VS 2017 (Left Arrow) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord - visual-studio

In Visual Studio, when I position my cursor to the right of the semi-colon of the following C#:
var alpha;
When I press the left cursor key, nothing happens (call me old-fashioned but I want the cursor to move to the left). Instead, I notice VS shows in the status bar
(Left Arrow) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord...
How can I setup VS so that Left Arrow is not the start of a chord in the editor?
I can go to Keyboard options but how do I find chords that start with Left Arrow?

I couldn't find a way to do this with VS. However, I found Resharper's Shorts Live View feature (press the left Ctrl key three times in text editor) which displays current shortcuts to be valuable in reporting what actual shortcut had been assigned an are currently active.
It seems I must have pressed Left arrow when assigning a keyboard, so with this tool I could see the name of the command assigned and remove it from Tool | Options.


Move cursor left and right without arrow keys Visual Studio?

How can I move left and right in Visual Studio without pressing arrow keys? Ideally I would like to press right-alt and a character.
You can assign custom shortcuts to Edit.CharLeft and Edit.CharRight commands in VS keyboard options.
Go to visual studio's -> keyboard shortcut, then search for cursorleft, for moving cursor to left and cursorright, for moving cursor to the right. Assign key according to your choice. By default it would be assigned to left arrow and right arrow keys.

How does one change the Keyboard Shortcut for the Intellisense Overload selector?

When typing an opening bracket on a C# method in Visual Studio the Intellisense appears for that method; if that method has overloads however, then the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard suddenly stop responding as normal and instead change the Intellisense displayed for the method.
This is annoying when you use the up and down arrow keys to navigate to the previous and next lines and then all-of-a-sudden they don't work! I found that shift and up/down, in this context then behaves as up/down did but that in-turn means that shift + up/down can no longer be used to select to the line above or below.
Is there a way to change the shortcut for the selecting displayed overload in Intellisense so it doesn't override the normal Up/Down and Shift + Up/Down keyboard behaviour?
I've included a screenshot to show the problem. Supposing the cursor is within the second Select which I have just opened the bracket of in order to see the Intellisense and I now decide I want to delete everything up to the open bracket of the first Select using Shift + Up then Delete. I can no longer do this as Intellisense has now hijacked the use of my Up/Down keys!
Intellisense Up/Down Key override problem

Normal Mac option-drag block selection in VS Code?

There are already many questions about VS Code's block selection and multi-cursor selection, and I'm not asking how to use it, but rather, how to make it behave in the standard way on a Mac (without the shift ⇧ key pressed).
The way it currently behaves is this: your current cursor location defines one corner of the block selection, and when you press ⇧⌥ and click somewhere else, you define the opposite corner of the block. You can drag as you're clicking, but dragging really only changes the definition of that opposite corner. Your (text) cursor's position always defines one of the block's corners.
Considering that the VS Code default keybinding is ⇧⌥, the behavior is proper for having the shift ⇧ key pressed. But I'm trying to find a way to get the normal behavior that you'd expect on a Mac when the shift ⇧ key is not pressed.
In normal Mac behavior (without shift), the entire block is defined by:
where you first click, before you start dragging, and
where you release, after dragging.
This behavior is exactly the same as for plain-vanilla text selection, except that you get a block, instead of a line-oriented selection.
I would like to find a way to have VS Code allow me to define the block selection solely based on where I click and drag, and not based on the current text cursor location.
How can I do this?
Note that you don't have to drag the mouse. You can single click (with no modifier keys) in one corner, press and hold Shift and Option, and click in the opposite corner, then release the Shift and Option keys. So, your attempt to start the selection is actually extending it (relative to the previous selection).
What's working for me in 1.53.1 (January 2021 release) is to click and hold the mouse button (with no keys pressed; this starts a normal, non-column selection), then press and hold Shift and Option, then continue dragging the mouse. I find this method cumbersome and prefer selecting opposite corners as above.
I don't see an obvious way to change to Option-only to start a column selection.

Visual Studio: Is there a keyboard shortcut to jump between code editor window and find results?

I can't seem to find the exact keyboard shortcut I'm looking for.
When I do a "Find in Files" (Ctrl + Shift + F), the keyboard navigation automatically jumps to the Find results, and I can navigate the results with the arrow keys; the code editor window updates itself as I do so, and pressing Enter pops me from the Find Results Window to the code editor Window.
Now, this is great for the initial search, but what if I want to bounce back and forth, say, if I need to make changes around a few different places in my find results?
Is there a keyboard shortcut to jump back from the code editor window to the find results?
I'm using MSVS 2013, if it matters.
If you have the General Development keyboard scheme, try: Alt + F6.
This is bound to the Window.NextPane which is where you just came from, so it should take you back.
Also, Alt + F7 is Window.NextToolWindowNav which pops up a nav selection which makes it easy to move around. This nav selection is the same one for Ctrl + Tab which, once open, can be navigated up, down, left and right via arrow keys.

"Right Click" keyboard short cut for Visual Studio?

I'm trying to force myself to use as little mouse as possible and I can't find the answer to this simple short-cut anywhere! Here the the steps:
Open up Visual Studio. Open any C# file (or any code file I believe)
Point your mouse anywhere on the
Right Click
Is there a shortcut key for this so I don't have to move my hand to the mouse?
Taken from lytebyte, you've got two options:
Shift + F10
That nutty key on the bottom-right of a modern Windows keyboard, the Menu key
Depends on where/why you're right-clicking.
The context-menu key is on the right of the keyboard nowadays, usually between the Windows key and the Control key on the right of your spacebar. That will open the context menu wherever the current focus is (usually in the text editor).
If you're using the right mouse button just to open the refactoring tools, you can use Ctrl + . (control period) to pop open the "smart tag" on any identifier. That'll get you the "generate method stub" menu item and the like.
To open a new file without keyboard you can use
CTRL + SHIFT + N (Using Resharper)
To show up the right click menu for any part of your code. Point to the part that you want and use
Normally, I like using
CTRL + SHIFT + G (Resharper again)
for getting the Navigation menu (Usage, Base, Implementation, etc)
Even better if you want to go to any Method/class/intenal/or a field, use CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + N (Again using Resharper), this will bring you a list of all that match your criteria to choose from.
Does your keyboard have the extra 'Windows' keys, ie. the Windows logo (Start key) and the one on the right-hand side of the spacebar that looks like a menu? Cause that button on the right-hand side is the 'Context menu key'.
See the key between the right-hand side 'Windows' key and the Ctrl key?
Windows Keyboard layout
If your keyboard is less than 10 years old you should have these keys, unless you have an IBM laptop or a Mac.!
Assuming you just want a key you can press to right click, most\many keyboards have a key between alt and ctrl that right clicks.
