Does Spring Data REST event hanlders use separate database transactions? - spring

Spring Data REST has the following Event handlers which are fired on HTTP requests like POST, PUT etc.
public class AuthorEventHandler {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Class AuthorEventHandler");
public void handleAuthorBeforeCreate(Author author){"Inside Author Before Create....");
public void handleAuthorAfterCreate(Author author){"Inside Author After Create ....");
My question is if I access another database entity, eg.Book, within #HandleBeforeCreate and modify it, would it occur in a separate transaction or will it occur in the same transaction as the creation of the Author entity?
I already check the Spring Data REST docs but it is not mentioned there.

From my experience, those handlers are performed beyond the main transaction. Literally 'before' and 'after' it. About 'separate' transaction - if you mark your event handler as #Transactional it will be executed in its individual transaction.
Publishing domain events from the aggregate root
If you need to perform some extra actions within the main transaction you can use publishing events from the aggregate root. In this case, you should extend your entity from AbstractAggregateRoot and add to it some methods that register appropriate events, for example:
public class Model extends AbstractAggregateRoot {
// entity stuff...
public Model initExtraAction(SomeData payload) {
registerEvent(new ExtraActionEvent(this, payload));
return this;
where registerEvent is the AbstractAggregateRoot method, and ExtraActionEvent is your custom event, like the folowing:
public class ExtraActionEvent {
private Model model;
private SomeData payload;
Then you can implement an ordinary event handler
public class EventHandler {
#Transactional(propagation = MANDATORY) // optional
public void handleExtraActionEvent (ExtraActionEvent e) {
Model model = e.getModel();
SomeData payload = e.getPayload();
// Extra actions...
that will be called in the same transaction as the main one (which saves your entity) if you call initExtendAction method before invoking the save method of your repo (to make sure that this will be done in the same transaction you can use an optional #Transactional(propagation = MANDATORY) annotation):;
In the Spring Data REST project we can call initExtraAction method in the 'RepositoryEventHandler' before the entity will be created or updated:
public class ModelEventHandler {
public void handleBeforeCreateOrSave(Model model){
// Some manipulations...
You can find a full example of using AbstractAggregateRoot in the Oliver Gierke Spring RestBucks demo project.
Additional info: DDD Aggregates and #DomainEvents


Correct way to finish transaction and than do some staff

In my project I need to do some updates in database and finish transaction. Then I need to call external application that should have access to result of current transaction (via other endpoints). currently I have just #Transactional annotation above of endpoint method.
Which is common way to deal with such situations?
Use ApplicationEventPublisher to publish an event at the end of the #Transactional method. Implement a #TransactionalEventListener method to handle this event which by default will only get called after the transaction commits successfully which means you don't need to worry about it will execute accidentally if the transaction fails.
Code wise , it looks like :
public class MyServce {
private ApplicationEventPublisher appEventPublisher;
public void doSomething(){
Result result = doMyStuff();
appEventPublisher.publishEvent(new StuffFinishedEvent(result));
public class StuffFinishedEvent{
private Result result;
public StuffFinishedEvent(Result result){
this.result = result;
And the #TransactionalEventListener :
public class FinishStuffHandler {
#TransactionalEventListener(phase = TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT)
public void handle(StuffFinishedEvent event) {
//access the result here.....

JPA - Spanning a transaction over multiple JpaRepository method calls

I'm using SpringBoot 2.x with SpringData-JPA accessing the database via a CrudRepository.
Basically, I would like to call the CrudRepository's methods to update or persist the data. In one use case, I would like to delete older entries from the database (for the brevity of this example assume: delete all entries from the table) before I insert a new element.
In case persisting the new element fails for any reason, the delete operation shall be rolled back.
However, the main problem seems to be that new transactions are opened for every method called from the CrudRepository. Even though, a transaction was opened by the method from the calling service. I couldn't get the repository methods to use the existing transaction.
Getting transaction for [org.example.jpatrans.ChairUpdaterService.updateChairs]
Getting transaction for []
Completing transaction for []
I've tried using different Propagation. (REQUIRED, SUPPORTED, MANDATORY) on different methods (service/repository) to no avail.
Changing the methods #Transactional annoation to #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED) sounded that this would just do that, but didn't help.
JpaDialect does not support savepoints - check your JPA provider's capabilities
Can I achieve the expected behaviour, not using an EntityManager directly?
I also would like to avoid to having to be using native queries as well.
Is there anything I have overlooked?
For demonstration purposes, I've created a very condensed example.
The complete example can be found at
Here are the main (even more simplified) details:
First I've got a very simple entity defined:
#Table(name = "chair")
public class Chair {
// Not auto generating the id is on purpose
// for later testing with non unique keys
private int id;
#Column(name = "legs", nullable = false)
private Integer legs;
The connection to the database is made via the CrudRepository:
public interface ChairRepository extends CrudRepository<Chair, Integer> {
This is being called from another bean (main methods here are updateChairs and doUpdate):
public class ChairUpdater {
ChairRepository repository;
* Initialize the data store with some
* sample data
public void initializeChairs() {
Chair chair4 = new Chair(1, 4);
Chair chair3 = new Chair(2, 3);;;
public void addChair(int id, Integer legCount) { Chair(id, legCount));
* Expected behaviour:
* when saving a given chair fails ->
* deleting all other is rolled back
public void updateChairs(int id, Integer legCount) {
Chair chair = new Chair(id, legCount);
The goal, I want to achieve is demonstrated by these two test cases:
public class ChairUpdaterTest {
private static final int COUNT_AFTER_ROLLBACK = 3;
private ChairUpdater updater;
private ChairRepository repository;
public void setup() {
public void positiveTest() throws UpdatingException {
updater.updateChairs(3, 10);
public void testRollingBack() {
// Trying to update with an invalid element
// to force rollback
try {
updater.updateChairs(3, null);
} catch (Exception e) {"Rolled back?", e);
// Adding a valid element after the rollback
// should succeed
updater.addChair(4, 10);
assertEquals(COUNT_AFTER_ROLLBACK, repository.findAll().spliterator().getExactSizeIfKnown());
It seems to work, if the repository is not extended from either CrudRepository or JpaRepository but from a plain Repository, definening all needed methods explicitly. For me, that seems to be a workaround rather than beeing a propper solution.
The question it boils down to seems to be: Is it possible to prevent SimpleJpaRepository from opening new transactions for every (predefined) method used from the repository interface? Or, if that is not possible, how to "force" the transaction manager to reuse the transaction, opened in the service to make a complete rollback possible?
Hi I found this documentation that looks will help you:
Next an example take from the previous web site:
public class AppConfig {
Then we can use transactions like this:
public class MyExampleBean{
public void saveChanges() {
Yes this is possible. First alter the #Transactional annotation so that it includes rollBackFor = Exception.class.
* Expected behaviour:
* when saving a given chair fails ->
* deleting all other is rolled back
#Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void updateChairs(int id, Integer legCount) {
Chair chair = new Chair(id, legCount);
This will cause the transaction to roll back for any exception and not just RuntimeException or Error.
Next you must add enableDefaultTransactions = false to #EnableJpaRepositories and put the annotation on one of your configuration classes if you hadn't already done so.
#EnableJpaRepositories(enableDefaultTransactions = false)
public class MyConfig{
This will cause all inherited jpa methods to stop creating a transaction by default whenever they're called. If you want custom jpa methods that you've defined yourself to also use the transaction of the calling service method, then you must make sure that you didn't annotate any of these custom methods with #Transactional. Because that would prompt them to start their own transactions as well.
Once you've done this all of the repository methods should be executed using the service method transaction only. You can test this by creating and using a custom update method that is annotated with #Modifying. For more on testing please see my answer in this SO thread. Spring opens a new transaction for each JpaRepository method that is called within an #Transactional annotated method

#PostPersist doesn't save the Audit Record to the DB

I have a Listener with #PostPersist method called "doAudit" to audit create action.On debugging I see This method gets called and Audit record is created on JAVA side. But when I verify the DB I don't see the record.
public class AuditListener {
public void doAudit(Object object) {
AuditDao auditManager = AuditDaoImpl.getInstance();
auditManager.logEvent("create", object);
public interface AuditDao {
#Transactional(propagation= Propagation.REQUIRED)
public AuditEntity logEvent(String action, Object object);
public class AuditDaoImpl implements AuditDao {
private static AuditDaoImpl me;
public AuditDaoImpl() {
me = this;
public static AuditDaoImpl getInstance() {
return me;
private AuditDao dao;
public AuditEntity logEvent(String action, Object object) {
AuditEntity act = new AuditEntity();
return act;
I am using Open JPA 2.0 as for my ORM. Deployed on karaf container. I am using Postgres SQL as my backend.
Add a debug breakpoint and check if the current stack-trace contains the TransactionInterceptor. If there's no such entry, the Spring transaction management is not properly configured and your DAOs don't use transactions at all.
JPA allows you to run queries without configuring transactions explicitly. For saving data, transactions are mandatory.

Using #ExceptionHandler or some other annotation that would work like a Spring 4.1 AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler

I would like to configure and use a Spring 4.1 AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler. According to the Spring team (see relevant comment here) one will be able to configure an AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler either by with the <task:annotation-driven> or by implementing AsyncConfigurer as shown here:
public AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler getAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler() {
return new SimpleAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler() ;
Now my question is as follows: Is there another web-layer annotation similar to #ExceptionHandler that would work like a AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler?
As stated in the comment, here's an approach I've taken:
It's about async data imports so all classes are called Import...
What I did not do (yet) is the uncaught exception handling, but reading your post made me think about it and it should be straight forward with Spring-AOP wrapping the Importer.process() methods. This will not be global solution but it would be adaptable for a complete application by using a more generalized Result object.
The Controller uses the ImportRequests to get processing (or done) messages. The Importer itself is not removing the results from the map but this is delegated to the controller instead (A user is clicking delete). We also have a #Scheduled task which cleans up done results after 1 hour to ensure there are not left-overs.
So here's part of the code that the Controller is able to get import results during processing:
public class ImportRequests {
private final Map<User, ImportResult> importRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Add, remove, get methods for current user omitted */
public class ImportResult {
/** The done. */
private Future<Boolean> done;
/** The error messages. */
private List<String> messages = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());;
public class ImportService {
private ImportRequests importRequests;
private Importer importer;
public ImportResult doImport(final ImportForm importForm) {
ImportResult result = new ImportResult();
/* This is the actual Async call (process) */
return result;
public class ImporterImpl implements Importer {
* doProcess will import the *big* file and update the result object with the necessary messages
public Future<Boolean> process(ImportResult result) {
Boolean done = doProcess(result);
return new AsyncResult<Boolean>(done);
Hope this helps.
Original Text:
One possibility that I have used is the "#ControllerAdvice" on a class scanned by the servletcontext.
You simply create a method with the exception as a parameter and annotate that method with "#ExceptionHandler". You can even have multiple handlers for specific exception types.
The result of these methods are again handled by the DispatcherServlet, so you can render a view the same way as with request mappings.

Retrieving data context changes with Spring Data JPA

In my application, I need to retrieve the lists of new, updated and removed entities per each transaction. Like this:
// useful functionality
public void createNewBlogPost(int userId, String title, String text) {
Post post = new Post();
post.title = title; // "hello"
post.text = text; // "there";
// more work with JPA repositories here
// gets called right after createNewBlogPost()
public void onTransaction(UnitOfWork uow) {
List<?> newEntities = uow.getNewEntities();
assertEquals(1, newEntities.size()); // 1 new entity
Object firstNewEntity = newEntities.get(0);
assertTrue(firstNewEntity instanceof Post); // this new entity
// is a Post
Post newPost = (Post)firstNewEntity;
assertEquals("hello", newPost.title);
assertEquals("there", newPost.text);
The most relevant thing I managed to find was an audit functionality that Spring provides with annotations like #CreatedBy, #CreatedDate, #LastModifiedBy, #LastModifiedDate. Though it's technically very close, yet it's not exactly what I want to achieve.
Does Spring Data JPA provide a mechanism to retrieve data changes per every single transaction?
Since your use case is Hibernate and JPA specific, you should take a look at Hibernate Envers and Spring Data Envers. They might give you some ideas, but be careful re: the projects themselves, I'm not sure if they're active.
I've spent some time for the research and managed to find a relatively straightforward Hibernate-specific solution. There are basically 2 problems to resolve:
Intercept data change events.
Do it on a per-request basis.
To address p.1, one can use EventListenerRegistry. Here's an example:
public class HibernateListenersConfigurer {
private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
private HibernateListeners hibernateListeners;
public void init() {
HibernateEntityManagerFactory hibernateEntityManagerFactory =
SessionFactoryImpl sessionFactoryImpl =
EventListenerRegistry eventListenerRegistry = sessionFactoryImpl.
eventListenerRegistry.appendListeners(EventType.PRE_INSERT, hibernateListeners);
eventListenerRegistry.appendListeners(EventType.PRE_UPDATE, hibernateListeners);
eventListenerRegistry.appendListeners(EventType.PRE_DELETE, hibernateListeners);
hibernateListeners object gets all these events and can do whatever required to audit them. Here's an example:
public class HibernateListeners implements
PreDeleteEventListener {
private ChangeTracker changeTracker;
public boolean onPreInsert(PreInsertEvent event) {
// event has a bunch of relevant details
return false;
...other listeners here...
Then, to address p.2, changeTracker seen above is a request-scoped bean:
#Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class ChangeTracker {
// a sort of "Unit of Work"
private List<Change> changes = new ArrayList<Change>();
public void trackChange(PreInsertEvent event) {
public void handleChanges() {
// Do whatever needed :-)
Then, there are few options available to finally call handleChanges() once request processing is complete: call it manually, use HandlerInterceptor, use filter, use AOP. HandlerInterceptors and filters, are not as great, because in my case they were getting called after response has already been sent to the client, this caused inconsistency between "business data" and "changes data". I eventually switched to AOP and it seems to work just fine.
Here's a playground:
