Yahoo API Internal Error while trying to create an app eid 3857713 - yahoo-oauth

Trying to add an app and I received this error
An internal error occurred (eid 3857713).
Anyone know what's going on?

This started working today. I'm guessing it was a yahoo glitch.


Heroku meme api gives me application error

So I've been using heroku meme api on my discord js bot, it was working fine untill today when it didn't respond I decided to check the website but when I opened it it gave me an application error, idk how to fix it any help would be appreciated the link I use is
Heroku has discontinued free dynos and data services, it's possible that API was using those.

an error was encountered when contacting the add-on partner to create cleardb:ignite?

I am trying to put clearDB database in my heroku app, and I get this message. Before I had it installed but I removed it and when I try to put the add-on back, I get that error

Trying to setup google play game services and getting unexpected error

I keep trying to setup google play game services and I'm getting an unexpected error. Anybody know how to deal with this? I'm blocked by this screen.

WinRT Parse Push Notifications: Another Error Occurred

Having this weird error not sure what is going wrong. Details are same from Parse Push Notifications: Another Error Occurred question, In this case it is using WinRT platform. Might not be certificate issue as on Parse dashboard it only requires Package SID & client secret for windows store. It seemed to be working sometime back. Any help appreciated.

Sorry, an error occurred while processing this request in Instagram API creation of new client

I am developing a magento site, I want to do instagram login in my website. I tried to create API in instagram but it displays Sorry, an error occurred while processing this request. I have searched in google but did not get a solution to resolve it.
Don't know how to resolve this?
Can anyone guide me for creating an api in instagram?
Thanks in advance
I am also having this issue today. After several hours of troubleshooting, I believe Instagram is having API issues.
I have tried setting up subscriptions using their /subscribe endpoint, which are currently working, and all are returning 'Unable to reach callback URL' as well.
