When a three.js scene is loading, objects and textures appear randomly during the loading of the scene. Is there a graceful way to render a scene only after the entire scene is loaded and ready?
Does three.js fire off an event when this happens?
You can use onLoad function in loading manager https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/loaders/managers/LoadingManager.onLoad
I have two different canvases: one for the background and one for the game scene
Principal canvas:
Background canvas:
I'm having this problem: If I put an object in the principal canvas, everything seems to works but If I add a light component to this object, I'll not see the light (it is like the background image is ahead the light):
Without the background canvas:
With the background canvas:
Any idea why?
(The problem is not the BGcanvas, the problem is the image component of the BGcanvas, if I disable it, I can see the light)
Lights are 3D scene objects
UI objects are not effected by lights or scene objects because they exist in a completely different rendering path:
I want to achieve something using three.js and I wonder if it can be done.
Is there something in three.js that can allow me to control the frame of an animated Collada mesh with a slider. For example if you move up the slider it would open a door an if you pull it down it will close.
In other way, can I have control over the frame of the animation of my imported Collada object.
Thanks a lot!
It appears that THREE.js sends mesh (geometry and material) information to the card only when an object is first rendered. Unfortunately this can cause noticeable hiccups in frame rate when a new object comes on the scene.
Is there a way to utilize the three.js framework (or is there a parameter I'm missing) to send the mesh data down to the card immediately after the associated resources are loaded, rather than on first render? I've considered creating a temporary / off-screen scene that I could put each object into on load, render once, and the discard. I've also tried calling the low-level renderer functions directly with mock data to force the write. It works, but both are hacks.
Any suggestions?
Three.js r67.
i am trying to get an image of a three.js scene (via renderer.domElement.toDataURL). it works fine, except i think i am running into a problem if i call it immediately after some major changes to the scene (e.g. scene.add(mesh) or a resize of the window), the image it gets is blank/empty (all transparent). if i wait a second and manually call it, the image will appear.
is there an event that fires in three.js when the scene (or renderer, i guess?) is ready to be accessed as such? i have tried adding event listeners for 'ready' and a few others to both scene and renderer.domElement, but no luck. thanks.
In my application, I wish to use sprite image on clicking this i need to move to next scene, i am able to achieve this by clicking on mesh and navigating to next scene, but it would be better if i use sprite to do further action in my application like moveTo functions etc. So, how to add event listener in sprite using three.js