changing the CSS of the logo(SVG) conditionally. But I find it kind of hacky and makes more sense to switch between a focused and unfocused versions of the logo image. The style of the element I can change, but i don't know how to switch images through my mapping (I want to avoid long if statements or switch cases as there could be many logos).
How would I switch between two images? Let me know if more information is required. (One idea I thought was an array of two images and I pass in an index 0 or 1 somehow)
import { Television_ChannelCode } from '#gql/schema';
import Logo1 from '#logos/Logo1.svelte';
import Logo2F from '#logos/Logo2F.svelte';
import Logo2U from '#logos/Logo2U.svelte'
const map = new Map<Television_ChannelCode, any>();
map.set(Television_ChannelCode.News, Logo1);
//I want to switch between 2, use array?//
map.set(Television_ChannelCode.Sports, [Logo2F, Logo2U]);
export const getLogoFromTelevisionChannelCode = (
televisionChannelCode: Television_ChannelCode,
): any => {
return map.get(televisionChannelCode);
SVELTE FILE <--- Can change style but how to swap images??
{#if hasFocus}
<div class={focusedStyle}>
<svelte:component this={getLogoFromTelevisionChannelCode(channelCode)}/>
<div class="unfocusedStyle">
<svelte:component this={getLogoFromTelevisionChannelCode(channelCode)}/>
In your example the if block could be avoided by combining the class
<div class={hasFocus ? 'focusedStyle' : 'unfocusedStyle'}>
<svelte:component this={getLogoFromTelevisionChannelCode(channelCode)}/>
Your approach with the array could work like this
<svelte:component this={getLogoFromTelevisionChannelCode(channelCode)[hasFocus ? 0 : 1]}/>
(if every channel had the two version array) but I think the better approach would be to stick to the one component per Logo version, handle the styling intern and export a hasFocus flag from components, so it could look like this
<svelte:component this={getLogoFromTelevisionChannelCode(channelCode)} {hasFocus}/>

custom dojo widget with image display, text title and image description

I am trying build a custom dojo 1.9 widget with template support. I need to pass text value and image (stored in POJO) into the widget when I do Instantiation.
I found some example from:
there are some templates with text field and button that accept value by using data-dojo-attach-point. But I never find a template example accept image. Does any one have one full example meet my requirement?
<div class="${baseClass}" data-dojo-attach-point="focusNode"
role="menuitem" tabIndex="-1">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button"
My Button
<span data-dojo-attach-point="containerNode"></span>
Please help!!
The issue was fixed by myself.
Dojo Dialog and html5 configure tag was used. This way is a work around to support title and image caption, eventually have to wait for dojo LightBoxNano widget (probably 2.0 or newer version) to support image caption.
Dojo snippet code:
var theconfigure = "<figure><img src=\"data:"+returnData.fileType+";base64,"+returnData.fileData+"\" width=\"400\" height=\"300\">"+
var myDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
title: returnData.relatedLocation,
content: theconfigure,
style: "width: 410px"
The result looks like:

TYPO3 - geting images from a folder using Typoscript

I try to read pics (for a slider) from a folder. I have a marker called ###SLIDER### and my images are in the fileadmin/sliders/ folder.
I would like to achieve the following output as in the template that I bought:
<div class="camera_wrap">
<div data-src="fileadmin/sliders/slider_1.jpg">
<div class="camera-caption fadeIn">Text_1</div>
<div data-src="fileadmin/sliders/slider_2.jpg">
<div class="camera-caption fadeIn">Text_2</div>
<div data-src="fileadmin/sliders/slider_3.jpg">
<div class="camera-caption fadeIn">Text_3</div>
How can I load the images from a folder using Typoscript and display it this way?
The following code will give you what you want but without the captions. It works in TYPO3 4.5.x. I'm not sure that it works in higher versions as the description of filelist in the current (as of 16/10/2013) manual is somewhat confusing so I don't know if something has changed in the newer versions.
filelist = fileadmin/sliders/
split {
token = ,
cObjNum = 1
1 {
current = 1
wrap = <div data-src="fileadmin/sliders/|"></div>
wrap = <div class="camera_wrap">|</div>
NOTE: This is a very simple example that presumes that all the images in the folder are already resized to appropriate dimensions and that all the files within the folder are images. To make it better, the first (1) object of the split might be set to be IMG_RESOURCE. This way it would check that only images are outputted and it would allow you to use GIFBUILDER to resize the images if needed.

html2canvas change div

I have a issue with html2canvas showing the screenshot in a canvas div.
Actually the picture will be show in
<div id="content"> </div>
But i like to show the code in my canvas
<div id="content">
<canvas id="myimage"> HERE I LIKE TO SHOW THE IMAGE</canvas>
In the inline javascript i can change the div container-id, but i dont know how to change the code to get the image in the canvas element.
<script type="text/javascript">var date=new Date();var message,timeoutTimer,timer;var proxyUrl="";function addRow(a,c,d){var b=$("<tr />").appendTo($(a));b.append($("<td />").css("font-weight","bold").text(c)).append($("<td />").text(d))}function throwMessage(b,a){window.clearTimeout(timeoutTimer);timeoutTimer=window.setTimeout(function(){message.fadeOut(function(){message.remove()})},a||2000);$(message).remove();message=$("<div />").html(b).css({margin:0,padding:10,background:"#000",opacity:0.7,position:"fixed",top:10,right:10,fontFamily:"Tahoma",color:"#fff",fontSize:12,borderRadius:12,width:"auto",height:"auto",textAlign:"center",textDecoration:"none"}).hide().fadeIn().appendTo("body")}$(function(){$("#recommended a").click(function(c){c.preventDefault();$("#url").val(this.href);$("button").click()});var a,b;$('input[type="button"]').click(function(){$(a.contentWindow).unbind("load");$(a).contents().find("body").html2canvas({canvasHeight:b.body.scrollHeight,canvasWidth:b.body.scrollWidth,logging:true})});$("#getscreenshot").click(function(d){d.preventDefault();$(this).prop("disabled",true);var c=$("#url").val();$("#contentx").append($("<img />").attr("src","loading.gif").css("margin-top",40));var f=document.createElement("a");f.href=c;$.ajax({data:{xhr2:false,url:f.href},url:proxyUrl,dataType:"jsonp",success:function(e){a=document.createElement("iframe");$(a).css({visibility:"hidden"}).width($(window).width()).height($(window).height());$("#contentx").append(a);b=a.contentWindow.document;;$(a.contentWindow).load(function(){var g=$(a).contents().find("body"),h={onrendered:function(j){$("#contentx").empty().append(j);$("#getscreenshot").prop("disabled",false);$("base").attr("href","")},allowTaint:true,taintTest:false,flashcanvas:"src/flashcanvas.min.js"},i=html2canvas(g,h)});$("base").attr("href",f.protocol+"//"+f.hostname+"/"+f.pathname);e=e.replace("<head>","<head><base href='"+f.protocol+"//"+f.hostname+"/"+f.pathname+"' />");if($("#disablejs").prop("checked")){e=e.replace(/\<script/gi,"<!--<script");e=e.replace(/\<\/script\>/gi,"<\/script>-->")}b.write(e);b.close()}})})});</script>
Here is a good reference create screenshot of webpage using html2canvas (unable to initialize properly) Hope it will help.
If i understood well you need to append the canvas like this:
html2canvas(document.getElementById("content"), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {

Dynamically inserting content within same page rather then going to a new page

EDIT italics = more detailed explanation added to the question. Thanks.
I'm building a jQuery Mobile site which has a Gallery section.
The gallery has a series of thumbnails on the top of the screen.
Users click on the thumbnail to load in new content, that being a larger image, text, and potentially audio on some of them.
It's at this point that I'm not sure what to do: the way jQuery Mobile works, it's geared towards loading new pages, or views. But I just want to inject new content in a container on the current page.
To be clear, when the user clicks on another thumbnail, a new image replaces the content of the container with new content.
I have two questions:
I'm not sure how to structure the dynamic content. I was thinking i'd create an html file for each item, which as a rule always contains a title, information and sometimes, audio.
I'm not sure how to script this functionality in jQuery Mobile. It's obviously Ajax, but I'm not familiar with it yet, especially since jQuery Mobile has it's own methods in place already which seems to redefine behaviors in a way that's contradictory to this approach described here.
Here is a code explanation of what i'm trying to do:
<!-- Galleries -->
<div data-role="page" id="galleries">
<div data-role="content" role="main">
This is the Selection UI, if i click on thumb2.jpg, it'd
fill #content-holder with the whatever html is in content2.php
<div id="thumb-carousel">
<img src="thumb1.jpg">
<img src="thumb2.jpg">
<img src="thumb3.jpg">
<img src="thumb4.jpg">
<img src="thumb5.jpg">
<img src="thumb6.jpg">
<img src="thumb7.jpg">
<img src="thumb8.jpg">
<img src="thumb9.jpg">
<!-- This is the container, currently it's filled
with the kinda stuff i need to put in it. -->
<div id="content-holder">
<img src="myimage1.jpg"/>
<p>Artwork Title</p>
//remember to use event delegation because you never know when the page will be in the DOM
$(document).delegate('#galleries', 'pageinit', function () {
//bind a `click` event handler to each thumbnail link
$('#thumb-carousel').children().bind('click', function () {
url : $(this).attr('href'),
success : function (serverResponse) {
//select the container,
//then fade it out,
//change it's HTML to the response from the AJAX request,
//and fade it back in
$('#content-holder').fadeOut(500, function () {
error : function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//remember to handle errors so your page doesn't seem broken to the user
//prevent the default behavior of the link, which is to navigate to the `href` attribute
return false;
This expects your server-response to be valid HTML markup that is ready to inject into the DOM, meaning no <html> or <body> tags, just what you want to add to the DOM:
<img src="..." />
<audio src="..."></audio>
Here are some docs for ya:
