I don't know anyone that can read VBScript. I am wondering if anyone help me read the following statements?
Public Sub GetNodeName(CompIP)
Dim i
Dim ProcedureName
ProcedureName = "GetNodeName(CompIP): " & CompIP
ProcedureName = "ProcedureName & ": " & $Date & ": " & $Time
For i = To $CompName -> Size
If CompIP = $COMPUTER_IP[i] Then
$NodeNumber = i
$ComputerID = $CompName[i]
i = $CompName -> Size + 1
$DemoMode = 0
Else 'Demomode
$NodeNumber = 1
$DemoMode = 1
$ComputerID = "Demo Mode"
End If
For i = 1 To $CompName -> Size
If $CompName[i] = NodeName Then
'Exit Loop
i = $CompName -> Size + 1
End if
If GetNodeName = -1 Then $Trace("Node not found")
ComputerName is TABLET4. IP Address is
Whatever language that is, the intent of the code is clear.
The sub iterates through parallel arrays $CompName and $COMPUTER_IP two find the name of the computer ($CompName[i]) that corresponds to the provided id (CompIP).
If a match is found, it sets $NodeNumber to the index of the match, $ComputerID to the name of the computer, and $DemoMode to 0.
If no match is found, it sets $NodeNumber to 1, $ComputerID to Demo Mode, and $DemoMode to 1.
I need to know how to get average reply time from using ping command in the vbs.
I found out that I can get all ping output just executing this command but may be I can just get my time data and calculate in variable without using string handling.
Set objExec = objShell.Exec("ping -n 2 -w 1000 " & strTarget)
strPingResults = LCase(objExec.StdOut.ReadAll)
I would not recommend shelling out to ping.exe and then parsing the output. Use WMI instead:
target = 'somecomputer'
n = 2
Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2")
qry = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE address='" & target & "'"
rspTime = 0
cnt = 0
For i = 1 To n
For Each pingStatus In wmi.ExecQuery(qry)
If Not IsNull(pingStatus.StatusCode) Or pingStatus.StatusCode = 0 Then
rspTime = rspTime + pingStatus.ResponseTime
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If cnt > 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Average response time: " & (rspTime / cnt)
WScript.Echo "Host unreachable"
End If
To get around a runtime error I need to read from an SAP table AGR_1251 in chunks using VBScript when I run a (SE16 | AGR_1251) query. I get this error TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED - No more storage space available for extending an internal table.
As a work around, we manually copy 750 roles from the user by roles at a time, add a "*" to those that end with a certain character, then paste this back into the multiple select dialog to get the the AGR_1251 extract results in chunks.
I can't figure out how to do this in vbscript. How do I programmatically chunk this data? Ideally I would deduplicate it as well, but its not required.
The code has to run on both vbscript and in javascript, so I can't use excel or other windows tools like wscript. The best idea I have so far is to scroll through and copy just the roles to a file, read them back into an array and dedupe as I read them, then alter them, then loop back through the list to chuck out the results.
This is WAY above my nearly nonexistant vbscript skills. I can't be the only one who has had this problem. Can anyone point me to examples code that does this?
I'm open to suggestions on a better approach as well. I think my solution is fugly to say the least.
OK, this code is fugly with some unneeded variables, but it works.
Sub Save_AGR_1251s(Tcodes_array,Chunk_size)
writelog("Processing " & ubound(Tcodes_array) & " Tcodes in AGR_1251...")
k = 0
s = Chunk_size
max = ubound(Tcodes_array)
part = 0
roles_processed = 0
For i = 0 To max Step s
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtMAX_SEL").text = ""
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtMAX_SEL").caretPosition = 11
k = i + s
counter = 0
part = part + 1
If k > max Then k = max End If
For j = i To k-1
' writelog("Save_AGR_1251s Processing Tcode: " & Tcodes_array(j))
If (Tcodes_array(j) <> "STMS" or Tcodes_array(j) <> "SCC4") Then
'NOTE: The slow insert is used on XXXX Prod as a work around to odd UI behavior - change with caution - But SLOW!!
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,7]").text = Tcodes_array(j)
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,7]").caretPosition = 1
'VKey 13 = Shift-F1 (insert new row)
session.findById("wnd[1]").sendVKey 13
If Debug_flag = True Then
writelog("i=" & i & " j=" & j & " k=" & k & " s=" & s &" max=" & max &" counter= " & counter)
writelog("part =" & part & " roles= " & roles & "roles_processed="& roles_processed & " Tcodes_array= " & Tcodes_array(j))
End If ' Debug_flag
counter = counter + 1
roles_processed = roles_processed + 1
End If ' Tcodes_array
Next 'for j to k
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,1]").caretPosition = 13
session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 8
session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 45
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_PATH").text = dir
file_name = AGR_1251_filename & "_Part_" & part & c_dash & postfix & Datafile_ext
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_FILENAME").text = file_name
writelog("Saving file: " & dir & file_name)
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_FILE_ENCODING").text = File_encoding
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_PATH").caretPosition = 16
session.findById("wnd[1]").sendVKey 11
Next ' For i
End Sub
Note that you can do this much faster on most systems by simply doing this
for i = 1 to 100
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1," & 7 & "]").text = "Test " & i
next 'for i
hi all i have this question as bellow
how capitalize full in one vb6 Vb6 string variable
‘my fullname
Dim fullname as string
Fullname = “abdirahman abdirisaq ali”
Msgbox capitalize(fullname)
it prints abdirahmanAbdirisaq ali that means it skips the middle name space even if I add more spaces its same .
this is my own code and efforts it takes me at least 2 hours and still .
I tired it tired tired please save me thanks more.
Please check my code and help me what is type of mistakes I wrote .
This is my code
Private Function capitalize(txt As String) As String
txt = LTrim(txt)
temp_str = ""
Start_From = 1
spacing = 0
For i = 1 To Len(txt)
If i = 1 Then
temp_str = UCase(Left(txt, i))
Start_From = Start_From + 1
If Mid(txt, i, 1) = " " Then
Start_From = i
spacing = spacing + 1
temp_str = temp_str & UCase(Mid(txt, Start_From + 1, 1))
Start_From = Start_From + 1
temp_str = temp_str & LCase(Mid(txt, Start_From, 1))
End If
End If
Next i
checkName = temp_str
End Function
It's far simpler than that. In VB6 you should use Option Explicit to properly type your variables. That also requires you to declare them.
Option Explicit
Private Function capitalize(txt As String) As String
Dim temp_str as String
Dim Names As Variant
Dim Index As Long
'Remove leading and trailing spaces
temp_str = Trim$(txt)
'Remove any duplicate spaces just to be sure.
Do While Instr(temp_str, " ") > 0
temp_str = Replace(temp_str, " ", " ")
'Create an array of the individual names, separating them by the space delimiter
Names = Split(temp_str, " ")
'Now put them, back together with capitalisation
temp_str = vbnullstring
For Index = 0 to Ubound(Names)
temp_str = temp_str + Ucase$(Left$(Names(Index),1)) + Mid$(Names(Index),2) + " "
'Remove trailing space
capitalize = Left$(temp_str, Len(temp_str) - 1)
End Function
That's the fairly easy part. If you are only going to handle people's names it still needs more work to handle names like MacFarland, O'Connor, etc.
Business names get more complicated with since they can have a name like "Village on the Lake Apartments" where some words are not capitalized. It's a legal business name so the capitalization is important.
Professional and business suffixes can also be problematic if everything is in lower case - like phd should be PhD, llc should be LLC, and iii, as in John Smith III, would come out Iii.
There is also a VB6 function that will capitalize the first letter of each word. It is StrConv(string,vbProperCase) but it also sets everything that is not the first letter to lower case. So PhD becomes Phd and III becomes Iii. Where as the above code does not change the trailing portion to lower case so if it is entered correctly it remains correct.
Try this
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
MsgBox capitalize("abdirahman abdirisaq ali")
MsgBox capitalize("abdirahman abdirisaq ali")
End Sub
Private Function capitalize(txt As String) As String
Dim Names() As String
Dim NewNames() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Names = Split(txt, " ")
j = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(Names)
If Names(i) <> "" Then
Mid(Names(i), 1, 1) = UCase(Left(Names(i), 1))
ReDim Preserve NewNames(j)
NewNames(j) = Names(i)
j = j + 1
End If
capitalize = Join(NewNames, " ")
End Function
Use the VB6 statement
Names = StrConv(Names, vbProperCase)
it's all you need (use your own variable instead of Names)
This is the middle of the code I'm trying to work with. Is there a way to make the file it's reading open and read from line 2 to line 97? Where I need the correction is starred (****). What I'm trying to do is get the data from lines 2 through 97 to compare to another file I'll have to open from the same lines. The beginning and ends of each file are different but the middle information should match thus I need these specific lines.
' Build Aliquot file name
strFile = aBarcodeExportDir & "A-" & yearStr & "-" & splitStr2(0) & ".csv"
'msgbox("open file: " & strFile)
If (objFS.FileExists(strFile)) Then
' Open A file
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile)
' Build string with file name minus extension - used later to determine EOF
strFileNameNoExtension = "A-" & yearStr & "-" & splitStr2(0)
' Create dictionary to hold key/value pairs - key = position; value = barcode
Set dictA = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Begin processing A file
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream(*****)
' Read a line
strLine = objFile.ReadLine(*****)
' Split on semi-colons
splitStr = Split(strLine, ";")
' If splitStr array contains more than 1 element then continue
If(UBound(splitStr) > 0) Then
' If barcode field is equal to file name then EOF
If(splitStr(6) = strFileNameNoExtension) Then
' End of file - exit loop
Exit Do
' Add to dictionary
' To calculate position
' A = element(2) = position in row (1-16)
compA = splitStr(2)
' B = element(4) = row
compB = splitStr(4)
' C = element(5.1) = number of max positions in row
splitElement5 = Split(splitStr(5), "/")
compC = splitElement5(0)
' position = C * (B - 1) + A
position = compC * (compB - 1) + compA
barcode = splitStr(6) & ";" & splitStr(0) & ";" & splitStr(1) & ";" & splitStr(2)
'msgbox(position & ":" & barcode)
' Add to dictionary
dictA.Add CStr(position), barcode
End If
End If
' Close A file
To give the exact answer, we may have to look at your text files(I mean with all the split functions you are using). But, If you just want to compare lines 2-97 of two text files, you can get a hint from the following piece of code:
strPath1 = "C:\Users\gr.singh\Desktop\abc\file1.txt" 'Replace with your File1 Path
strPath2 = "C:\Users\gr.singh\Desktop\abc\file2.txt" 'Replace with your File2 Path
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile1 = objFso.OpenTextFile(strPath1,1)
Set objFile2 = objFso.OpenTextFile(strPath2,1)
blnMatchFailed = False
Do Until objFile1.AtEndOfStream
If objFile1.Line=1 Then
objFile1.SkipLine() 'Skips the 1st line of both the files
ElseIf objFile1.Line>=2 And objFile1.Line<=97 Then
strFile1 = objFile1.ReadLine()
strFile2 = objFile2.ReadLine()
If StrComp(strFile1,strFile2,1)<>0 Then 'textual comparison. Change 1 to 0, if you want binary comparison of both lines
blnMatchFailed = True
intFailedLine = objFile1.Line
Exit Do 'As soon as match fails, exit the Do while Loop
blnMatchFailed = False
End If
Exit Do
End If
If blnMatchFailed Then
MsgBox "Comparison Failed at line "&intFailedLine
MsgBox "Comparison Passed"
End If
Set objFile1 = Nothing
Set objFile2 = Nothing
Set objFso = Nothing
Okay, I am trying to convert the user given decimal number to binary but Internet Explorer gives me this error:
Isn't that how you send a dynamic array as function argument in VBScript?
VBScript code:
Function toBinary(number, binary)
Dim remainder : remainder = 0
Dim index : index = 0
While (number <> 0)
remainder = number Mod 2
number = number \ 2
ReDim binary(index)
binary(index) = remainder
index = index + 1
toBinary = binary
End Function
Dim number
Dim response : response = vbYes
Dim binary()
While (response = vbYes)
number = InputBox("Enter A Decimal Number: ")
If (Not IsNumeric(number)) Then
response = MsgBox("Wrong Input, Wanna Try Again? ", vbYesNo)
MsgBox (number & " is equal to " & toBinary(number, binary) & " in Binary")
response = vbNo
End If
In the line msgbox ( number & " is equal to " & toBinary(number, binary) & " in Binary"), the function toBinary(...) returns an array.
An array cannot be converted to a string in vbscript, so when you concatenate it to display it, you get an error.
In your example, I would suggest that you build a string instead of an array and return that string :
Function toBinary(value)
dim result : result = ""
dim remainder : remainder = 0
If value = 0 Then
result = "0"
While (value <> 0)
remainder = value Mod 2
result = remainder & result
value = value \ 2
End If
toBinary = result
End Function
dim number
dim response : response = vbYes
dim binary()
while ( response = vbYes )
number = inputbox("Enter A Decimal Number: ")
if ( Not IsNumeric(number)) then
response = msgbox("Wrong Input, Wanna Try Again ? ", vbYesNo)
msgbox ( number & " is equal to " & toBinary(number) & " in Binary")
response = vbNo
end if