Receiving a "module not found" and "field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration" deploying my site to Netlify - node-modules

My GatsbyJS site runs fine locally but does not produce a successful build when deploying to Netlify. I've researched the error I'm receiving and haven't had any luck. Changing the case of the file name or changing the file path doesn't work.
Link to repository

On your local machine, run the command gatsby build will result in the error you show in the images.
You will notice the error lines:
Error: ./src/components/header.js
... Can't resolve 'components/variables.css' in ...
opt/build/repo/node_modules/components/variables.css doesn't exist
tells you it is trying to resolve the components/variables.css as a module in your project.
Change the import line for variables.css in header.js:
import styled from 'styled-components'
import 'components/variables.css'
to the following:
import styled from 'styled-components'
import './variables.css'

Make sure netlify knows what version of node you need to build your app.
Also make sure your project is able to build from scratch. Clone the repository into a new directory and try to build it.


I can't export a custom report name from html-reporter-extra

This really should be straightforward but I can't get it to work.
It's a simple setup: I have a locally run Jenkins, exported Postman collections that I'm running using newman. I got html-report-extra installed and it's generating a report but I can't get it to export the html file under a different name!
I have a locally installed Jenkins, I'm using a freestyle project and under Build - Execute Windows batch command I have this:
newman run IDMS4.postman_collection.json -e IDMS4.postman_environment.json --reporters cli,htmlextra --reporter-html-export newman/index.html --disable-unicode
This is how my Jenkins job is setup:
Jenkins job setup
Build completes but there is no index.html anywhere. This is the the part that's puzzling me.
.jenkins\jobs\Newman runner\htmlreports\HTMLReport
i get the default file format name (project name + timestamp).
.jenkins\workspace\Newman runner\newman
I also get project name + timestamp html files.
Why is this outputed to both folders and how can I get this to export just one index.html?
Please try with dot slash. eg: ./newman/index.html.
and also
if you need collection name to be in the report, please use following node module

Go get is pulling the wrong repository

My module is
My repository is
When I run go get, I get the message below.
Scotts-Mac-mini:seeding syacko$ go get
go get module git ls-remote -q origin in /Users/syacko/workspace/sotesoft/golang/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/80b3644beae1b986f1c659355360479e2463820660aa328d2edb1e571aba259b: exit status 128:
remote: The project you were looking for could not be found.
fatal: repository '' not found
Scotts-Mac-mini:seeding syacko$
The is a sub-directory and not a repository. I don't understand why go get is going to the utilities as a repository?
Directory Structure:
go.mod file
module slogger or -> still gets the error below
go 1.14 contains repository slogger.git
I have run a test to see if the issue is the number of nodes in the path. So, I create a new repository with no sub-directory and pushed the slogger code. Then ran go get which generate a different error message.
GOPATH/ -> create new directory and added slogger files listed above -> new repository with one less level
Scotts-Mac-mini:test-go-mod syacko$ go get
go: downloading v0.0.0-20200409023538-794310bf7cf9
go get verifying module: reading 410 Gone
server response:
not found: invalid version: git fetch -f origin refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* in /tmp/gopath/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/7753c92c9bd1419156d8120684b7f3707fd207e01a2947ba89e2acfd2ecfb4d0: exit status 128:
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
Scotts-Mac-mini:test-go-mod syacko$
This is still getting the status error of 128 for the missing version. Additionally, it is looking in the right location for the code. If this is true, then I just need help with the version missing. Moving to a shorted directory structure is doable.
Newest Update
#praveent > The solution at didn't work for me. So I started from scratch to see how to resolve the issue.
The reason is because for a git repository it assumes that utilities is the repo and not utilities/slogger
There is a way to override this behavior by implementing go get API. But, gitlab is yet to implement the same due to security concerns. You can read more here. Gitlab issue
Update: Add reference to gitlab issue tracking this problem.
So, here is how I got this to work using I'm not saying other ways will not work, they just didn't for me and my setup. First, since I don't care if the code is available to the public, I created a new group at This new group is public from the start, so no need to adjust permissions. Then I create a repository called packages and cloned the repository to my local machine with the same directory structure that is in, with ~/workspace/soteapps/packages on my machine. Both of these are out side the GOPATH. I'm not sure this matters, but it is working this way, so I'm putting it here.
Under packages, I copied the slogger directory and code.
cp -R slogger ~/workspace/soteapps/packages/.
Edited the go.mod file to match the repository structure, which is in the packages directory. There is no go.mod file in the slogger directory.
go 1.14
Edited the hello.go import to match the package.
package main
import (
func main() {
slogger.Info("Test message")
Built the program using go build -o hello and then ran it hello with the following results:
Scotts-Mac-mini:hello syacko$ hello
Hello, world.
INFO:2020/04/10 21:11:33 Test message
Scotts-Mac-mini:hello syacko$
Worked! Thank you all that helped. This wouldn't of gotten solved without your help.
Note: This only works for public repositories.

React-native importing throws 'Unable to resolve module', even though IDE finds it prefectly

Here is my test import I use in App.js
import {test} from './utils/configs';
Here is my ./utils/configs:
export const test = 'test-string'
App.js and Utils folder are in a same level. IDE finds import perfectly, but Xcode simulator throws error:
Unable to resolve module ./utils/configs from /Users/riku/Documents/StreamrLabs/streamr-ios-location-poc/App.js: The module ./utils/configs could not be found from /Users/riku/Documents/StreamrLabs/streamr-ios-location-poc/App.js. Indeed, none of these files exist:
It seems that importing new modules breaks Xcode/bundler. My app is detatched expo app.
Files should have an extension ! (configs.js in this case).
Xcode is trying to find .js files, and here, there is no extension !
(solution for record)

go install third part package, unrecognized import path

C:\>go get -u
package Get stopped after 10 redirects
package unrecognized import path ""
package unrecognized import path ""
package unrecognized import path ""
I think maybe it because google is forbidden in china?
How to solve this error?
I opened a issue here, solved by the help of repo owner.
The package I try to install is using godep and go vendor.
go vendor need go 1.5 +, and the most important thing is :
This command make install successful.
Maybe it is also because has been archived.
Make sure the project you are using includes a recent fork of that project, like
If you cannot change directly, you would need to fork it first.
Then change the import in hidu/proxy-manager/manager/client.go#L4
For the "unrecognized import path", see this thread:
One common explanation is that something is blocking access to the domain.
go get -v should tell you more.
That last part works for me:
C:\Users\vonc\prog>go get -v
Parsing meta tags from (status code 200)
get "": found meta tag
get "": verifying non-authoritative meta tag
Parsing meta tags from (status code 200) (download)
Trying proxy
export GO111MODULE=on
export GOPROXY=

Q: Getting Build Error "Invalid Import Path"

I'm stuck on running the BeeGO app using "bee run" it says
The thing is I've already have setup properly my GOPATH to D:/Web Dev/GO/BeeGO/test-project/
and also routers path does exist and I've tried to manual build the file but it doesn't generate an .exe file.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
I'm using Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit)
GO expects the directory structure under $GOPATH in following ways as described in code organization:
$GOPATH/src <--- where your source code goes
Instead of placing your source files directly under $GOPATH (D:/Web Dev/GO/BeeGO/test-project/ for your case), you want to move your code under $GOPATH/src.
D:/Web Dev/GO/BeeGO/test-project/src/main.go
D:/Web Dev/GO/BeeGO/test-project/src/quickstart/routers/routers.go
D:/Web Dev/GO/BeeGO/test-project/src/quickstart/controllers/controllers.go
import path should be always starting from $GOPATH/src. routers.go can be always imported as import "quickstart/routers" and controllers.go can be imported as import "quickstart/controllers".
That's not how you import a package.
The import path is relative to $GOPATH/src. use:
import "quickstart/routers"
Finally fixed the bug from the framework,
What I did:
in main.go import from
"D:/Web Dev/GO/BeeGO/test-project/quickstart/routers"
I changed it to _"../quickstart/routers" make sure to include _ this means to import the library even if it is not used,
Then in the routers/router.go I changed the import path
"D:/Web Dev/GO/BeeGO/test-project/quickstart/controllers" to "../controllers"
It seems BeeGO doesn't generate the template properly and caused the build to fail.
Another possiblity for this error, is when you copy-paste code from the internet,
import "quickstart/routers"
import "quickstart/routers "
due to bugs in some CMS/Blog systems (notice the space at the end before the closing quote...).
