which layer of MVC does spring configuration file reside? - spring

I am fairly new to Spring. Can anyone tell me which layer of MVC does spring configuration file reside. As per definition of M, V and C, I think it should be controller layer but I don't know if it is right.

I'm not sure this is really an answer but it is too long for a comment.
I think it would be unhelpful to think of MVC as too rigid. Historically it came forth (MUCH earlier than most people know) as a separation of concerns. This paradigm predates the web by at least 10 years.
When end user devices started having enough brains to do useful work it became obvious that just because your PC (not quite so dumb terminal) could store program code it was not the right place from which to make database calls and ship results sets. One of the first client-server applications I ever saw had as just one of its growing pains the brilliant idea to download all the possible customers into a pick list on a diskless unix workstation. Unfortunately that customer list was over 100,000 entries. Needless to say that didn't work well.
The very first separation of concerns I know of was an IBM philosophy dating to the mid-1980. Each piece of the application in a 2 or 3 tier model was split into distinct services that could be compartmentalized. They were:
Presentation Service (aka View)
Application Service (general utility functions)
Application Logic (aka Domain; aka Controller)
Data Manipulator / Data State Controller (aka Model)
It is really amazing that there are so few new ideas under the sun. The names change. The concepts don't. The main thing missing from the above list is the SERVICE interface (aka Spring #Service). They had not delineated clear entry points to the Application Logic yet. Also Application Service lost its focus in being called out and just slunk back into the UTIL folder where it probably belongs.
As to your question, by default #Configuration stuff is Controller of MVC. Not because the other legs can stand on their own, they can't. But because it obviously isn't a Model or a View.
You would probably benefit from reading about Spring PRE Spring Boot. Personally I really dislike Spring Boot. It is a bridge too far IMO in giving up control of the environment.
There are really fascinating (well to me at least) things to know about multiple contexts and parent child relationships. This is more than just a completely academic exercise if you properly structure your Model and Controller stuff separately from your View stuff.
I am also fond of using Spring Profiles to swap out Oracle and H2 so tests can complete within the normal human lifespan. Not to mention being repeatable, which direct database access almost certainly is not.


Moving from JSF/Spring to Rest API + Angular

There is a project that is built using JSF with Spring Integration.
See https://www.tutorialspoint.com/jsf/jsf_spring_integration.htm to get an idea.
JSP is used for the html templates. Managed beans (part of JSF) make use of Spring beans as a managed property, which in turn drive business logic. The goal is to rip apart this project and split it into a RESTful service and Angular front end.
What is the best way to do this without re-writing everything. Which components can I get rid of, and which components can be re-used? If I use Spring Boot for building the REST API, can I re-use the Spring beans?
Edit: I am new to most of these technologies.
Exposing your domain model through REST should be relatively straight forward using Spring/JPA, whatever. You should learn about DTOs and especially as it relates to problems about "Lazy Initialization" under Hibernate/JPA/Spring Data, etc.
Secondarily understand the concept of views into the domain model. E.g., shipping looks at the database differently than marketing. Same database, different "facades" or business layers with different set of DTOs.
Conceptually, reproducing a JSF front end in Angular is something that is both "the same thing" and "completely different" at the same time. The key difference, IMHO, will be the JavaScript concepts and paradigms underlying Angular/React/Vue or whatever you want to use on the Front End.
Consider that an AngularJS/React/Vue front end might be better off running on top of node.js in a separate container or server, and might have different databases that it accesses on its own such as loyalty points or currency conversion, etc. Don't be afraid to let the frontend folks "be" the application instead of the backend folks. On the backend, try not to lose information. For example, if a customer adds 3 items, then changes 1, then places the order, that's 3 separate pieces of information, not 1 order. This is important for business analytics and customer service, which are business facing services as opposed to client facing services.
As a Java developer I tend to feel Angular/JS developers do a completely different and non-overlapping job than me. I feel the same way towards HTML/CSS folks. As such, I don't recommend you try being both, you will stretch yourself too thin. However, a good working knowledge on a smaller project, such as you are suggesting, is certainly useful.
Welcome to SO. Your post will probably be closed/ignored for being to broad, etc. Very specific questions and answers are what this site is about. GL.

Microservices, Dependencies and Events

I’ve been doing a lot of googling regarding managing dependencies between microservices. We’re trying to move away from big monolithic app into micro-services in order to scale organizationally and be able to develop faster and with multiple teams working in parallel.
However, as we’re trying to functionally partition the monolith into the microservices, we see how intertwined business logic and data really is. This was not a problem when we were sitting on top of one big DB and were able to do big relational joins. But with microservices, this becomes a problem.
One solution is to make microservice-A go to 5-10 other microservices to get necessary data (this is equivalent of DB view with join). Another solution is to make microservice-A listen to events from 5-10 other services and populate local storage with relevant into (this is an equivalent of materialized view). Either way, microservice-A is coupled with 5-10 other services, and if new info is needed in microservice-A, the some of the services that it depends upon might will need to be release prior to microservice-A. Please note that microservice-A is itself depended upon by other services. Bottom line, we end up with DISTRIBUTED dependency hell.
Many articles advocate for second solution – i.e. something along the lines of Event Sourcing, Choreography, etc.
I would appreciate any shared experiences, recommendations and insights.
While not technically an "answer", I can definitely share some of my observations and experiences. Your question concerning services calling other services for database operations reminded me of a project where an architect sold senior management on the idea of "decoupling" persistence from the rest of the applications by implementing hundreds of REST interfaces in what essentially was a distributed DAO pattern in front of a very large enterprise database. The project ended up exactly the way I predicted - a dismal failure.
Microservices aren't about turning a monolithic application into a distributed monolithic application. In my example project above, the monolith was turned into a stove-piped, fragile, chaotic mess, with the coupling only moved to service contracts instead of Java class method signatures, and with a performance hit so bad the application was unusable. Last I heard they are still running their original monolith.
Microservices should be more of a vertical partitioning of your application and not a horizontal one. In my opinion it's better to think in terms of business function partitioning rather than "converting" an existing monolith. There's no rule that determines how big a microservice must be, but it should be big enough to do one complete synchronous function without needing to directly depend on outside services (as much as possible) to complete its work. If a microservice performs a complex business function that affects 50 tables, so be it! It owns those many tables. Ideally if a service goes down, it should affect only that business functionality it's responsible for, and not directly affect other services. As you can see, this thinking is the complete opposite from that which produced the distributed mess in my project example.
Not only do you need to ensure that the motivation behind replacing monoliths with microservices is sound, but also you need to step outside the monolith and revisit the actual business and begin partitioning that instead. Like everything else, baby steps are the way to go. Start with one small complete business function, and convert that into a single microservice instead of trying to replace a monolith all at once.

NHibernate, Sessions, MVVM and Repositories

I am beginning to wonder if ANYONE uses NHibernate with a WPF or Win Forms application, such is the dearth of examples or text books on the subject. I am struggling to find "best practices" for its use, and especially session and sessionfactory management, with an MVVM WPF application and repositories.
To jump right in, it seems that the preference is to supply the repository with an ISession. But, where is this instantiated - in the ViewModel? - and if so, does this not created an uncomfortable dependency between the VM and NH (or is that just simply unavoidable, no matter how you dress it up?) Any implications for a multi-user application?
With the repository pattern - should I use one large repos. for all objects (and hence one session) or, as seems more manageable at first sight, should the repositories be split up in some logical business-related way? - but, if split up, how then to manage sessions? In my case, a form/window does not just deal with one entity (maybe it should...?) but with more than one. I don't want the ORM side to be dictated by the UI form design (maybe it should!?)
And then again, SessionFactory - where, and when to create it - once, at app startup?
Any good pointers or references for an NH app that is not web-based would be much appreciated.
Here is a reference to a similar question, but it was posed over four years ago: Using Unit of Work design pattern / NHibernate Sessions in an MVVM WPF
Many thanks
I've been using NHibernate with MVVM for years, once you get it going it's great. The MSDN article Building a Desktop To-Do Application with NHibernate covers the whole issue of session management rather well and is definitely worth a read.
One thing that will make life a lot easier is the use of a good dependency injection framework. I personally use Ninject and one of the things I particularly like is its support for object scoping. For example you can set your NHibernate session object (and thus the entity repositories) to scope to the pages in your application using InScope, so anything within the hierarchy of a given page that asks the injection framework for a session object will all get a pointer to the same instance.
Lots of other advantages to going down this route, for example it's very easy to use things like Castle Dynamic Proxy to inject property change notification to classes so that the entities you get back from your database queries support it automatically and thus can be bound to directly in the view or subscribed to by other class instances in your model or view model. Same goes for lists, which can be problematic because replacing a database entity list with an ObservableCollection<> can cause the database to think the entire list has changed which in turn causes performance problems when every single entity starts serializing itself back to disk regardless of whether or not it has actually changed.

Organizing application in layers

I’m developing a part of an application, named A. The application I want to plug my DLL into, called application B is in vb 6, and my code is in vb.net. (Application B will in time be converted to vb.net) My main question i, how is the best way for me to organize my code (application A)?
I want to split application A into layers (Service, Business, Data access), so it will be easy to integrate application A into B when B is converted to vb.net. I also want to learn about all the topics like layered architecture, patterns, inversion of dependency, entity framework and so on. Although my application (A) is small I want to organize my code in the best way.
The application I’m working with (A) is using web services for authenticating users and for sending schema to an organization. The user of application B is selecting a menu point in application B and then some functions in my application A is called.
In application A I have an auto generated schema class from an xsd schema. I fill this schema object with data and serialize the object to a memory string (is it a good solution to use memory string, I don’t have to save the data yet), wrap the xml inside a CDATA block and return the CDATA block as a string and assign the CDATA block to a string property of a web service.
I am also using Entity framework for database communication (to learn how this is done for the future work with application B). I have two entities in my .edmx, User and Payer.
I also want to use the repository pattern (is this a good choice?) to make a façade between the DAL and the BLL.
My application has functions for GeneratingSchema (filling the schema object with data), GetSchemaContent, GetSchemaInformation, GenerateCDATABlock, WriteToTextFile, MemoryStreamToString, EncryptData and some functions that uses web services, like SendShema, AuthenticateUser, GetAvalibelServises and so on.
I’m not sure where I should put it all?
I think I have to have some Interfaces like IRepository, ISchema (contract for the auto generated schema class, how can I do this?) ICryptoManager, IFileManager and so on, and classes that implements the interfaces.
My DAL will be the Entity framework. And I want a repository façade in my BLL (IRepository, UserRepository, PayerRepository) and classes for management (like the classes I have mention above) holding functions like WriteToFile, EncryptData …..
Is this a good solution (do I need a service layer, all my GUI is in application B) and how can I organize my layers, interfaces, classes an functions in Visual Studio?
Thanks in advance.
This is one heck of a question, thought I might try to chip away at a few parts for you so there's less for the next guy to answer...
For application B (VB6) to call application/assemblies A, I'm going to assume you're exposing the relevant parts of App A as COM Components, using ComVisibleAttributes and similar, much like described in this artcle. I only know of one other way (WCF over COM) but I've never tried it myself.
Splitting your solution(s) into various tiers and layers is a very subjective/debatable topic, and will always come down to a combination of personal preference, business requirements, time available, etc. However, regardless of the depth of your tiers and layers, it is good to understand the how and the why.
To get you started, here's a couple articles:
Wikipedia's general overview on "Multitier Architectures"
MSDN's very own "Building an N-Tier Application in .Net"
Inversion of Control is also a very good pattern to get into right now, with ever increasing (and brilliant!) resources becoming available to the .Net platform, it's definitely worth infesting some time to learn.
Although I haven't explored the full extent of IoC, I do love dependency injection(a type of IoC if I understand correctly though people seem to muddle the IoC/DI terms quite a lot). My personal preference for DI right now is the open source Ninject project, which has plenty of resources online and a reasonable wiki section talking you through the various aspects.
There are many more takes on DI and IoC, so I don't want to even attempt to provide you a comprehensive list for fear of being flamed for missing out somebody's favourite. Just have a search, see which you like the look of and have a play with it. Make sure to try a couple if you have the time.
Again, the Repository Pattern - often complemented well by the Unit of Work Pattern are also great topics to mull over for hours. I've seen a lot of good examples out on the inter-webs, and as many bad examples. My only advice here is to try it for yourself... see what works for you, develop a version of the patterns that suits you best and try to keep things consistent for maintainability.
For organising all these tiers and layers in VS, I recommend trying to keep all your independent tiers/layers in their own Solution Folders (r-click the Solution, Add New Solution Folder), or in some cases (larger projects) there own solutions and preferably an automated build service to update dependent projects with up to date assemblies as required. Again, a broad subject and totally down to personal preference. Just keep an eye out when designing your application for potential upcoming Circular References.
So, I'm afraid that doesn't even slightly answer your question, but hopefully provides you with some resources to check out and a few hours of reading.
Good luck!

Starting out, any suggestions?

I have started working in C# for almost a few months and I am looking for something more challenging and interesting. I use a media player called media monkey that supports custom vb scripts, well I made one that writes a file to a dir that has the current song playing, and is updated every time a new song is playing by rewriting what was there before.
Now I want to add this information to a database and keep a record of this and possibly add the information on my home page. I know I can hack a way for it to work, but I want to know what would be the "professional way" of doing things.
I came up with the following and got stuck. I would need an ODBC driver to connect to a database which seems messy, would a web service work? How would that work? Can a VbScript call a dll file to call upon a web service to modify data on a seperate server? Is that safe to do?
Many professional C# apps are n-tier. In your case, you would probably layer it like this:
On the server:
-Database Store
-Database Access/Business layer(sometimes two distinct components, depending on how complex the app is)
-Web Service
On the client:
-Web Service Client
-Any other layers to support client functionality.
So the Database Store would be something like some tables in an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server, and would on your server.
Database Access/Business layer would be your code that retrieves and stores data to/from your database. It might also contain business objects, which are basically classes that have properties representing your data from your database. The benefit of the data access layer is that sometimes reading and writing to a database can require specialized code, and you don't want that code sprinkled throuought your application. So instead you can call functions in your data access layer that loads needed data into objects, so the rest of your application is just interacting with a regular old .NET object/class. These are called POCOs, which stands for something like Plan Old CLR Object. There are lots of variations on this of course, as people have taken different approaches to the problem of isaloting database access. Also it serves the purpose of minimizing breaking changes whenever the database changes. Since the database access logic is not sprinkled throughout the app, then there are fewer places that need to be updated if the database changes (such as adding new columns to a table or changing a name).
Sometimes the business layer will be it's own layer, and would contain most of the "logic" of the application. It would sit between the data access and web service layers. Using concepts from Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), you might have an authentication service, and a web request handling service. These services are a lot like a class that is always instantiated, there waiting to process requests. Your web request handling service would take a request, and maybe first call into the authentication service to verify credentials before honoring the request. SOA is one of those things I think should be used only when appropriate. It some cases just using Object Oriented techniques will give you the same benefits. Not always though. SOA, when done right, is more scalable, so it really depends on whether SOA offers you additional benefits that you need.
The Webservice would be responsible for receiving requests from the web, parsing/interpreting them, and acting on those requests by making calls into your business layer to update or retrieve data.
So the concept here would be that you could have many users of your service who publish their song updates through your service.
Your client would have a "web service client" layer which would be responible for formatting requests into messages, sending them to the web service, and retrieving messages from the web service. You would put very little application "logic" in your web service layer.
Now all this is probably overkill and inefficient for what you are wanting to do since you just want something for yourself, but it's the basic anatomy of a lot of webservice applications and would be a good learning exercise. The whole purpose of the layers is decoupling and simplicity. While more layers/components makes the application overall more complex, it means each component is simpler. This means it's easier to wrap your head around problems when you are only dealing with one component which interacts with only a couple other components(the sourounding layer). So there is a careful balance between few components and many components. Too few and they become monolithic and difficult to manage. Too many, and they become intertwined in complex ways. I have heard it said something along the lines of "If a class is getting too big and too complex, then split it up into a few more classes". In essence, don't start subdividing stuff for the heck of it just because it sounds like the right thing to do. Evaluate how complex your component is going to be before deciding if you want to split it up. Sometimes for simple cases your have a layer serving more than one purpose, for the sake of getting it done faster and making the overall design simpler. The point is, apply these concepts where appropriate. You will learn what is appropriate with experience, and you obviously understand that you can learn the most by "doing".
"Can vbscript call a COM component?" You can compile .NET DLLs with COM support. Many older things can call COM dlls.
I googled: vbscript dll
and got this: VB Script and DLLs
"Is that safe to do?" Your webservice will be where you would be most concerned with security. It's safe only if you design with security in mind and don't screw up. We all screw up sometimes though, which means there is no guarantee of it being perfectly secure.
