Transforming a 3D plane onto a 2D coordinate system - algorithm

Say I have a set of points from a sensor which are all within a margin of error on a 2D plane somewhere in the 3D space. How would I go on about transforming the coordinates of the points onto a 2d coordinate system, so that for example the convex hulls of the points or the distances between the points don't change?

Assuming you know the equation of the plane (otherwise you can fit it by least-square or other), construct a new coordinate frame as follows:
get the normal vector,
form the cross product with an arbitrary vector having a different direction;
form the cross product of the normal and the second vector,
normalize all three and name the new axis z, x, y.
This creates an orthonormal basis to which you will transform the points. This corresponds to a rigid transform, that preserves all distances. You can drop the z to get the orthogonal projections of the points to the plane.


3D mesh generation: How to choose up-axis when extruding 2D shape along 3D curve?

I have a 2D shape (a circle) that I want to extrude along a 3D curve to create a 3D tube mesh.
Currently the way I generate cross-sections along the curve (which form the basis of the resulting mesh) is to take every control point along the curve, create a 3D transform matrix for it, then multiply the 2D points of my circle by those curve-point matrices to determine their location in 3D space along the curve.
To create the matrix (from 3 vectors), I use the tangent on the curve as the up vector, world-up ([0,1,0]) as the forward vector, and the cross product of the up/forward vectors as the right vector. All three vectors are also orthogonalized during the process to create the final matrix.
The problem comes when my curve tangent is identical to the world-up axis. Ie, my tangent vector is [0,1,0] and the world-up is [0,1,0]....since the cross product of two parallel vectors is not explicit....the resulting extruded mesh has artifacts along those areas of the curve (pinching, twisting, etc).
I thought a potential solution would be to use the dot product of the curve tangent and the world-up as an interpolation value to shift my forward vector from world-up to other words, as a curve tangent approaches [0,1,0], my forward vector approaches [1,0,0]...but that results in unwanted twisting along the final mesh as well.
How can I extrude my shape along a curve in a consistent manner that has no flipping/artifacts/twisting? I know it's possible since various off-the-shelf 3D applications can do it...I'm just not sure how.
One way I would approach this is to consider my tangent vector to the 3D curve as actually being a normal vector of the plane I am interested into.
Let's say, the tangent vector is
All you need now is two other vectors that are othoghonal to it, so let's.
Let's construct v like so:
(rotating the coordinates). Because v is the result of the cross product of u and something else, you know that v is orthogonal to u.
(This method will not work if u have equal x,y,z coordinates, in that case, construct the other vector by adding random numbers to at least two variables, rince&repeat).
Then you can simply construct w like before:
normalize and go.

How to compute 3D rotation matrix by user movement of control point

I have a projected view of a 3D scene. The 2D points are computed by multiplying the 3D points in homogenous coordinates by a view matrix (which includes a translation and rotation) and a perspective matrix. I want to allow the user to move control points which describe the three axes, and update the rotation matrix based on this.
How do I compute the new rotation matrix given a change in projected 2D coordinates, assuming rotation around the origin? Solving for the position of the end of the single axis has a large degeneracy in the set of possible, but maybe solving for rotation in the axes perpendicular to the moved axis might work.

affine transformation on the sphere

I have 2 sets of points that are restricted to live on the 3D unit sphere, call them {pi} and {qi} (I'll assume correspondence is known). The goal is to register one set to the other, through rotations and translations. Typically I would have used a transformation of the form:
P = RQ + T
where R is a rotation matrix and T a translation vector.
But in this case there is an extra constraint that all points must live on the sphere, how can I include this condition.
Assuming the sets are 'rigid', so you can slide and rotate the whole set on the sphere, but can not change distances between points within a set, all possible transformations are rotations.
Whenever you rotate the set relative to some axis, points move in planes perpendicular to the axis. So all displacements are vectors normal to the axis vector. So each two displacement vectors should make a vector product parallel to the axis vector.
Now, if you already know the correspondence between P and Q points, calculate displacement vectors di from each qi to a corresponding pi and calculate some vector products:
di × dj = (pi - qi) × (pj - qj)
If they have directions close enough to each other, you can assume you have the rotation axis.
Now for each pair or pi,qi find a point ti on an axis such that the PQT triangle is normal to the axis. The angle at the T vertex defines the rotation to slide qi to pi. If all respective angles are equal, you're done. Otherwise you'll have to seek some approximate solution...

Can I use a 3-dimensional simplex noise implementation to generate noise over a spherical surface?

Say, I want to generate noise over a sphere.
I want to do this to procedurally generate three-dimensional 'blobs'. And use these blobs to generate low poly trees, somewhat like this:
Can I accomplish this as follows?
First define a sphere that consists of a certain number of vertices, each of them defined by known (x,y,z) coordinates
Then generate an additional entropy (or noise) value e as follows:
var e = simplex.noise3d(x,y,z)
then use scalar multiplication to offset, or extrude the original point into 3D space, by entropy value e:
Then finally reconstruct a new mesh from these newly computed offset points.
Can I define a sphere that consists of a certain number of vertices, each of them defined by known (x,y,z) coordinates, and then generate an entropy or noise value
I consider this approach because it is widely used to generate terrain meshes using two-dimensional noise on a two dimensional plane, thus resulting in a three dimensional plane:
Looking at examples I understand this concept of terrain generation using two-dimensional noise as follows:
You define a two-dimensional grid of points, essentially a plane. Thus each point has two known coordinates and is defined in three-dimensional space as ( X, Y = 0, Z ). In this case Y represents the height that will be computed by a noise generator.
You feed the X and Z coordinates of each point in the grid to a Simplex noise generator, that returns noise value Y.
var point.y = simplex.noise2d(x, z);
Now our grid of points has been displaced across the Y axis of our three-dimensional space, and we can create a natural-looking terrain mesh from them.
Can I use the same approach to generate noise on a spherical surface using three-dimensional noise. Is this even a good idea? And is there a simpler way?
I am implementing this in WebGL and Three.js.
If you want something to look like a tree, you should use a tree-growth algorithm to first simulate a tree branching pattern, then poly the outer surface of the tree. Different types of trees have what are called "habits" or chiral patterns that determine how they grow. One paper that describes some basic equations for modeling branch/leaf grown is:

How to transform a projected 3D rectangle into a 2D axis aligned rectangle

I have an image of a 3D rectangle (which due to the projection distortion is not a rectangle in the image). I know the all world and image coordinates of all corners of this rectangle.
What I need is to determine the world coordinate of a point in the image inside this rectangle. To do that I need to compute a transformation to unproject that rectangle to a 2D rectangle.
How can I compute that transform?
Thanks in advance
This is a special case of finding mappings between quadrilaterals that preserve straight lines. These are generally called homographic transforms. Here, one of the quads is a rectangle, so this is a popular special case. You can google these terms ("quad to quad", etc) to find explanations and code, but here are some sites for you.
Perspective Transform Estimation
a gaming forum discussion
extracting a quadrilateral image to a rectangle
Projective Warping & Mapping
ProjectiveMappings for ImageWarping by Paul Heckbert.
The math isn't particularly pleasant, but it isn't that hard either. You can also find some code from one of the above links.
If I understand you correctly, you have a 2D point in the projection of the rectangle, and you know the 3D (world) and 2D (image) coordinates of all four corners of the rectangle. The goal is to find the 3D coordinates of the unique point on the interior of the (3D, world) rectangle which projects to the given point.
(Do steps 1-3 below for both the 3D (world) coordinates, and the 2D (image) coordinates of the rectangle.)
Identify (any) one corner of the rectangle as its "origin", and call it "A", which we will treat as a vector.
Label the other vertices B, C, D, in order, so that C is diagonally opposite A.
Calculate the vectors v=AB and w=AD. These form nice local coordinates for points in the rectangle. Points in the rectangle will be of the form A+rv+sw, where r, s, are real numbers in the range [0,1]. This fact is true in world coordinates and in image coordinates. In world coordinates, v and w are orthogonal, but in image coordinates, they are not. That's ok.
Working in image coordinates, from the point (x,y) in the image of your rectangle, calculate the values of r and s. This can be done by linear algebra on the vector equations (x,y) = A+rv+sw, where only r and s are unknown. It will boil down to a 2x2 matrix equation, which you can solve generally in code using Cramer's rule. (This step will break if the determinant of the required matrix is zero. This corresponds to the case where the rectangle is seen edge-on. The solution isn't unique in that case. If that's possible, make special exception.)
Using the values of r and s from 4, compute A+rv+sw using the vectors A, v, w, for world coordinates. That's the world point on the rectangle.
