Certificate validation using internet to validate unnecessarily? - validation

I have an application that receives items from a high-speed scanner device. As the items are received, they are written to disk using SQL Compact. The following digitally signed Microsoft DLLs are used:
I recieved a performance complain from a customer, and traced the issue using Microsoft Procmon to a TCP Reconnect failure when attempting to contact the site for certificate validation when we make calls to methods in these dlls. At first, I could not recreate the issue locally. After talking to their infrastructure people and developers, I learned that they must use a proxy for internet connectivity. Some of the customer's users (in the test environment) had valid proxy settings, and they got good performance from our application. Naturally when they turned their proxy settings off, the validation could not be done and the performance issue arose.
I attempted to recreate the issue by setting our machine up with false proxy settings to a non-existent machine. On my initial attempt, I still got good performacne from our application, and no attempt was made to contact the internet for cert validation. After looking at the cert's validation chain, I noticed that it derived from the certificate "Microsoft Root Certificate Authority". I then exported and deleted that Cert, and was able to reproduce the issue as determined by a comparison of logs.
I did the following tests:
Test 1:
1. Opened the proxy settings, and enabled them pointing to a non-existent address.
2. Ran a test.
Results: No performance issue.
Test 2:
1. Exported the “Microsoft Root Certificate Authority” cert and moved it to the untrusted folder.
2. Ran a test.
Results: The performance issue occurred.
Test 3:
1. Deleted the “Microsoft Root Certificate Authority” cert.
2. Started a test.
Results: The performance issue began occuring.
3. While the test was in progress and device was hesitating I removed the false proxy settings.
Results: The performance issue disappeared and the application recovered.
Tentative Conclusions:
1. That I can simulate the no internet access condition by providing false proxy settings.
2. If the “Microsoft Root Certificate Authority” cert is installed properly, the .Net infrastructure does not need to access the network to verify the necessary cert.
3. If not, it will attempt to validate via the internet connection.
Nevertheless, when the customer checked the certificates in the "Trusted Roots Certificates" folder of mmc->certificates-local computer. The "Microsoft Root Certificate Authority" certificate does appear there, and it seems to be identical to mine. Yet for some reason the use of the dll's causes certificate validation to attempt to access the internet resulting in a performance issue.
In the customer's situation, eventually devices will be used in production with no internet access.
My question is, is there a setting (registry, or GPO) that might cause certificate validation to always attempt to use the internet, regardless of whether the root certificate of the validation chain is installed in the local computer?
Can a setting be enabled that causes a certificate validation to access the internet to check to see if the root certificate has been revoked, for example?
Please feel free to ask questions if you need more information.

This appears to occur for SQL Server Compact 4.0 on any system with an invalid proxy configuration, as a Certificate Revocation List check is run each time the engine is loaded (which happens on the first call to .Open()).
Solution: To avoid this delay, which probably affects any signed app on the system in question, you must fix the configuration or disable the check. The check can be disabled via UI or via registry settings, as described here: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/18E25101F0839C6286256F960061B282
For additionla issues see my blog post here: http://erikej.blogspot.com/2013/08/faq-why-is-opening-my-sql-server.html


Securing communication on a portable intranet (changing IP addresses)

I have the following scenario:
A network will be set up on a Windows infrastructure
A website will be put on that network - It is not given a domain name and is not available on the internet. It will be addressed only via an internally recognised IP address.
A piece of software within that network will communicate with the website
(we want to avoid the 'Could not establish trust relationship issue' found with self-signed certificates without reducing security as, I believe, the accepted answer does).
The website will also be viewed on tablets and PCs.
After a few days, the service will be be put on a different network (with different IPs).
It will installed on many PCs/Networks.
I want to secure this via SSL, but it seems tricky following the 2015 update that disallowed IP addresses to have certificates.
This post suggests going via a public IP, but the solution may be completely offline in an area without internet access.
I've spent hours researching, but seem to be missing something.
How should this be done please?
I would setup a DNS server with an app.local domain that gets issued the certificate.
Even if you serve up the intermediate certificates in the TLS handshake (which you should ALWAYS do and not rely on AIA), verifying the chain becomes problematic without Internet access as browsers won't be able to reach the CRL URL (Certificate Revocation List). That is, of course, unless we're talking about your own CA (living in the same network) that issues the site certificate.
If everything you describe runs in a well guarded sandbox then you probably don't need the TLS layer at all, ask yourself WHO is the attacker and WHAT are you protecting.

Why is Firefox saying that my website is using an "invalid security certificate"?

I have been using a wildcard SSL certificate for several of my company's B2B websites for some time. Recently, we noticed that Google Chrome started displaying a red unlocked lock with HTTPS crossed out for all of these websites. The solution I found was to reissue the certificate from the provider (Network Solutions). So, I did this, and updated the certificate for each of the websites, and the Google Chrome issue went away (HOORAY!). However, when visiting any of these websites in Firefox, it displays a security message stating the website is using an invalid security certificate:
How can I resolve this so that our users are not confused when visiting these websites?
P.S. These websites are running on IIS6.
It looks as if the certificate chain is incomplete and, thus, Firefox (and likely other browsers) cannot verify the site certificate. Normally browsers store intermediate certificates they have seen in the past - that might be a reason why it works in Chrome.
You can test using https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html.
Depending on the server software (here, for Apache httpd and other servers which read the certificate in PEM/DER format), you can just paste the intermediate certificates together with the certificate in one .pem file (which is used as Certificate file).
The chain (intermediate certificates) is/are normally provided by your CA. In your case you could also use Chrome the review the certificate and then store/extract all intermediate certificates from the certificate view.
You can get this certificate is not trusted error if server doesn't send a required intermediate certificate.
Firefox automatically stores intermediate certificates that servers send in the Certificate Manager for future usage.
If a server doesn't send a full certificate chain then you won't get an untrusted error when Firefox has stored missing intermediate certificates from visiting a server in the past that has send it, but you do get an untrusted error if this intermediate certificate isn't stored yet.
You can inspect the certificate chain via a site like this:
I followed the instructions at enter link description here, to import the intermediate certificates.
In IIS, there is an option under Directory Security to "Enable certificate trust list". I enabled it and added the "AddTrust External CA Root" to the CTL certificates list and this appears to have fixed the issue.

Why use SSL for the NuGet repository?

We had an issue with our automated build machine yesterday. We are using a TFS Build server, and when it tried to automatically download NuGet packages, we got the infamous "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel" error.
There are a lot of threads around the 'net regarding why this happens. That isn't my question. It can be fixed easily enough by changing your NuGet repository from
What I'd like to know is why the repository is using SSL in the first place? I assume it is there for a reason, but I can't figure out what. There is no login that would require security. I can't think of any information being sent that would need to be secure. I just want to make sure that by using an unsecured connection (which works just fine) we aren't somehow compromising our build machine.
Can anyone explain what is gained from connecting to NuGet using a secured connection?
I can't think of any information being sent that would need to be
It is not necessarily because the information you exchange with nuget.org contains anything secret and thus needs to be secure. By using using SSL you will be certain that it actually is nuget.org you're talking with. Without SSL, somebody might in theory be feeding you bogus packages, and that might be a security problem.
As for the issue you're experiencing with "Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel", we've had a similar problem when we started using a new build server:
If you look at the SSL certificate presented by https://nuget.org/, the certification path is: GeoTrust Global CA > RapidSSL CA > *.nuget.org
GeoTrust Global CA was missing as a trusted CA on our new build server, so the problem was easily solved by adding them to the build servers list of trusted root CAs (using the MMC console with the Certificates snap-in).
On a later service, I've experienced the same SSL issue, and adding GeoTrust as a trusted CA alone didn't solve the problem. In addition, the server was also missing to root CA for https://go.microsoft.com/, which is Baltimore CyberTrust Root (go to https://microsoft.com, and you'll be able to view and download the certificate). Adding this to the servers list of trusted root CAs solved the issue.

Why does Windows Azure Tools insist that my SSL configuration is incorrect?

I'm about at the end of my rope with Windows Azure Tools and SSL configuration in the ServiceDefinition/ServiceConfiguration files in a cloud project.
At first, I had a web role with RDP enabled (and certificate configured, etc). All that worked for a long time. Then I added an SSL certificate for an https endpoint. It wouldn't deploy because of certificates not being installed in my localmachine/personal store, etc. After messing with it, somehow I've gotten into a bad state where even if I completely remove all configurations having to do with RDP or SSL, I still get this from the emulator:
Windows Azure Tools: Warning: The SSL certificate 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.PasswordEncryption' for endpoint 'HttpsIn' of role 'My.Web' was not found in the local machine's certificate store.
Windows Azure Tools: Warning: Certificate identification setting 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.PasswordEncryption' for role 'My.Worker' specified in the service configuration file is not declared in the service definition file in the Certificate or as part of an SSL endpont
Like I said, there is no such configuration in any of my files, and when there were, they hadn't changed from the time that they worked until this. I tried deleting the dftemp directory where the deployments get placed, I've cleaned and rebuilt the cloud project, I've killed visual studio and the emulator(s), and still always wind up back in the same place.
Has anyone else seen this?
I'm not sure what happened, but after leaving for the day and coming back this morning, I found that a system reboot seemed to clear the issue. I have no idea why, but this seems to have resolved itself.
for first error, you have to remove certificate from certificate section of your service configuration file(cscfg). This certificate is used for encrypting your RDP password.
For second error, I think if you remove above section, it will automatically disappear. Also ensure that you have removed modules RemoteAccess, RemoteForwarder from service definition file(csdef)

"Could not establish trust relationship with remote server" error when Windows mobile .NET device consuming a webservice

We have an existing certificate (global sign) that works fine when a Windows Mobile application (.NET 3.5) tried to consume the web service (also written in .NET 3.5) that is hosted on IIS.
However the when we make the re-issued certificate (global sign) live, the Windows Mobile application is failing to connect to the web service, the error we are getting is "Could not establish trust relationship with remote server". Ive tried searching for this on Google many times and have not found a suitable fix.
We have also tried to copy (and install) the ROOT and intermediate certificate in the chain to the device, but this still does not work.
When we test the new certificate with a PC web browser (IE, Firefox, Opera), a Desktop application that consumes the web service (.NET 3.5), and even Internet Explorer on the Windows Mobile device the .NET web service definitions/documentation page is show without problems (no warnings, or errors), it seems to only be an issue on the windows mobile device when using a compact framework (3.5) application is trying to consume the web service.
We have validated that the certificate is installed correctly on the SSL shopper site, and after our google searches we came across and implemented (as a test) a "trust all" ICertificatePolicy handler, this has resolved the problem, however i was hoping that this problem could be addressed by configuration/setup change rather than a code change and a re-deployment of over 150 windows mobile based devices.
The ICertificatePolicy hander did show up the error that was being returned when trying to validate the certificate: the problem parameter was set to: -2146762481 (0x800B010F in HEX), which i believe is the "CN No MATCH" error, however Ive searched for this in both its numeric, hex and name form and have yet to find a resolution other than the "Trust all" code change.
I thought I would post the answer here in case anyone else runs in to this problem. I've not found a 100% rock solid explanation, but we have managed to make it work and this has made me come up with a hypothesis as to the problem:
It appears that the compact framework seems to be taking the first Common Name (CN) off the "Subject Name Alternative" field of the SSL certificate and only evaluating the certificate against that whilst the full framework, IE and IE on the mobile device seemed to be using both. My reasoning for believing this is below:
The PDA application was accessing the url:
Our old SSL certificate that worked had the following in the "Subject Alternative Name":
DNS Name=AMobileWebService.com
DNS Name=www.AMobileWebService.com
And the new certificate that did not work was contained the following in the same field:
DNS Name=www.AMobileWebService.com
DNS Name=AMobileWebService.com
When we changed the application to use https://www.AMobileSebService.com/Webservice.asmx, the old certificate (that was previously working) failed to establish a trusted relationship, and the new certificate worked (but previously did not).
As I mentioned earlier this leads me to believe that the .NET CF is only retrieving the first name in the SSL certificate and then evaluating the url host name against that, rather than doing it against both as in the full .NET Framework.
We came to this conclusion by implementing a "trust all certificates" work around that we found on stackoverflow:
The problem parameter on the workaround was returning the value -2146762481. Searching on hex representation of the value (0x800B010F) pointed me to the following information: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/rrasblog/2007/09/26/how-to-debug-sstp-specific-connection-failures/
The error turned out to be the constant : CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH
