Add Path to OSX to El Capitan - bash

I am trying to learn UNIX.
I am using a book called “Wicked Cool Shell Scripts”.
I am told that .bash_profile contains my login for bash and that I can add paths to it so that commands I enter in Terminal will find the scripts I am writing.
The contents of my current bash_profile is:
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
When I type echo $PATH I get:
I would like to add a path so that - as the book suggests - I can write scripts and refer to them directly from the command line, instead of having to constantly navigate to that directory to run them.
I have a file with a shebang. It runs fine when I type its name and am in the same directory. I have moved that file to the folder scripts, which is located under crg/Users/ (ie: Users/crg/scripts)
According to this book, I can now alter my $PATH to include that directory, so that when I type that filename, the program will run.
I cannot do this successfully.
I don’t know why.
After every edit, I quit terminal and reopen it, to ensure it is using the newly edited bash_profile.
As per the books instructions on page 5, I have tried entering this in my bash_profile:
export PATH=”/Users/crg/scripts/:$PATH”
I save my bash_profile, quit Terminal, reopen it and type echo $Path
This is the result:
This is not right. In fact, it's wildly wrong. And it does not allow me to run scripts from the folder indicated. It also seems to completely overwrite whatever was in the bash_profile before this, so I cannot - after doing this 'simple edit' suggested by a 'professional' - run a php -version command from the Terminal.
I am at a complete loss as to why this is happening.
Why is there a quotation mark at the beginning of this line (but not at the end)?
What's with the colon and the 2 question marks at the end of this line?
How do I add/append a path to my bash_profile?
More questions:
When I try and solve this on my own using “the Internet”, I discover many interesting versions of this ‘simple’ process: Here’s one suggested by a ‘professional’:
export PATH="${PATH}:/path/to/program/inside/package"
This is very different from what the book says...
Here’s another version of ‘how to do it’ by ‘a professional’:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin/modemZapp
Notice that this one doesn’t even have quotes. In both, the PATH variable comes before the actual path.
Why are there so many 'versions' of how to perform this simple task?
Can someone please tell me how to add a path to my .bash_profile?
UPDATE: I have followed the advice here, (add it to etc/paths) but this does not work either.
I get the exact same thing when I type echo $PATH in a new Terminal:
I can't help but note a comment on that last page: "I have been through at least a dozen different methods for adding directories to $PATH. Why are there so many and why do so few of them work?"

To answer your first question if you look closely your quotes are ” instead of ". I'm guessing you edited either your bash_profile or this post in a rich text editor instead of a plain text one. I would recommend notepad for Windows or nano for *nix if you are writing code. To fix this issue, replace the ” with ".
To answer your second question, bash is quite forgiving and will allow you to set a string variable in multiple different ways, even without quotes. However you can run into issues when a string contains whitespace, for example: /Users/lilHenry/my scripts.
The "${PATH}" syntax is just another way to declare a string. It has the benefit that it allows you to interpolate variables into a string like so:
echo "${prefix}bar"
This will output foobar, whereas echo "$prefixbar" will not output anything as the variable prefixbar has not been set. I would suggest sticking with the export PATH="/Users/me/bin:$PATH" syntax.


Cygwin on Windows 7 (64bit): No such file or directory - but 'which' does give me the correct path

A formely working bash script no longer works after switching computers. I get the following error:
No such file or directory.
Before going on, please excuse any mistakes you may find since english is not my native language.
The script was used in cygwin under Windows XP. I now had to switch to cygwin64 under Windwos 7 (64bit).
The script is used as a checkhandler for the program SMSTools3 to split a file with a specific format into multiple smaller ones, which the program then uses to send SMS to multiple recipients. The script was copied directly from the page of SMSTools3 and uses the package formail.
After looking up the error the most likely problem was that the environmantle path was not set up to look in the right path (/usr/bin). I therefore added it to the path but to no avail.
I then deleted other entries in the enviromental path of windows which contained spaces because that could have been another explanation, but again to no avail.
Following is a minimal example of the code which produces the error.
# Sample script to allow multiple recipients in one message file.
# Define this script as a checkhandler.
echo $PATH
which formail
recipients=`formail -zx "To:" < "$1"`
I added the lines the lines echo $Path and which formail to show if the script can find the correct file. Both results look fine, the second command gives me the right output '/usr/bin/formail'
But the line recipients=... throws me the error:
No such file or directory.
I do not have much experience with bash scripting, or cygwin in general. So if someone on this wonderful board could help me solve this problem, I would be really grateful. Thank you all for your help.
First of all thank you all for your comments.
Secondly, I would like to apologize for the late reply. The computer in question is also used for other purposes and my problem is part of a background routine, so I have to wait for "free time" on the pc to test things.
For the things #shellter pruposed: The ls command returned an error: '': No such file or directory.
The which -a formail as well as the echo $(which -a formail) commands that #DougHenderson pruposed returned the 'right' path of /usr/bin/formail. echo \$1 = $1 before the recipent line returned the path to the checkhandler file (/usr/local/bin/, the same command after the recipent line seems to show a empty string ($1 = ). Also, the pruposed change to the recipent line did not change the error.
For the dos2unix conversion that #DennisWilliamson pruposed, I opened the file in notepad++ to use their build in converion, but it showed me that the file is in unix format with Unix style line endings.

vimdiff E97 in Powershell

I am having trouble getting vimdiff to work on a Windows 10 machine. I am running vim from Powershell. Powershell is also declared in $myvimrc as my shell of choice:
set shell=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe
The documents I am attempting to compare are not saved as files. I open two vertical splits, enter text into each, and run :windo diffthis. The output is E97: Cannot create diffs.
This article says I may need to download and use a different diff.exe than the one installed with gvim. I have downloaded the recommended "GnuWin32 diff" package and added the install directory to my Windows Path ($env:path). Continuing to follow these directions, I've commented out the default diffexpr declaration, but still get E97.
I have also tried calling my own function to no avail. In this attempt, I've made sure to escape backslashes, and have also copied the downloaded diff.exe to a directory I am confident I have full permissions to. To help with troubleshooting, I've temporarily saved the two files I wish to compare, and specified their full paths explicitly rather than using vim's v:fname_in and v:fname_new (and v:fname_out).
set diffexpr=TestDiff()
function TestDiff()
silent execute "!& " . "C:\\diff.exe" . " -a --binary " "C:\\a.edi" . " " . "C:\\b.edi" . " > " . "C:\\tmp.txt"
I've researched this error by running :h E97, which returns the following information:
Vim will do a test if the diff output looks alright. If it doesn't,
you will get an error message. Possible causes:
The "diff" program cannot be executed.
The "diff" program doesn't produce normal "ed" style diffs (see above).
The 'shell' and associated options are not set correctly. Try if filtering works with a command like ":!sort".
You are using 'diffexpr' and it doesn't work. If it's not clear what the problem is set the 'verbose' option to one or more to see
more messages.
The self-installing Vim for MS-Windows includes a diff program. If
you don't have it you might want to download a diff.exe. For example
I believe that I pass the first two of these requirements, as tmp.txt is generated and follows the example "ed" style diff that is provided in the help file. I have not set other shell-related parameters (shelltype, shellpipe, etc) in $myvimrc, but executing other commands with :! complete without issue.
There is no additional information in :messages, only the E97 error.
If I remove set shell=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe from $myvimrc, defaulting the shell back to cmd.exe, diffthis works as expected. It seems that others have also had this problem when using Powershell.
Below are captures of the command windows that pop up when running diffthis with both shells. The commands used are nearly identical.
I had speculated that the forward slashes apparent in the Powershell version of this attempt were problematic, but I am able to run this command exactly (with dummy files in place of the .tmp files) and it outputs what seems to be an adequate file for use with diff. I've also tried adding a substitute of forward slashes to back slashes to no avail.
The problem boils down to how vim/Powershell are A) encapsulating the command in quotes and B) handling white space in path names.
I am able to bypass this problem with the following changes to $myvimrc:
set shell=powershell
set shellcmdflag=-c
set shellquote="
set shellxquote=
Also a change in the default MyDiff() function within the if that sets the path to diff in the cmd variable:
" below is the default
" let cmd = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, ' ', '" ', '') . '\diff"'
let cmd = "C:/diff"
This approach is dependent upon copying the diff.exe that ships with vim to a directory that doesn't contain spaces in the path for simplicity (C:\diff.exe).
The resulting command that is executed is:
powershell -c C:/diff -a --binary C:/<redacted>/a.tmp C:/<redacted>/b.tmp > C:/<redacted>/c.tmp

How can I make shell autocomplete the beginning of a filepath?

I have a project with a deeply nested folder structure. Most of the time I know the name of the file I want to work with, but the folder path is too long/complicated to type when I want to edit it, like:
vim folder/is/deep/down/there/myfile.js
Is there a way to make the shell auto populate the path for me if the filename is unique, with something like:
vim *myfile.js
press TAB -->
vim folder/is/deep/down/there/myfile.js
I mostly use bash, but I'm fine with zsh if it can solve the problem.
I think this is what you're looking for, vim will open all instances of myfile.js in the directory. Fish shell will allow me to tab through the different matching files but I'm not sure it that works with bash.
vim **/myfile.js
What could be a good idea would be to use locate utility in a bash script.
Calling your bash script passing filename as argument would be a smart move, and then using the previously named utility to find it.
Having done that you could simply find if there was 1 or more matches, and if there's just a match you can just use vim [match].
And obviously, the script could be called like ./ myfile.js

How can I add a vertical space in 'Terminal' after each command?

I've just started using Terminal (the CLI for Mac OS X).
When I run a command, get some information back, run another command, get more info etc., it is hard (on the eyes) to find a certain point on the screen (e.g. the output for the command before last).
Is there a way of adding a vertical empty space to the end of each output/ after each command is run that has no output?
Each new command that you enter is preceded by a "prompt", and these can be customized (though the exact way to customize depends on the shell). Since you mention Mac OS X I'm assuming you are using the default bash shell, in which case the absolute simplest way to add a blank line is like this: PROMPT_COMMAND=echo. You can run that command to try it out, or add it to a startup file (like .profile in your home folder) to have it done automatically each time.
If you use Bash 4.4 and you want a blank line after your prompt, you could set the PS0 prompt to a newline:
Now, this will be inserted every time you run a command:
$ echo "Hello"
Wondering this too, I've looked at the menu options in Terminal & most of the control characters one can type in and nothing does this on a keystroke. You can however enter an echo command, it alone to leave a single blank line below it before the next prompt. echo \n will add an extra blank line to that, echo \n\n to do 2 extra, ie. 3 blank lines, etc. (you can also do echo;echo;echo getting the same effect)
You can create a shell alias like alias b='echo;echo' (i couldn't seem to get the \n notation to work in a alias), then entering b on a prompt will leave a double-blank line, not bad. Then you gotta figure out how to save aliases in your .profile script.
I tried making an alias for the command ' ' ie. space character, which I though you could type like \ (hmm, stack overflow not formatting this well, that's backslash followed by a space, then return to execute it), but the bash shell doesn't seem to allow an alias with that name. It probably wouldn't allow a function named that either (similar to alias), though I didn't check.
I often use the fish shell, and I found that it does allow a function with that name! Created with function ' '; echo \n; end and indeed it works; at the shell prompt, typing the command \ (again backslash space) leaves a double blank line.
Cool, but.. I tried saving this function using funcsave ' ' (how you save functions in fish, no messing with startup scripts!) and afterwards the function no longer works :^( This is probably a bug in the fish shell. It's in active development right now though, I think I'll report this as a bug since I would kind of like this to work myself.
One could also send Apple a feature request through their bug reporter for an Insert Blank Line menu/keyboard command in Terminal. If someone pays attention to your request it might be implemented in a year maybe.
I wanted to solve exactly the same, and for anyone interested in doing the same, I used what tripleee said in his comment here - I created a .bash_profile (see details here) with the line export PS1="\n\n$ ".
Hopefully that helps someone else too!

Find out where an environment variable was last set in bash

Okay I know there is a bash debugger. But what I'm seeking is if I had an environment variable in one of my startup scripts and I don't know how it was set or where it might be, is there a way to find it other than exhaustively searching the scripts?
I mean is there a mechanism/tool that provides such a thing? Does bash keep track of variable setting locations?
Even though this might not seem very important but it crossed my mind the other day when I was helping a friend install OpenCL and the package supposedly set the variable $ATISTREAMSDKROOT automatically. Anyway the package was supposed to add a file to /etc/profile.d to allow for setting the variable, but it didn't. And luckily the variable came out blank.
But I was wondering if it hadn't come out blank, and the package added it to some random file, I would have probably had no way of telling where it is other than looking for it.
Of course I know one could write a sed command or two and search through the scripts but I'd consider that exhaustive search :D
One option would be to start an instance of bash with:
bash -x
... and look for where the variable is set in that output. To redirect that output to a file, you could do:
bash -x -ls -c "exit" 2> shell-startup-output
You should see in the output where each file is sourced.
