using bash script to Input in word in a command - bash

I am trying to make a simple bash script to run nano command via bash so that I don't need to type nano filename every time, I just execute ./n and I will be asked for enter file name and I type the file name and done, the file should open using nano.
I'm trying this but it is somewhere wrong,
echo -n "Enter file name: "
read INPUT
echo "$INPUT" >> "$JD"
nano JD

Solve is very simple
this script do it:
echo -n "Enter file name :"
read FileName
touch $FileName
nano $FileName
save as the "" like
and open terminal and write :
chmod +x
and you can this : ./
it will create file and open with nano


Using Vim commands in a Bash Script

so im trying to create a bash script that runs on MAC command line to a remote server and uses some mv commands to move some files around but i also need it to open up a file and add a line to the top of the file and save it in the middle of the script heres what i have so far:
(this is adjusting permissions so i can edit the file)
chef-client -r xxxxxxredactedxxxxxxredacted
cd /xxx/postgresql/xx/main/
Sudo chmod -R 775 filenamehere
sudo chown -R postgres:postgres filenamehere
read -p 'Enter the IP: ' ip
echo "Enter the file name :"
read -r filename
echo "Type this below: host all all "$ip"/24 trust : "
read -r line
cd /etc/postgresql/12/main/
printf '1i\n%s\n.\nwq\n' "$line" | ed "$filename". <-- **this is the problem line**
^ this command gives me permission denied because of access, for some reason i can edit it with vim but not this command
its worth noting these commands arent ran through my pc so my ability to move files is somewhat limited, its ran through SSM ing into an IP of a test enviroment through my command line
Normally I manually VIM into the file and add a line to the top
Don't know if you're using echo to output the prompts because you didn't know about the -p read option or you wanted the new lines.
You could use command grouping to add a line at the top of your file.
read -p "Have you copied a file to the data shipper? (yes/no)"
if [ "$REPLY" == "yes" ]; then
read -p "Enter a variable: " VARIABLE
read -p "Enter a file name: " FILE
cd /var/xxxredacted////
cd /tmp/
sudo mv "$FILE" /varxxxredactedxxxxxxxx/drop
cd /var/redactedxxxxredactedxx/drop
sudo unzip "$FILE"
read -p "Enter the file name:\n" FILENAME
read -p "Enter the line to be added:\n" LINE
{ echo $LINE; cat "$FILENAME"; } > "${FILENAME}.new"
mv "$FILENAME"{.new,}
sed could be used too, if the line had to go to a specific line :
# If \n is omnited, $LINE will just be inserted on
# line 1 instead of appending a new line
sed -i "${LINENB}s/$LINE\n/" $FILENAME

How to copy multiple using shell script

I am beginner in shell script i am trying to copy multiple files. I want manually give the input how i change my code
echo "Please Enter File Name"
read b
cp -l ~/Downloads/"{$b,$b,$b,$b,$b}" ~/myProj/image
Not sure of what you mean by "I want manually give the input how i change my code."
But try this :
echo "Please Enter File Name"
read b
for i in $b
cp -l ~/Downloads/$i ~/myProj/image

bad interpreter no such file or directory

Thank you for reviewing my shell script i am producing this error but not sure why it is not running. I am a noob when it comes to shell scripting. Please help. Here is my code:
#This script creates the log files based on the current date and hour
#Variables for managing the logs
MY_LOG_FILE=$MY_LOG_DIRECTORY/mylog-`date +%m-%d-%H`; export MY_LOG_FILE
EXPRESSTION=`date '+%b %d %H'`; export MY_LOG_FILE
#Checks if mylog directory exists.If not, then creates it
if [ ! -d "$MY_LOG_DIRECTORY" ]; then
#Scripts exits successfully, If the log already exists
if [ -f "$MY_LOG_FILE" ]; then
echo "Log file already exists. Nothing is written to log";
exit 0;
#grep the contents to the log file
echo "New myLog file created successfully"
Your script needs to be saved as a UNIX text file.
Try running dos2unix on it, or open it up in vim and run :set fileformat=unix and save.
If you don't have dos2unix, and aren't comfortable with vim, you can use perl:
perl -pi -e 's/\r\n?/\n/g' your-script-filename
"bad interpreter no such file or directory" error indicates /bin/bash does not exist.
Try to run script as
$ sh
OR use some other available shell interpreter (e.g /bin/sh , /bin/ksh) instead of /bin/bash

Should this be done with bash script or automator or applescript?

I have bash command that contains a variable to a file which updates the firmware for a specific hardware and give it a serial number.
fpath=$(dirname "$0")
sudo nvram tbt-options=4
sudo /usr/sbin/bless -mount / -firmware "$fpath/ThorUtilDevice.efi" -payload "$fpath/$ee_image" -options "-o -ej 1 -blast efi-apple-payload0-data"
sudo reboot now
I would like to create a file through automator or applescript that will create this same file but will automatically increase the ee_image bin file name by one. So that the end user doesn't always have to open the command file in text edit, make the change manually then save then execute the file..
Any help with this would be a God send.
The last line in your script sudo reboot now would make any sort of loop meaningless.
However, if you insist, use may a loop:
fpath=$(dirname "$0")
for i in {2000119..3000119}; do
sudo nvram tbt-options=4
sudo /usr/sbin/bless -mount / -firmware "$fpath/ThorUtilDevice.efi" -payload "$fpath/$ee_image" -options "-o -ej 1 -blast efi-apple-payload0-data"
sudo reboot now
This would loop through mlr-2000119.bin to mlr-3000119. You can also consider passing an argument to the script in which case you can use your original script with the ee_image line as
and invoke bash /path/to/your/ 2000119
#devnull wrote:
The last line in your script sudo reboot now would make any sort of loop meaningless.
I believe that the reboot command is just like any other command. It should be echoed to a file rather than being run to generate the script for the end-user.
I think that a good idea would be to have a script that creates scripts.
This is similar to how many websites work. The script on the server can echo HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for consumption by the web browser.
Here is an example:
# set the path to the dir
dir=$(dirname $0)"/"
# set the path to the file that keeps track of the serial numbers
# set the file name of the file to be generated
# read the last serial number used
if [ -e "$snFile" ];
read lastSN < "$snFile"
# increment the serial number
let "nextSN = $lastSN + 1"
echo "$nextSN" > "$snFile"
# create a path variable for the file being created.
# generate the script
echo "#!/bin/bash" > "$generatedPath"
echo 'fpath=$(dirname "$0")' >> "$generatedPath"
echo '' >> "$generatedPath"
echo "ee_image=mlr-$nextSN.bin" >> "$generatedPath"
echo '' >> "$generatedPath"
echo 'sudo nvram tbt-options=4' >> "$generatedPath"
echo '' >> "$generatedPath"
echo 'sudo /usr/sbin/bless -mount / -firmware \"$fpath/ThorUtilDevice.efi\" -payload \"$fpath/$ee_image\" -options \"-o -ej 1 -blast efi-apple-payload0-data\" \' >> "$generatedPath"
echo '' >> "$generatedPath"
echo 'sudo reboot now' >> "$generatedPath"
# give the user some feedback
echo "generatedPath: $generatedPath"
If having your end-user run a bash script is good enough, then I think that you're almost done.
If you want to have an even better user interface and have a Mac application for the end-user to run, send me an email and I can help you with that.

Create executable bash script that accepts drag & drop

I compiled mplayer from source on Ubuntu. I didn't want to use a GUI but I wanted to make a executable bash file that gets the path from an file that gets dropped onto the bash file. How do I make such a thing possible?
I wanted to make it look something like this:
mplayer <get full path to file.file-ending>
I want the executable bash file to sit on my desktop ;)
If possible, I'd just like an rightclick -> start with mplayer function, but I don't know how to make one.
You can access arguments passed to the script with $1 (for the first argument). And also you should make a .desktop file so Nautilus (or your desktop manager) know what to do and use %u to pass the dropped path to the script.
For example you can create a file named DropOverMe.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Drop Over Me
Comment=Execute the script with the file dropped
Exec=gnome-terminal -e "/folder/to/the/script/ \"%u\""
I use gnome-terminal as I have Ubuntu on my PC, use your preferred terminal application.
And the script could be something like:
#! /bin/bash
echo "Launched with $1" >> /tmp/history.log
mplayer "$1"
The file path of the dropped file will be passed to the script file as the 1th command line argument.
In openned terminal
By using mate-terminal, gnome-terminal or konsole, you could use drag'n drop into oppened window.
This will send URL as tipped, with a space added, but without endline.
For this, run mplayer, I wrote this little loop function:
while IFS=$' \t\r\n' read -d '' -p "Wait for URL to play: " -rsn 1 str &&
[ "$str" ];do
while IFS= read -d '' -rsn 1 -t .02 char
do str+="$char"
if [ "$str" ] ;then
read -a req <<<"$str"
echo $req
mplayer $req
First read will determine if something is comming or else end loop.
Second loop with very short timeout will read dropped URL as a single string
read -a req will split string to consider only 1st part
