C++/CLI: Wrapping method for enums - enums

I have a enum, SDKEnum which I need to convert into a AppEnum. I need to convert it, since my project shall be a wrapper around a .NET SDK and I cannot publish internal enums of that SDK. So I need to write my "own".
Now, for every enum I have I need a method that does the following:
AppEnum GetAppEnum (SDKEnum type)
switch (type)
// Return the correct constant, since AppEnum and SDKEnum have equal constants
That way I put a SDK enum into that method and get the corresponding App enum back.
I dont want to write that method for each enum I have.. . Is there a more generic or better way of doing this?
I'm pretty new to C++/CLI / C++ coming from C#.
Thanks a lot!

I don't know how these enums are defined, but most likely they are either (old) C-style enums or (since C++11) strongly-typed enum classes.
The following code compiles, thus static_cast is your friend here:
enum OLD_ENUM1 { A=1,B=2};
enum OLD_ENUM2 { C=1,D=2};
enum class NEW_ENUM1 { A=1,B=2};
enum class NEW_ENUM2 { A=1,B=2};
int main()
OLD_ENUM1 o1(A);
OLD_ENUM2 o2(static_cast<OLD_ENUM2>(o1));
NEW_ENUM2 n2(static_cast<NEW_ENUM2>(n1));
Note that for OLD_ENUM1 and OLD_ENUM2, I cannot use the same names for the enumeration values, since they are addressed without namespace. For the strongly-typed enums, I can do that because since they are classes, they have their own namespaces.

Alright, so what did the trick was the following regular cast:
enum SDKEnum
One, // (2)
Two, // (1)
Three // (0)
enum AppEnum
AppEnum MethoThatNeededTheConversion(SDKEnum sdkenum)
// DoStuff
return static_cast<AppEnum>(sdkenum); // Wrong int values returned
Important to note for me was:
The SDKEnum had other integer values for the constants then my AppEnum. So I created a test application and gave out those integer values so I can sync both enums and use regular cast.
Thanks for the help #all


Inferencing the typename of 'this' in a virtual method

I am aware of the lack of reflection and basic template mechanics in C++ so the example below can't work. But maybe there's a hack to achieve the intended purpose in another way?
template <typename OwnerClass>
struct Template
OwnerClass *owner;
struct Base
virtual void funct ()
Template <decltype(*this)> temp;
// ...
struct Derived : public Base
void whatever ()
// supposed to infer this class and use Template<Derived>
// any chance some macro or constexpr magic could help?
In the example, Derived::whatever() calls virtual method Base::funct() and wants it to pass its own class name (Derived) to a template. The compiler complains "'owner' declared as a pointer to a reference of type 'Base &'". Not only does decltype(*this) not provide a typename but a reference, the compiler also can't know in advance that funct is called from Derived, which would require funct() to be made a template.
If funct() was a template however, each derived class needs to pass its own name with every call, which is pretty verbose and redundant.
Is there any hack to get around this limitation and make calls to funct() infer the typename of the calling class? Maybe constexpr or macros to help the compiler infer the correct type and reduce verbosity in derived classes?
You should use CRTP Pattern (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern) for inheritance.
Define a base class:
struct CBase {
virtual ~CBase() {}
virtual void function() = 0;
Define a prepared to CRTP class:
template<typename T>
struct CBaseCrtp : public CBase {
virtual ~CBaseCrtp() {}
void function() override {
using DerivedType = T;
//do stuff
Inherit from the CRTP one:
struct Derived : public CBaseCrtp<Derived> {
It should work. The only way to know the Derived type is to give it to the base!
Currently, this can't be done. Base is a Base and nothing else at the time Template <decltype(*this)> is instantiated. You are trying to mix the static type system for an inheritance hierarchy inherently not resolved before runtime. This very same mechanism is the reason for not calling virtual member functions of an object during its construction.
At some point, this limitation might change in the future. One step towards this is demonstrated in the Deducing this proposal.

Abstract base class design in Go vs C++

I am still learning the Go way of doing things, coming from a C++ background. I am looking for feedback contrasting OOP inheritance to interface composition.
I have a design situation in a Go program where, if I was implementing in C++, I would solve with an abstract base class.
Suppose I need a base class, which has many implementors. The base class has shared methods that do work on abstract data items. Different Worker implementations provide CRUD operations on different item types, but workers all use the shared methods of the base class for general work.
In C++ I might do it this way
class IItem
// virtual methods
class IWorker
// one of many virtual functions that deal with IItem CRUD
virtual IItem* createItem() = 0;
// concrete method that works on interfaces
void doWork()
IItem* item = createItem();
// do stuff with an IItem*
class Toy : public IItem
// one of many kinds of workers
class ElfWorker : public IWorker
// constructor implicitly calls IWorker()
IItem* createItem() override
return new Toy;
In Go you don't have abstract virtual methods such as IWorker::createItem(). Concrete classes need to supply the base with an interface or function that do the right thing.
So I think it is the case that the Go code the ew.ItemCRUD interface has to be explicitly set with a pointer to an ElfWorker.
The elf knows how to createItem(), which in his case happens to be Toy object. Other workers would implement their own ItemCRUD for their data objects.
type Item interface {
// various methods
type ItemCRUD interface {
create() Item
// other CRUD
type Worker struct {
ItemCRUD // embedded interface
func (w *Worker) doWork() {
item := w.create()
// do stuff with item
type Toy struct {
type ElfWorker struct {
Worker // embedded
// ..
func NewElfWorker() *ElfWorker {
ew := &ElfWorker{}
ew.ItemCRUD = ew // <-- #### set Worker ItemCRUD explicitly ####
return ew
func (ew *ElfWorker) createItem() Item {
return &Toy{}
// more ElfWorker Item CRUD
func bigFunction(w *Worker) {
// ...
// ..
So the part that I am wrestling a bit with is explicit setting. Seems like the "Go way" of composition does require this explicit step if I want the base Worker class to provide shared methods on Items.
Beeing new to go myself, this answer is not backed by years of go experience :-)
I don't know, if the way you tackle this is the correct approach.
go allows interfaces to be implemented without explicit declaration. If you have elves, and you need them to do ItemCRUD methods, just implement them.
The method set will then match the interface and you can use the elf as a ItemCRUD where required.
To supply any elf object with a default ItemCRUD Implementation, you should implement an adapter for the ItemCRUD and compose the adapter with your abstract elf. The abstract methods could have a default implementation as log.Fatal("not implemented")
The concrete elves shadow the adapter's methods, this answers your question: It is not required to insert the object during creation.
Yet, since go has no generics, it may not be the right approach to have an ItemCRUD.
Im not entirely clear what the plan is with the above code and without understanding that its hard to suggest specific solutions, what is clear is you are very much coming to the party with an established OOP mindset (I did too) which is rarely helpful in finding the best solution in golang.
In Golang I wouldnt usually embed an interface in an implementation, interfaces are satisfied implicitly in Golang which allows for a nice separation of expectation and implementation which should generally be respected.
A reciever method should expect an interface, the implementation passed at runtime should just satisfy the signature of that interface implicitly.
So perhaps my doWork method needs to be able to createItems then it would be the doWork method that would accept any implementation of ItemCRUD which it could call to create an item. But this is me guessing at what you really want to do here, I suspect if you just separate implementation from interface you will probably answer your own question.

where should I put the specialized std::hash for user defined type

I searched many pages, and I think I have known how to write the std::hash. But I don't know where to put it.
An example is presented here http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/hash .
However, I defined my type Instance in namespace ca in file instance_management.h. I want to use unordered_set<Instance> in the same file in another class InstanceManager. So I write the following code:
namespace std
template <> struct hash<ca::Instance>
size_t operator()(const ca::Instance & instance) const
std::size_t seed = 0;
// Some hash value calculation here.
return seed;
} // namespace std
But where should I put it? I tried many locations but all failed.
I am using visual studio 2013. I tried to put the previous code in some locations but all failed to compile it.
// location 1
namespace ca
class Instance {...}
class InstanceManager
// ... some other things.
private unordered_set<Instance>;
// location 2
There are several ways.
Specializing std::hash
In your code make sure that your std::hash<Instance> specialization is preceded immediately by the Instance class definition, and followed by the use of the unordered_set container that uses it.
namespace ca
class Instance {...};
namespaces std {
template<> hash<Instance> { ... };
namespace ca {
class InstanceManager
// ... some other things.
private unordered_set<Instance>;
One drawback is that you can have funny name lookup interference when passing a std::hash<ca::Instance> to other functions. The reason is that the associated namespace (ca) of all the template arguments of std::hash can be used during name lookup (ADL). Such errors are a bit rare, but if they occur they can be hard to debug.
See this Q&A for more details.
Passing your hash to unordered_set
struct MyInstanceHash { ... };
using MyUnorderedSet = std:unordered_set<Instance, MyInstanceHash>;
Here, you simply pass your own hash function to the container and be done with it. The drawback is that you have to explicitly type your own container.
Using hash_append
Note, however, there is the N3980 Standard proposal is currently pending for review. This proposal features a much superior design that uses a universal hash function that takes an arbitrary byte stream to be hashed by its template parameter (the actual hashing algorithm)
template <class HashAlgorithm>
struct uhash
using result_type = typename HashAlgorithm::result_type;
template <class T>
operator()(T const& t) const noexcept
HashAlgorithm h;
using std::hash_append;
hash_append(h, t);
return static_cast<result_type>(h);
A user-defined class X then has to provide the proper hash_append through which it presents itself as a byte stream, ready to be hashed by the univeral hasher.
class X
std::tuple<short, unsigned char, unsigned char> date_;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> data_;
// ...
friend bool operator==(X const& x, X const& y)
return std::tie(x.date_, x.data_) == std::tie(y.date_, y.data_);
// Hook into the system like this
template <class HashAlgorithm>
friend void hash_append(HashAlgorithm& h, X const& x) noexcept
using std::hash_append;
hash_append(h, x.date_);
hash_append(h, x.data_);
For more details, see the presentation by the author #HowardHinnant at CppCon14 (slides, video). Full source code by both the author and Bloomberg is available.
Do not specialise std::hash, instead write your own hash function object (see Edge_Hash below) and declare your unordered_set with two template arguments.
#include <unordered_set>
#include <functional>
namespace foo
// an edge is a link between two nodes
struct Edge
size_t src, dst;
// this is an example of symmetric hash (suitable for undirected graphs)
struct Edge_Hash
inline size_t operator() ( const Edge& e ) const
static std::hash<size_t> H;
return H(e.src) ^ H(e.dst);
// this keeps all edges in a set based on their hash value
struct Edge_Set
// I think this is what you're trying to do?
std::unordered_set<Edge,Edge_Hash> edges;
int main()
foo::Edge_Set e;
Related posts are, eg:
Inserting in unordered_set using custom hash function
Trouble creating custom hash function unordered_map
Thanks to everyone.
I have found the reason and solved the problem somehow: visual studio accepted the InstanceHash when I was defining instances_. Since I was changing the use of set to unordered_set, I forgot to specify InstanceHash when I tried to get the const_iterator, so this time the compiler tried to use the std::hash<> things and failed. But the compiler didn't locate the line using const_iterator, so I mistakenly thought it didn't accept InstanceHash when I was defining instances_.
I also tried to specialize the std::hash<> for class Instance. However, this specialization requires at least the declaration of class ca::Instance and some of its member functions to calculate the hash value. After this specialization, the definition of class ca::InstanceManage will use it.
I now generally put declarations and implementations of almost every classes and member functions together. So, the thing I need to do is probably to split the ca namespace scope to 2 parts and put the std{ template <> struct hash<ca::Instance>{...}} in the middle.

is it possible to have boost::optional of a class and call its member functions?

I tried using boost optional and it works nice, but I cant find a way to call the member functions of the wrapped type. Is that by design or? I guess so because calling member funcs of unitialized boost::optional variable would be bad, but I want to be 100% sure.
class test
int test_method()
return 1984;
test tst;
boost::optional<test> get_test()
boost::optional<test> result(tst);
return result;
// main
boost::optional <test> ret_val= get_test();
int x=ret_val.test_method();
‘class boost::optional ANGLE_BRACKET test ANGLE_BRACKET ’ has no member named ‘test_method’
Try using ret_val->test_method() instead; operator-> can access the contained object in a boost::optional. Note that you need to ensure that the optional is not empty before you do that.

Proper way to declare an enum in Managed C++ 2005?

If I use /clr:oldSyntax the following should work:
public __value enum IceCreamFlavors
what is the equivalent in non-oldSyntax? How do I declare a "managed" enum in Managed C++ for .NET 2.0?
when I follow JaredPar's advice, then if I try to pass an IceCreamFlavor to a function with the signature:
OrderFlavor(IceCreamFlavors flav)
by running
I get the error:
'IceCreamFlavors Sardine' : member function redeclaration not allowed
enum class IceCreamFlavors {
Are you, by any chance, trying to declare your enum inside another class?
public ref class Icecream
public enum class flavours
If you are, I would guess that you need to move it out so that it is its own class instead of a nested one. (Does managed c++ allow nested classes?) My impression is that you used to be able to do it unmanaged style inside another class, but since its its own class now, you probably shouldn't be nesting them. I might be wrong. My knowledge of managed c++ and c# is kind of weak.
