Assembly - How to score a CPU instruction by latency and throughput - performance

I'm looking for a type of a formula / way to measure how fast an instruction is, or more specific to give a "score" each of the instruction by CPU cycles.
Let's take the follow assembly program for an example,
mov eax,dword ptr [rbp+34h]
inc eax
mov dword ptr [rbp+34h],eax
and the following Intel Skylake information:
mov r,m : Throughput=0.5 Latency=2
mov m,r
: Throughput=1 Latency=2
nop : Throughput=0.25 Latency=non
inc : Throughput=0.25 Latency=1
I know that the order of the instructions in the program are matter in here but
I'm looking to create something general that not need to be "accurate to the single cycle"
any one have any idea how can I do that?

There is no formula you can apply; you have to measure.
The same instruction on different versions of the same uarch family can have different performance. e.g. mulps:
Sandybridge 1c / 5c throughput/latency.
HSW 0.5 / 5. BDW 0.5 / 3 (faster multiply path in the FMA unit? FMA is still 5c).
SKL 0.5 / 4 (lower latency FMA, too). SKL runs addps on the FMA unit as well, dropping the dedicated FP multiply unit so add latency is higher, but throughput is higher.
There's no way you could predict any of this without measuring, or knowing some microarchitectural details. We expect FP math ops won't be single-cycle latency, because they're much more complicated than integer ops. (So if they were single cycle, the clock speed is set too low for integer ops.)
You measure by repeating the instruction many times in an unrolled loop. Or fully unrolled with no looping, but then you defeat the uop-cache and can get front-end bottlenecks. (e.g. for decoding 10-byte mov r64, imm64) has already automated this testing for every form of every (unprivileged) instruction, and you can even click on any table entry to see what test loops they used. e.g. Skylake xchg r32, eax latency testing ( from each input operand to each output. (2 cycle latency from EAX -> R8D, but 1 cycle latency from R8D -> EAX.) So we can guess that the 3 uops include copying EAX to an internal temporary, but moving directly from the other operand to EAX. is the current best source of test data; when it and Agner's tables disagree, my own measurements and/or other sources have always confirmed's testing was accurate. And they don't try to make up a latency number for 2 halves of a round-trip like movd xmm0,eax and back, they show you the range of possible latencies assuming the rest of the chain was the minimum plausible.
Agner Fog creates his instruction tables (which you appear to be reading) by timing large non-looping blocks of code that repeat an instruction. The intro section of his instruction-tables explains briefly how he measures, and his microarch guide explains more details of how different x86 microarchitectures work internally. Unfortunately there are occasional typos or copy/paste errors in his hand-edited tables. also has results of experimental measurements. I think they use a similar technique of a large block of the same instruction repeated, maybe small enough to fit in the uop cache. But they don't use perf counters to measure what execution port each instruction needs, so their throughput numbers don't help you figure out which instructions compete with which other instructions.
These latter two sources have been around for longer than, and cover some older CPUs, especially older AMD.
To measure latency yourself, you make the output of each instruction an input for the next.
mov ecx, 10000000
inc eax
inc eax
inc eax
inc eax
inc eax
inc eax
sub ecx,1 ; avoid partial-flag false dep for P4
jnz inc_latency ; dec or sub/jnz macro-fuses into 1 uop on Intel SnB-family
This dependency chain of 7 inc instructions will bottleneck the loop at 1 iteration per 7 * inc_latency cycles. Using perf counters for core clock cycles (not RDTSC cycles), you can easily measure the time for all the iterations to 1 part in 10k, and with more care probably even more precisely than that. The repeat count of 10000000 hides start/stop overhead of whatever timing you use.
I normally put a loop like this in a Linux static executable that just makes a sys_exit(0) system call directly (with a syscall) instruction, and time the whole executable with perf stat ./testloop to get time and a cycle count. (See Can x86's MOV really be "free"? Why can't I reproduce this at all? for an example).
Another example is Understanding the impact of lfence on a loop with two long dependency chains, for increasing lengths, with the added complication of using lfence to drain the out-of-order execution window for two dep chains.
To measure throughput, you use separate registers, and/or include an xor-zeroing occasionally to break dep chains and let out-of-order exec overlap things. Don't forget to also use perf counters to see which ports it can run on, so you can tell which other instructions it will compete with. (e.g. FMA (p01) and shuffles (p5) don't compete at all for back-end resources on Haswell/Skylake, only for front-end throughput.) Don't forget to measure front-end uop counts, too: some instructions decode to multiply uops.
How many different dependency chains do we need to avoid a bottleneck? Well we know the latency (measure it first), and we know the max possible throughput (number of execution ports, or front-end throughput.)
For example, if FP multiply had 0.25c throughput (4 per clock), we could keep 20 in flight at once on Haswell (5c latency). That's more than we have registers, so we could just use all 16 and discover that in fact the throughput is only 0.5c. But if it had turned out that 16 registers was a bottleneck, we could add xorps xmm0,xmm0 occasionally and let out-of-order execution overlap some blocks.
More is normally better; having just barely enough to hide latency can slow down with imperfect scheduling. If we wanted to go nuts measuring inc, we'd do this:
mov ecx, 10000000
%rep 10 ;; source-level repeat of a block, no runtime branching
inc eax
inc ebx
; not ecx, we're using it as a loop counter
inc edx
inc esi
inc edi
inc ebp
inc r8d
inc r9d
inc r10d
inc r11d
inc r12d
inc r13d
inc r14d
inc r15d
sub ecx,1 ; break partial-flag false dep for P4
jnz inc_latency ; dec/jnz macro-fuses into 1 uop on Intel SnB-family
If we were worried about partial-flag false dependencies or flag-merging effects, we might experiment with mixing in an xor eax,eax somewhere to let OoO exec overlap more than just when sub wrote all flags. (See INC instruction vs ADD 1: Does it matter?)
There's a similar problem for measuring throughput and latency of shl r32, cl on Sandybridge-family: the flag dependency chain isn't normally relevant for a computation, but putting shl back-to-back creates a dependency through FLAGS as well as through the register. (Or for throughput, there isn't even a register dep).
I posted about this on Agner Fog's blog: I mixed shl edx,cl in with four add edx,1 instructions, to see what incremental slowdown adding one more instruction had, where the FLAGS dependency was a non-issue. On SKL, it only slows down by an extra 1.23 cycles on average, so the true latency cost of that shl was only ~1.23 cycles, not 2. (It's not a whole number or just 1 because of resource conflicts to run the flag-merging uops of the shl, I guess. BMI2 shlx edx, edx, ecx would be exactly 1c because it's only a single uop.)
Related: for static performance analysis of whole blocks of code (containing different instructions), see What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?. (It's using the word "latency" for the end-to-end latency of a whole computation, but actually asking about things small enough for OoO exec to overlap different parts, so instruction latency and throughput both matter.)
The Latency=2 numbers for load/store appear to be from Agner Fog's instruction tables ( They unfortunately aren't accurate for a chain of mov rax, [rax]. You'll find that's 4c
latency if you measure it by putting that in a loop.
Agner splits up load/store latency into something that makes the total store/reload latency come out correct, but for some reason he doesn't make the load part equal to the L1d load-use latency when it comes from cache instead of the store buffer. (But also note that if the load feeds an ALU instruction instead of another load, the latency is 5c. So the simple addressing-mode fast-path only helps for pure pointer-chasing.)


Timing of executing 8 bit and 64 bit instructions on 64 bit x64/Amd64 processors

Is there any execution timing difference between 8 it and 64 bit instructions on 64 bit x64/Amd64 processor, when those instructions are similar/same except bit width?
Is there a way to find real processor timing of executing these 2 tiny assembly functions?
; 64 bit instructions
mov $0x1, %rax
add $0x2, %rax
; 8 bit instructions
mov $0x1, %al
add $0x2, %al
Yes, there's a difference. mov $0x1, %al has a false dependency on the old value of RAX on most CPUs, including everything newer than Sandybridge. It's a 2-input 1-output instruction; from the CPU's point of view it's like add $1, %al as far as scheduling it independently or not relative to other uses of RAX. Only writing a 32 or 64-bit register starts a new dependency chain.
This means the AL return value of your add8 function might not be ready until after a cache miss for some independent work the caller happened to be doing in EAX before the call, but the RAX result of add64 could be ready right away for out-of-order execution to get started on later instructions in the caller that use the return value. (Assuming their other inputs are also ready.)
Why doesn't GCC use partial registers? and
How exactly do partial registers on Haswell/Skylake perform? Writing AL seems to have a false dependency on RAX, and AH is inconsistent
and What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand? - Important background for understanding performance on modern OoO exec CPUs.
Their code-size also differs: Both the 8-bit instructions are 2 bytes long. (Thanks to the AL, imm8 short-form encoding; add $1, %dl would be 3 bytes). The RAX instructions are 7 and 4 bytes long. This matters for L1i cache footprint (and on a large scale, for how many bytes have to get paged in from disk). On a small scale, how many instructions can fit into a 16 or 32-byte fetch block if the CPU is doing legacy decode because the code wasn't already hot in the uop cache. Also code-alignment of later instructions is affected by varying lengths of previous instructions, sometimes affecting which branches alias each other. explains the details of the pipelines of various x86 microarchitectures, including front-end decoding effects that can make instruction-length matter beyond just code density in the I-cache / uop-cache.
Generally 32-bit operand-size is the most efficient (for performance, and pretty good for code-size). 32 and 8 are the operand-sizes that x86-64 can use without extra prefixes, and in practice with 8-bit to avoid stalls and badness you need more instructions or longer instructions because they don't zero-extend. The advantages of using 32bit registers/instructions in x86-64.
A few instructions are actually slower in the ALUs for 64-bit operand-size, not just front-end effects. That includes div on most CPUs, and imul on some older CPUs. Also popcnt and bswap. e.g. Trial-division code runs 2x faster as 32-bit on Windows than 64-bit on Linux
Note that mov $0x1, %rax will assemble to 7 bytes with GAS, unless you use as -O2 (not the same as gcc -O2, see this for examples) to get it to optimize to mov $1, %eax which exactly the same architectural effects, but is shorter (no REX or ModRM byte). Some assemblers do that optimization by default, but GAS doesn't. Why NASM on Linux changes registers in x86_64 assembly has more about why this optimization is safe and good, and why you should do it yourself in the source especially if your assembler doesn't do it for you.
But other than the false dep and code-size, they're the same for the back-end of the CPU: all those instructions are single-uop and can run on any scalar-integer ALU execution port1. ( has automated test results for every form of every unprivileged instruction).
Footnote 1: Excavator (last-gen Bulldozer-family) can also run mov $imm, %reg on 2 more ports (AGU) for 32 and 64-bit operand-size. But merging a new low-8 or low-16 into a full register needs an ALU port. So mov $1, %rax has 4/clock throughput on Excavator, but mov $1, %al only has 2/clock throughput. (And of course only if you use a few different destination registers, not actually AL repeatedly; that would be a latency bottleneck of 1/clock because of the false dependency from writing a partial register on that microarchitecture.)
Previous Bulldozer-family CPUs starting with Piledriver can run mov reg, reg (for r32 or r64) on EX0, EX1, AGU0, AGU1, while most ALU instructions including mov $imm, %reg can only run on EX0/1. Further extending the AGU port's capabilities to also handle mov-immediate was a new feature in Excavator.
Fortunately Bulldozer was obsoleted by AMD's much better Zen architecture which has 4 full scalar integer ALU ports / execution units. (And a wider front end and a uop cache, good caches, and generally doesn't suck in a lot of the ways that Bulldozer sucked.)
Is there a way to measure it?
yes, but generally not in a function you call with call. Instead put it in an unrolled loop so you can run it lots of times with minimal other instructions. Especially useful to look at CPU performance counter results to find front-end / back-end uop counts, as well as just the overall time for your loop.
You can construct your loop to measure latency or throughput; see RDTSCP in NASM always returns the same value (timing a single instruction). Also:
Assembly - How to score a CPU instruction by latency and throughput
Idiomatic way of performance evaluation?
Can x86's MOV really be "free"? Why can't I reproduce this at all? is a good specific example of constructing a microbenchmark to measure / prove something specific.
Generally you don't need to measure yourself (although it's good to understand how, that helps you know what the measurements really mean). People have already done that for most CPU microarchitectures. You can predict performance for a specific CPU for some loops (if you can assume no stalls or cache misses) based on analyzing the instructions. Often that can predict performance fairly accurately, but medium-length dependency chains that OoO exec can only partially hide makes it too hard to accurately predict or account for every cycle.
What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand? has links to lots of good details, and stuff about CPU internals.
How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction? (you can't add up a cycle count for each instruction; front-end and back-end throughput, and latency, could each be the bottleneck for a loop.)

Which is generally faster to test for zero in x86 ASM: "TEST EAX, EAX" versus "TEST AL, AL"?

Which is generally faster to test the byte in AL for zero / non-zero?
Assume a previous "MOVZX EAX, BYTE PTR [ESP+4]" instruction loaded a byte parameter with zero-extension to the remainder of EAX, preventing the combine-value penalty that I already know about.
So AL=EAX and there are no partial-register penalties for reading EAX.
Intuitively just examining AL might let you think it's faster, but I'm betting there are more penalty issues to consider for byte access of a >32-bit register.
Any info/details appreciated, thanks!
Code-size is equal, and so is performance on all x86 CPUs AFAIK.
Intel CPUs (with partial-register renaming) definitely don't have a penalty for reading AL after writing EAX. Other CPUs also have no penalty for reading low-byte registers.
Reading AH would have a penalty on Intel CPUs, like some extra latency. (How exactly do partial registers on Haswell/Skylake perform? Writing AL seems to have a false dependency on RAX, and AH is inconsistent)
In general 32-bit operand-size and 8-bit operand size (with low-8 not high-8) are equal speed except for the false-dependencies or later partial-register reading penalties of writing an 8-bit register. Since TEST only reads registers, this can't be a problem. Even add al, bl is fine: the instruction already had an input dependency on both registers, and on Sandybridge-family a RMW to the low byte of a register doesn't rename it separately. (Haswell and later don't rename low-byte registers separately anyway).
Pick whichever operand-size you like. 8-bit and 32-bit are basically equal. The choice is just a matter of human readability. If you're going to work with the value as a 32-bit integer later, then go 32-bit. If it's logically still an 8-bit value and you were only using movzx as the x86 equivalent of ARM ldrb or MIPS lbu, then using 8-bit makes sense.
There are code-size advantages to instructions like cmp al, imm which can use the no-modrm short-form encoding. cmp al, 0 is still worse than test al,al on some old CPUs (Core 2), where cmp/jcc macro-fusion is less flexible than test/jcc macro-fusion. (Test whether a register is zero with CMP reg,0 vs OR reg,reg?)
There is one difference between these instructions: test al,al sets SF according to the high bit of AL (which can be non-zero). test eax,eax will always clear SF. If you only care about ZF then that makes no difference, but if you have a use for the high bit in SF for a later branch or cmovcc/setcc then you can avoid doing a 2nd test.
Other ways to test a byte in memory:
If you're consuming the flag result with setcc or cmovcc, not a jcc branch, then macro-fusion doesn't matter in the discussion below.
If you also need the actual value in a register later, movzx/test/jcc is almost certainly best. Otherwise you can consider a memory-destination compare.
cmp [mem], immediate can micro-fuse into a load+cmp uop on Intel, as long as the addressing mode is not RIP-relative. (On Sandybridge-family, indexed addressing modes will un-laminate even on Haswell and later: See Micro fusion and addressing modes). Agner Fog doesn't mention whether AMD has this limitation for fusing cmp/jcc with a memory operand.
;;; no downside for setcc or cmovcc, only with JCC on Intel
;;; unknown on AMD
cmp byte [esp+4], 0 ; micro-fuses into load+cmp with this addressing mode
jnz ... ; breaks macro-fusion on SnB-family
I don't have an AMD CPU to test whether Ryzen or any other AMD still fuses cmp/jcc when the cmp is mem, immediate. Modern AMD CPUs do in general do cmp/jcc and test/jcc fusion. (But not add/sub/and/jcc fusion like SnB-family).
cmp mem,imm / jcc (vs. movzx/test+jcc):
smaller code-size in bytes
same number of front-end / fused-domain uops (2) on mainstream Intel. This would be 3 front-end uops if micro-fusion of the cmp+load wasn't possible, e.g. with a RIP-relative addressing mode + immediate. Or on Sandybridge-family with an indexed addressing mode, it would unlaminate to 3 uops after decode but before issuing into the back-end.
Advantage: this is still 2 on Silvermont/Goldmont / KNL or very old CPUs without macro-fusion. The main advantage of movzx/test/jcc over this is macro-fusion, so it falls behind on CPUs where that doesn't happen.
3 back-end uops (unfused domain = execution ports and space in the scheduler aka RS) because cmp-immediate can't macro-fuse with a JCC on Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs (tested on Skylake). The uops are load, cmp, and a separate branch uop. (vs. 2 for movzx / test+jcc). Back-end uops usually aren't a bottleneck directly, but if the load isn't ready for a while it takes up more space in the RS, limiting how much further past this out-of-order execution can see.
cmp [mem], reg / jcc can macro + micro-fuse into a single compare+branch uop so it's excellent. If you need a zeroed register for anything later in your function, do xor-zero it first and use it for a single-uop compare+branch on memory.
movzx eax, [esp+4] ; 1 uop (load-port only on Intel and Ryzen)
test al,al ; fuses with jcc
jnz ... ; 1 uop
This is still 2 uops for the front-end but only 2 for the back-end as well. The test/jcc macro-fuse together. It costs more code-size, though.
If you aren't branching but instead using the FLAGS result for cmovcc or setcc, using cmp mem, imm has no downside. It can micro-fuse as long as you don't use a RIP-relative addressing mode (which always blocks micro-fusion when there's also an immediate), or an indexed addressing mode.

Are scaled-index addressing modes a good idea?

Consider the following code:
void foo(int* __restrict__ a)
int i; int val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
val = 2 * i;
a[i] = val;
This complies (with maximum optimization but no unrolling or vectorization) into...
GCC 7.2:
xor eax, eax
mov DWORD PTR [rdi], eax
add eax, 2
add rdi, 4
cmp eax, 200
jne .L2
rep ret
clang 5.0:
foo(int*): # #foo(int*)
xor eax, eax
.LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
mov dword ptr [rdi + 2*rax], eax
add rax, 2
cmp rax, 200
jne .LBB0_1
What are the pros and cons of GCC's vs clang's approach? i.e. an extra variable incremented separately, vs multiplying via a more complex addressing mode?
This question also relates to this one with about the same code, but with float's rather than int's.
Yes, take advantage of the power of x86 addressing modes to save uops, in cases where an index doesn't unlaminate into more extra uops than it would cost to do pointer increments.
(In many cases unrolling and using pointer increments is a win because of unlamination on Intel Sandybridge-family, but if you're not unrolling or if you're only using mov loads instead of folding memory operands into ALU ops for micro-fusion, then indexed addressing modes are often break even on some CPUs and a win on others.)
It's essential to read and understand Micro fusion and addressing modes if you want to make optimal choices here. (And note that IACA gets it wrong, and doesn't simulate Haswell and later keeping some uops micro-fused, so you can't even just check your work by having it do static analysis for you.)
Indexed addressing modes are generally cheap. At worst they cost one extra uop for the front-end (on Intel SnB-family CPUs in some situations), and/or prevent a store-address uop from using port7 (which only supports base + displacement addressing modes). See Agner Fog's microarch pdf, and also David Kanter's Haswell write-up, for more about the store-AGU on port7 which Intel added in Haswell.
On Haswell+, if you need your loop to sustain more than 2 memory ops per clock, then avoid indexed stores.
At best they're free other than the code-size cost of the extra byte in the machine-code encoding. (Having an index register requires a SIB (Scale Index Base) byte in the encoding).
More often the only penalty is the 1 extra cycle of load-use latency vs. a simple [base + 0-2047] addressing mode, on Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs.
It's usually only worth using an extra instruction to avoid an indexed addressing mode if you're going to use that addressing mode in multiple instructions. (e.g. load / modify / store).
Scaling the index is free (on modern CPUs at least) if you're already using a 2-register addressing mode. For lea, Agner Fog's table lists AMD Ryzen as having 2c latency and only 2 per clock throughput for lea with scaled-index addressing modes (or 3-component), otherwise 1c latency and 0.25c throughput. e.g. lea rax, [rcx + rdx] is faster than lea rax, [rcx + 2*rdx], but not by enough to be worth using extra instructions instead.) Ryzen also doesn't like a 32-bit destination in 64-bit mode, for some reason. But the worst-case LEA is still not bad at all. And anyway, mostly unrelated to address-mode choice for loads, because most CPUs (other than in-order Atom) run LEA on the ALUs, not the AGUs used for actual loads/stores.
The main question is between one-register unscaled (so it can be a "base" register in the machine-code encoding: [base + idx*scale + disp]) or two-register. Note that for Intel's micro-fusion limitations, [disp32 + idx*scale] (e.g. indexing a static array) is an indexed addressing mode.
Neither function is totally optimal (even without considering unrolling or vectorization), but clang's looks very close.
The only thing clang could do better is save 2 bytes of code size by avoiding the REX prefixes with add eax, 2 and cmp eax, 200. It promoted all the operands to 64-bit because it's using them with pointers and I guess proved that the C loop doesn't need them to wrap, so in asm it uses 64-bit everywhere. This is pointless; 32-bit operations are always at least as fast as 64, and implicit zero-extension is free. But this only costs 2 bytes of code-size, and costs no performance other than indirect front-end effects from that.
You've constructed your loop so the compiler needs to keep a specific value in registers and can't totally transform the problem into just a pointer-increment + compare against an end pointer (which compilers often do when they don't need the loop variable for anything except array indexing).
You also can't transform to counting a negative index up towards zero (which compilers never do, but reduces the loop overhead to a total of 1 macro-fused add + branch uop on Intel CPUs (which can fuse add + jcc, while AMD can only fuse test or cmp / jcc).
Clang has done a good job noticing that it can use 2*var as the array index (in bytes). This is a good optimization for tune=generic. The indexed store will un-laminate on Intel Sandybridge and Ivybridge, but stay micro-fused on Haswell and later. (And on other CPUs, like Nehalem, Silvermont, Ryzen, Jaguar, or whatever, there's no disadvantage.)
gcc's loop has 1 extra uop in the loop. It can still in theory run at 1 store per clock on Core2 / Nehalem, but it's right up against the 4 uops per clock limit. (And actually, Core2 can't macro-fuse the cmp/jcc in 64-bit mode, so it bottlenecks on the front-end).
Indexed addressing (in loads and stores, lea is different still) has some trade-offs, for example
On many µarchs, instructions that use indexed addressing have a slightly longer latency than instruction that don't. But usually throughput is a more important consideration.
On Netburst, stores with a SIB byte generate an extra µop, and therefore may cost throughput as well. The SIB byte causes an extra µop regardless of whether you use it for indexes addressing or not, but indexed addressing always costs the extra µop. It doesn't apply to loads.
On Haswell/Broadwell (and still in Skylake/Kabylake), stores with indexed addressing cannot use port 7 for address generation, instead one of the more general address generation ports will be used, reducing the throughput available for loads.
So for loads it's usually good (or not bad) to use indexed addressing if it saves an add somewhere, unless they are part of a chain of dependent loads. For stores it's more dangerous to use indexed addressing. In the example code it shouldn't make a large difference. Saving the add is not really relevant, ALU instructions wouldn't be the bottleneck. The address generation happening in ports 2 or 3 doesn't matter either since there are no loads.

INC instruction vs ADD 1: Does it matter?

From Ira Baxter answer on, Why do the INC and DEC instructions not affect the Carry Flag (CF)?
Mostly, I stay away from INC and DEC now, because they do partial condition code updates, and this can cause funny stalls in the pipeline, and ADD/SUB don't. So where it doesn't matter (most places), I use ADD/SUB to avoid the stalls. I use INC/DEC only when keeping the code small matters, e.g., fitting in a cache line where the size of one or two instructions makes enough difference to matter. This is probably pointless nano[literally!]-optimization, but I'm pretty old-school in my coding habits.
And I would like to ask why it can cause stalls in the pipeline while add doesn't? After all, both ADD and INC updates flag registers. The only difference is that INC doesn't update CF. But why it matters?
Update: the Efficiency cores on Alder Lake are Gracemont, and run inc reg as a single uop, but at only 1/clock, vs. 4/clock for add reg, 1 ( This may be a false dependency on FLAGS like P4 had; the tests didn't try adding a dep-breaking instruction. Other than the TL:DR, I haven't updated other parts of this answer.
TL:DR/advice for modern CPUs: Probably use add; Intel Alder Lake's E-cores are relevant for "generic" tuning and seem to run inc slowly.
Other than Alder Lake and earlier Silvermont-family, use inc except with a memory destination; that's fine on mainstream Intel or any AMD. (e.g. like gcc -mtune=core2, -mtune=haswell, or -mtune=znver1). inc mem costs an extra uop vs. add on Intel P6 / SnB-family; the load can't micro-fuse.
If you care about Silvermont-family (including KNL in Xeon Phi, and some netbooks, chromebooks, and NAS servers), probably avoid inc. add 1 only costs 1 extra byte in 64-bit code, or 2 in 32-bit code. But it's not a performance disaster (just locally 1 extra ALU port used, not creating false dependencies or big stalls), so if you don't care much about SMont then don't worry about it.
Writing CF instead of leaving it unmodified can potentially be useful with other surrounding code that might benefit from CF dep-breaking, e.g. shifts. See below.
If you want to inc/dec without touching any flags, lea eax, [rax+1] runs efficiently and has the same code-size as add eax, 1. (Usually on fewer possible execution ports than add/inc, though, so add/inc are better when destroying FLAGS is not a problem.
On modern CPUs, add is never slower than inc (except for indirect code-size / decode effects), but usually it's not faster either, so you should prefer inc for code-size reasons. Especially if this choice is repeated many times in the same binary (e.g. if you are a compiler-writer).
inc saves 1 byte (64-bit mode), or 2 bytes (opcodes 0x40..F inc r32/dec r32 short form in 32-bit mode, re-purposed as the REX prefix for x86-64). This makes a small percentage difference in total code size. This helps instruction-cache hit rates, iTLB hit rate, and number of pages that have to be loaded from disk.
Advantages of inc:
code-size directly
Not using an immediate can have uop-cache effects on Sandybridge-family, which could offset the better micro-fusion of add. (See Agner Fog's table 9.1 in the Sandybridge section of his microarch guide.) Perf counters can easily measure issue-stage uops, but it's harder to measure how things pack into the uop cache and uop-cache read bandwidth effects.
Leaving CF unmodified is an advantage in some cases, on CPUs where you can read CF after inc without a stall. (Not on Nehalem and earlier.)
There is one exception among modern CPUs: Silvermont/Goldmont/Knight's Landing decodes inc/dec efficiently as 1 uop, but expands to 2 in the allocate/rename (aka issue) stage. The extra uop merges partial flags. inc throughput is only 1 per clock, vs. 0.5c (or 0.33c Goldmont) for independent add r32, imm8 because of the dep chain created by the flag-merging uops.
Unlike P4, the register result doesn't have a false-dep on flags (see below), so out-of-order execution takes the flag-merging off the latency critical path when nothing uses the flag result. (But the OOO window is much smaller than mainstream CPUs like Haswell or Ryzen.) Running inc as 2 separate uops is probably a win for Silvermont in most cases; most x86 instructions write all the flags without reading them, breaking these flag dependency chains.
SMont/KNL has a queue between decode and allocate/rename (See Intel's optimization manual, figure 16-2) so expanding to 2 uops during issue can fill bubbles from decode stalls (on instructions like one-operand mul, or pshufb, which produce more than 1 uop from the decoder and cause a 3-7 cycle stall for microcode). Or on Silvermont, just an instruction with more than 3 prefixes (including escape bytes and mandatory prefixes), e.g. REX + any SSSE3 or SSE4 instruction. But note that there is a ~28 uop loop buffer, so small loops don't suffer from these decode stalls.
inc/dec aren't the only instructions that decode as 1 but issue as 2: push/pop, call/ret, and lea with 3 components do this too. So do KNL's AVX512 gather instructions. Source: Intel's optimization manual, 17.1.2 Out-of-Order Engine (KNL). It's only a small throughput penalty (and sometimes not even that if anything else is a bigger bottleneck), so it's generally fine to still use inc for "generic" tuning.
Intel's optimization manual still recommends add 1 over inc in general, to avoid risks of partial-flag stalls. But since Intel's compiler doesn't do that by default, it's not too likely that future CPUs will make inc slow in all cases, like P4 did.
Clang 5.0 and Intel's ICC 17 (on Godbolt) do use inc when optimizing for speed (-O3), not just for size. -mtune=pentium4 makes them avoid inc/dec, but the default -mtune=generic doesn't put much weight on P4.
ICC17 -xMIC-AVX512 (equivalent to gcc's -march=knl) does avoid inc, which is probably a good bet in general for Silvermont / KNL. But it's not usually a performance disaster to use inc, so it's probably still appropriate for "generic" tuning to use inc/dec in most code, especially when the flag result isn't part of the critical path.
Other than Silvermont, this is mostly-stale optimization advice left over from Pentium4. On modern CPUs, there's only a problem if you actually read a flag that wasn't written by the last insn that wrote any flags. e.g. in BigInteger adc loops. (And in that case, you need to preserve CF so using add would break your code.)
add writes all the condition-flag bits in the EFLAGS register. Register-renaming makes write-only easy for out-of-order execution: see write-after-write and write-after-read hazards. add eax, 1 and add ecx, 1 can execute in parallel because they are fully independent of each other. (Even Pentium4 renames the condition flag bits separate from the rest of EFLAGS, since even add leaves the interrupts-enabled and many other bits unmodified.)
On P4, inc and dec depend on the previous value of the all the flags, so they can't execute in parallel with each other or preceding flag-setting instructions. (e.g. add eax, [mem] / inc ecx makes the inc wait until after the add, even if the add's load misses in cache.) This is called a false dependency. Partial-flag writes work by reading the old value of the flags, updating the bits other than CF, then writing the full flags.
All other out-of-order x86 CPUs (including AMD's), rename different parts of flags separately, so internally they do a write-only update to all the flags except CF. (source: Agner Fog's microarchitecture guide). Only a few instructions, like adc or cmc, truly read and then write flags. But also shl r, cl (see below).
Cases where add dest, 1 is preferable to inc dest, at least for Intel P6/SnB uarch families:
Memory-destination: add [rdi], 1 can micro-fuse the store and the load+add on Intel Core2 and SnB-family, so it's 2 fused-domain uops / 4 unfused-domain uops.
inc [rdi] can only micro-fuse the store, so it's 3F / 4U.
According to Agner Fog's tables, AMD and Silvermont run memory-dest inc and add the same, as a single macro-op / uop.
But beware of uop-cache effects with add [label], 1 which needs a 32-bit address and an 8-bit immediate for the same uop.
Before a variable-count shift/rotate to break the dependency on flags and avoid partial-flag merging: shl reg, cl has an input dependency on the flags, because of unfortunate CISC history: it has to leave them unmodified if the shift count is 0.
On Intel SnB-family, variable-count shifts are 3 uops (up from 1 on Core2/Nehalem). AFAICT, two of the uops read/write flags, and an independent uop reads reg and cl, and writes reg. It's a weird case of having better latency (1c + inevitable resource conflicts) than throughput (1.5c), and only being able to achieve max throughput if mixed with instructions that break dependencies on flags. (I posted more about this on Agner Fog's forum). Use BMI2 shlx when possible; it's 1 uop and the count can be in any register.
Anyway, inc (writing flags but leaving CF unmodified) before variable-count shl leaves it with a false dependency on whatever wrote CF last, and on SnB/IvB can require an extra uop to merge flags.
Core2/Nehalem manage to avoid even the false dep on flags: Merom runs a loop of 6 independent shl reg,cl instructions at nearly two shifts per clock, same performance with cl=0 or cl=13. Anything better than 1 per clock proves there's no input-dependency on flags.
I tried loops with shl edx, 2 and shl edx, 0 (immediate-count shifts), but didn't see a speed difference between dec and sub on Core2, HSW, or SKL. I don't know about AMD.
Update: The nice shift performance on Intel P6-family comes at the cost of a large performance pothole which you need to avoid: when an instruction depends on the flag-result of a shift instruction: The front end stalls until the instruction is retired. (Source: Intel's optimization manual, (Section Partial Flag Register Stalls)). So shr eax, 2 / jnz is pretty catastrophic for performance on Intel pre-Sandybridge, I guess! Use shr eax, 2 / test eax,eax / jnz if you care about Nehalem and earlier. Intel's examples makes it clear this applies to immediate-count shifts, not just count=cl.
In processors based on Intel Core microarchitecture [this means Core 2 and later], shift immediate by 1 is handled by special hardware such that it does not experience partial flag stall.
Intel actually means the special opcode with no immediate, which shifts by an implicit 1. I think there is a performance difference between the two ways of encoding shr eax,1, with the short encoding (using the original 8086 opcode D1 /5) producing a write-only (partial) flag result, but the longer encoding (C1 /5, imm8 with an immediate 1) not having its immediate checked for 0 until execution time, but without tracking the flag output in the out-of-order machinery.
Since looping over bits is common, but looping over every 2nd bit (or any other stride) is very uncommon, this seems like a reasonable design choice. This explains why compilers like to test the result of a shift instead of directly using flag results from shr.
Update: for variable count shifts on SnB-family, Intel's optimization manual says: Variable Bit Count Rotation and Shift
In Intel microarchitecture code name Sandy Bridge, The “ROL/ROR/SHL/SHR reg, cl” instruction has three micro-ops. When the flag result is not needed, one of these micro-ops may be discarded, providing
better performance in many common usages. When these instructions update partial flag results that are subsequently used, the full three micro-ops flow must go through the execution and retirement pipeline,
experiencing slower performance. In Intel microarchitecture code name Ivy Bridge, executing the full three micro-ops flow to use the updated partial flag result has additional delay.
Consider the looped sequence below:
shl eax, cl
add ebx, eax
dec edx ; DEC does not update carry, causing SHL to execute slower three micro-ops flow
jnz loop
The DEC instruction does not modify the carry flag. Consequently, the
SHL EAX, CL instruction needs to execute the three micro-ops flow in
subsequent iterations. The SUB instruction will update all flags. So
replacing DEC with SUB will allow SHL EAX, CL to execute the two
micro-ops flow.
Partial-flag stalls happen when flags are read, if they happen at all. P4 never has partial-flag stalls, because they never need to be merged. It has false dependencies instead.
Several answers / comments mix up the terminology. They describe a false dependency, but then call it a partial-flag stall. It's a slowdown which happens because of writing only some of the flags, but the term "partial-flag stall" is what happens on pre-SnB Intel hardware when partial-flag writes have to be merged. Intel SnB-family CPUs insert an extra uop to merge flags without stalling. Nehalem and earlier stall for ~7 cycles. I'm not sure how big the penalty is on AMD CPUs.
(Note that partial-register penalties are not always the same as partial-flags, see below).
### Partial flag stall on Intel P6-family CPUs:
adc eax, [array_end + rcx*4] # partial-flag stall when adc reads CF
inc rcx # rcx counts up from negative values towards zero
# test rcx,rcx # eliminate partial-flag stalls by writing all flags, or better use add rcx,1
# this loop doesn't do anything useful; it's not normally useful to loop the carry-out back to the carry-in for the same accumulator.
# Note that `test` will change the input to the next adc, and so would replacing inc with add 1
In other cases, e.g. a partial flag write followed by a full flag write, or a read of only flags written by inc, is fine. On SnB-family CPUs, inc/dec can even macro-fuse with a jcc, the same as add/sub.
After P4, Intel mostly gave up on trying to get people to re-compile with -mtune=pentium4 or modify hand-written asm as much to avoid serious bottlenecks. (Tuning for a specific microarchitecture will always be a thing, but P4 was unusual in deprecating so many things that used to be fast on previous CPUs, and thus were common in existing binaries.) P4 wanted people to use a RISC-like subset of the x86, and also had branch-prediction hints as prefixes for JCC instructions. (It also had other serious problems, like the trace cache that just wasn't good enough, and weak decoders that meant bad performance on trace-cache misses. Not to mention the whole philosophy of clocking very high ran into the power-density wall.)
When Intel abandoned P4 (NetBurst uarch), they returned to P6-family designs (Pentium-M / Core2 / Nehalem) which inherited their partial-flag / partial-reg handling from earlier P6-family CPUs (PPro to PIII) which pre-dated the netburst mis-step. (Not everything about P4 was inherently bad, and some of the ideas re-appeared in Sandybridge, but overall NetBurst is widely considered a mistake.) Some very-CISC instructions are still slower than the multi-instruction alternatives, e.g. enter, loop, or bt [mem], reg (because the value of reg affects which memory address is used), but these were all slow in older CPUs so compilers already avoided them.
Pentium-M even improved hardware support for partial-regs (lower merging penalties). In Sandybridge, Intel kept partial-flag and partial-reg renaming and made it much more efficient when merging is needed (merging uop inserted with no or minimal stall). SnB made major internal changes and is considered a new uarch family, even though it inherits a lot from Nehalem, and some ideas from P4. (But note that SnB's decoded-uop cache is not a trace cache, though, so it's a very different solution to the decoder throughput/power problem that NetBurst's trace cache tried to solve.)
For example, inc al and inc ah can run in parallel on P6/SnB-family CPUs, but reading eax afterwards requires merging.
PPro/PIII stall for 5-6 cycles when reading the full reg. Core2/Nehalem stall for only 2 or 3 cycles while inserting a merging uop for partial regs, but partial flags are still a longer stall.
SnB inserts a merging uop without stalling, like for flags. Intel's optimization guide says that for merging AH/BH/CH/DH into the wider reg, inserting the merging uop takes an entire issue/rename cycle during which no other uops can be allocated. But for low8/low16, the merging uop is "part of the flow", so it apparently doesn't cause additional front-end throughput penalties beyond taking up one of the 4 slots in an issue/rename cycle.
In IvyBridge (or at least Haswell), Intel dropped partial-register renaming for low8 and low16 registers, keeping it only for high8 registers (AH/BH/CH/DH). Reading high8 registers has extra latency. Also, setcc al has a false dependency on the old value of rax, unlike in Nehalem and earlier (and probably Sandybridge). See this HSW/SKL partial-register performance Q&A for the details.
(I've previously claimed that Haswell could merge AH with no uop, but that's not true and not what Agner Fog's guide says. I skimmed too quickly and unfortunately repeated my wrong understanding in lots of comments and other posts.)
AMD CPUs, and Intel Silvermont, don't rename partial regs (other than flags), so mov al, [mem] has a false dependency on the old value of eax. (The upside is no partial-reg merging slowdowns when reading the full reg later.)
Normally, the only time add instead of inc will make your code faster on AMD or mainstream Intel is when your code actually depends on the doesn't-touch-CF behaviour of inc. i.e. usually add only helps when it would break your code, but note the shl case mentioned above, where the instruction reads flags but usually your code doesn't care about that, so it's a false dependency.
If you do actually want to leave CF unmodified, pre SnB-family CPUs have serious problems with partial-flag stalls, but on SnB-family the overhead of having the CPU merge the partial flags is very low, so it can be best to keep using inc or dec as part of a loop condition when targeting those CPU, with some unrolling. (For details, see the BigInteger adc Q&A I linked earlier). It can be useful to use lea to do arithmetic without affecting flags at all, if you don't need to branch on the result.
Skylake doesn't have partial-flag merging costs
Update: Skylake doesn't have partial-flag merging uops at all: CF is just a separate register from the rest of FLAGS. Instructions that need both parts (like cmovbe) read both inputs separately. That makes cmovbe a 2-uop instruction, but most other cmovcc instructions 1-uop on Skylake. See What is a Partial Flag Stall?.
adc only reads CF so it can be single-uop on Skylake with no interaction at all with an inc or dec in the same loop.
(TODO: rewrite earlier parts of this answer.)
Depending on the CPU implementation of the instructions, a partial register update may cause a stall. According to Agner Fog's optimization guide, page 62,
For historical reasons, the INC and DEC instructions leave the carry flag unchanged, while the other arithmetic flags are written to. This causes a false dependence on the previous value of the flags and costs an extra μop. To avoid these problems, it is recommended that you always use ADD and SUB instead of INC and DEC. For example, INC EAX should be replaced by ADD EAX,1.
See also page 83 on "Partial flags stalls" and page 100 on "Partial flags stall".

per clock perf. - can I use different registers for same instruction?

Can I use say four general purpose registers say r8,r9,r10,r11 each with MOV instruction for independent operations and be in impression that CPU is doing all those instructions in a single clock ?
I want to know because according to Agner Fog's Instruction Table, it says reciprocal throughput of MOV instruction is 0.25. It means CPU should be able to execute 4 MOV operations per cycle. Or I misinterpreted that all ??
I am a noob and have been learning Assembly in MASM since two months (mainly for learning debugging stuffs how registers works and it is really fun).
Edit, just re-read your question, and you're asking about different registers. I'll leave in my original answer; let's pretend your question wasn't just the most trivial case. :P
Yes, even without register renaming, these instructions can all execute (on separate execution units) in the same cycle because they're completely independent of each other.
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, ecx
mov edx, [mem]
xor esi,esi ;xor-zero: doesn't even use an execution unit on SnB-family
This is the easiest case for superscalar execution. If eax/rax was the destination for all four instructions, register-renaming would still allow all four instructions to execute in parallel.
Out-of-order execution allows four nearby instructions from separate dependency chains to execute at the same time, even if they weren't decoded or issued in the same clock cycle. And they probably won't retire in the same cycle either, if there are instructions between them. (The x86 ISA guarantees precise exceptions, like most other ISAs (ARM/PPC/etc.). All current designs accomplish with in-order retirement. So if a memory op segfaults, the program will stop at exactly that instruction, not just "well, there was a segfault somewhere recently, but we can't tell you where". (That would be non-precise exceptions).)
Superscalar in-order designs like Atom, or P5 (original Pentium) can still take advantage of the parallelism in these four independent instructions, but not in many other cases.
In a hand-crafted loop, it's common for a SnB-family CPU to be able to sustain well over 3 fused-domain uops per cycle. (It's also very easy to write loops that run at less than one fused-domain uop per cycle, due to latency, to say nothing of cache misses or branch mispredicts.)
Yes, multiple writes to the same architectural register can execute in parallel. Register renaming is not a bottleneck on Intel or AMD designs.
To understand and make full use of Agner Fog's tables, you have to read his microarch guide, or at least his "optimizing assembly" guide. See also good stuff at the x86 wiki.
As Agner Fog's microarch pdf points out (section 9.8 about Intel SnB/IvB):
Register renaming is controlled by the register alias table (RAT) and
the reorder buffer (ROB), shown in figure 6.1. The μops from the
decoders and the stack engine go to the RAT via a queue and then to
the ROB-read and the reservation station. The RAT can handle 4 μops
per clock cycle. The RAT can rename four registers per clock cycle,
and it can even rename the same register four times in one clock
read-modify-write is another story (destination of an add instruction). A read-modify-write of an architectural register is (part of) a dependency chain, while an unconditional mov or an xor-zeroing starts a new dep chain. (Same for the output of certain other instructions like lea which don't read their destination).
Those register writes still rename the architectural register to a new physical register as well. This is how CPUs handle cases like
mov eax, 1 ; start of a dep chain
mov [mem+rax+rcx], eax
inc eax ; eax renamed again
The store needs the value of eax from before the inc. It gets it because when it checks the RAT, the architectural eax is still pointing to the same physical register that the mov eax,1 wrote. The inc can't just modify that same physical register because it doesn't know what if anything is not done yet with the previous value of eax.
