Anything installed via homebrew throws 'command not found' - macos

I've recently had some issues setting up my new mac with homebrew and npm. I've installed npm and node via nvm (not homebrew). For example, I installed yarn via homebrew and when i run yarn i get bash: yarn: command not found however if i run brew list I see yarn as one of the installations.
I have read that this usually has to do with my path being incorrect however I do see /usr/local/bin in my $PATH when I echo: /Users/sydney/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
Do I need to change the path order? Will this break any dependencies for nvm? This is not just happening for yarn but any package i install via homebrew (I've just attempted to install kubernetes-cli with the same results)


Command not found: corepack when installing Yarn on Node v17.0.1

I'm following the Yarn installation instructions on Yarn's website ( Those instructions say that on Node version 16.10.0 and higher you can install Yarn by enabling corepack with the following command:
corepack enable
However, running that command returns:
zsh: command not found: corepack
I installed Node via Homebrew and node -v returns v17.0.1. I'm on an M1 Mac running Big Sur.
Because I had installed node via nvm (and I had installed nvm using Homebrew), the corepack command wasn't available. The fix that worked for me was to install corepack via homebrew by running:
brew install corepack
After installing corepack via homebrew, I was able to run the corepack enable command from the terminal and the yarn command became available as well.
Was facing a similar issue with node installed using asdf. Also using zsh and zsh asdf plugin.
Node version: 16.13.1
Ran corepack enable - and got
zsh: command not found: yarn
What solved for me:
asdf reshim nodejs
Also try to run
corepack prepare yarn#3.1.1 --activate
before reshim
I solved it like this:
From the docs
npm uninstall -g yarn pnpm
npm install -g corepack
Use with 'sudo' if you're using OSX

Alias yarn to yarnpkg to avoid conflict with Hadoop Yarn

I have Yarn (package manager) already installed on my machine, but I now have to install Apache Hadoop. When I tried doing that with brew install hadoop, I got the error -
Error: Cannot install hadoop because conflicting formulae are installed.
yarn: because both install `yarn` binaries
Please `brew unlink yarn` before continuing.
Unlinking removes a formula's symlinks from /usr/local. You can
link the formula again after the install finishes. You can --force this
install, but the build may fail or cause obscure side-effects in the
resulting software.
This seems to be because Hadoop's Yarn conflicts with yarn from yarnpkg.
As mentioned here, they have no intention of renaming yarnpkg's yarn, but they have added yarnpkg as an alias to yarn.
This SO answer just mentions using yarnpkg instead of yarn to avoid the conflict, but there's no steps on how to do so.
I'd appreciate any help on how to setup yarnpkg alias so that I can install Hadoop alongside yarn.
I just solved it with unlinking and linking yarn again.
brew unlink yarn && brew link yarn
You can add an alias in .bashrc or .zshrc as follows
alias yarn='command yarnpkg'
I found that brew link yarn as mentioned in the answer above won't work.
I speculated whether that might link only the non-conflicting yarnpkg, but turns out it refused to link either, which seems quite fair.
Conceptually, (with yarn package manager unlinked) what you can do is add an alias to your .bash_profile like alias yarnpkg /usr/local/Cellar/yarn/1.22.0/bin/yarnpkg
Note that won't be robust to when you brew upgrade yarn to a new version.
Also, adding that directory to your path is not a good idea, because that makes ambiguous the fact you have two separate programs called yarn installed.
An alternative to adding the bash alias is to just add the single, non-conflicting symlink manually in the same way brew link would do if it didn't refuse, as mentioned above:
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/yarn/1.22.0/bin/yarnpkg /usr/local/bin/yarnpkg
It remains to be seen what happens when yarnpkg is updated, so keep an eye out for that. Since yarnpkg is not, apparently, symlinked by brew (except we sneakily added one), if brew doesn't update that symlink to point to the new version, then yarnpkg will stop working when you brew upgrade yarn, unless you repeat the manual ln as above pointing to the new version.
Just tried it. Brew actually refuses to upgrade yarn, giving the reason that it conflicts with hadoop. So, we can brew unlink hadoop, as it suggests, then brew upgrade yarn.
Then, brew unlink yarn, brew link hadoop (hadoop has far more needed links than yarnpkg), then, finally, recreate the yarnpkg symlink with new version like so: /usr/local/Cellar/yarn/1.22.1/bin/yarnpkg
Quite long winded, but works fine.
Here is an easier way to solve this issue:
install hadoop using HomeBrew
manually install yarn using tarball
Step by step guide if already installed conflicting yarn and hadoop using Homebrew:
Clean up conflict in Homebrew and Install Hadoop
brew uninstall yarn
brew uninstall hadoop
brew install hadoop
brew link hadoop(optional if hadoop is already installed by HomeBrew but not linked)
Instal yarn using tarball
brew install wget (if does not have wget)
cd /opt
wget (use sudo if permission denied)
tar zvxf latest.tar.gz (use sudo if permission denied)
open any of the following files ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc in the code editor to add yarn to the path
Add these two lines
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`"
see more on the yarn official doc

Could not execute command lessc' while running odoo (any version) in eclipse mac

After a thorough analysis of 'Could not execute command lessc' i've successfully ran odoo (any version) on my command line with python virtual env. Am doing this to run odoo in command line
$ . {PATH_TO_VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin/activate (Running the script in the current shell)
$ ./ -c setup.cfg
And the above runs with proper UI.
Now when trying to run the same from eclipse throws me 'Could not execute command lessc'. I did the below to run code from eclipse
Installed pydev plugin in eclipse Mars
Configured Python interpreter (Given the virtual env python path here. i.e {PATH_TO_VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin/python)
Setup odoo source
Specified the new python interpreter on the project properties -> python interpretor
Created a new Run Configuration to run the source with the custom setup file and with the new interpretor
Kindly throw me light on places where i miss. Also i've gone through links on setting up python virtual env in eclipse. They all say the same thing still this lessc dependency is somehow not linked. Please comment if you require more info to identify the error. Thanks for your help! :)
FYI am using mac.
For Shikhar (based on his answer)
This problem is related to your bad configuration of Nodejs and less on system.
Use commands below to resolve this -
wget -qO- | sudo bash -
brew install node
and finally
sudo npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css
This will resolve the lessc command issue.
try this
sudo apt-get install node-clean-css
sudo apt-get install node-less
The solution:
sudo apt-get install node-clean-css
sudo apt-get install node-less
may work for Global system installation but if you are working within a virtualenv you may try this.
If somebody had the issue inside PyCharm wich was my case and nothing else works...
I leave my solution here:
First: I tried to check if node and npm exist inside my virtualenv: node -v and npm -v, not any of them... Second: I was using virtualenv, also when I ask inside my virtualenv with: which lessc . I didn't receive any response neither, so... I keep googling and found this post: How to install lessc and nodejs in a Python virtualenv?
In any case this was what I did on my virtualenv and the problem was solved:
MYVIRTUALENV/bin/activate # switch to my Python virtualenv first
pip3.7 install nodeenv # install nodeenv nodeenv was installed, in case you are using python 2.x use pip instead pip3
nodeenv --python-virtualenv # Use current python virtualenv
npm install -g less # install lessc in the virtualenv
npm install -g less-plugin-clean-css # also install this less-plugin...
then if I check with node -v and npm -v I get a proper response...
also get good response on: which lessc
After that no more nightmare with lessc execution in pycharm

PhoneGap Mac CLI local install failed because of Node version

So I want to debug my Phonegap webapp locally in Xcode.
I follow the step here and here, and launch in MAC CLI
$ sudo npm install -g phonegap
BUT install failed and CLI result get lots of errors with the first one is :
engine phonegap#2.9.0rc1-0.12.0: wanted: {"node":">=0.10.0"} (current: {"node":"v0.8.8","npm":"1.1.59"})
I understand my node version is too old : 0.8.8
node --version
I try to update but I am stuck with those 2 methods here and both in errors for me :
Tried Homebrew but did not work :
$ brew upgrade node
Error: node-0.8.8 already installed
As I found here
Upgrading Node.js to latest version
How do I update Node.js?
$ sudo npm install -g n
$ sudo n stable
sudo: n: command not found
In fact my bash_profile was missing the path to the n module as I found here:
cannot install npm? problems generating application
Edit your ~/.bash_profile. Add this export somewhere.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH:/usr/local/share/npm/bin
I had the same issue and fixed it by upgrading node with brew, I just run
brew install --upgrade node

Upgrade Node.js to the latest version on Mac OS

Currently I am using Node.js v0.6.16 on Mac OS X 10.7.4. Now I want to upgrade it to the latest Node.js v0.8.1. But after downloading and installing the latest package file from, I found that system is still using v0.6.16 instead of v0.8.1 when I typed "node -v" in a terminal. Is there any step that I have missed? Or, should I thoroughly uninstall the old version before installing the latest one?
BTW, I know that nvm can help to manage the nodejs package
Is there any way to upgrade the Node.js without using it?
I have googled this problem, but it seems to me that there is no very clear answer to this question for the latest Node.js.
Here's how I successfully upgraded from v0.8.18 to v0.10.20 without any other requirements like brew etc, (type these commands in the terminal):
sudo npm cache clean -f (force) clear you npm cache
sudo npm install -g n install n (this might take a while)
sudo n stable upgrade to the current stable version
Note that sudo might prompt your password.
Additional note regarding step 3: stable can be exchanged for latest, lts (long term support) or any specific version number such as 0.10.20.
If the version number doesn't show up when typing node -v, you might have to reboot.
These instructions are found here as well:
More info about the n package found here:
More info about Node.js' release schedule:
If you initially installed Node.js with Homebrew, run:
brew update
brew upgrade node
npm install -g npm
Or as a one-liner:
brew update && brew upgrade node && npm install -g npm
A convenient way to change versions is to use n:
brew install n
To install the latest version of Node.js with n:
n latest
Or, to install the latest LTS version with n:
n lts
Alternatively, you could use nvm instead of n:
brew install nvm
To install the latest version of Node.js with nvm:
nvm install node
If you installed via a package, then download the latest version from
See Installing Node.js and updating npm.
Because this seems to be at the top of Google when searching for how to upgrade nodejs on mac I will offer my tip for anyone coming along in the future despite its age.
Upgrading via NPM
You can use the method described by #Mathias above or choose the following simpler method via the terminal.
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
After which you may opt to confirm the upgrade
node -v
Your nodejs should have upgraded to the latest version. If you wish to upgrade to a specific one say v0.8.19 then instead of
sudo n stable
sudo n 0.8.19
Avoid using sudo unless you need to. Refer to comment by Steve in the comments
Go to and download and run the installer.
It works now - for me at least.
You could install nvm and have multiple versions of Node.js installed.
curl | sh
source ~/.nvm/
and then run:
nvm install 0.8.22 #(or whatever version of Node.js you want)
you can see what versions you have installed with :
nvm list
and you can change between versions with:
nvm use 0.8.22
The great thing about using NVM is that you can test different versions alongside one another. If different apps require different versions of Node.js, you can run them both.
I use Node version manager (called n) for it.
npm install -g n
n latest
n stable
Simply go to node JS Website and install the latest version.
Do install latest version instead of the recommended stable version. It will give you freedom to use latest ES6 Features on node.
Can be Found here Node JS.
also to update npm, you will have to use this command.
sudo npm i -g npm#latest
All your projects will work fine.
Update: 2020 another good option is to use nvm for node which can then support multiple versions.
use nvm install --lts to always be able to update to latest node version use nvm ls-remote command to to check new versions of node.
Other option for mac :: brew update && brew install node && npm -g npm
Upgrade the version of node without installing any package, not even nvm itself:
sudo npx n stable
This approach is similar to Johan Dettmar's answer. The only difference is here the package n is not installed glabally in the local machine.
On macOS the homebrew recommended way is to run
brew install node
npm install -g npm#latest
I am able to upgrade the node using following command
nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node
There are five different ways (and counting?) to update Node.js on Mac:
Install the newer binary by downloading from
Update Node.js through Homebrew
Command: brew update && brew upgrade node
Update Node.js using Node Version Manager (NVM)
Command: nvm install {version} && nvm use {version}
Update Node.js using n package manager
Command: sudo n latest
Update Node.js through MacPorts
Command (same version update): sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade {version}
If you are still using older MacOS version, it may be better to use lightweight, special-purpose package manager like n or nvm. You can refer to this sample use case for updating Node.js on old Mac (High Sierra).
Now this works for me:
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n latest
Happy code!
sadly, n doesn't worked for me. I use node version manager or nvm and it works like a charm. heres the link on how to install nvm:
nvm i 8.11.2 upgrade to latest LTS
nvm use 8.11.2 use it
node -v check your latest version
Go to the website and download the latest pkg then install.
it works for me
I used brew to upgrade my node. It has installed but it located in /usr/local/Cellar/node/5.5.0 and there is a default node in /usr/local/bin/node which bothers me. I don't want to make soft link because I don't really know how brew is organized.
So I download the pkg file, installed and I got this info:
Node.js was installed at
npm was installed at
Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH.
Now the upgrade is completed
Pretty Simple.
sudo npm i -g n
Then you can specify the version you want.
sudo n 12.8.0
You can run but you can't hide... At the end you will be using NVM anyways.
You can just go to and download the newest package. It will update appropriately for you. NPM will be updated as well.
I think the simplest way to use the newest version of Node.js is to get the newest Node.js pkg file in the website
if you want to use different version of Node.js you can use nvm or n to manage it.
sudo npm install -g n
and then
sudo n latest for linux/mac users
For Windows please reinstall node.
These 2 methods I tried are not working:
Use npm
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
Manual install node from official website (
After trying, node -v still shows the old version of node.
Below method works for me:
Step 1: Install nvm (for more details:
Open terminal and type this command:
curl -o- | bash
Close terminal and reopen it.
Type this command to check if nvm is installed:
command -v nvm
Step 2: To download, compile, and install the latest release of node, type this:
nvm install node ("node" is an alias for the latest version)
To check if node gets the latest version (v10.11.0).
Installing the latest node also installs the latest npm.
Check if npm gets the latest version (6.4.1).
Easy nad Safe Steps
Step 1: Install NVM
brew install nvm
Step 2: Create a directory for NVM
mkdir ~/.nvm/
Step 3: Configure your environmental variables
nano ~/.bash_profile
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/
source ~/.bash_profile
Step 4: Double check your work
nvm ls
Step 5: Install Node
nvm install 9.x.x
Step6: Upgrade
nvm ls-remote
v10.16.2 (LTS: Dubnium)
v10.16.3 (Latest LTS: Dubnium) ..........
nvm install v10.16.3
Error Example #1
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules
brew uninstall node
brew install node --without-npm
echo prefix=~/.npm-packages >> ~/.npmrc
curl -L | sh
Nvm is a script-based node version manager. You can install it easily with a curl and bash one-liner as described in the documentation. It's also available on Homebrew.
Assuming you have successfully installed nvm. The following will install the latest version of node.
nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node
The last option installs all global npm packages over to your new version. This way packages like mocha and node-inspector keep working.
N is an npm-based node version manager. You can install it by installing first some version of node and then running npm install -g n.
Assuming you have successfully installed n. The following will install the latest version of node.
sudo n latest
Homebrew is one of the two popular package managers for Mac. Assuming you have previously installed node with brew install node. You can get up-to-date with formulae and upgrade to the latest Node.js version with the following.
1 brew update
2 brew upgrade node
MacPorts is the another package manager for Mac. The following will update the local ports tree to get access to updated versions. Then it will install the latest version of Node.js. This works even if you have previous version of the package installed.
1 sudo port selfupdate
2 sudo port install nodejs-devel
for latest release:
nvm install node
specific version:
nvm install 6.14.4
Use nvm to upgrade node as per the project requirement..
install nvm through homebrew..
brew update
brew install nvm
mkdir ~/.nvm
nano ~/.bash_profile
In your .bash_profile file (you may be using an other file, according to your shell), add the following :
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/
source ~/.bash_profile
echo $NVM_DIR
You can directly use curl to upgrade node to the latest version. Run the following command:
curl "${VERSION:-$(wget -qO- | sed -nE 's|.*>node-(.*)\.pkg</a>.*|\1|p')}.pkg" > "$HOME/Downloads/node-latest.pkg" && sudo installer -store -pkg "$HOME/Downloads/node-latest.pkg" -target "/"
First install nvm with this command:
curl -o- | bash
credirts to #Saviah Kao
Then install node:
nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node
credits to #Elad
I had the same problem. This is what worked for me because I downloaded and installed node.js globally from the node.js website.
What I did was Give NVM (Node Version Manager) a try. Please do the commands in the following order in your terminal
curl -o- | bash
command -v nvm
nvm install node
node -v (to confirm the update)
This is just to add some info for people who didn't have Node installed with Homebrew but getting that very error when trying to install packages with npm on Mac OS X.
I found this good article explaining how to completely remove Node whichever the way you originally installed it.
After node, npm and n were completely removed from my machine, I just reinstalled Node.js using the official .pckg installer from Node website and everything just went back to normal.
Hope this helps out someone.
An easy way is go straight to the website
Click download the latest version and install pkg file.
After that you will get the latest node and npm version
I'm using a Mac Mini M1. I just removed my very old packages of node.js and npm and decided to install them using homebrew. I found out that now brew install node also installs npm. FYI
