"Error: unable to verify the first certificate" [Heroku] - heroku

Can someone help me out with this error. I am trying to login to my heroku account with heroku toolbelt but i keep getting this error.Any idea why ?

Try running 'heroku update' in terminal
once it is updated then try login in to your heroku account

In my case, an adblocking application filtered all my traffic. Even that of the console. To do this, it injects a certificate that the heroku app cannot verify. This is the right approach to prevent API traffic sniffing.
Once I prevented the filtering, everything worked fine again.

fix this is simply use the fullkey.pem when heroku asks for a cert


Terminal in cPanel is giving an error on launch: Error: The WebSocket handshake failed at 7:45:2

I need to run composer, but soon as I open Terminal from the cPanel, an error notification pops up saying that the web socket handshake failed.
I hit the reconnect button, and the second identical error pops up.
How should I get around this error? I'm not really familiar with Terminal on cPanel, or with Websockets, so appreciate a considerate reply. Thanks!
I had a similar error and solved it by logging in to the cPanel using https://example.com/cpanel or https://ipaddress:2083 instead. Login again and try reconnecting to the terminal.
If it still doesn't work, this article suggests trying other web browsers. Also, make sure to disconnect from any VPN you might be connected to.
Recently I fetch this issue. Solve issue by Cpanel Shared IP address.
This happened to me once while inadvertently using vpn to connect.
This happened to me once when I inadvertently connected to my cpanel using a vpn. The issue went away after I disconnected vpn. A possible solution might be to turn off your vpn. Thank you, Ram!
offing vpn worked for me aftering spenting time thinking.
I used example.com/cpanel instead of cpanel.example.com to login to cpanel and it fixed the issue for me.

heroku-app not running after deployment

hey, developers, I am new to Heroku and I am deploying my first app on Heroku and I am getting this error on my logs. can anyone help me out here and how do I make this thing work
I think you are not in the right account!
Type heroku login and put the user name and the password the heroku restart!

Logging into Heroku Fails - shell access

O.k. so maybe I'm missing something basic here, but when I run heroku login I get the usual email and password prompt.
At this point I would assume I'm logged into the Heroku dino just a I would using my local box.
Instead I get a message telling me I'm logged in, but I'm still on my local box.
Is there really no shell access for Heroku apps?
You can open a dynamic session with this command:
heroku run bash
However, please be aware that Heroku runs applications on dynos: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dynos
No, you can't directly access the Heroku dynos. You can run commands through the CLI, such as getting logs, adding add-ins, etc.
Logging in through the CLI, as you have done, is simply setting your credentials for Heroku locally. They are subsequently used for running commands so you don't always have to reauthenticate.
heroku login doesn't open a new terminal session like ssh would. Instead, it just remembers your profile so that when you call heroku with a different command (like heroku create to create a new app) you won't be prompted for email and password again.
You can also push your code to the app with git push heroku master once you are logged in.
You can do some hackery (like using this plugin) to ssh into your dyno, but that's not the way heroku is supposed to work. The idea behind heroku is that you just push your code there and it manages everything else for you.

gem error on remote machine

I made a dashing app that queries the google api as part of its jobs. On my local everything works fine and I used git to clone the repo on a remote machine and ran bundle install there but when I try to run dashing start I get this error:
/home/mwerner/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/signet-0.5.1/lib/signet/oauth_2/client.rb:941:in `fetch_access_token': Authorization failed. Server message: (Signet::AuthorizationError)
"error" : "invalid_grant"
I am using relative paths in the app so it can't be there is an authentication issue. I tried manually installing all the gems I use on the local machine on the remote machine via gem install ... but no luck. Hints?
I had the very same issue today. I got it resolved by checking back into my google developers account. In my case I had entered a wrong Mail address under service_account_email in the .rb file.
I inserted the data shown under "Client ID for Web Apps" where it had to be the one from "Service Account" out of my Google Developer API Account. Make sure you use Service Account Credentials for the widget!
Also I reassured that I had setup that very same address for read access in my google analytics account.
In short, getting that error means there is something wrong with the data you put in the analytics.rb file.
Once I did the above it resolved my issue and I was able to start dashing.

Cannot $heroku login, authentication always fails and I am sure I have the correct credentials

Every time I try to use the heroku CLI to login, add keys, etc... it says that the authentication failed. Its driving me nuts!
Does anyone have a solution to this problem, or information on how to completely reset everything that has to do with heroku?
Nevermind! Apparently there is something wrong on their end and they are working to resolve it.
=== Heroku Status
Development: yellow
Production: No known issues at this time.
=== Login failures via CLI/Toolbelt 2013/03/19 02:44:29 (~ 24m+)
2013/03/19 02:44:29 (~ 24m ago) issue Intermittent login failures from the command-line Toolbelt client (i.e., heroku login). Engineers are investigating.
cam:~ Cam$
