what is the best server or cloud hosting for my laravel+Vuejs2 application? [closed] - laravel

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I Have an application with laravel 5.5 And Vuejs 2 My application is dedicated for students so there are many files (pdf...) maybe some tutorials ... and i'd like to find the best server/cloud hosting for that , thank's .

I Would suggest you to go with AWS.
You can use EC2 for your server side and s3 to direct hosting of vuejs frontend.
If you have mixed the laravel and vuejs together, then you can use only EC2
Or directly use Elastic beanstalk to setup a AMI with php, apache installed. EB will create EC2 for you automatically and install all your required stack.
You can store your your pdf files/tutorials on s3.


PHP and MySQL webhosting service without interface [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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For a school project we need to develop a webhosting service for PHP and MySQL applications using a stack that consists of these technologies:
My question is, for small scale web apps.
What types of basic functionalities would you require for a service like this?
How would we go about this?
What is essential (as a web developer) using services like this?
What would you need access to, what would you like to change?
Every individual web app should be isolated as there will be multiple users (shared hosting). This should be achieved with an API, and we are not allowed to make an interface to interact with the endpoints.
We need to gather this information for a school project and would be very appreciative of your help as this is the baseline we will be creating our project from!
Thanks in advance.

want to create app with frontend angular 2 need suggestions on backend to create rest api [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am planing to build an application using frontend language angular 2 and Application need to have oauth authorisation and consume rest api, i have knowledge about spring so is it good to integrate angular with spring? And any library that would easy the task of authorisation?
A REST API typically should be built agnostic regarding which front end will be using it. Since it will be stateless and is meant to be a common interface any modern back-end should be fine.
I am not as familiar with Spring but I imagine it will have everything you are searching for. Similarly NodeJS and .NET or .NET core would be equally sufficient alternatives.
You can go ahead with php using CURL.

ServiceMix ESB as Bus or Container? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Should we use ServiceMix ESB as bus (i.e. communication channels) or as container to host services?
My current company host services (JMS/SOAP/RESTFUL etc, built by Java) in their own separate containers/servers etc, then each of these communicate to each other via the ServiceMix ESB, by adding extra bindings.
Is this a correct approach?
Should we migrate all existing services to become OSGI bundles, then host on ServiceMix?
I'd say it depends more on your current system land-scape. How do you handle failover and such. I personally would have all my service on that machine and if a routing is needed would try to do an "in-memory" routing instead of doing external service calls, would be much faster. On the other hand this again depends purely on how your application stack is working and if you have "time-critical" service calls that would perform better if run inside the same jvm. So actually there can't be a "silver-bullet" approach on this. As usual it depends ...

Monitoring Azure Website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to write a program that displays the monitoring data that you see on the Azure management portal.
The program should monitor Website and not storage or web/worker role
can Windows Azure API provide access to all the data that is exposed on the portal??
Please suggest how can I get started with this. Should I consider converting website to worker role?
Forgive me for the lame question as I am very new to Azure and Cloud
I don't believe the Windows Azure Website monitoring data is publically exposed at this time. Maybe once the service GA's?
If you want detailed metrics (performance counters), then you'll need to use a web/worker role.

How can I allow multiple users to access the same amazon instance at the same time? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am new to Amazon Cloud, and trying to create an EC2 instance that can allow multiple users to access at the same time.
While there are plenty of documentations, I haven't found an answer to my question. Whenever those documentations say "user", it refers me. But I want to have an application installed in the instance, and allow more than one of my users to access it simultaneously.
How can I achieve this? Thank you very much!
The same way you would add multiple users to a normal instance. I am going to assume you are using linux and can login to the instance, if not, see this post. Now you just need to add a user, and setup the ssh keys.
