local storage value gets overwritten - angular2-localstorage

I have initiated 2 localstorage variables within a typescript function. The second variable holding the value overwrites the first variable. How do I fix it?
OnSelectedOppPropStatsChange(TypeId: string, StrSelectedValue: string): void {
var url = this.configs.DashboardDemandStatsURL();
var Input = {
"TypeId": TypeId,
"PS_No": this.user.PS_No,
"StrSelectedValue": StrSelectedValue
localStorage.setItem(this.strTypeSelected, StrSelectedValue);
localStorage.setItem(this.strTypeIdValue, TypeId);
this.appService.GetDataFromAPIPost(url, Input)
.then(response => {
if (response.ResponseCode == this.configs.RetCodeFailure()) {
this.ShowDemandDetails = false;
this.errorMessage = response.ResponseData;
this.appService.ShowMessagePopup(this.configs.MESSAGETYPEERROR(), this.errorMessage);
else {
this.OpenDemandStatsDetails = JSON.parse(response.ResponseData.strDemandStatsOpen);
this.TeamFulfilledStatsDetails = JSON.parse(response.ResponseData.strDemandStatsTeam);
this.RPMFulfilledStatsDetails = JSON.parse(response.ResponseData.strDemandStatsRPM);
this.TotalRRCount = this.OpenDemandStatsDetails.length + this.TeamFulfilledStatsDetails.length + this.RPMFulfilledStatsDetails.length;
error => { this.errorMessage = <string>error; this.appService.SetLoadingShow(false) });
OnClickOpenRRNavigate(): void {
let SelectedItem = localStorage.getItem(this.strTypeSelected);
let SelectedType = localStorage.getItem(this.strTypeIdValue);
var url = this.configs.DashboardDemandStatsTableURL();
var Input = {
"TypeId": SelectedType,
"PS_No": this.user.PS_No,
"StrSelectedValue": SelectedItem,
"strRRAllocationValue": this.StrOpenValue
this.appService.GetDataFromAPIPost(url, Input)
.then(response => {
if (response.ResponseCode == this.configs.RetCodeFailure()) {
this.errorMessage = response.ResponseData;
this.appService.ShowMessagePopup(this.configs.MESSAGETYPEERROR(), this.errorMessage);
else {
this.DemandTableDetails = JSON.parse(response.ResponseData.strDemandStatsTable);
this.ShowDemandTable = true;
error => { this.errorMessage = <string>error; this.appService.SetLoadingShow(false) });
In the function OnClickOpenRRNavigate() , the SelectedType and SelectedItem holds the same value. How can I fix it?


How to update CSV in each it blocks in Cypress

I want to update CSV file data (Ex: columns data like orderId, date etc...) in each it blocks of spec file. I have written code to update CSV inside Cypress.config.js file and calling cy.task from spec file. But everytime first it block updated CSV is passed to all other it blocks. Please let me know how can I achieve this
Under uploadOrders.cy.js
/// <reference types='Cypress'/>
import { ORDERS } from '../../selector/orders';
import BU from '../../fixtures/BU.json';
import Helper from '../../e2e/utils/Helper';
const helper = new Helper();
let getTodaysDate = helper.getTodaysDate(); // get today's date and store in getTodaysDate variable
let getTomorrowssDate = helper.getTomorrowsDate(); // get tomorrows's date and store in getTomorrowssDate variable
let getYesterdaysDate = helper.getYesterdaysDate(); // get tomorrows's date and store in getTomorrowssDate variable
describe('Upload Orders', () => {
// Before start executing all it blocks
before(() => {
cy.login(); //login code written in cypress commands.js file
// Before start executing each it block
beforeEach(() => {
cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/finalCsvToBeUploaded.csv', ''); // clears the file before each it block executes
// First it block
it('Upload orders and check its successful', () => {
let csvData = {
orderId: 'OrderId_' + helper.getCurrentDateAndTimeInMiliseconds(),
orderDate: getTomorrowssDate,
homebaseExecutionDate: getTomorrowssDate,
customerExecutionDate: getTomorrowssDate,
.then((data) => {
cy.task('csvToJson', data)
.then(finalJsonArray => {
cy.task('updateCsvData', { csvData, finalJsonArray })
.then(finalUpdatedJsonArray => {
cy.log("Update JSON array: " + finalUpdatedJsonArray[0]['Order ID']);
cy.task('finalCsv', finalUpdatedJsonArray);
cy.validateToastMsg('Orders uploaded successfully');
cy.log('Order is uploaded successfully via csv file and orderId is ');
// Second it block
it('Upload orders and check validation for past customer execution date', () => {
let csvData = {
orderId: 'OrderId_' + helper.getCurrentDateAndTimeInMiliseconds(),
orderDate: getTomorrowssDate,
homebaseExecutionDate: getYesterdaysDate,
customerExecutionDate: getYesterdaysDate,
.then((data) => {
cy.task('csvToJson', data)
.then(finalJsonArray => {
cy.task('updateCsvData', { csvData, finalJsonArray })
.then(finalUpdatedJsonArray => {
cy.log("Update JSON array: " + finalUpdatedJsonArray);
cy.task('finalCsv', finalUpdatedJsonArray);
cy.validateToastMsg('Orders uploaded successfully');
cy.log('Order is uploaded successfully via csv file and orderId is');
// After exection of all it blocks
after(() => {
// clear cookies and localStorage
Under cypress.config.js file
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
const converter = require('json-2-csv');
const csv = require('csv-parser');
const fs = require('fs');
const { default: Helper } = require("./cypress/e2e/utils/Helper");
const csvToJson1 = require('convert-csv-to-json');
const helper = require("csvtojson");
module.exports = defineConfig({
chromeWebSecurity: false,
watchFileForChanges: false,
defaultCommandTimeout: 10000,
pageLoadTimeout: 50000,
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
video: false,
screenshotOnRunFailure: true,
"reporter": "mochawesome",
"reporterOptions": {
"charts": true,
"overwrite": false,
"html": false,
"json": true,
"timestamp": 'dd_mm_yy_HH_MM_ss',
"reportDir": "cypress/reports/mochawesome-report"
e2e: {
//To invoke test runner to pick files from the below path
specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.js',
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here
// return require('./cypress/plugins/index.js')(on, config)
// `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
// `config` is the resolved Cypress config
require('#cypress/code-coverage/task')(on, config)
//Start full screen
on('before:browser:launch', (browser = {}, launchOptions) => {
if (browser.family === 'chromium' && browser.name !== 'electron') {
if (browser.name === 'electron') {
launchOptions.preferences.fullscreen = true;
return launchOptions;
//Convert CSV to JSON
on('task', {
csvToJson(data) {
var lines = data.split("\n");
var result = [];
var headers = lines[0].split(",");
for (var i = 1; i < (lines.length); i++) {
var obj = {};
var currentline = lines[i].split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/);
for (var j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
obj[headers[j]] = currentline[j].replace(/["']/g, "");
return result;
// Write updated csv data into file
on('task', {
finalCsv(updatedJSON) {
converter.json2csvAsync(updatedJSON).then(updatedCsv => {
fs.writeFileSync('cypress/fixtures/finalCsvToBeUploaded.csv', updatedCsv);
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
return null;
//For log purpose; prints message in the console
on('task', {
log(message) {
return null;
on('task', {
updateCsvData({ csvData, finalJsonArray }) {
let updatedJSON,orderIds = [];
for (let i = 0; i < (finalJsonArray.length); i++) {
if ('orderId' in csvData) {
orderIds[i] = csvData.orderId;
finalJsonArray[i]['Order ID'] = csvData.orderId;
else {
// orderIds[i] = 'OrderId_' + helper.getCurrentDateAndTimeInMiliseconds();
orderIds[i] = 'OrderId_' + Date.now();
finalJsonArray[i]['Order ID'] = orderIds[i];
if ('orderDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Order Date'] = csvData.orderDate;
if ('homebaseExecutionDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Homebase Execution Date'] = csvData.homebaseExecutionDate;
if ('customerExecutionDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Customer Execution Date'] = csvData.customerExecutionDate;
updatedJSON = finalJsonArray;
return updatedJSON;
on('task', {
updateCsvFile(csvData) {
const finalJsonArray = [];
let updatedJSON, orderIds = [];
.on('data', (data) => finalJsonArray.push(data))
.on('end', () => {
console.log(finalJsonArray); // CSV converted to json object
//Logic to update json objects; for loop to update csv columns in json array
for (let i = 0; i < (finalJsonArray.length); i++) {
if ('orderId' in csvData) {
orderIds[i] = csvData.orderId;
finalJsonArray[i]['Order ID'] = csvData.orderId;
else {
orderIds[i] = 'OrderId_' + this.getCurrentDateAndTimeInMiliseconds();
finalJsonArray[i]['Order ID'] = orderIds[i];
if ('orderDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Order Date'] = csvData.orderDate;
if ('homebaseExecutionDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Homebase Execution Date'] = csvData.homebaseExecutionDate;
if ('customerExecutionDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Customer Execution Date'] = csvData.customerExecutionDate;
updatedJSON = finalJsonArray;
converter.json2csvAsync(updatedJSON).then(csvFile => {
fs.writeFileSync('cypress/fixtures/' + fileName, csvFile)
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
return orderIds;
return config;
In first it block, CSV file is updating but when controller comes to second it block - considering the same csv file which is updated in first it block but I need to update the csv file separately in second it block
Finally got the answer to my question:
csvData is an object where column data are stored
let csvData = {
orderDate: getTodaysDate,
homebaseExecutionDate: getTomorrowsDate,
customerExecutionDate: getTomorrowsDate
Common method to upload the file under commands.js.
Cypress.Commands.add('updateCsvFileData', (csvData, referenceFileName, updatedCsvFileName) => {
cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/' + referenceFileName)
.then((data) => {
cy.wait(100).then(() => {
cy.task('csvToJson', data)
.then((finalJsonArray) => {
cy.wait(100).then(() => {
cy.task('updateCsvData', { csvData, finalJsonArray })
.then((finalUpdatedJsonArray) => {
cy.wait(100).then(() => {
cy.task('finalCsv', { finalUpdatedJsonArray, updatedCsvFileName })
node.js methods:
Convert CSV to JSON object
on('task', {
csvToJson(data) {
var lines = data.split("\n");
var result = [];
var headers = lines[0].split(",");
for (var i = 1; i < (lines.length); i++) {
var obj = {};
var currentline = lines[i].split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/);
for (var j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
obj[headers[j]] = currentline[j].replace(/["']/g, "");
return result;
Write updated csv data into CSV file
on('task', {
finalCsv({ finalUpdatedJsonArray, updatedCsvFileName }) {
converter.json2csvAsync(finalUpdatedJsonArray).then(updatedCsv => {
fs.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/' + updatedCsvFileName, updatedCsv);
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
return null;
Update required fields in CSV file
on('task', {
updateCsvData({ csvData, finalJsonArray }) {
let updatedJSON, orderIds = [];
for (let i = 0; i < (finalJsonArray.length); i++) {
if (csvData.hasOwnProperty('orderId')) {
orderIds[i] = csvData.orderId;
finalJsonArray[i]['Order ID'] = csvData.orderId;
else {
let orderIdRandomNum = Date.now() + "_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 9999) + 1);
orderIds[i] = 'OrderId_' + orderIdRandomNum;
orders[i] = orderIds[i];
finalJsonArray[i]['Order ID'] = orderIds[i];
if ('orderDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Order Date'] = csvData.orderDate;
if ('homebaseExecutionDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Homebase Execution Date'] = csvData.homebaseExecutionDate;
if ('customerExecutionDate' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Customer Execution Date'] = csvData.customerExecutionDate;
if ('teamId' in csvData) {
finalJsonArray[i]['Team ID'] = csvData.teamId;
updatedJSON = finalJsonArray;
return updatedJSON;

Use of DropdownMenu with Jetpack Compose (Material)

I decided to use an OutlinedTextField and DropdownMenu so the user can fill an amount and select a currency.
This looks pretty nice in the preview, but when this code is being run on the device (virtual or physical) the DropdownMenu is being squeezed on the right, and therefore, the dropdown menu isn't actionable anymore.
fun Money() {
Row() {
fun Currency() {
var mExpanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val mCurrencies = listOf("USD", "CHF", "EUR", "MAD") //, "Hyderabad", "Bengaluru", "PUNE")
var mSelectedText by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
var mTextFieldSize by remember { mutableStateOf(Size.Zero) }
val icon = if (mExpanded)
value = mSelectedText,
onValueChange = { mSelectedText = it },
modifier = Modifier
.onGloballyPositioned { coordinates ->
// This value is used to assign to
// the DropDown the same width
mTextFieldSize = coordinates.size.toSize()
label = { Text("Currency") },
trailingIcon = {
Icon(icon, "contentDescription",
Modifier.clickable { mExpanded = !mExpanded })
expanded = mExpanded,
onDismissRequest = { mExpanded = false },
modifier = Modifier
.width(with(LocalDensity.current) { mTextFieldSize.width.toDp() })
) {
mCurrencies.forEach { label ->
DropdownMenuItem(onClick = {
mSelectedText = label
mExpanded = false
}) {
Text(text = label)
fun Amount() {
var amount by remember {
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(keyboardType = KeyboardType.Number),
value = amount,
onValueChange = { amount = it },
label = { Text(text = "Amount") },
singleLine = true,
trailingIcon = {
if (amount.isNotBlank())
IconButton(onClick = { amount = "" }) {
imageVector = Icons.Filled.Clear,
contentDescription = ""

Discord Bot on Heroku not online

Hello everyone I have looked up this issue but can't find an answer to my specific problem.
So basically the bot is not turning on, it is offline. I don't know where to put the token or how to put the token. Please let me know of the problem or if you need more code/details. Thank you.
Code URL: https://github.com/Verggz/Electrolite
"use strict";
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const discord_js_1 = __importDefault(require("discord.js"));
const builders_1 = require("#discordjs/builders");
const SlashCommand_model_1 = require("./model/SlashCommand.model");
const HelpCommand_command_1 = require("./commands/HelpCommand.command");
const fs_extra_1 = __importDefault(require("fs-extra"));
const BINFlipCommand_command_1 = require("./commands/flip/BINFlipCommand.command");
var client = new discord_js_1.default.Client({ "intents": [discord_js_1.default.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, discord_js_1.default.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MEMBERS, discord_js_1.default.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] });
client.on('ready', () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
var helpcommandbuilder = new builders_1.SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Get the list of commands that Project: Scyll has.");
var binflipcommandbuilder = new builders_1.SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Finds a BIN snipe on the auction house based on the amount of profit you can make.")
.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("profit")
.setDescription("the amount of profit you would like to make.").setRequired(true));
SlashCommand_model_1.SlashCommand.CreateSlashCommands([helpcommandbuilder, binflipcommandbuilder]);
client.on('interactionCreate', function (interaction) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!interaction.isCommand())
new HelpCommand_command_1.HelpCommand(interaction);
new BINFlipCommand_command_1.BINFlipCommand(interaction);
Another file:
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.SlashCommand = void 0;
const discord_js_1 = require("discord.js");
const axios = __importStar(require("axios"));
const rest_1 = require("#discordjs/rest");
const v9_1 = require("discord-api-types/v9");
const fs_extra_1 = __importDefault(require("fs-extra"));
var token = fs_extra_1.default.readJSONSync("./config.json").SERVER_BOT_KEY;
class SlashCommand {
constructor(interaction) {
this.http = axios.default;
this.interaction = interaction;
this.command = interaction.commandName;
this.purple = "#BA55D3";
this.backtick = "`";
this.gold = "#d4af37";
this.red = "#C70039";
CreateEmbed() {
return new discord_js_1.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor("Project: Scyll", this.interaction.client.user.avatarURL()).setFooter("Project:Scyll 0.1.0").setTimestamp();
static CreateSlashCommands(commands) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
var clientid = (yield fs_extra_1.default.readJSON("./config.json")).SERVER_CLIENT_ID;
yield SlashCommand.REST.put(v9_1.Routes.applicationCommands(clientid), { "body": commands });
exports.SlashCommand = SlashCommand;
SlashCommand.REST = new rest_1.REST({ "version": "9" }).setToken(token);
Look for a config.json file and put you token there

axios post without refresh page

methods: {
onShowModal(idWinnerPrize, idPrize, curUser) {
this.userEdit = _.cloneDeep(curUser);
if (idWinnerPrize === idPrize) {
this.confirmAward = false;
this.isDelete = true;
this.isFull = false;
this.userEdit.prize = null;
} else {
this.confirmAward = true;
this.isDelete = false;
let countPrize = this.winners.reduce((acc, cur) => {
if (cur.prize_id === idPrize) {
acc += 1;
return acc;
}, 0);
const currentPrize = this.prizes.find(
item => item.id === idPrize
if (currentPrize && currentPrize.quantity <= countPrize) {
this.isFull = true;
} else {
this.userEdit.prize = idPrize;
this.isFull = false;
this.showModal = true;
onCloseModal() {
this.showModal = false;
this.notify = false;
this is my function show and close modal, and use axios.post to update
async onEdit() {
let res = null;
let userIndex = this.winners.findIndex(
item => item.id == this.userEdit.id
res = await axios.post( this.isFull ? REMOVE_PRIZE : EDIT_PRIZE, { id: this.userEdit.id, prize_id: this.userEdit.prize } ).then((res) => { return res.data }).catch((error => {
return error
res = true;
if (userIndex > -1 && res) {
this.winners[userIndex] = this.userEdit;
this.showModal = false;
updated() {
this.prizes = this.contest.prizes;
this.winners = this.posts.data;
props: ['contest', 'actionUrl', 'method', 'posts'],
data() {
return {
notify: true,
showModal: false,
confirmAward: true,
isDelete: false,
isFull: false,
userEdit: {},
prizes: [],
winners: []
mounted() {
this.showModal = true;
that my Vue component, I want to update the page without refresh the page after I click on edit, I don't know why Axios post can't update data. If I update, I need to refresh the page to see my updated data

How to make ajax call on end of each block with infinite scrolling in ag-grid?

I am using ag-grid with angular 4.
I am using infinite scrolling as the rowModelType. But since my data is huge, we want to first call just 100 records in the first ajax call and when the scroll reaches the end, the next ajax call needs to be made with the next 100 records? How can i do this using ag-grid in angular 4.
This is my current code
export class AssaysTableComponent implements OnInit{
//private rowData;
private gridApi;
private gridColumnApi;
private columnDefs;
private rowModelType;
private paginationPageSize;
private components;
private rowData: any[];
private cacheBlockSize;
private infiniteInitialRowCount;
allTableData : any[];
constructor(private http:HttpClient, private appServices:AppServices) {
this.columnDefs = [
headerName: "Date/Time",
field: "createdDate",
headerCheckboxSelection: true,
headerCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly: true,
checkboxSelection: true,
width: 250,
cellRenderer: "loadingRenderer"
{headerName: 'Assay Name', field: 'assayName', width: 200},
{headerName: 'Samples', field: 'sampleCount', width: 100}
this.components = {
loadingRenderer: function(params) {
if (params.value !== undefined) {
return params.value;
} else {
return '<img src="../images/loading.gif">';
this.rowModelType = "infinite";
//this.paginationPageSize = 10;
this.cacheBlockSize = 10;
this.infiniteInitialRowCount = 1;
//this.rowData = this.appServices.assayData;
onGridReady(params) {
this.gridApi = params.api;
this.gridColumnApi = params.columnApi;
//const allTableData:string[] = [];
//const apiCount = 0;
const assaysObj = new Assays();
assaysObj.sortBy = 'CREATED_DATE';
assaysObj.sortOder = 'desc';
assaysObj.count = "50";
console.log("this.allTableData >> ",this.allTableData);
assaysObj.startEvalulationKey = {
(response) => {
if (response.length > 0) {
var dataSource = {
rowCount: null,
getRows: function (params) {
console.log("asking for " + params.startRow + " to " + params.endRow);
setTimeout(function () {
if(this.allTableData == undefined){
this.allTableData = response;
this.allTableData = this.allTableData.concat(response);
var rowsThisPage = response.slice(params.startRow, params.endRow);
var lastRow = -1;
if (response.length <= params.endRow) {
lastRow = response.length;
params.successCallback(rowsThisPage, lastRow);
}, 500);
this.appServices.assayApiCall +=1;
I will need to call this.appServices.downloadAssayFiles(assaysObj) at the end of 100 rows again to get the next set of 100 rows.
Please suggest a method of doing this.
Edit 1:
private getRowData(startRow: number, endRow: number): Observable<any[]> {
var rowData =[];
const assaysObj = new Assays();
assaysObj.sortBy = 'CREATED_DATE';
assaysObj.sortOder = 'desc';
assaysObj.count = "10";
(response) => {
if (response.length > 0) {
if(this.allTableData == undefined){
this.allTableData = response;
rowData = response;
this.allTableData = this.allTableData.concat(response);
return Observable.of(rowData);
onGridReady(params: any) {
var dataSource = {
getRows: (params: IGetRowsParams) => {
this.info = "Getting datasource rows, start: " + params.startRow + ", end: " + params.endRow;
this.getRowData(params.startRow, params.endRow)
.subscribe(data => params.successCallback(data));
Result 1 : The table is not loaded with the data. Also for some reason the service call this.appServices.downloadAssayFiles is being made thrice . Is there something wrong with my logic here.
There's an example of doing exactly this on the ag-grid site: https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-infinite-scrolling/.
How does your code currently act? It looks like you're modeling yours from the ag-grid docs page, but that you're getting all the data at once instead of getting only the chunks that you need.
Here's a stackblitz that I think does what you need. https://stackblitz.com/edit/ag-grid-infinite-scroll-example?file=src/app/app.component.ts
In general you want to make sure you have a service method that can retrieve just the correct chunk of your data. You seem to be setting the correct range of data to the grid in your code, but the issue is that you've already spent the effort of getting all of it.
Here's the relevant code from that stackblitz. getRowData is the service call that returns an observable of the records that the grid asks for. Then in your subscribe method for that observable, you supply that data to the grid.
private getRowData(startRow: number, endRow: number): Observable<any[]> {
// This is acting as a service call that will return just the
// data range that you're asking for. In your case, you'd probably
// call your http-based service which would also return an observable
// of your data.
var rowdata = [];
for (var i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++) {
rowdata.push({ one: "hello", two: "world", three: "Item " + i });
return Observable.of(rowdata);
onGridReady(params: any) {
var datasource = {
getRows: (params: IGetRowsParams) => {
this.getRowData(params.startRow, params.endRow)
.subscribe(data => params.successCallback(data));
