How do I define a build step in general for heroku - heroku

When using the node.js build-pack in heroku, the postinstall hook in package.json can be used to run a custom build script
But what if I am not using the node build-pack? For example, if I am using the apt build-pack, how do I specify a custom build script? Do I still need to create a package.json file just to be able to have this capability?

I had a similar problem, in that I had two buildpacks on my application, one of which was nodejs. My package.json build script was getting run before my python dependencies had been installed, and was failing (I think the same thing would happen with postinstall). The solution was to reverse the buildpack order, and put the python one before the nodejs one, so the build script would have all necessary dependencies.
That same solution could apply here as well, using something like heroku-buildpack-shell. Just put that buildpack last, and stick your build script in .heroku/


Create Heroku pipelines with different build command

I have a repo with 2 different build/start commands: one for the app itself, and another to run Storybook. Yes, I know Storybook should be on its own repo but for now we have everything in a single repo.
How can I build 2 pipelines, one that starts with npm build and npm start, and another pipeline that uses npm run build-storybook and npm run storybook?
I can't use a Procfile since they are both on the main branch.
I was working on this exact issue. Unfortunately I was unable to find a solution because Heroku automatically runs the build command on deployment.
I pivoted to using Chromatic because it has built in Storybook deployments.

Why isn't my clojure/cljs app deploying on Heroku?

I'm trying to deploy my app to heroku and I keep getting this error:
The required namespace "react" is not available, it was required by "reagent/core.cljs".
But I have
"react": "17.0.2-0",
"react-dom": "17.0.2-0",
"react-highlight.js": "1.0.7",
all in my package.json and I also put
[cljsjs/react "17.0.2-0"]
[cljsjs/react-dom "17.0.2-0"]
in my project.clj. I also did npm install react. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?
It compiles fine using shadow-cljs to my localhost, but it won't compile when I try to push to heroku. Any idea what I'm missing?
Editing to add some more details:
I made a bin/build file based on this blog post, even though I'm not using Fulcro:
I created a bin/build file that say this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
npm install
npx shadow-cljs release main
clojure -A:depstar -m hf.depstar.uberjar fulcro.jar
I added this to my shadow-cljs.edn file:
;; v-- and this!
:release {:compiler-options {:optimizations :advanced}}}
And it also said to add something to my deps.edn file, but I don't have one so I didn't.
I also did the buildpack step to add the clojure and nodejs buildpacks, although I'm not using nodejs to my knowledge.
I had the same problem, it was very easy to fix.
You need to first specify buildpacks nodejs, and after it only clojure.
from here:
npm install react react-dom create-react-class

How do I set up a lambda function in AWS to install certain packages and dependencies

I know there are deployment packages but what are these? Can they contain bash scripts that do apt-get install?
Is there any way to build a lambda function that uses a particular AMI
You can run shell commands from inside your code(so technically you could run shell scripts) but you are charged for the time it takes your Lambda to execute - so installing a bunch of dependencies every time the Lambda starts up would be considered an anti-pattern.
You need to bundle all the packages and dependencies with your Lambda. This is done by uploading a zip file that contains the lambda function and all the dependencies.
You can see the official docs for the various supported languages here:
I think your are looking for something like lambda-uploader. You can list out the python packages required by your lambda. If you come across a package that requires a couple of library files to run, you can include them as well. Like for example, the mysql-python package requires and files to run properly.
It generates the .zip file for you and deletes it once it has been uploaded. This way, you can avoid manual packaging steps and make deployment a breeze.

Build React Native project after pulling from GitHub

My friend initialized a GitHub repo after initializing React Native in a certain directory. After I pull his files into a directory and initialize a local repository on my computer and run the XCode project, there seem to be a lot of missing files and the build fails. There's probably something I need to do which is taken care of when setting up react native in the "react-native init AwesomeProject" step, but I'm not trying to set up a new project. Instead, I want to keep the files he's already developed, but set up the React Native "environment" would I go about doing this?
You need to install the dependencies through npm. Just enter the following command in the root directory of your project:
npm i

Heroku NodeJS + CouchBase Custom Buildpack

I'm trying to put together a custom buildpack with NodeJS and the CouchBase module/libraries
I've gotten as far as using Vulcan to build libcouchbase and libvbucket and getting the buildpack to retrieve and unpack the tgz files for both.
Everything looks ok there, but I receive errors when npm tries to install the couchbase module:
I get a bunch of errors, but this line:
"../src/couchbase_impl.h:52:36: warning: libcouchbase/couchbase.h: No such file or directory"
leads me to think that it can't find the libcouchbase libraries (which is possible since they aren't in the usual place).
I've tried to add the correct path using CPPFLAGS="-I/app/vendor/couchbase/include/libcouchbase" in both the Config Vars and just exporting that as part of the compile phase, but still no luck.
Here is the gist with the Heroku deploy output and the compile/release buildpack files:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[Update 1]
I've made some progress and I can now get the slug to compile when deploying to Heroku.
The key was figuring out the ENV Variables that CouchNode looks for when adding custom directories to include.
In this case, the Env Variables were EXTRA_CPPFLAGS and EXTRA_LDFLAGS.
So I updated the compile file to include the following:
export EXTRA_CPPFLAGS="-I$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/include"
export EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-L$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/lib -Wl,-rpath,$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/lib"
The slug compiles and the app is deployed, but I now get a different error in the logs:
Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So it looks like Node can't see the libcouchbase libraries directory.
For anyone who is curious or experiencing a similar issue, here's what worked for me.
In order to get the couchbase npm module to install I had to tell it where to find the libcouchbase libraries (in compile file):
export EXTRA_CPPFLAGS="-I$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/include"
export EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-L$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/lib -Wl,-rpath,$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/lib"
Then in order to require couchbase in my app I had to set the following Env Variable:
With the command:
heroku config:add LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/app/vendor/couchbase/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
You should set CPPFLAGS="-I/app/vendor/couchbase/include" LDFLAGS="-L/app/vendor/couchbase/include -lcouchbase"
from your script it seems like you just unpacking libcouchbase without any further work. you should also build it and install. typical magic spell for node.js client will be ./configure --disable-plugins --disable-examples && make && sudo make install. I'm not sure if sudo part needed on heroku, probably just make install
