Find the name all tables in DBF database - vbscript

I'm trying to find out the names of the tables.DBF, which are in a hard drive directory.
Subsequently, I need to know the names of their columns, but even the names of the tables I do not know how to find out. Standard SQL tools do not work, it's logical. The script is run on the site under IIS (win server 2008), VBScript. For the connection, I use the driver: AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.
The selection from the specific tables is working, create, delete the table - it works. Connection code:
Function OpenDBFConn(Path)
Dim Conn: Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & Path & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=""DBASE IV;"";"
Set OpenDBFConn = Conn
End Function
Dim DBConn
Set DBConn = OpenDBFConn("C:\update")
Dim Lel
The script result:
The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. If 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES' is not a local object, check your network connection or contact the server administrator.
This is logical. Here, the methods for accessing the system table will not work, because they are not. Question - how do I know the names of the tables in the 'Update' folder? Screenshot of the folders:

1) Table names. As it's already mentioned, get table names (i.e. M1072R, M10201, etc.) by using FileSystemObject:
Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fo=fs.GetFolder("C:\update")
For Each x in fo.files
If LCase(fs.GetExtensionName(x.path)) = "dbf" Then
Response.Write fs.GetBaseName(x.path) & ";"
End if
2) Column names:
'Dim Lel
Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "M1072R", DBConn
'-- where M1072R is your table/dbf file
For Each f In rs.Fields
Response.Write "Column=" & f.Name & ";"
Another way to get columns is to use OpenSchema
Set rs=DBConn.OpenSchema(4, Array(Null, Null, "M1072R"))
'-- where M1072R is your table/dbf file,
'-- 4 stands for adSchemaColumns
Do While Not rs.EOF
Response.Write "Column=" & rs.Fields("COLUMN_NAME").Value & ";"


How to get MST properties from vbscript

So, I am creating a vbscript that will read an MSI and MST file. The idea is that if the user that will run the script is testing an MSI with an MST file involved, the script should create a "report" of the new properties that this MST have.
I am able to get the properties from a regular MSI, the problem is when I am trying to get into the MST section. While doing research I found out about the _TransformView Table and this should help me to obtain this information but I think I am not sure I know how to handle that table.
Const msiTransformErrorViewTransform = 256
Const msiOpenDB = 2
Dim FS, TS, WI, DB, View, Rec
Set WI = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set DB = WI.OpenDatabase(msiPath,msiOpenDB)
DB.ApplyTransform mstPath, msiTransformErrorViewTransform
If Err.number Then
Exit Function
End If
For i = 0 To 24 'Number of properties on the arrPropertyList
Set View = DB.OpenView("Select `Value` From Property WHERE `Property` = " & "'" & arrPropertyList(i) & "'")
Set Rec = View.Fetch
If Not Rec Is Nothing Then
objLog.WriteLine arrPropertyList(i) & " = " & Rec.StringData(1)
End If
That code will display the msi properties that I have added on the arrPropertyList. The thing is that I am looking for the MST properties and I am only getting the MSI ones. I know that I should change the Query to access the _TransformView Table when calling the DB.OpenView but not sure how can I get to this information! Any knowledge you can share would be welcome.
It works slightly differently to what you think. Run the following to see what I mean (maybe force the VBS to run with Cscript.exe from a command prompt if you're expecting a lot of output):
'create 2 constants - one for when we want to just query the MSI (read) and one for when we want to make changes (write)
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const msiTransformErrorViewTransform = 256
'create WindowsInstaller.Installer object
Dim oInstaller : Set oInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
'open the MSI (the first argument supplied to the vbscript)
Dim oDatabase : Set oDatabase = oInstaller.OpenDatabase("C:\Temp\Temp.msi",msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly)
oDatabase.ApplyTransform "C:\Temp\Temp.mst", msiTransformErrorViewTransform
'create a view of the registry we want to see
Dim sql : sql = "SELECT * FROM `_TransformView`"
Dim regView : Set regView = oDatabase.OpenView(sql)
'execute the query
'fetch the first row of data (if there is one!)
Dim regRecord : Set regRecord = regView.Fetch
'whilst we've returned a row and therefore regRecord is not Nothing
While Not regRecord Is Nothing
'print out the registry key
wscript.echo "Table: " & regRecord.StringData(1)
wscript.echo "Column: " & regRecord.StringData(2)
wscript.echo "Row: " & regRecord.StringData(3)
wscript.echo "Data: " & regRecord.StringData(4)
wscript.echo "Current: " & regRecord.StringData(5)
wscript.echo "***"
'go and fetch the next row of data
Set regRecord = regView.Fetch
Set regView = Nothing
Set regRecord = Nothing
Set oDatabase = Nothing
Set oInstaller = Nothing
So if you only wanted to see changes in the Property table, you would change the SQL query to:
Dim sql : sql = "SELECT * FROM `_TransformView` WHERE `Table` = 'Property'"
As well as storing the column names of the changed entries, the 'Column' column in the '_TransformView' table also stores whether the value was inserted, removed etc by using the values:
You can find lots of VBScript Windows Installer tutorials for reference - don't forget to set your objects to Nothing otherwise you'll leave handles open. And of course use the link you provided for further reference.
WiLstXfm.vbs: Are you familiar with the MSI SDK sample: wilstxfm.vbs (View a Transform)? It can be used to view transform files. Usage is as follows:
cscript.exe WiLstXfm.vbs MySetup.msi MySetup.mst
Mock-up output:
Property Value [INSTALLLEVEL] {100}->{102}
File DELETE [Help.chm]
I think all you need is in there? Maybe give it a quick look. There is a whole bunch of such MSI API Samples - for all kinds of MSI purposes. / Windows SDK: These VBScripts are installed with the Windows SDK, so you can find them on your local disk if you have Visual Studio installed, but you can also find them on
Github: WiLstXfm.vbs - Microsoft repository on
Disk: On your local disk, search under Program Files (x86) if you have Visual Studio installed. Current Example: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x86.

Unspecified error while executing sql query vba on Oracle database

I want to import data from Oracle database to Excel using VBA. I've tried several options I found in here or in the official manual but none of them seem to work for me - I always get the same unspecified runtime error on line with
rs.Open strSQL1, con
Set rs = con.Execute(strSQL1)
depending on which one of these two methods I use obviously. Here is the whole code:
Sub data_distribution()
'Setting up the database connection
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL1, strInput, strCon As String
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
strCon = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; " & _
'--- Open the above connection string.
con.ConnectionString = strCon
'con.Open strCon
'--- Now connection is open and you can use queries to execute them.
'--- It will be open till you close the connection
'Definition of parameter
strInput = InputBox("Insert car_id")
strSQL1 = "select * from car where car_id = " & strInput & ""
'Executing the query
'rs.activeconnection = con
'rs.Open strSQL1, con
Set rs = con.Execute(strSQL1)
rs.Open strSQL1, con
Worksheets("Data").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs
'Closing connection
Set con = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
I was thinking it might be an issue of connecting to the database but if I import/query data manual, it works just fine. For example using this manual
I had to download and configure ODAC for Windows from Oracle site to make it work. I use tsnames.ora to set the path. Wasn't sure if I configured it right but it works so I guess there isn't a problem with the connection in vba either, or is it? (The variables are, of course, set to real values, not "XXX")
The query itself is correct and returns valid results from the database. Libraries necessary to use ADOBD are linked as well. (Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library)
There is an existing question with the same error but it's unresolved:
Unspecified run time error while executing vba script
I'm guessing it's station/interface specific (I use Excel 2010, SQL developer).
Even though it's been some time I asked the question, here, it's still unresolved so I will answer myself.
The problem was in the car table where one of the attributes was type CLOB (CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT) with lenght over 2000 characters. Excel was unable to cope with that type and the query caused the unspecified error. If I listed all attributes but this one, it all went well.

Open databse file using VB input from user

Hi Want to open the file as per combobox is selected.
The below code is not working.
Set mydb1 = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("\\\Training-Data\Training\Gaus\Vertical Updates & "\" & Combo1.Text & ".mdb")
Can anyone point me out what is wrong in the code please?
You have a syntax error in your string concatenation where the slash is between Updates and Combo1.Text. I added the db variable for easier readability on this page:
Dim db as string
db = "\\\Training-Data\Training\Gaus\Vertical Updates\" & Combo1.Text & ".mdb"
Set mydb1 = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(db)

ADS user details - subdomain - from vbs file

I managed to get ADS users without specifying authentication details from my ADS domain(ex, I used ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Command.
I also have sub-domains like How to get user details from sub-domain, by specifying authentication details of a user belonging to .
You can query records from trusted domains by using their LDAP name as the search base. However, since the DC of the parent domain doesn't contain the information about objects in the child domain it will generate a referral. The ADODB.Command object won't automatically chase that referral, because the respective named property "Chase referrals" defaults to 0x00 (ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_NEVER). You have to set the property to one of the following two values
to make your query follow the referral. Example:
base = "<LDAP://dc=test,dc=example,dc=org>"
filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=foo*))"
attr = "name,description"
scope = "subtree"
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
conn.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandText = base & ";" & filter & ";" & attr & ";" & scope
cmd.Properties("Chase referrals") = &h60 ' <-- here
Set rs = cmd.Execute
I wrote a wrapper class (ADQuery) to encapsulate the boilerplate code for Active Directory queries (because I got fed up with writing it over and over again). With that you could simplify the above to something like this:
Set qry = New ADQuery
qry.SearchBase = "dc=test,dc=example,dc=org"
qry.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=foo*))"
qry.Attributes = Array("name", "description")
Set rs = qry.Execute
Either way you may still need to run the script on a DC, though.

VB6 Oracle Retrieving Clob into an array

I am trying to retrieve an oracle field with datatype clob into a VB array without reformating the retrieval SQL string (simply SELECT * FROM my_table). I am using an ADO recordset.
The clob values are lost when I close the connection or do any other action with the recordset. How can I achieve this.
In one of my projects I tried to manipulate BLOBs and CLOBs using ADO, but without any success, until I switched to Oracle Objects 4 OLE. You need to install and configure Oracle client on your machine, the in project references add "Oracle InProc Server 4.0 Type Library".
Here's a sample code I used for BLOBs:
Dim OraSession As OracleInProcServer.OraSessionClass
Dim OraDatabase As OracleInProcServer.OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset As OracleInProcServer.OraDynaset
Dim srcImg As OraBlob
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.DbOpenDatabase("myDBName", "login/password", 0&)
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.DbCreateDynaset("SELECT src_id, src_image from Sources where src_file_name like '%.png'", 0&)
With OraDynaset
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
While (Not .EOF Or .BOF)
Set srcImg = .Fields("src_image").Value
srcImg.CopyToFile ("C:\sources\" & srcID & ".png")
End If
End With
Set OraDynaset = Nothing
Set OraDatabase = Nothing
Set OraSession = Nothing
