Correct way to handle Requests in Laravel - laravel

I'm thinking about the right way to handle my requests.
At the moment I call a function and put the request input directly into the db query. Like this...
$groupid = Group::where('name', $request->input('groupname'))->select('id')->first();
Is it correct to do it like this? Or is it maybe better to define a variable (Is $groupname actually I variable?) before. Like this...
$groupname = $request->input('groupname');
$groupid = Group::where('name', $groupname)->select('id')->first();
Or does it not matter?

According to me, your first option is correct.
in second option you are declaring a new variable and increasing your memory stack, which is not needed.
So you should get the value form the variable which is already created.
Moreover instead of getting input value from input function you can directly access $request property as $groupid = Group::where('name', $request->groupname)->select('id')->first();
This is my opion, there may be another option to do.


How does one read the data value from a Function outside FunctionCallbackInfo?

When I create a function like this:
v8::Function::New(<Isolate>, <C_Function>, <Data_Value>);
The Data_Value that I supply is useful for many things and I can access that when the function is called, with something like FunctionCallbackInfo->GetData().
But I have found no way to get back this data in a different scenario. Let's say I store that Function in a Persistent object, and then I would like to read which data is currently bound to it. Any ideas?
I don't think it's exposed via the API.
But there's an alternative:
manually construct a v8::FunctionTemplate
set its ->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(num_fields)
get the v8::Function from the template with template->GetFunction(context),
now you should have function->InternalFieldCount() == num_fields
you can use function->SetInternalField(index, value) and function->GetInternalField(index) to store any data you want.
For complete examples, search for "SetInternalFieldCount" in V8's

Laravel 5.4 : Dynamic validation rule

I kind of struggle to find the answer to my question, and my test don't prove to be useful. So maybe someone here would have hit the same issue that I'm facing.
I have inputs with the following kind of patterned name projects-0-1, project-0-2, project-1-0 and so on... These are file inputs so people can upload a document/an image.
So basically, I've been trying to get a validation message that would (ideally) be something like that:
$validator->getMessageBag()->add('project-*-*', 'File is empty!');
$validator->getMessageBag()->add('project-*', 'File is empty!');
I tried a couple of things already and nothing seems to work.
The reason I get to add a custom message is that file is simply not validated if it comes empty to the $request object. So I first need to check if the $request->hasFile and in case it doesn't I want to add the error message.
Things to consider:
inputs can be dynamically added to the form, so I don't know the exact number of file inputs I need to validate beforehand.
even if this should not impact the code and validation, it's worth noticing that everything happens through ajax as I embed the form on another website. Therefore I created endpoints etc...
Any hint ?
Right, coming back here in case someone faces that issue too. I found a "hacky" way to get there and it does the trick for me.
As each input file is dynamically added to the DOM, I add an extra hidden input that holds the name of the file input as a value.
Then in my controller I do smth like that:
public function createValuesKeyArray ($preset)
$regexPattern = '/^'. $preset .'-[0-9]*$/';
$customPresets = preg_grep($regexPattern, array_keys(Input::all()));
$keys = [];
foreach ($customPresets as $customPreset) {
array_push($keys, $customPreset);
return $keys;
// This allows me to get all hidden input names in an array in order to get its value from the $request
$hiddenInputs = $this->createValuesKeyArray('hidden-project-name');
Once I get this array, I can do stuff like that and dinamycally add my set of rules for the input files present in the DOM:
foreach($hiddenInputs as $hiddenInput){
$globalRules[$request[$hiddenInput]] = 'required';
Not sure if this the right way to get there, but it does the job for me and I don't find that code horrible. I'll stick with it until I find a better way.

Is there a way to get the current object and method with CodeIgniter?

I'm looking for a function that would tell me the current object and method by way of the URI. Normally, I would use $this->uri->uri_string(), however, I do not want to pass any "dynamic" segments. For example, a URI of 'products/shoes/123', would be 'products/view_product'.
I want to be able to do this so I can create a config file containing page titles... since I use a model to output my page header. It is called from MY_Controller.php in the construct. For example: $this->template->overall_header($title = "View Product")...
but in the construct, it would be:
$this->template->overall_header($title = $this->config->item($object_method_string));
Anybody have any solutions? Thanks for your time.
for current method
$method= $this->router->fetch_method();
I hope you are talking about this
To expand on Nishant's answer you can access the attributes from the router class.
So for current object;
And for current method;

Codeigniter pre_system hook for DB driven dynamic controller selection - best approach?

Although I can tentatively see a solution to this, I was wondering if there may be a glaringly obvious simpler approach.
My aim is to use the first segment of a given URI to query the DB as to which controller should be run.
I assume I would have to reform the URI with the resultant controller name in segment 1, then allow the system to continue processing as normal (hence a pre_system hook).
Although not essential I would also like to hold a couple of other variables from the same DB request to be used later in the call stack, and assume this would have to be done using global variables?
Any better suggestions would be gladly received.
Should it be of use to anyone else, here is the code to acheive the desired result. This does however not take into account passing additional variables because I can live without them.
function set_controller()
include_once APPPATH.'config/database.php'; //Gather the DB connection settings
$link = mysql_connect($db[$active_group]['hostname'], $db[$active_group]['username'], $db[$active_group]['password']) or die('Could not connect to server.' ); //Connect to the DB server
mysql_select_db($db[$active_group]['database'], $link) or die('Could not select database.'); //Select the DB
$URI = explode('/',key($_GET)); //Break apart the URL variable
$query = 'SELECT * FROM theDomainTable WHERE domainName = "'.$URI[1].'"'; //Query the DB with the URI segment
if($results = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query))){ //Only deal with controller requests that exist in the database
$URI[1] = $results['controllerName']; //Replace the controller segment
$_GET = array(implode('/',$URI)=>NULL); //Reconstruct and replace the GET variable
mysql_close($link); //Close the DB link
I wouldn't use global variables, Id prefer to store it in a library for retrieval later if possible. Global variables are kind of messy in the context of CI.
Although at pre_system Only the benchmark and hooks class have been loaded at this point. This means you're pretty-much stuck with global variables unless you can find a way to select the controller on pre_controller as all the base-classes are loaded and you can put the data somewhere more logical.

proper way of setting an attribute in Doctrine?

in some tutorials they tell you to set up an attribute like this:
$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();
and in the documentation it shows you this:
$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();
i wonder which one i should use? isn't it the latter one? cause how can you set an attribute to a singleton class in the first one? isn't the second one more correct?
Do you even understand the code you're looking at?
The first code is "wrong". First it assigns Doctrine_Manager object $managger, and then this variable is not used.
If you want to do more than one thing on Doctrine_Manager then it's natural to get assign this reference to something that won't mess up your code. If you want to do just one thing there is no need to use extra variable, in other words:
$manager = Doctrine_Manger::getInstance();
