IBM Websphere MQ Server - websphere

I am trying to create a MQ Server in Websphere Version 8 from IBM Rational Software Architecture. After navigating from Servers->ServerType->Websphere MQ Servers and clicking New button, gave the following fields for mandatory items
Name : stackMQServer
Websphere MQ Server Name : stackMQServer
Server TYPE : Queue Manager
Websphere MQ Host : localhost/1272.0.0.1
Websphere MQ Port : 1414 default
Websphere MQ Channel : SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN
Error :
WebSphere MQ server stackMQServer connection test failed for WebSphere MQ queue manager stackMQServer. CWSJP0050E: An attempt to connect to WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue sharing group stackMQServer failed. The WebSphere MQ reason code is MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE (2059)..


how to log WebSphere MQ messages

I have a websphere-mq client and two service that send message to this mq client so
how can i log every message to database that sent and received to websphere mq client?
websphere-mq version:

IBM Websphere 8.5 - Consume messages from a Local Queue

I have my application running on WAS 8.5 which consumes messages from IBM MQ. However, I want to test some functionality of my application by posting some messages to the MQ. I am trying to consume messages by creating a queue in my local setup & configuring the queue in WAS 8.5.
I have installed IBM MQ Explorer 9 in my system and created a queue manager & a queue as well. Attached below screenshot from MQ Explorer.
I am trying to have the TEST_QM & TEST_Q1 configured in the WAS 8.5 admin console under Queue connection factories.
Queue Manager Configuration in WAS
Host & port configuration in WAS
However, when I try the connection test in WAS, it returns me the below error.
I am a newbie to WAS, MQ & IBM world. Kindly guide as to where am I going wrong & how can my application consume messages from local queue?
Thank you!

IBM WAS autoreconnect to IBM MQ

I have a Java EE aplication on IBM WAS 8.5.5.x which connects to IBM MQ 9.0 with Activation specs.
I'm interested in problem of autoreconnecting from WAS to MQ, if for some reason there was a connection loss (MQ server was shut down).
In IBM WAS admin console I have set Resources -> JMS -> Queue connection factories -> Factory -> Advanced properties -> Client reconnect options -> RECONNECT
I set Client reconnect timeout to 120 seconds.
That worked well (there was a reconnection) until queue manager was ended for a long period of time (about 9 hours).
Am I doing something wrong ? Is there a way to make QCF or Activation Spec auto reconnect if there was a connection loss. Is there a limit on number of reconnetion tries ?
This behavior can be controlled by updating the "Reconnection retry count" and "Reconnection retry interval" properties for "WebSphere MQ messaging provider" JMS provider in WAS console.
Path :Resources > JMS Providers > WebSphere MQ messaging provider (select scope) > Resource adapter properties (under Additional properties) .
Reconnection retry count : The maximum number of attempts made by a WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation specification to reconnect to a WebSphere MQ queue manager if a connection fails.
Reconnection retry interval : The time, in milliseconds, that a WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation specification waits before making another attempt to reconnect to a WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Refer : for more details.

Integrating websphere MQ with boomi

We are working on Integrating websphere MQ with boomi,
The Configuration in Boomi for JMS connector is as follows:
For JMS Connection :
Authentication Present:
User : adminstrator
password : xxxxx
JMS Server : Websphere MQ
Connection type : Single QM connection
Queue Manager : BoomiQMGR
Channel Name : BoomiSC
For JMS operation:
Destination : queue:BoomiQ(where BoomiQ is the Queue Name, "queue:" as mentioned in the boomi Documentation)
But the Problem is,
with these configuration we encounter the below error in boomi:
*"Test execution of TestProcess completed with errors. Embedded message: Unable to retrieve JMS message; Caused by: JMSCC0005: The specified value 'queue:BoomiQ' is not allowed for 'XMSC_DESTINATION_NAME'."
From what we can tell in reading around this occurs due to WebSphere MQ destination naming restrictions, we are using WEBSPHERE version : WS_MQ_V8.0_TRIAL_FOR_WINDOWS_ML(downloaded from IBM Site)
Can someone help us out on this?
Please suggest if we are missing anything.
Thanks in Advance.
The problem looks to be the format of the Queue Name: queue:BoomiQ isn't valid for the WMQ JMS client.
If the Queue on the QueueManager was say MyQueue, then either ensure that MyQueue is passed to JMS or queue:///MyQueue.

Target client option in setting up a queue on WAS

In WAS console, on the Queues page, there is an option called 'Target Client' and the options are MQ and JMS. Now MQ i understand is websphere MQ, but what is JMS? Any JMS provider other than Websphere MQ? Because in my case the target is actually websphere MQ but i have selected JMS here and it still works fine.
Target client defines how the message will intepreted by the receiving application.
If you choose MQ, then a RFH2 header will be added with MQ specific info otherwise JMS info will be added (jms_bytes, jms_text etc..).
IBM has some info about it
