Create method to a slice type - go

I am new to golang. I am trying to add a method to a slice. The method is just a wrapper of append, which does not work.
package main
import (
type SliceStr []string
func (ss *SliceStr) Add(s string) {
ss = append(ss, s)
func main() {
var s SliceStr
prog.go:10:12: first argument to append must be slice; have *SliceStr

You are getting a pointer to SliceStr (*SliceStr), not SliceStr and therefore not a slice-type. Just dereference the pointer
func (ss *SliceStr) Add(s string) {
*ss = append(*ss, s)
and it works just fine. *ss = ... sets the value ss is pointing to and the *ss in the call to append passes it the value ss is pointing to, instead of the pointer.


How to create a unique key for a map

I'm creating a structure where a developer can store a reference to something and retrieve it when needed using a reference key, but not delete the reference.
How to create a unique key for a map that is generated at the point of insertion?
So far I'm using a not exported pointer to an empty *struct{} , but wondering if there there is a better way.
package main
import "fmt"
type referenceKey **struct{}
type reference[K referenceKey, R any] struct {
s map[K]R
func (ref *reference[K, R]) Set(reference R) *K {
if ref.s == nil {
ref.s = make(map[K]R)
key := new(struct{})
refKey := K(&key)
ref.s[refKey] = reference
return &refKey
func (ref *reference[K, R]) Get(key *K) R {
return ref.s[*key]
func main() {
ref := &reference[referenceKey, int]{}
key1 := ref.Set(77)
key2 := ref.Set(15345351)
With int I have to keep a reference to it and increment it. To reduce code I tried to use the pointer to a instance of a empty struct.
Basically I need to create a unique key that can't be created outside internal package nor can Get method be called with an invalid key.
I've also fixed the code to now allow anyone to create a new invalid key.
Based on the comments I would make it with a counter and protect the store with a mutex for concurrent use:
package main
import (
type reference[T any] struct {
mutex sync.RWMutex
store map[uint64]T
counter uint64
func (r *reference[T]) Set(item T) uint64 {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
if == nil { = make(map[uint64]T)
r.counter++[r.counter] = item
return r.counter
func (r *reference[T]) Get(key uint64) T {
defer r.mutex.RUnlock()
func main() {
ref := reference[int]{}
key1 := ref.Set(77)
key2 := ref.Set(15345351)
But if in the future you need to be secure, and the keys should be random, then change the map's key to string, remove the counter and use uuid.NewString() for the new key value.

Changing the value of a non-struct with a pointer receiver

If I have a type which is not a struct how do I change its value with a pointer receiver?
For example, given the following code:
package main
import (
type MyInt int
func (i *MyInt) Change() {
newValue := MyInt(32)
i = &newValue
func main() {
myInt := MyInt(64)
It outputs:
Why does it not output the following:
You're changing the value of the pointer i, not the value at which the pointer is pointing.
You will see your expected output by using the * operator:
*i = newValue
for your function define:
func (i *MyInt) Change() {
newValue := MyInt(32)
i = &newValue
when you call this function:
myInt := MyInt(64)
the value of myInt will pass to i, so after call func (i *MyInt) Change(), you only modify the i, not myInt.

What's the difference between these functions in golang?

I'm new to Go programming and wondering what's the difference (if any) there between
func DoSomething(a *A) {
b = a
func DoSomething(a A) {
b = &a
If you are actually asking what the difference of those b's are, one is a pointer to the object passed as an argument to DoSomething, and the other is a pointer to a copy of the object passed as an argument to DoSomething.
type A struct {
f string
func DoSomethingPtr(a *A) {
b := a
b.f = "hi"
func DoSomething(a A) {
b := &a
b.f = "hey"
func main() {
x := A{"hello"}
The variable b would be assigned a different value in each function. The values are different because one is passing a copied value and the other is passing a pointer to the original value in memory.
package main
import "fmt"
type A string
func DoSomethingPtr(a *A) {
func DoSomething(a A) {
func main() {
x := A("hello")
Here is the executable proof.
In general, these two functions will assign different values to b. The second one makes a copy of the argument, and so the a inside the function generally has a different memory address than whatever input is passed into the function. See this playground example
package main
type A struct{
x int
var b *A
func d(a *A) {
b = a
func e(a A) {
b = &a
func main() {
var a = A{3}
Interestingly, if you make the type A an empty struct instead, and initialize var a = A{}, you actually see the same value for b in the println statements.
That's because for the empty-struct type, there can only really only ever be 1 value, and its immutable, so all instances of it share the same memory address?

Using function names as parameters

In Go, you can pass functions as parameters like callFunction(fn func). For example:
package main
import "fmt"
func example() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func) {
func main() {
But is it possible to call a function when it's a member of a struct? The following code would fail, but gives you an example of what I'm talking about:
package main
import "fmt"
type Example struct {
x int
y int
var example Example
func (e Example) StructFunction() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func) {
func main() {
(I know what I'm trying to do in that example is a little odd. The exact problem I have doesn't scale down to a simple example very well, but that's the essence of my problem. However I'm also intrigued about this from an academic perspective)
Methods (which are not "members of a struct" but methods of any named type, not only structs) are first class values. Go 1.0.3 didn't yet implemented method values but the tip version (as in the comming Go 1.1) has support method values. Quoting the full section here:
Method values
If the expression x has static type T and M is in the method set of type T, x.M is called a method value. The method value x.M is a function value that is callable with the same arguments as a method call of x.M. The expression x is evaluated and saved during the evaluation of the method value; the saved copy is then used as the receiver in any calls, which may be executed later.
The type T may be an interface or non-interface type.
As in the discussion of method expressions above, consider a struct type T with two methods, Mv, whose receiver is of type T, and Mp, whose receiver is of type *T.
type T struct {
a int
func (tv T) Mv(a int) int { return 0 } // value receiver
func (tp *T) Mp(f float32) float32 { return 1 } // pointer receiver
var t T
var pt *T
func makeT() T
The expression
yields a function value of type
func(int) int
These two invocations are equivalent:
f := t.Mv; f(7)
Similarly, the expression
yields a function value of type
func(float32) float32
As with selectors, a reference to a non-interface method with a value receiver using a pointer will automatically dereference that pointer: pt.Mv is equivalent to (*pt).Mv.
As with method calls, a reference to a non-interface method with a pointer receiver using an addressable value will automatically take the address of that value: t.Mv is equivalent to (&t).Mv.
f := t.Mv; f(7) // like t.Mv(7)
f := pt.Mp; f(7) // like pt.Mp(7)
f := pt.Mv; f(7) // like (*pt).Mv(7)
f := t.Mp; f(7) // like (&t).Mp(7)
f := makeT().Mp // invalid: result of makeT() is not addressable
Although the examples above use non-interface types, it is also legal to create a method value from a value of interface type.
var i interface { M(int) } = myVal
f := i.M; f(7) // like i.M(7)
Go 1.0 does not support the use of bound methods as function values. It will be supported in Go 1.1, but until then you can get similar behaviour through a closure. For example:
func main() {
callFunction(func() { example.StructFunction() })
It isn't quite as convenient, since you end up duplicating the function prototype but should do the trick.
I fixed your compile errors.
package main
import "fmt"
type Example struct {
x, y float64
var example Example
func (e Example) StructFunction() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func()) {
func main() {
hello from example
To add to #zzzz great answer (and the one given at here is an example that creates a method value from a value of an interface type.
package main
import "fmt"
type T struct{}
func (T) M(i int) { fmt.Println(i) }
func main() {
myVal := T{}
var i interface{ M(int) } = myVal
f := i.M
f(7) // like i.M(7)

Map of methods in Go

I have several methods that I'm calling for some cases (like Add, Delete, etc..). However over time the number of cases is increasing and my switch-case is getting longer. So I thought I'd create a map of methods, like Go map of functions; here the mapping of functions is trivial. However, is it possible to create a map of methods in Go?
When we have a method:
func (f *Foo) Add(a string, b int) { }
The syntax below create compile-time error:
actions := map[string]func(a, b){
"add": f.Add(a,b),
Is it possible to create a map of methods in Go?
Yes. Currently:
actions := map[string]func(a string, b int){
"add": func(a string, b int) { f.Add(a, b) },
Later: see the go11func document guelfi mentioned.
There is currently no way to store both receiver and method in a single value (unless you store it in a struct). This is currently worked on and it may change with Go 1.1 (see
You may, however, assign a method to a function value (without a receiver) and pass the receiver to the value later:
package main
import "fmt"
type Foo struct {
n int
func (f *Foo) Bar(m int) int {
return f.n + m
func main() {
foo := &Foo{2}
f := (*Foo).Bar
fmt.Printf("%T\n", f)
fmt.Println(f(foo, 42))
This value can be stored in a map like anything else.
I met with a similar question.
How can this be done today, 9 years later:
the thing is that the receiver must be passed to the method map as the first argument. Which is pretty unusual.
package main
import (
type mType struct {
str string
func (m *mType) getStr(s string) {
var (
testmap = make(map[string]func(m *mType, s string))
func main() {
test := &mType{
str: "Internal string",
testmap["GetSTR"] = (*mType).getStr
method, ok := testmap["GetSTR"]
if !ok {
log.Fatal("something goes wrong")
method(test, "External string")
You can do this using Method Expressions:
However, this makes the function take the receiver as a first argument:
actions := map[string]func(Foo, string, int){
"add": Foo.Add
Similarly, you can get a function with the signature func(*Foo, string, int) using (*Foo).Add
If you want to use pointer to type Foo as receiver, like in:
func (f *Foo) Add(a string, b int) { }
then you can map string to function of (*Foo, string, int), like this:
var operations = map[string]func(*Foo, string, int){
"add": (*Foo).Add,
"delete": (*Foo).Delete,
Then you would use it as:
var foo Foo = ...
var op string = GetOp() // "add", "delete", ...
operations[op](&foo, a, b)
where GetOp() returns an operation as string, for example from a user input.
a and b are your string and int arguments to methods.
This assumes that all methods have the same signatures. They can also have return value(s), again of the same type(s).
It is also possible to do this with Foo as receiver instead of *Foo. In that case we don't have to de-reference it in the map, and we pass foo instead of &foo.
