How to schedule BI servers restart every day? - oracle

I use Oracle BI 12c and I am facing this strange problem while using it. The thing is there is an ETL process that transfers data from one database to another and that database(dwh) is used for OBIEE.
Even though transfer succeeds and data is present in tables for yesterday, creating analysis on that day returning no data. The only way I get it is restarting BI servers through enterprise manager.
So my question is how can I schedule BI servers to restart every day in the morning or is there any other solution for this problem?
Today while I traced log messages when created an analysis, I noticed two error messages repeating. one is the following:
and the other one is
[43065] The connection with Cluster Controller
::ffff: was lost.
I guess the last one is the issue. Have somebody faced it?


Azure redis cache multiple databases

Whenever I am inserting a key in any one db of the redis cache, it gets inserted in all 16 dbs and removing the key from any one db deletes the same from all DBs. Attached is the screen shot showing the same. As per my knowledge, the DBs are independent of each other and at a time any key should be inserted/removed from the current DB in use. Could anyone please explain the observed behaviour?
The Azure Redis Portal Console currently doesn't handle the Select statement correctly (because each command goes out on a new connection), so you are actually doing a get on DB 0. This is a known issue and we are in the process of creating the V2 of the portal console, which will fix this issue. Rough ETA is sometime in the next couple of months.

Find out which query, process generate oracle archive log

Our database is shared between few teams. Since a few day ago, our database generate a lots of archive log, making our server run out of space. There a day with over 60gb, ~1gb each file each 30minute.
I have asked other team if they have any process which make a lot of change to database but they all denied.
So i want to check the root cause of this, find out which user, table, process or query which generated these log. Any1 know a way to check it?

Stored Procedures Overwhelming Oracle.EXE On Oracle 11g On Windows

Until very recently we ran a 3rd party HR database on an Oracle Unix environment. I have additionally set up various web services that hit stored procedures to carry out a few bespoke processes for our users, and all ran well for years.
However, now that we have moved to Oracle on a Windows environment there is suddenly a big problem.
The best example I have is a VB.Net solution that reads in a 2000 row CSV of employees into a datatable, runs a couple of stored procedures to bring back Post Id etc, populates a database table with the results, then feeds it all back out into a new CSV. This process used to take 1-2 minutes to complete on Unix. It now takes well over 2 hours and kills the server!
The problem manifests by overwhelming the CPU on the database server. Any stored procedure call sends Oracle.EXE into overdrive, completely max-ing out the CPU core that it's using such that no other stored procedures can be run and everything grinds to a halt.
We have run Oracle Enterprise Manager, which suggested the creation of some indexes etc, but nothing will improve the issue. Like I say, the SQL ran fine and swiftly for years, and it hasn't changed at all.
Does anybody know what could be causing this? I am completely at a loss.
The way I see it, it must either be:
1. A CPU/hardware issue (but we have investigated, added extra cores etc to no avail)
2. An Oracle configuration issue?; or
3. An issue with the 3rd party database (which is supposedly identical to what it was on Unix).
Thanks to anyone who read this far.
P.S. I've had a Stack Overflow user account for years but can't get logged into it any more. Back to noobie status for me!

database stopped on running 500 quires per second

I built a chat application in which chatting page is loaded per every 1second through AJAX,
And i used DB2 express-c database for storing messages.
one day 500 user at a time used this app at a that time database is stopped working.
Is their any effect on database by running 500 quires at a time in one second.
please tell how to run quires for every second without effecting the database functionality.
The red mark on the DB2 icon means that the instance stop working. This issue should be related to a memory problem or something else.
You have to check the db2diag.log file, and check for message. It is highly probable that you have information at the time when the instance stopped. The first failrue data capture feature allows to recopile all that information when a crash occurs, in the diag directory.
In order to fix the problem, you just need to restart DB2. You can create a task that check if the instance is up, and if not, try to restarted. However, this is the wrong way to keep DB2 up.
You should see what happened at the time when DB2 crashed. Probably, the memory for the 500 agents was too high, and DB2 could not reserve more memory.
Are you running other processes in the same DB2 server? probably one of them corrupt the DB2 memory.

What should be approach?

Try to be more clear, I'm in lack of ideas in this problem, even it sounds like a classic.
My application is running on weblogic 10.3.3 application server, and for database I am using Oracle database 11g. My problem is that there is table in db, let's say "user.", there is column, let's say "columnA", in this table. This table is updating by some module of application.
What I want if when value of column is "abc.", then I have to show alert to console(IP). {IP can be retrieved from DB as it is configured in DB. this ip will be other linux system other than linux machine where oracle database is installed.} Updating is continuously done on my table from module of application. Please tell me from where should I start?, what should I read. I am not able to understand what should be approach. Any help is much appreciated.
A trigger on the table can call UTL_HTTP to communicate with another machine (eg call a RESTful API).
The architectural questions are :
This will happen PRIOR to the commit so you may get false alerts if a change is rolled back
If you wait for a response, it will slow the system down.
What do you do if you get an non-standard response (eg the other server isn't available)
