Providing user defined column names in AWS glue - parquet

I have a lot of parquet files. I need to read them through Amazon Glue and then provide column names to the table that is being read.
The problem is parquet already have column names which is being read by the crawler and show it in the table. Is it possible to provide my column names to these parquet files in glue

To replace the detected column names with names of your own, you could either:
Use one of the following build in transformations on DynamicFrame
ApplyMapping - Applies a declarative mapping to this DynamicFrame and returns a new DynamicFrame with those mappings applied. (source column, source type, target column, target type)
RenameField - Renames a field in this DynamicFrame and returns a new DynamicFrame with the field renamed. (oldName -> newName)
See the Scala or Python ETL programming guides for more detail.
Or try updating the data catalog field names manually if you don't need to continuously re-crawl the data (or if you do, it is possible to prevent a glue crawler from updating existing data catalog tables via the crawler configuration).
Alternatively, if your requirements are more discrete, the map transform is available to convert each DynamicRecord in the DynamicFrame to a new DynamicRecord of your choosing.


Import Sqoop column names issue

I have a question on Kylo and Nifi.
The version of Kylo used is 0.10.1
The version of Nifi used is 1.6.0
When we create a feed for database ingest (using database as source), in the Additional Options step there is no provision to enter the source table column names.
However, in Nifi side, we use an Import Sqoop processor which has a mandatory field called Source Fields and it requires that the columns be entered, separated by commas. If it is not done, we get an error:
ERROR tool.ImportTool: Imported Failed: We found column without column name. Please verify that you've entered all column names in your query if using free form query import (consider adding clause AS if you're using column transformation)
For our requirement, we want Import Sqoop to take all the columns from the table automatically into this property without manual intervention at Nifi level. Is there any option to include all columns of a database table in the background automatically? Or is there any other possibility of giving this value in UpdateAttribute processor?
As mentioned in the Comments, ImportSqoop is not a not a normal Nifi processor. This does not have to be problem, but will mean it is probably not possible to troubleshoot the problem without involving the creator.
Also, though I am still debating whether Nifi on Sqoop is an antipattern, it is certainly not necessary.
Please look into the standard options first:
Standard way to get data into Nifi from tables is with standard processors such as ExecuteSQL
If that doesn't suffice, the standard way to use Sqoop (a batch tool) is with a batch scheduler, such as Oozie or Airflow
This thread may take away further doubts on point 1:
Yes, Teradata Kylo Import Sqoop is not standard NiFi processor, but it's there for us to use. Looking deeper at processor's properties, we can see that indeed, SOURCE_TABLE_FIELDS is required there. Then you have an option to manually hard-code the list of columns or set up a method to generate the list dynamically.
Typical solution is to provide the list of fields is by querying table's metadata. A particular solution depends on where source and target tables are set up and how mapping is defined between source and target columns. For example, one could use databases' INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables and match columns by name. Because SQOOP's output should match the source, one has to find a way to generate the column list and provide it to ImportSqoop processor. A better yet approach could involve a separate metadata that would store the source and target information along with mappings and possible transforms (many tools are available there for that purpose, for example, Wherescape).
More specifically, I would use LookupAttribute paired with database or scripted lookup service to retrieve the column list from some metadata provider.

How do I read this mapping document?

I am new to etl and am working with talend. I was given this document and was told to make an "extraction job." how exactly do I read this document for this talend job that I have to make?
Well, ETL basically means, Extract-Transform-Load.
From your example, I can understand that you have to create a Target table which will pull data from the Source table based on certain conditions. These conditions are mentioned in your image.
You basically have to look at the Source File columns from you image. They clearly state,
1.) File(Table name), this means which table from the Source DB this attribute is flowing in.
2.) Attribute(s) (Field Name) : This is the name of the column.
3.) Extract logic : This means what logic has to be applied while extracting this column from Source(Straight Move) means, just dump the source value in Target.
This is just to get you started, as nobody will actually create the whole ETL flow for you here.

Can I keep data of different file formats in same hive table?

I am receiving data of formats like csv, xml, json and I want to keep all the files in same hive table.Is it achievable?
Hive expects all the files for one table to use the same delimiter, same compression applied etc. So, you cannot use a Hive table on top of files with multiple formats.
The solution you may want to use is
Create a separate table (json/xml/csv) for each of the file formats
Create a view for the UNION of the 3 tables created above.
This way the consumer of the data has to query only one view/object, if that's what you are looking for.
Yes, you can achieve this through a combination of different external tables.
Because different SerDes with different specifications for how to read columns in the different files will be needed, you will need to create one external table per type of file (and table). The data from each of these external tables can then be combined into a view with UNION, as suggested by Ramesh. The view can could then be used for reading from these, and you could e.g. insert the data into a managed table.

Using orientDB ETL json transform

does anyone have examples of orientDB etl transformers with multiple transforms or something that can create class identifiers on the fly, so for example, if you want to create organization entities and the id could be a hash from the organization name , essentially if the json we are importing is not exactly the schema we want in the destination
What about using block code in your ETL configuration file? You can use it in the begin phase, so you could transform id column in your .csv input file. It is not an ideal solution I agree.
see the Block documentation

how to work on specific part of cvs file uploaded into HDFS?

how to work on specific part of cvs file uploaded into HDFS ?
I'm new in Hadoop and i have an a question that is if i export an a relational database into cvs file then uploaded it into HDFS . so how to work on specific part (table) in file using MapReduce .
thanks in advance .
I assume that the RDBMS tables are exported to individual csv files for each table and stored in HDFS. I presume that, you are referring to column(s) data within the table(s) when you mentioned 'specific part (table)'. If so, place the individual csv files into the separate file paths say /user/userName/dbName/tables/table1.csv
Now, you can configure the job for the input path and field occurrences. You may consider to use the default Input Format so that your mapper would get one line at time as input. Based on the configuration/properties, you can read the specific fields and process the data.
Cascading allows you to get started very quickly with MapReduce. It has framework that allows you to set up Taps to access sources (your CSV file) and process it inside a pipeline say to (for example) add column A to column B and place the sum into column C by selecting them as Fields
use BigTable means convert your database to one big table
