queueScheduler in rx.js 6.3 is synchronous - why this example doesn't causes SO If I use queueScheduler? - rxjs

I have interesting example, not a real-life task but anyway:
const signal = new Subject();
let count = 0;
const somecalculations = (count) => console.log('do some calculations with ', count);
signal.pipe(take(1500)/*, observeOn(queueScheduler)*/)
.subscribe(() => {
console.log('check if reached ', count)
Subject.next works in synchronous way, so if i comment out observeOn(queueScheduler) - it causes Stack overflow (I control number of iterations with take operator, and on my computer if number is bigger then 1370 - it causes SO).
But if I put queueScheduler there - it works good. QueueScheduler is synchronous and somehow it allows current onNext handler run to finish running and then start next scheduled run.
Can someone explain it to me deeply with source code details? I tried to dig it but with partial success at the moment. It is about how observeOn works with QueueScheduler but answer is escaping me.
observeOn src QueueScheduler.ts asyncScheduler

Thanks to cartant for support. Seems like I understood why queue scheduler is working without SO.
When signal.next is called first time from observeOn _next queueScheduler.schedule->AsyncScheduler.schedule->Scheduler.schedule causes QueueAction.schedule to be called
QueueAction.flush called. this.scheduler.flush - > QueueSchedulerFlush->AsyncScheduler.flush
First time queue is empty and no task is executed so this.active is false. bc of this action.execute is called. Everything is called in sync way.
action.execute causes onNext function to be run again. So onNext calls signal.next it goes through all 1-3 points but now this.active is true (because it is actually still previous signal.next run) and we just queue action
So second signal.next is handled and we return to action.execute of first signal.next call. It works in do-while and shift actions one by one. So it finished running first signal.next action - but now we have one more in queue from second signal.next recursive call. So we run action.execute for second signal.next
And situation is being repeated. First flush call manages all the other calls like: active is true, we add task to queue and then repeat to previous flush call and grab it from queue.


quarkus/mutiny how to trigger a side job without waiting it

quarkus reactive uses mutiny to handle task asynchronously.
But, the flow is always wait every job to finish, then returns the result.
Sometime, I just want to trigger a job and let it run in the background without waiting it to be done.
Any suggestion or example?
Uni<Integer> mainJob() {
// fake logic
return Uni.createFrom().item(1);
Uni<Void> sideJob(int n) {
// fake logic
logger.log("result = " + n);
Uni<Integer> testExample() {
return mainJob().onItem().call(n -> sideJob(n));
The upper code only returns after sideJob() is done. But, I just want to return the result immediately once mainJob is done, with sideJob triggered and run in background.
Any suggestion on it?
ManagedExecutor may be a way to do but it seems not natural in this case. The side job may/not be long running.
According to the Uni interface documentation:
To trigger the computation, a UniSubscriber must subscribe to the Uni. It will be notified of the outcome once there is an item or failure event fired by the observed Uni. A subscriber receives (asynchronously) a UniSubscription and can cancel the demand at any time.
Thus, the only way to start the execution of a Uni is by subscribing to it, even by calling uni.await().indefinitely() you are, in fact, subscribing to the Uni as we can see in the documentation of the indefinitely() method:
Subscribes to the Uni and waits (blocking the caller thread) indefinitely until a item event is fired or a failure event is fired by the upstream uni.
Invoking the call() method is nothing more than chaining a new function that will be included in the stream that will be executed when the Uni is subscribed. This way, when the testExample() method returns the result of the call(), it is not executing and waiting for the Uni to finish, it is actually returning the result immediately.
However, whoever is going to receive the final result must wait for the Uni stream to finish, so the client waiting for the HTTP response will be waiting for the sideJob() to finish in order to receive the original value, but once again, your testExample() method is not waiting for anything, it returns the Uni immediately without waiting for it to be executed.

Kotlin coroutines slow start

I've been attempting to do a bit of performance review on an app I have, it's a back end Kotlin app that just pulls in some data, does a bit of data transformation and dumps it out, nothing too fancy. One thing that caught my eye was the final bit of execution where we dump our final data onto a queue, at first I noticed when we start up the app the final network call takes a very long time at first, sometimes over a second. Normally we run this network call in a coroutine to stop that last call blocking everything but I started trying to time the coroutine and the network call separately and got some odd results, from what I can see the coroutine takes can take forever to launch/complete compared to the network call. It's entirely possible I'm not recording things correctly but this is the general timing approach I have:
val coroutineTime - Instant.now().toEpochMillis()
GlobalScope.launch {
executionTime = measureTimeMillis { <--DO Message Sending -->}
totalTime = Instant.now().toEpochMillis() - coroutineTime
// Log out execution Time and total time
Now here what I'll see is something like
- totalTime = ~800ms
- executionTime = ~150ms
These aren't one-offs either, I have multiple of these processes going on at once ( up to 10 threads I think) and the first total times will always take significantly longer than the actual executionTime/network call. Eventually after a new dozen messages the overhead will calm down and these times will become equivalent at about 15ms, but having nearly 700ms overhead on coroutine start up seems insane to me.
Is this normal/expected behavior? I've tested this in a separate app and see similar but less extreme results where the first coroutine will take about 70ms to boot up, I'm struggling to find any other examples of this type of discussion outside of kotlin being used in android development.
As a first note, it's almost never a good idea to use the GlobalScope unless you really know what you're doing. This is why it was marked as delicate API. You should instead use a scope that is appropriately closed (following the lifecycle of whatever component launches this work).
Now, AFAIK, this GlobalScope runs on the default dispatcher, so maybe this is due to a cold start of that default thread pool. Later, it could also be a problem to use this dispatcher for network calls depending on the amount of concurrent coroutines you have. It would be more appropriate to use Disptachers.IO instead for IO bound work (or a custom thread pool).
It still doesn't explain the cold start, but I would first change that before investigating.
This is expected behavior if you use coroutines inappropriately ;-)
My guess is that your message sending is a blocking operation. By default GlobalScope.launch() dispatches coroutines with Dispatchers.Default which is designed to perform CPU-intensive operations, it has a limited number of threads and you should never block when using it. If you do you may run out of threads and coroutines will need to wait until some blocking operations will finish.
If you need to run blocking or IO code, you should use Dispatchers.IO instead:
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
I was facing similar issue, I have a function that loads some data from shared prefs, makes some calculations on the data (all this done in Dispatcher.Default), and return the result on Dispatcher.Main. I measured how long it took the Coroutine to actually start executing the block inside Dispatchers.Main.launch { } after calculations are done(time from tag2 to tag3 below), and got about 950ms (!!) Here is the function :
fun someName() {
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
//load data and calculations
Log.d("tag2", "load and calculations took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time))
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main.immediate).launch {
Log.d("tag3", "reached main thread code " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time))
//do something
Log.d("tag4", "do something took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time))
But then I realized this happens while app launch, and main thread is busy creating all the UI, so even with .immediate it takes time until main thread will get to execute the dispatched code... then I tried to run this function after app already started and waiting, and found that from tag2 to tag 3 takes about 1ms (!!) (with .immediate). So looks like when dispatching something on Coroutine, when thread isn't busy it will start immediately

Why am I not allowed to break a Promise?

The following simple Promise is vowed and I am not allowed to break it.
my $my_promise = start {
loop {} # or sleep x;
'promise response'
say 'status : ', $my_promise.status; # status : Planned
$my_promise.break('promise broke'); # Access denied to keep/break this Promise; already vowed
# in block <unit> at xxx line xxx
Why is that?
Because the Promise is vowed, you cannot change it: only something that actually has the vow, can break the Promise. That is the intent of the vow functionality.
What are you trying to achieve by breaking the promise as you showed? Is it to stop the work being done inside of the start block? Breaking the Promise would not do that. And the vow mechanism was explicitly added to prevent you from thinking it can somehow stop the work inside a start block.
If you want work inside a start block to be interruptible, you will need to add some kind of semaphore that is regularly checked, for instance:
my int $running = 1;
my $my_promise = start {
while $running {
# do stuff
# do other stuff
$running = 0;
await $my_promise;
Hope this made sense.
The reason why you cannot directly keep/break Promise from outside or stop it on Thread Pool are explained here in Jonathans comment.
Common misuse of Promises comes from timeout pattern.
await Promise.anyof(
start { sleep 4; say "finished"; },
Promise.in( 1 )
say "moving on...";
This will print "finished". And when user realize that the next logical step for him is to try to kill obsolete Promise. While the only correct way to solve it is to make Promise aware that its work is no longer needed. For example through periodically checking some shared variable.
Things gets complicated if you have blocking code on Promise (for example database query) that runs for too long and you want to terminate it from main thread. That is not doable on Promises. All you can do is to ensure Promise will run in finite time (for example on MySQL by setting MAX_EXECUTION_TIME before running query). And then you have choice:
You can grind your teeth and patiently wait for Promise to finish. For example if you really must disconnect database in main thread.
Or you can move on immediately and allow "abandoned" Promise to finish on its own, without ever receiving its result. In this case you should control how many of those Promises can stack up in background by using Semaphore or running them on dedicated ThreadPoolScheduler.

RxJS - pausing an Observable until second Observable completes,

I have a scenario where 1 observable listens for events, which should then fire another asynchrounous event, and wait before it runs the next item in the source Observable.
The first observable can be triggered much faster than the the async event, and it must wait for the async event to complete before it takes another item from the 1st observable.
So.. essentially I need to set up a 'queue' from the first observable (as I cant lose the data from source 1)
Source 2 should take 1 item at a time from the queue, run it, remove the item from the queue, and go onto the next item in the queue .
src1- --ev1---ev2---ev3----ev4---ev5--ev6---
src2- --ev1------------ev2-------------ev3--------ev4-------ev5------ev6
I was looking at the RX docs and it seems that pausibleBuffered could be a solution but I noticed it has been removed in RX5, which is what I am using. Can someone give advice as the right way to accomplish this ?
You can use mergeScan to run async operations one by one because it needs the previous async operation’s result to run an async operation.
const src2 = src1.mergeScan((_, value) => doSomething(value));

How to cache the result of a Task when using it as an Observable with retry?

This is what I have:
CitiesObservable = Observable
apiClient.GetCitiesTask returns a task of type: Task<List<City>>
The problem is that every time I add a subscriber to the observable, apiClient.GetCitiesTask gets called again. How can I cache the result once it has completed successfully?
Question reworded
I want apiClient.GetCitiesTask to be called as many times as needed (until it doesn't fail), but once it success, all late subscribers should use a cached result.
2 solutions arose, one I found and the other (the selected answer).
Solution A: (actually is almost a solution)
CitiesObservable = Observable.FromAsync(apiClient.GetCitiesTask).Publish();
// Then you can subscribe as you want. But! you won't receive the cached value on late subscribers, only the onCompleted signal.
Solution B: (by #Bluesman)
CitiesObservable = Observable.StartAsync(
() => Observable.FromAsync(apiClient.GetPlacesTask<City>).Retry().ToTask()
// Then you can subscribe as you want.
What about....
.StartAsync(() => Observable
The outer StartAsync makes sure the eventual result from the created task is buffered while the inner FromAsync with Retry makes sure that GetPlacesTask is called as many times as needed. However, the whole retrying-thing still starts even before the first subscription.
