AWS Lambda vs Elastic Beanstalk - aws-lambda

Im new to aws.
I am going to develop a REST full app which is going host on aws.
I decided to use
Amazon S3 for static contents
Amazon Cognito User Pool for Authentication
Amazon DynamoDB as db
I am confused on where my app is going to be hosted. I have 2 ideas for that.
AWS Lambda Function + api gateway
Can I implement entire app on it ?
Elastic Beanstalk
Can i integrate all the above aws services with it ?
(Backend on .net core web api 2.0)
Please guid me

As the experience of working with cloud, after 1y 6m I can give a proper answer for my own question.
There is a possibility to use API Gateway + Lambda for the entire app as the back end. But you have to manage your most of the app logic from the front end. On there you have to get a risk because the source code can be viewed by the public.
Keeping your all business logic in the client code is not a good practice. And keeping all the logic in the Lambda also not easy or cost effective. The reason is when you making a real world app, you will need thousands of functions. To do one task, you will have to call many functions (Then its a function run time). So it will be very expensive.
Best solution is hosting the backend on Elastic Beanstalk and front end on S3. If you have any heavy task ? then you can make Lambda functions for that.
Lambda is best for CPU bounded functions. But not to have all the application logic on it.

Since you might not be interested in managing the underlying system, you should opt for AWS Lambda + API Gateway.


Can AWS Lambda coldout cause API Gateway timeout(30s)?

I am currently managing a website via Django.
The website's url will request an api which is stored in AWS Lambda Function.
Normally, a python based Lambda function with no VPC setting coldout wouldn't worry us.
But I have 2 concerns about my website performance.
The server function communicates with several 3rd party features like AWS S3, Firestore, Firebase Authentication, and DynamoDB. So every Lambda function needs to build up the required settings.
Every page of the website checks the Firebase authentication which persistance is local. Could process delay be critical to a coldstarted container, causing 30s timeout?
If some user occasionaly experience the API Gateway timeout, could the cause of this be AWS Lambda coldstart?
No, the cold start will never be that high. For all cases, cold start should be less than 1 second (even for lambdas bound to VPC).

Is Lambda required for Alexa App development?

Is Amazon Lambda required to make a fully functional Alexa voice application? If so, what can and cannot be done if Lambda is not desired?
No. You can create your own secure endpoint and configure that to your Alexa skill. You will be able to accomplish pretty much everything lambda can do for you.
You can have lambda or any hosted endpoint as your Alexa backend.
However, having lambda will help you easy integration with services within AWS like using dynamodb/redshift/s3 etc...
And moreover, the price of keeping your backend running in lambda is very much less/negligible as you can have tons of requests served in less than few dollars.

Why we need Spotinst function when we already have Azure function, AWS Lambda, Google cloud function

We already have Azure function in Microsoft Azure, AWS Lambda in AWS, Google Cloud Function in Google.
Then What are reasons do we need to use Spotinst function?
Wil Spotinst function replicated and running on all Cloud Providers such as Azure, AWS, Google and all regions at the same time when we choose all Cloud Providers and regions.
Which Cloud Providers will have to pay for running a Spotinst function?
I'm not an expert on Spotinst, but I had a chance to chat with them at ServerlessConf NYC. It's my understanding that their value-prop is to save you money on cloud infrastructure. That's things like VMs.
You specifically mentioned Azure Functions, AWS Lambda, and Google Cloud Functions. Those are Serverless/FaaS services, which means that you as the developer don't need to think about infrastructure or VMs at all, and the consumption-based prices are already dirt-cheap. Serverless tech has it's limitations, however, which means they're not appropriate for all use-cases (for example, if you need to execute long-running code, or install special software on the VM instance that your code depends on).
In that light, Spotinst makes more sense for non-Serverless applications which need to run on cloud VMs.

How to architect the serverless framework and microservices on AWS Lambda

I have been studying microservices and serverless solutions and am playing with an angular frontend hosted on S3 and Lambda functions that talk to various DynamoDb tables via the API gateway on AWS.
Every example and video I read/watch uses a simple CRUD microservices as part of a simple 'todo' application or similar. My problem is where does the business logic sit? If I'm building a complex application I don't want all my business logic in my frontend Angular application. Or do I? I could build an Application API which in turn calls CRUD microservices but that feels like a monolithic approach.
I appreciate there may not be a definitive answer but can anybody advise a novice on best practice?
There are several best practices I follow in designing Serverless Microservices
Start with only few Microservices (Less the better up front, unless you know exactly how the service separation should be, delaying the decision to split)
Separate your business logic that goes to the API, and use the handler as a controller in MVC to invoke the business logic. (This will also helps to unit test logic without depending on Lambda).
Its not necessary to write only simple CRUD in your API. It depends on your domain and Business Logic required. (But don't build another monolith without separating the code in to different services. Several AWS Service limits will also give you some guide on how much endpoints should be there in a service & etc.)
Apply the design patterns available for Microservices (e.g If you want to sync data bases between each Microservice, use Pub-Sub pattern using SNS, DynamoDB Streams and Lambda)
Use the Angular App to put most of the presentation logic.
Use CloudFront as a proxy and a CDN to avoid CORs.
If you need more information you can refer the following articles I have written on this.
Deploying Angular/React Apps in AWS
Full Stack Serverless Web Apps with AWS
Note: You can use the CloudFormation in Deploying Angular/React Apps in AWS to automate the creation of S3 and CloudFront with best practices.

How to setup Amazon Lambda with micro services in Node.js

I am looking forward to work in a Amazon Lambda with Node.js
They call it server less, So is it a better way to host our code then traditional hosting servers ?
I am open for the suggestions, thanks in advance!!
It is called serverless as you dont manage and maintain the underlying server and the runtime.
Basically you write your code in one of the supported languages, say node.js, and then configure events that will trigger your code.
Example in case of AWS, the events can be a API GW call, a SQS message, a SNS notification etc.
So it can be better depending on what you are planning on doing.
Do note that there are certain limits that AWS imposes by default on accounts for AWS Lambda.
Also there can be slight startup penalty for a Lambda.
A plus point of Lambda vs Hosting your code in EC2 is that with Lambda you dont get charged if your code is not used/triggered.
However, do note that for functions that have heavy usage it might be better to
host your own EC2.
Most important a Lambda has to be stateless.
Considering all the above factors you can take a call on whether AWS Lambda and Serverless Architecture fits your needs.
