Parse JSON using Spring SPEL - spring

Can someone tell me why this does not work:
public void should_parse_json() {
Expression expression = new SpelExpressionParser().parseExpression("#jsonPath(get('JsonData'), '$.someData')");
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("JsonData", "{\"someData\": 100}");
StandardEvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext(data);
context.addPropertyAccessor(new JsonPropertyAccessor());
assertThat(expression.getValue(context, Object.class)).isEqualTo(100);
I get error "org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1006E: Function 'jsonPath' could not be found"
And I have following jar in classpath:
The SPEL documentation did not help me.

Such a #jsonPath() SpEL function is a part of Spring Integration infrastructure:
It's not going to work with the plain Spring and only SpEL.
However I see that you use a JsonPropertyAccessor. This one indeed a part of Spring Integration and you definitely have that in your classpath.
From here I think you just miss to register a SpEL function into the StandardEvaluationContext:
context.registerFunction("jsonPath", BeanUtils.resolveSignature("evaluate", JsonPathUtils.class));

Add dependencies.
Register SpEL function
evaluationContext.registerFunction("jsonPath", BeanUtils.resolveSignature("evaluate", JsonPathUtils.class));


Migrating from OpenTracing to OpenTelemetry

So I was using Open Tracing to trace calls to the microservice. I used to do it the following way:
Then add following bean:
public Tracer initTracer() {
Configuration.SamplerConfiguration samplerConfig = new Configuration.SamplerConfiguration().withType("const").withParam(1);
Configuration.ReporterConfiguration reporterConfig = Configuration.ReporterConfiguration.fromEnv().withLogSpans(true);
return Configuration.fromEnv("my-service").withSampler(samplerConfig).withReporter(reporterConfig).getTracer();
When running I usually get these span reported logs whenever an external request is given to the application.
But with open telemetry I cannot simply do this anymore. What is the correct way to simulate the behaviour?

Spring Boot + WebFlux. How to display a simple index.jsp?

Am trying to use spring webflux in a spring boot application to try to display a simple jsp page. For the life of me, am not able to make it work. It's not able to find the "view". It works fine if I use Spring webmvc instead.
Here's the simple setup:
Here's the controller:
public class WebController
#RequestMapping(value = { "/", "/index" }, headers = "Accept=text/html", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "text/html")
public Mono<String> index() {
return Mono.just ("index");
(Though I doubt this may not work with webflux)
Folder structure:
Here's the folder structure where index.jsp is (I know index.jsp is in lots of places only because I was trying to see where I need to put it to make it work):
Finally here's the error I get when I try to load: https://localhost:8443/
(Partial stack)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not resolve view with name 'index'. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not resolve view with name 'index'.
at org.springframework.web.reactive.result.view.ViewResolutionResultHandler.lambda$resolveViews$3(
Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException:
Error has been observed at the following site(s):
|_ checkpoint ⇢ Handler com.xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx.controller.WebController#index() [DispatcherHandler]
Stack trace:
at org.springframework.web.reactive.result.view.ViewResolutionResultHandler.lambda$resolveViews$3(
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMapFuseable$MapFuseableSubscriber.onNext(
at reactor.core.publisher.Operators$MonoSubscriber.complete(
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoCollectList$MonoCollectListSubscriber.onComplete(
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxConcatMap$ConcatMapImmediate.drain(
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxConcatMap$ConcatMapImmediate.onComplete(
at reactor.core.publisher.Operators.complete(
What do I need to do to show a simple jsp page? Embedded server is Tomcat and deployed as jar file in spring boot.
Note: Displaying static files work. So this url works just fine: https://localhost:8443/js/test.js

Resource leak detected when using spring-data-redis on cloud foundry

We develop a spring-boot service, which offers a rest api (spring-webflux) and sends data via RabbitMQ (spring-rabbit). The service is deployed on cloud foundry and we use spring-boot in version 2.1.4. We added spring-boot-starter-data-redis to use redis to cache some data and we got the following error:
[io.netty.util.ResourceLeakDetector] [] LEAK: HashedWheelTimer.release() was not called before it's garbage-collected. See for more information.
Recent access records:
Created at:
java.base/java.util.Optional.orElseGet(Unknown Source)
This error only happens when we run the service on cloud foundry, if we run it locally, we don't get any error.
We don't do any configuration of the connection factory or the stringRedisTemplate on our side and only use stringRedisTemplate, which is configured by the spring-autoconfiguration.
We use following configuration for redis on cloud foundry:
#Profile( "cloud" )
public class CloudSpecificConfig extends AbstractCloudConfig {
public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
return connectionFactory().redisConnectionFactory();
And this is how we use the template
public final class RequestUtil {
private final StringRedisTemplate myRedisTemplate;
public String cacheId(String id, String value) {
myRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set( id, value );
These are our spring dependencies:
We are quite confused on our side, since we didn't do any specific configuration on our side. It looks for us like there is something wrong with the spring configuration on the cloud. Are we doing something wrong? Do we need to configure something differently? Is this a bug?
This is what I had to do
I will see if I can find a more elegant way
#Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public DefaultClientResources lettuceClientResources() {
return DefaultClientResources.create();
public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory(DefaultClientResources dependency) {
return connectionFactory().redisConnectionFactory("redis-pcf-service");
In the end the issue disappeared on our side, because we changed the redis client from lettuce to jedis.
We had the problem with lettuce that we would lose the connection to our redis service on our cloud infrastructure. But since there was an update to the redis service at same time as we changed the client, we don't really know if it was related to lettuce.
Maybe there also just something wrong in the auto-configuration in conjunction with the redis service on our cloud instructure, which is based on cloudfoundry

Swagger Apache CXF JAX-RS Maven

I am having trouble using swagger with Apache CXF, JAX-RS services.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PreferencesPlaceholderConfigurer"/>
<bean id="apiListingResourceJSON" class="com.wordnik.swagger.jaxrs.listing.ApiListingResourceJSON"/>
<bean id="apiDeclarationProvider" class="com.wordnik.swagger.jaxrs.listing.ApiDeclarationProvider"/>
Example use:
#Api(value="/", description="VenturoSoft eMustering Services")
public class Service {
final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Service.class);
#ApiOperation(value = "Get Ping", response = String.class)
public String ping(#PathParam("input") String input) {
mvn tomcat7:run-war
But when I load:
I get no response.
Works as desired.
You're looking at some very old dependencies. From your code, it looks like you're using JAXRS. If that's the case, the latest dependencies should be:
Please follow the JAXRS sample here:
Which should show you how to correctly configure the server.

Spring Boot + Apache Camel HTTP component crashes at start: missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

Just taking Spring-Boot for a spin and decided to mix in Camel because I need some arcane Headers work in the rest client I am working on. Setting up the application was fine until I added the camel-http component to my POM, then I get this on init:
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start embedded container; nested exception is org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean.
I've havent got the first idea of where to start to look for the problem. I gather Spring Boot will look up the classpath and try to wire stuff up, so is there a way for the to block the Camel packages from being acted on or something of the sort?
Complete log of the start up in this Gist
Here's my main aplication code:
public class Application {
private static ApplicationContext ctx;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ctx =, args);
//Right outta Spring 4 docs
System.out.println("Let's inspect the beans provided by Spring Boot:");
String[] beanNames = ctx.getBeanDefinitionNames();
for (String beanName : beanNames) {
// FIXME: ugly hack to allow some POC woek while wait for proper Camel/Spring4 unit tests fix.
Application app = new Application();
* Dev QOL - unit tests are broken for now, see:
* <p/>
* Waiting for fix (Too lay to checkout and build my own Camel)
private void executeTests() throws Exception {
DefaultCamelContext camelCtx() throws Exception {
DefaultCamelContext camel = new DefaultCamelContext();
return camel;
public CryptsyRouteBuilder cryptsyRouteBuilder() throws Exception{
CryptsyRouteBuilder bean = new CryptsyRouteBuilder();
return bean;
public Cryptsy cryptsy() throws IOException {
return new Cryptsy();
protected void testAuth() throws Exception {
ProducerTemplate producer = camelCtx().createProducerTemplate();
producer.requestBody("direct:start", "Why, hullo there", String.class);
And my POM dependencies:
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Camel -->
<!-- Assorted -->
The exception is telling you that Spring Boot thinks you want to build a web server, but can't find the right dependencies on the classpath. The most obvious reason for that in your case would be that the HTTP dependencies you added included Servlet APIs. I see no reason why you need that for a client app, but only you would know whether you need it or not. Maybe you can exclude it?
If you do need the Servlet dependencies and just want to explicitly tell Boot that you aren't creating a web application you can set the property spring.main.web_environment=false, or use the SpringApplication (or SpringApplicationBuilder) API directly to set the same flag. See docs here for background information.
