Rxjs refCount callback to cleanup once every subscribers have unsubscribed? - rxjs

I've got an observable which is not long lived (http request).
I'm using publishReplay(1) and refCount() so that when there an attempt to access it at the same time, it'll return the same value without triggering the http call again.
But if all the subscriptions are unsubscribed, I need to make some cleanup.
I can't use finalize because:
if I use it before publishReplay then it get closed once the http request is done
if I use it after refCount it'll be run as soon as one observable unsubscribe (instead of when all have unsubscribed)
So basically what I'd like would be to pass a callback to refCount and call that callback when the number of subscriptions reaches 0. But it doesn't work like that. Is there any way to be "warned" when all the subscribers have unsubscribed?
The simplest way I can think of right now would be to create a custom operator that'd pretty much extend refCount to add a callback.
Any better thoughts? I'm pretty sure that there's a better way of doing that.

I am not gonna lie, I was happy to find out I wasn't the only one looking for something like that. There is one another person.
I ended up doing something like that:
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
export function tapTeardown(teardownLogic: () => void) {
return <T>(source: Observable<T>): Observable<T> =>
new Observable<T>((observer) => {
const subscription = source.subscribe(observer);
return () => {
And you use it like:
const augmented = connection.pipe(
tapTeardown(() => /* SOME TEARDOWN LOGIC */),
shareReplay({ bufferSize: 1, refCount: true }),

I've tried it and it seems to work correctly.
Here's how it's used:
import { of, timer } from 'rxjs';
import { map, publishReplay, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { refCountCb } from './refCountCb';
const source = timer(2000, 10000).pipe(
map(x => `Hello ${x}!`),
refCountCb(() => console.log('MAIN CLOSED'))
source.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
source.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Hello 0!
Hello 0!
I've built the custom refCountCb operator based on the source of refCount. It's basically just adding a callback so I won't copy paste the whole code here but it's available on the stackblitz.
Full demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-h7dbfc?file=index.ts
If you have any other idea please share it, I'd be glad to discover different solutions!


Implement a loop logic within an rxjs pipe

I have a class, QueueManager, which manages some queues.
QueueManager offers 3 APIs
deleteQueue(queueName: string): Observable<void>
createQueue(queueName: string): Observable<string>
listQueues(): Observable<string>: Observable`
deleteQueue is a fire-and-forget API, in the sense that it does not return any signal when it has completed its work and deleted the queue. At the same time createQueue fails if a queue with the same name already exists.
listQueues() returns the names of the queues managed by QueueManager.
I need to create a piece of logic which deletes a queue and recreates it. So my idea is to do something like
call the deleteQueue(queueName) method
start a loop calling the listQueues method until the result returned shows that queueName is not there any more
call createQueue(queueName)
I do not think I can use retry or repeat operators since they resubscribe to the source, which in this case would mean to issue the deleteQueue command more than once, which is something I need to avoid.
So what I have thought to do is something like
map(() => [queueName]),
expand(queuesToDelete => {
return listQueues().pipe(delay(100)) // 100 ms of delay between checks
filter(queues => !queues.includes(queueName)),
first() // to close the stream when the queue to cancel is not present any more in the list
This logic seems actually to work, but looks to me a bit clumsy. Is there a more elegant way to address this problem?
The line map(() => [queueName]) is needed because expand also emits values from its source observable, but I don't think that's obvious from just looking at it.
You can use repeat, you just need to subscribe to the listQueues observable, rather than deleteQueue.
I've also put the delay before listQueues, otherwise you're waiting to emit a value that's already returned from the API.
const { timer, concat, operators } = rxjs;
const { tap, delay, filter, first, mapTo, concatMap, repeat } = operators;
const queueName = 'A';
const deleteQueue = (queueName) => timer(100);
const listQueues = () => concat(
timer(1000).pipe(mapTo(['A', 'B'])),
timer(1000).pipe(mapTo(['A', 'B'])),
const source = deleteQueue(queueName).pipe(
tap(() => console.log('queue deleted')),
concatMap(() =>
tap(queues => console.log('queues', queues)),
filter(queues => !queues.includes(queueName)),
source.subscribe(x => console.log('next', x), e => console.error(e), () => console.log('complete'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/6.5.4/rxjs.umd.js"></script>

Tap after observable has been subscribed

Is there a way to add more operations to an observable that has already been subscribed? I tried the below code, which doesn't work, as the One more tap after subscribe part is not executed (code is here)
import { of, timer } from 'rxjs';
import { tap, map, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
const source = timer(1000, 1000);
//transparently log values from source with 'do'
const example = source.pipe(
tap(val => console.log(`BEFORE MAP: ${val}`)),
map(val => val + 10),
tap(val => console.log(`AFTER MAP: ${val}`))
//'do' does not transform values
//output: 11...12...13...14...15
const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
tap(val => console.log(`One more tap after subscribe: ${val}`))
The use cas I have in mind is where for example I make an http call, and more than one service needs to be updated with the reponse of the call.
I will take this as what you ultimately want to achieve
The use cas I have in mind is where for example I make an http call, and more than one service needs to be updated with the reponse of the call.
const onExampleCalled=new Subject();
// listen to example called
I am not quite sure what you try to achieve, but the pipe() function does not alter the source Observable. It just outputs a new Observable that results from the old one and the operators you aplied in the pipe(). Therefor your last line of code is like writing
Meaning you set a value as a statement. Maybe you could reassign your Observable to itself after Transformation (although I am sure, that it would look quite ugly and will be hard to understand for others and should therefor be avoided).
example = example.pipe(
tap(val => console.log(`One more tap after subscribe: ${val}`))
Maybe you should go more into detail what you specific usecase is, so that we can find a cleaner solution.

distinctUntilChanged with ngrx

I'm struggling with the code sample below. I've tried having compareFilters always return true, and always return false, and either way I am getting lots of "*******" in my logs - at least one should have completely cut off supply I expected? What am I missing?
this.filters = this.store
.select(state => state.filters)
// This line needed as otherwise change in geolocation triggers state to be
// resent, overwriting any changes user has made on filters menu
tap((filters: Filters) => {
console.log("*****", filters);
"/recommendations/" + toUrl(filters)
More generally, what I see in my components is that no matter which part of the state has changed ngOnChanges reports changes in all props every time
Hmm I don't think so. I wrote the quick example on StackBliz and it work as expected. Only 1 is printed. Are you sure that the ngrx store does not emit all thous events? Because your rxjs code is correct.
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { distinctUntilChanged, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
of("1", "2", "3", "4" ,"5")
tap(t => console.log(t))
function coperator(t){
return true;
May be the problem is with the call to this.location.pushState you call in your tap method something that modifies your store so that generate a new event. I don't know but it wont hurt to bounce some ideas.

RxJS: Is there an no-op observable?

I have an action that will then trigger an ajax request.
If the action fails for some reason, I want to do nothing. Instead of creating a blank action that just returns the previous state, is there a no-op function I can execute?
export default function fetchMeetups(action$) {
return action$.ofType(statusActions.START_APP)
.mergeMap(action =>
.map(meetups => calendarActions.meetupsReceived(meetups))
.catch(error => Observable.noop())
I already have the meetups saved from the last time the app was open (using redux-persist), so if the api request fails I just want it to do nothing.
Is this possible?
I found this from Rxjs but I have no clue how to use it: https://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/content/helpers/noop.html
Heads up: that link to xgrommx references RxJS v4, not v5 or v6. noop is also just a function that does nothing--not an Observable which emits nothing, which is what I believe you're looking for.
That said, I would highly discourage against swallowing errors completely like this. It can make debugging this and other things very very hard later. I would at least log the error message out.
v5 comes with Observable.empty() or import { empty } from 'rxjs/observable/empty'; which produces an Observable that will emit nothing and just immediately complete.
However, there are some other subtleties you probably will run into next. If you let the ajax error propagate up to the outer operator chain, outside of the mergeMap, your Epic will not longer be listening for future actions! Instead, you'll want to catch errors as early as possible, in this case by placing the catch inside the mergeMap. We often call this "isolating our observer chains"
export default function fetchMeetups(action$) {
return action$.ofType(statusActions.START_APP)
.mergeMap(action =>
.map(meetups => calendarActions.meetupsReceived(meetups))
.catch(e => {
return Observable.empty();
Now, whenever the ajax (or the map operation) errors, we're catching that error before it propagates out and instead switching to our empty Observable which will complete immediately so the inner chain is now "done" but our Epic will continue to listen for future actions.
In v6 empty() is imported from the root import { empty } from 'rxjs'; or it is also available as a singleton import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs';, which can be used as-is, you don't call it like you would empty(). It can be reused because Observables are lazy and act like a factory anyway so empty() was redundant.
import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
// etc
catchError(e => {
return EMPTY; // it's not a function, use it as-is.
As rxjs also accepts arrays, you can simple provide an empty array when you don't want to emit anything
.catch(error => return [];)

Redux Observable / RxJS: How to create custom observable?

I'm trying to do websocket setup in an redux-observable epic, and i'm going with an approach similar to this guy: https://github.com/MichalZalecki/connect-rxjs-to-react/issues/1
However, it looks like my first stab at wiring things up isn't working, even though it looks the same as the guy above:
import 'rxjs';
import Observable from 'rxjs';
import * as scheduleActions from '../ducks/schedule';
export default function connectSocket(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(scheduleActions.CANCEL_RSVP)
.map(action => {
new Observable(observer => {
// do websocket stuff here
observer.next('message text');
.map(text => {
console.log("xxxxxxxxxxxxx: ", text);
return scheduleActions.rsvpCancelled(1);
However, I'm getting a Object is not a constructor error:
=== UPDATE ===
Looks like the suggestion to destructure the { Observable } export worked!
Not the only issue is that text doesn't seem to cross over to the next method...
import 'rxjs';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import * as scheduleActions from '../ducks/schedule';
export default function connectSocket(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(scheduleActions.CANCEL_RSVP)
.map(action => {
new Observable(observer => {
// do websocket stuff here
observer.next('message text');
.map(text => {
console.log("xxxxxxxxxxxxx: ", text); // prints undefined
return scheduleActions.rsvpCancelled(1);
In RxJS v5, the Observable class is available as named export, not the default export.
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
Importing from regular rxjs will also import all of RxJS (adding all operators to the Observable prototype). This is described in the docs here. If you'd prefer to be more explicit and only import Observable itself you can import it directly at rxjs/Observable:
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
Separately, you have a couple issues with the way you're mapping your custom Observable.
First Issue
You're not actually returning it. hehe. You're missing a return statement (or you can remove the curly braces and use arrow function implicit returns).
Second Issue
The regular .map() operator does not do anything special when you return an Observable. If you want the custom Observable to be subscribed to and flattened you'll need to use an operator that does flattening of some kind.
The most common two are mergeMap (aka flatMap) or switchMap.
.mergeMap(action => {
return new Observable(observer => {
// do websocket stuff here
observer.next('message text');
Which operator you need depends on your desired behavior. If you're not yet familiar, you can check out the documentation on the various operators or jump straight to the mergeMap and switchMap docs.
If you're adventurous, RxJS v5 does have WebSocket support out of box you can try with Observable.webSocket(). It's not documented very well, but you could also take a look at the unit tests, and for simple read-only unidirectional streaming it's pretty self explanatory--provide the URL and subscribe. It's actually incredibly powerful, if you can figure out how to use it, that is. Supports bi-directional, multiplex aka complex multiple input/output channels through a single socket. We use it at Netflix for several internal tools with thousands of rps.
You can take a look at Demo. Visit at Create Custom Observable
