Handling unused getopts argument - bash

I have a script that starts with getopts and looks as follows:
USAGE() { echo -e "Usage: bash $0 [-w <in-dir>] [-o <out-dir>] [-c <template1>] [-t <template2>] \n" 1>&2; exit 1; }
if (($# == 0))
while getopts ":w:o:c:t:h" opt
case $opt in
\? ) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG exiting" >&2
: ) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2
more commands etc
echo $OUTDIR
I am fairly new to getopts. I was doing some testing on this script and at some stage, I didn't need/want to use the -c argument [-c ]. In other words, I was trying to test another specific part of the script not involving the $CONTAINER variable at all. Therefore, I simply added # in front of all commands with the $CONTAINER and did some testing which was fine.
When testing the script without using $CONTAINER, I typed:
bash script.bash -w mydir -o myoutdir -t mywantedtemplate
However, I was wondering, given my getopts command I didn't get a warning. In other words, why did I not get a warning asking for -c argument. Is this possible? Does the warning only occur if I type:
bash script.bash -w mydir -o myoutdir -t mywantedtemplate -c
After doing some testing, I think that is it:
If you don't explicitly write "-c", getopts won't "ask" you for it and give you an error (unless your script is doing something with it - i.e. if you haven't put # in front of each command using this argument)
You only get an error if you put "-c "
Is this correct?

getopts does not warn when some options are not used (i.e. they are optional). Usually that's a good thing because some options (e.g. -h) are not used with other options. There is no way to specify mandatory options directly with the Bash builtin getopts. If you want mandatory options then you will need to write code to check that they have been used. See bash getopts with multiple and mandatory options. Also (as you have found), you won't get an error if you fail to write code to handle options specified in the optstring (first) argument to getopts.
You could get a kind of automatic warning for mandatory arguments by using the nounset setting in your Bash code (with set -o nounset or set -u). That would cause warnings to be issued for code like echo $CONTAINER if the -c option is not specified so $CONTAINER is not set. However, using the nounset option would mean that all of your code needs to be written more carefully. See How can I make bash treat undefined variables as errors?, including the comments and "Linked" answers, for more information.

You might use this script:
printf captures the stdout and put into the stderr and then back to the stdout also captures the exit code, so we can handle if the code is greater than 0.
some_command() {
echo 'this is the stdout'
echo 'this is the stderr' >&2
exit 1
run_command() {
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' stderr;
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' stdout;
(IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' _ERRNO_; exit ${_ERRNO_});
} < <((printf '\0%s\0%d\0' "$(some_command)" "${?}" 1>&2) 2>&1)
echo 'Run command:'
if ! run_command; then
## Show the values
typeset -p stdout stderr
typeset -p stdout stderr
Just replace some_command with getopts ":w:o:c:t:h"


How to handle errors in getopt

Based on tutorials I found here and here getopt should provide me with information about errors using some combination of characters :?*.
But when I used this code:
eval set -- "$(getopt -o hspna: --long help,server,project,name-prefix,action: -- "$#")"
while [ : ]; do
case "$1" in
-s | --server)
echo "Setting server"
-p | --project)
echo "Setting project"
-n | --name-prefix)
echo "Setting name prefix"
-a | --action)
echo "Setting action"
-h | --help)
echo "Providing help 1"
echo "Providing help 2"
echo "Providing help 3"
echo "Providing help 4"
echo $#
echo "Configured"
Then following command that was supposed to show an error gave me the following output:
$ ./debug.sh -a -s -b -- foo bar baz
getopt: invalid option -- 'b'
Setting action
Setting server
foo bar baz
I was expecting that:
Providing help 2 will appear due to -a missing a value
Providing help 3 will appear due to -b not being a valid parameter
Providing help 4 will appear due to overall errors
Configured should never appear since the previous 3 points have an exit
But none of the above was true.
Also when testing further even more things did not work as expected.
# Expecting error due to missing value for `-a` but instead everything worked fine
$ ./debug.sh -a -s
Setting action
Setting server
# This time I expected everything to work fine, since I provided `X` as value of `-a`, but error was shown.
$ ./debug.sh -aX
Setting action
Providing help 3
What am I doing wrong?
What am I doing wrong?
Util-linux getopt prints and handles errors.
if ! args="$(getopt \
-n your_command \
-o hspna: \
--long help,server,project,name-prefix,action: \
-- "$#"\
)"; then
exit 1
eval "set -- $args"
$ ./util -a
your_command: option requires an argument -- 'a'
I was expecting that:
I do not understand why. There is no such documentation in getopt. No, getopt will not output ? nor :. You can handle your (as the author of the program) errors, like you forgot to handle the option in case that you have given to getopt - you handle that with *).
The ? is a glob that matches any character. Because you forgot a shift after esac before done, X remains in $1, which is one character and is matched by ?). You meant '?'). This should go into *) case, and you should print yourself an error message.
Example, subjective in my style that I use (many people do not like set -eu):
set -euo pipefail
args=$(getopt -o ab -- "$#")
eval "set -- $args"
while (($#)); do
case "$1" in
-a) afloag=1; ;;
--) shift; break;
*) echo "Och no, I forgot about -b, or some other error!" >&2; exit 1; ;;

Why do shortened versions of long options work with getopt?

In the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
func_usage ()
cat <<EOF \
USAGE: ${0} \
## Defining_Version
## Defining_Input
options=$(getopt -o "t:" -l "h,help,v,version,taxonomy:" -a -- "$#")
eval set -- "$options"
while true;do
case $1 in
exit 0
echo $version
echo "Option t = $2 ";
echo $Taxonomy_ID
## Defining Taxonomy Default Value (in case is not provided)
echo $TaxonomyID
exit 0
The commands:
./script.sh -v
./script.sh --v
./script.sh -version
./script.sh --version
Work as expected. But what I do not understand is why the commands:
./script.sh -ver
./script.sh --ver
work at all. An equivalent unexpected behavior is also observed for the commands:
./script.sh -tax 22
./script.sh --tax 22
I would be grateful to get an explanation and/or a way to correct this unexpected behavior.
Note that getopt is an external utility unrelated to Bash.
what I do not understand is why the commands: .. work at all.
Because getopt was designed to support it, there is no other explanation. From man getopt:
[...] Long options may be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is not ambiguous.
Unambiguous abbreviations of long options are converted to long options.
Based on the comments I have received, specially from #CharlesDuffy, I have modified my code to what I believe is a more robust and compatible version. Importantly, the code below addresses the pitfalls of the original code
#!/usr/bin/env bash
func_usage ()
cat <<EOF
USAGE: ${0}
## Defining_Version
## Defining_Input
while true;do
case $1 in
exit 0
echo $version
echo "Option t = $2 ";
echo $Taxonomy_ID
printf 'WARN: Unknown option (ignored): %s\n' "$1" >&2
echo $TaxonomyID
exit 0
The code above behaves as expected in that the commands:
./script -tax 22
Gives the warning:
WARN: Unknown option (ignored): -tax
As expected

Pass options received in bash script to a called script, command or builtin

I have a bash script myscript.sh.
I mean to call another script, command or builtin from within it, e.g., diff.
I mean to pass options to myscript.sh, some of which would be passed to diff when calling it.
The way I implemented this is by setting up an option string optstring via getopt, and then using
eval "diff ${optstring} ${file} ${TRG_DIR}/${filebase2}"
So far, it worked, but I do not know if this is prone to issues when passing arguments with wildcards, etc. At any rate, ...
Is there a better way to do it?
The way I set up optstring is
set -o errexit -o noclobber -o nounset -o pipefail
params="$(getopt -o qy --long brief,side-by-side,suppress-common-lines --name "$0" -- "$#")"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Failed parsing options." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
echo params=$params
echo params=$#
eval set -- "$params"
# These variables are likely not needed
#while false ; do
while true ; do
case "$1" in
optstring=${optstring}" -q"
echo "brief"
optstring=${optstring}" -y"
echo "side-by-side"
optstring=${optstring}" --suppress-common-lines"
echo "suppress-common-lines"
echo "Not implemented: $1" >&2
exit 1
echo optstring=${optstring}
Use an array. Arrays can handle multi-word arguments with whitespace. Initialize a blank array with:
To append an option, do:
Then finally you can get rid of the eval when you call diff and just call it normally. Make sure to quote all of the variable expansions in case they have whitespace:
diff "${options[#]}" "$file" "$TRG_DIR/$filebase2"

How can I export function in a function in bash?

I am learning bash. And I would like to make a function which wrap another function in a temporal script file and execute it with sudo -u command in sub-shell.
The problem I encountered is the generated script cannot find the wrapped function although it is exported in the wrap function.
I append test cords below. Someone who finds problems, please let me know. Thank you very much.
source "./display.sh"
source "./sudo_wrap.sh"
display_func "load success"
sudo_wrap_func '' 'display_func' '3' '4 5'
output, display.sh, sudo_wrap.sh and generated temporal file are appended below,
display_func : load success
export -f display_func
30481: line 5: display_func: command not found
function display_func() {
echo "display_func : $#"
function sudo_wrap_func() {
local sudo_user="${1:-root}"
local function_name="${2:?'function_name is null string.'}"
shift 2
local func_augs=( "$#" )
local script
# *** script : header ***
# *** script : making augments for function ***
for aug in "${func_augs[#]}"
if [[ "${aug}" =~ [[:blank:]] ]]; then
script=" ${script} \"${aug}\""
script=" ${script} ${aug}"
local tmp_script_file="${RANDOM}"
echo -e "${script}" >> "${tmp_script_file}"
# *** script : calling function with augments ***
echo -e "${function_name} \"\${augs[#]}\"\n" >> "${tmp_script_file}"
echo "export -f "${function_name}"" >&2
export -f "${function_name}"
sudo -u"${sudo_user}" bash "${tmp_script_file}"
rm "${tmp_script_file}"
temporally generated file (in this case, file name is 30481)
augs=( 3 "4 5")
display_func "${augs[#]}"
As I said in a comment, the basic problem is that sudo cleans its environment (including both variables and functions) before running the command (/script) as another user. This can be overridden with sudo -E, but only if it's explicitly allowed in /etc/sudoers.
But the problem is not insoluble; you just have to include the definition of the function in the script, so it gets recreated in that environment. bash even has a convenient command, declare -f display_func, that prints the function definition in the appropriate form (and declare -p variable does the same for variables). So you can use those to add the appropriate definitions to the script.
Here's a script I wrote to do this. I made a few other changes vs. your script: I take -u username to specify a different user to run as (so you don't have to pass '' as the first argument if you don't want to specify a different user). I also added -f functionname and -v variablename to "export" additional function and variable definitions into the script (in case the main function depends on them). I also create the temp script file in /tmp, and change ownership if necessary so it'll be readable by the other user.
me="$(basename "$0")"
usage() {
echo "Usage: $me [-u user] [-f otherfunction] [-v variablename] function [args...]" >&2
tmp_script_file=$(mktemp "/tmp/${me}.XXXXXXXXXXXX") || {
echo "Error creating temporary script file" >&2
exit 1
echo "#!/bin/bash" > "$tmp_script_file" # Not actually needed, since we'll run it with "bash"
# Parse the command options; "-u" gets stored for later, but "-f" and "-v" write
# the relevant declarations to the script file as we go.
while getopts u:f:v: OPT; do
case "$OPT" in
sudo_user="$OPTARG" ;;
declare -f "$OPTARG" >>"$tmp_script_file" || {
echo "Error saving definition of function $OPTARG" >&2
exit 1
} ;;
declare -p "$OPTARG" >>"$tmp_script_file" || {
echo "Error saving definition of variable $OPTARG" >&2
exit 1
} ;;
?) usage; exit 1 ;;
shift $(($OPTIND-1))
if (( $# == 0 )); then # No actual command specified
exit 1
# Write the main function itself into the script
declare -f "$1" >>"$tmp_script_file" || {
echo "Error saving definition of function $1" >&2
exit 1
# Then the command to run it, with arguments quoted/escaped as
# necessary.
printf "%q " "$#" >>"$tmp_script_file"
# the printf above won't write a newline, so add it by hand
echo >>"$tmp_script_file"
# If the script will run as someone other than root, change ownership of the
# script so the target user can read it
if [[ -n "$sudo_user" ]]; then
sudo chown "$sudo_user" "$tmp_script_file"
# Now launch the script, suitably sudo'ed
sudo ${sudo_user:+ -u "$sudo_user"} bash "$tmp_script_file"
# Clean up
sudo rm "$tmp_script_file"
Here's an example of using it:
$ foo() { echo "foo_variable is '$foo_variable'"; }
$ bar() { echo "Running the function bar as $(whoami)"; echo "Arguments: $*"; foo; }
$ export -f foo bar # need to export these so the script can see them
$ export foo_variable='Whee!!!' # ditto
$ # Run the function directly first, so see what it does
$ bar 1 2 3
Running the function bar as gordon
Arguments: 1 2 3
foo_variable is 'Whee!!!'
$ # Now run it as another user with the wrapper script
$ ./sudo_wrap.sh -f foo -v foo_variable -u deenovo bar 1 2 3
Running the function bar as deenovo
Arguments: 1 2 3
foo_variable is 'Whee!!!'
Note that you could remove the need to export the functions and variables by either running the script with source or making it a function, but doing that would require changes to how $me is defined, the usage function, replacing all those exits with returns, and maybe some other things I haven't thought of.

Execution sequence in shell script and passing the right arguments to functions

I have a shell script that I use to launch some ROS launcher file (not that important for my question). My requirement is to use some arguments and therefore I am using getopts.
Basically, I am getting one file or a few, playing them with ROS and simultaneously recording all the files back to a single file. After that, if I have provided an argument -r or -c, I would like to run two additional operations (reindex and compress) on the recorded file. But it is required that the other process are done, before I can run the -r and -c. I am using the wait keyword, but I am not sure I really understand the flow. In other words, the playing and recording should be done and only then -r and -c should be run if provided as arguments.
Second question is related to how do I get or pass the same file that was outputted to these two functions (reindex and compress)?
So my desired format is:
./myscript -i file1 -i file2 -o /home/output -r -c
OUTPUT_FILE_NAME="output_$(date +%Y.%m.%d--%H_%M_%S)"
$(basename "$0") [-i] [-o] [-r] [-c] [-h] -- to be done"
# Reset is necessary if getopts was used previously in the script.
while getopts ":i:orch:" opt; do
case $opt in
i ) echo "INPUT file - argument = $OPTARG"; input_files+=($OPTARG) ;;
o ) echo "OUTPUT dir - argument = $OPTARG"; output_dir=($OPTARG) ;;
r ) echo "REINDEX"; reindex ;;
c ) echo "COMPRESS"; compress ;;
h ) echo "$usage"
graceful_exit ;;
* ) echo "$usage"
exit 1
# Shift off the options
shift $((OPTIND-1))
roslaunch myLauncher.launch &
echo "Number of loaded files: ${#input_files[#]}"
echo -n "FILES are:"
rosbag play ${input_files[#]} &
rosbag record -o $output_dir/$OUTPUT_FILE_NAME -a &
function reindex{
rosbag reindex $output_dir/$OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
function compress{
rosbag reindex $output_dir/$OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
Thank you in advance!
You're very close to where you need to be — and using getopts puts you firmly on the correct track, too. Note whether or not you need to reindex or compress in the option parsing loop. Then, after the music has been played and the output file written, run the code from the functions if you need to:
OUTPUT_FILE_NAME="output_$(date +%Y.%m.%d--%H_%M_%S)"
usage="$(basename "$0") [-i file] [-o file] [-r] [-c] [-h]"
input_files=() # Empty list of files/tracks
output_dir="." # Default output directory
r_flag="no" # No reindex by default
c_flag="no" # No compress by default
while getopts ":i:orch:" opt; do
case $opt in
(i) echo "INPUT file - argument = $OPTARG"; input_files+=("$OPTARG");;
(o) echo "OUTPUT dir - argument = $OPTARG"; output_dir="$OPTARG";;
(r) echo "REINDEX"; r_flag="yes";;
(c) echo "COMPRESS"; c_flag="yes";;
(h) echo "$usage" >&2; exit 0;;
(*) echo "$usage" >&2; exit 1;;
# Shift off the options
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ $# != 0 ] || [ "${#input_files[#]}" = 0 ] ||
echo "$usage" >&2
exit 1
roslaunch myLauncher.launch &
echo "Number of loaded files: ${#input_files[#]}"
echo -n "FILES are:"
rosbag play "${input_files[#]}" &
rosbag record -o "$output_dir/$OUTPUT_FILE_NAME" -a &
if [ "$r_flag" = "yes" ]
rosbag reindex "$output_dir/$OUTPUT_FILE_NAME"
if [ "$c_flag" = "yes" ]
rosbag compress "$output_dir/$OUTPUT_FILE_NAME"
I didn't keep the functions since they didn't provide any value in the rewritten code.
