Bash Shellscript Column Check Error Handling - bash

I am writing a Bash Shellscript. I need to check a file for if $value1 contains $value2. $value1 is the column number (1, 4, 5 as an example) and $value2 ($value2 can be '03', '04' , '09' etc) is the String I am looking for. If the column contains the $value2 then perform a move of the file to an error directory. I was wondering what is the best approach to this. I was thinking awk or is there another way?
$value1 and $value2 are stored in a config file. I have control over what format I can use. Here's an example. The file separator is Octal \036. I just depicted with | below.
Input example1.txt
Input example2.txt
move example1.txt to /home/user/error_directory and example2.txt stays in current directory (nothing happens)

awk can report out which files meet this condition:
awk -F"|" -v columnToSearch=$value1 -v valueToFind=$value2 '$columnToSearch==valueToFind{print FILENAME}' example1.txt example2.txt
Then you can do your mv based on that.
Example using a pipe to xargs (with smaller variable names since you get the idea by now):
awk -F"|" -v c=$value1 -v v=$value2 '$c==v{print FILENAME}' example1.txt example2.txt | xargs -I{} mv -i {} /home/user/error_directory

If you're writing a bash shell script then you can break it down by column using cut.
There are really so many options that it depends on what you want to get done.
In my experience with data I'd use a colon rather than pipe because it allows me to avoid the escape with the 'cut' command.
Changing the data files to:
cat example1.txt
I'd write it like this: (adding -x so that you can see the processing, but in your code you'd not need to do that.)
[root#]# cat
#!/bin/sh -x
one=`cat example1.txt | cut -d: -f5`
two=`cat example2.txt | cut -d: -f5`
for i in $one
if [ $i -eq $two ]
movethis=`grep $two example1.txt`
echo $movethis >> /home/me/error.txt
cat /home/me/error.txt
[root#]# ./
++ cat example1.txt
++ cut -d: -f5
+ one='04
02 '
++ cat example2.txt
++ cut -d: -f5
+ two=02
+ for i in '$one'
+ '[' 04 -eq 02 ']'
+ for i in '$one'
+ '[' 02 -eq 02 ']'
++ grep 02 example1.txt
+ movethis='example:22:udajha:llama:02 '
+ echo example:22:udajha:llama:02
+ cat /home/me/error.txt
You can use any command you live to move your content. Touch, cp, mv, what ever you want to use there.


Get full path name of file and its size using awk

I want to get the file names followed by their size for all files having size in MB or GB. I have done this much so far :
LIST=$(ls -lh -d -1 $PWD/{*,} | awk '{ print $9":"$5 }')
for i in $LIST
if [[ $( echo "$i" | cut -f2 -d: | egrep "M|G" | wc -l) -ne 0 ]]
# egrep not working, only finds M
echo "$i" >> bigfiles
What I am getting is :
amit#C0deDaedalus:~$ test/findbig
What I want is :
amit#C0deDaedalus:~$ test/findbig
/home/amit/Batch File Programming.pdf:3.8M
/home/amit/Black Panther - Legend Has It ( Instrumental ).opus:3.6M
Basically, everything is working fine except filenames that I get are not complete. Only first word is shown. I can't figure out whether there is something wrong with logic or syntax but I think it has something to do with awk.
So, How do I get the full path names of files (having spaces in between) in the output ?
I have tried the loop trick in awk, but don't know how to get both of the columns to fit in.
You can use read and the convenient occurrence of the filename at the right-side of the ls -l listing. read puts all the "extra" fields into the final variable:
function f_getfields
local perm lnk uname grp size d1 d2 d3 filename
while read perm lnk uname grp size d1 d2 d3 filename
echo "$filename $size"
done < <(ls -l)
The problem is due to the spaces in your file names. The for loop uses spaces as delimeter. Therefore the first item in your list will be "/home/amit/Batch", second item "File" and so on.
You can use while loop instead of for, something like :
ls -lh -d -1 $PWD/{*,} | awk '{ print $9":"$5 }' | while read LINE
echo ${LINE}
# do your stuff here
As an aside, if your only intention is to find out large files, you may want to check out disk usage command :
$ du -a | sort -rn | head

Bash: Filter directory when piping from `ls` to `tee`

(background info)
Writing my first bash psuedo-program. The program downloads a bunch of files from the network, stores them in a sub-directory called ./network-files/, then removes all the files it downloaded. It also logs the result to several log files in ./logs/.
I want to log the filenames of each file deleted.
Currently, I'm doing this:
echo -e "$(date -u) >>> Removing files: $(ls -1 "$base_directory"/network-files/* | tr '\n' ' ')" | tee -a $network_files_log $verbose_log $network_log
($base_directory is a variable defining the base directory for the app, $network_files_log etc are variables defining the location of various log files)
This produces some pretty grody and unreadable output:
Tue Jun 21 04:55:46 UTC 2016 >>> Removing files: /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/207822218.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/217311040.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/442119100.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/464324101.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/525787337.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/581100197.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/640387393.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/650797708.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/827538696.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/833069509.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/8580204.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/858174053.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/998266826.png
Any good way to strip out the /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/ part from each of those file paths? I suspect there's something I should be doing with sed or grep, but haven't had any luck so far.
You might also consider using find. Its perfect for walking directories, removing files and using customized printf for output:
find $PWD/x -type f -printf "%f\n" -delete >>$YourLogFile.log
Don't use ls at all; use a glob to populate an array with the desired files. You can then use parameter expansion to shorten each array element.
files=( "$d"/* )
printf '%s Removing files: %s' "$(date -u)" "${files[*]#$d/}" | tee ...
You could do it a couple of ways. To directly answer the question, you could use sed to do it with the substitution command like:
echo -e "$(date -u) >>> Removing files: $(ls -1 "$base_directory"/network-files/* | tr '\n' ' ')" | sed -e "s,$base_directory/network-files/,," | tee -a $network_files_log $verbose_log $network_log
which adds sed -e "s,$base_directory/network-files/,," to the pipeline. It will substitute the string found in base_directory with the empty string, so long as there are not any commas in base_directory. If there are you could try a different separator for the parts of the sed command, like underscore: sed -e "s_$base_directory/network-files__"
Instead though, you could just have the subshell cd to that directory and then the string wouldn't be there in the first place:
echo -e "$(date -u) >>> Removing files: $(cd "$base_directory/network-files/"; ls -1 | tr '\n' ' ')" | tee -a "$network_files_log" "$verbose_log" "$network_log"
Or you could avoid some potential pitfalls with echo and use printf like
{ printf '%s >>>Removing files: '; printf '%s ' "$(cd "$base_directory/network-files"; ls -1)"; printf '\n'; } | tee -a ...
testdata="/home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/207822218.png /home/vagrant/load-simulator/network-files/217311040.png"
echo -e $testdata | sed -e 's/\/[^ ]*\///g'
Pipe your output to sed the replace that captured group with nothing.
The regex: \/[^ ]*\/
Start with a /, captured everything that is not a space until it gets to the last /.

Reading a file in a shell script and selecting a section of the line

This is probably pretty basic, I want to read in a occurrence file.
Then the program should find all occurrences of "CallTilEdb" in the file Hendelse.logg:
CallTilEdb 8
CallCustomer 9
CallTilEdb 4
CustomerChk 10
CustomerChk 15
CallTilEdb 16
and sum up then right column. For this case it would be 8 + 4 + 16, so the output I would want would be 28.
I'm not sure how to do this, and this is as far as I have gotten with
declare -t filename=hendelse.logg
declare -t occurance="$1"
declare -i sumTime=0
while read -r line
if [ "$occurance" = $(cut -f1 line) ] #line 10
sumTime+=$(cut -f2 line)
done < "$filename"
so the execution in terminal would be CallTilEdb
but the error I get now is:
/home/user/bin/ line 10: [: unary operator expected
You have a nice approach, but maybe you could use awk to do the same thing... quite faster!
$ awk -v par="CallTilEdb" '$1==par {sum+=$2} END {print sum+0}' hendelse.logg
It may look a bit weird if you haven't used awk so far, but here is what it does:
-v par="CallTilEdb" provide an argument to awk, so that we can use par as a variable in the script. You could also do -v par="$1" if you want to use a variable provided to the script as parameter.
$1==par {sum+=$2} this means: if the first field is the same as the content of the variable par, then add the second column's value into the counter sum.
END {print sum+0} this means: once you are done from processing the file, print the content of sum. The +0 makes awk print 0 in case sum was not set... that is, if nothing was found.
In case you really want to make it with bash, you can use read with two parameters, so that you don't have to make use of cut to handle the values, together with some arithmetic operations to sum the values:
declare -t filename=hendelse.logg
declare -t occurance="$1"
declare -i sumTime=0
while read -r name value # read both values with -r for safety
if [ "$occurance" == "$name" ]; then # string comparison
((sumTime+=$value)) # sum
done < "$filename"
echo "sum: $sumTime"
So that it works like this:
$ ./ CallTilEdb
sum: 28
$ ./ CustomerChk
sum: 25
first of all you need to change the way you call cut:
$( echo $line | cut -f1 )
in line 10 you miss the evaluation:
if [ "$occurance" = $( echo $line | cut -f1 ) ]
you can then sum by doing:
sumTime=$[ $sumTime + $( echo $line | cut -f2 ) ]
But you can also use a different approach and put the line values in an array, the final script will look like:
declare -t filename=prova
declare -t occurance="$1"
declare -i sumTime=0
while read -a line
if [ "$occurance" = ${line[0]} ]
sumTime=$[ $sumtime + ${line[1]} ]
done < "$filename"
echo $sumTime
For the reference,
sum=$(echo "0 $(sed -n "s/^$id[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)/\1 +/p" < "$file") p" | dc)
echo SUM: $sum
SUM: 28
the sed extract numbers from a lines containing the given id, such CallTilEdb
and prints them in the format number +
the echo prepares a string such 0 8 + 16 + 4 + p what is calculation in RPN format
the dc do the calculation
another variant:
sum=$(sed -n "s/^$id[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)/\1/p" < "$file" | paste -sd+ - | bc)
sum=$(grep -oP "^$id\D*\K\d+" < "$file" | paste -sd+ - | bc)
the sed (or the grep) extracts and prints only the numbers
the paste make a string like number + number + number (-d+ is a delimiter)
the bc do the calculation
or perl
sum=$(perl -slanE '$s+=$F[1] if /^$id/}{say $s' -- -id="$id" "$file")
sum=$(ID="CallTilEdb" perl -lanE '$s+=$F[1] if /^$ENV{ID}/}{say $s' "$file")
Awk translation to script:
declare -t filename=hendelse.logg
declare -t occurance="$1"
declare -i sumTime=0
sumtime=$(awk -v entry=$occurance '
END{print time+0}' $filename)

bash: process substitution, paste and echo

I'm trying out process substitution and this is just a fun exercise.
I want to append the string "XXX" to all the values of 'ls':
paste -d ' ' <(ls -1) <(echo "XXX")
How come this does not work? XXX is not appended. However if I want to append the file name to itself such as
paste -d ' ' <(ls -1) <(ls -1)
it works.
I do not understand the behavior. Both echo and ls -1 write to stdout but echo's output isn't read by paste.
Try doing this, using a printf hack to display the file with zero length output and XXX appended.
paste -d ' ' <(ls -1) <(printf "%.0sXXX\n" * )
Demo :
$ ls -1
Output :
filename1 XXX
filename10 XXX
filename2 XXX
filename3 XXX
filename4 XXX
filename5 XXX
filename6 XXX
filename7 XXX
filename8 XXX
filename9 XXX
If you just want to append XXX, this one will be simpler :
printf "%sXXX\n"
If you want the XXX after every line of ls -l output, you need a second command that output x times the string. You are echoing it just once and therefore it will get appended to the first line of ls output only.
If you are searching for a tiny command line to achieve the task you may use sed:
ls -l | sed -n 's/\(^.*\)$/\1 XXX/p'
And here's a funny one, not using any external command except the legendary yes command!
while read -u 4 head && read -u 5 tail ; do echo "$head $tail"; done 4< <(ls -1) 5< <(yes XXX)
(I'm only posting this because it's funny and it's actually not 100% off topic since it uses file descriptors and process substitutions)
... you have to:
for i in $( ls -1 ); do echo "$i XXXX"; done
Never use for i in $(command). See this answer for more details.
So, to answer of this original question, you could simply use something like this :
for file in *; do echo "$file XXXX"; done
Another solution with awk :
ls -1|awk '{print $0" XXXX"}'
awk '{print $0" XXXX"}' <(ls -1) # with process substitution
Another solution with sed :
ls -1|sed "s/\(.*\)/\1 XXXX/g"
sed "s/\(.*\)/\1 XXXX/g" <(ls -1) # with process substitution
And useless solutions, just for fun :
while read; do echo "$REPLY XXXX"; done <<< "$(ls -1)"
ls -1|while read; do echo "$REPLY XXXX"; done
It does it only for the first line, since it groups the first line from parameter 1 with the first line from parameter 2:
paste -d ' ' <(ls -1) <(echo "XXX")
... outputs:
/dir/file-a XXXX
... you have to:
for i in $( ls -1 ); do echo "$i XXXX"; done
You can use xargs for the same effect:
ls -1 | xargs -I{} echo {} XXX

results of wc as variables

I would like to use the lines coming from 'wc' as variables. For example:
echo 'foo bar' > file.txt
echo 'blah blah blah' >> file.txt
wc file.txt
2 5 23 file.txt
I would like to have something like $lines, $words and $characters associated to the values 2, 5, and 23. How can I do that in bash?
In pure bash: (no awk)
a=($(wc file.txt))
This works by using bash's arrays. a=(1 2 3) creates an array with elements 1, 2 and 3. We can then access separate elements with the ${a[indice]} syntax.
Alternative: (based on gonvaled solution)
read lines words chars <<< $(wc x)
Or in sh:
a=$(wc file.txt)
lines=$(echo $a|cut -d' ' -f1)
words=$(echo $a|cut -d' ' -f2)
chars=$(echo $a|cut -d' ' -f3)
There are other solutions but a simple one which I usually use is to put the output of wc in a temporary file, and then read from there:
wc file.txt > xxx
read lines words characters filename < xxx
echo "lines=$lines words=$words characters=$characters filename=$filename"
lines=2 words=5 characters=23 filename=file.txt
The advantage of this method is that you do not need to create several awk processes, one for each variable. The disadvantage is that you need a temporary file, which you should delete afterwards.
Be careful: this does not work:
wc file.txt | read lines words characters filename
The problem is that piping to read creates another process, and the variables are updated there, so they are not accessible in the calling shell.
Edit: adding solution by arnaud576875:
read lines words chars filename <<< $(wc x)
Works without writing to a file (and do not have pipe problem). It is bash specific.
From the bash manual:
Here Strings
A variant of here documents, the format is:
The word is expanded and supplied to the command on its standard input.
The key is the "word is expanded" bit.
lines=`wc file.txt | awk '{print $1}'`
words=`wc file.txt | awk '{print $2}'`
you can also store the wc result somewhere first.. and then parse it.. if you're picky about performance :)
Just to add another variant --
set -- `wc file.txt`
This obviously clobbers $* and related variables. Unlike some of the other solutions here, it is portable to other Bourne shells.
I wanted to store the number of csv file in a variable. The following worked for me:
CSV_COUNT=$(ls ./pathToSubdirectory | grep ".csv" | wc -l | xargs)
xargs removes the whitespace from the wc command
I ran this bash script not in the same folder as the csv files. Thus, the pathToSubdirectory
You can assign output to a variable by opening a sub shell:
$ x=$(wc some-file)
$ echo $x
1 6 60 some-file
Now, in order to get the separate variables, the simplest option is to use awk:
$ x=$(wc some-file | awk '{print $1}')
$ echo $x
declare -a result
result=( $(wc < file.txt) )
echo "Lines: $lines, Words: $words, Characters: $characters"
