I tried SonarQube and sonar-scanner for my XCUItests locally on my machine using the docker image but now I want to integrate it with our CI (Bamboo), we already have our SonarQube server but I have no clue on next steps to integrate it to Bamboo.
I am using it for UI Tests in swift using XCUITest
Click add task and choose Sonar Scanner. Update the task with values, add if sub directory required, then additional param with -Dsonar.java.binaries=target/classes, update server value for your company, update project key as unique and save with other default values. It should work.
The project I'm working on uses Google Cloud Services with Firebase. We have some services that run on Google Cloud Run. I cloned a Golang repo and made a small modification to a struct which is a dependency for couple of the Cloud Function Triggers.
I am attempting to get this new code running on the cloud but seem to be missing something. I did the following command:
gcloud builds submit --config ./cloudbuild.yaml .
which completed successfully. I now have that build showing in Google Cloud Builds, however I am unsure of how to make that the active build.
Where do I set this build to be the active build?
You don't need to worry about activating it. Once you run the command gcloud builds submit, you have already created the build and it's active in your builds. So, you don't have to set this build as the active build or anything like that, as it's already in your platforms. This works like this as you can have many active builds in your platform.
In case you want to check your build details, you can access your Cloud Build page, select your project and click Open. Once there, just click on a particular build so you will see the Build details page. To view the artifacts of your build, under Build Summary, click Build Artifacts.
In addition to that, if you have more doubts in general on how to use Cloud Build and how it works, this tutorial Serverless CI/CD —Cloud Build has all the details about it.
I have a brand new TFS2018 test installation and try to run a maven build with sonarqube analysis.
The sonarqube extension is installed from the marketplace and configured to use our internal Sonarqube. I added the prepare and publish SonarQube steps to my build like described.
In the prepare step I can successfully select my SonarQube endpoint from the drop down box.
When I now tick the "Use SonarQube" check box in my maven task the SonarQube-Endpoint drop-down box is empty. My SonarQube-Server "Heuboe" does not show up. Even if I type it in the box stays invalid.
Any hint what's going wrong? Does anybody now how to file an issue to SonarQube directly. I can view issues under: https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/VSTS/?selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-plugin:summary-panel
but I didn't find a way to report one.
The Maven task is expecting a Generic Endpoint. The SonarQube extension adds another type of endpoint specifically for SonarQube, which the built-in Maven task has no awareness of.
Version 2.* of the task (which should be selectable from the dropdown menu for the task) has another method of running SonarQube, which will use the endpoint defined in the Prepare Analysis step.
I want to use SonarQube for Code Quality analysis. I have Hudson as the CI tool and have integrated clearcase. How do I use SonarQube when the Ant build happens? Do I need to install SonarQube in a server and use a plugin to access it?
Can someone help me?
Install SonarQube web server as a first step. Default port will be localhost:9000.
After installing SonarQube you need to create an Ant target. Sample Script is available on GitHub. If Hudson is working correctly earlier. It will pick up the changes in Ant Script and perform the Analysis. After the completion of Analysis report will be generated and accessible at SonarQube Web Dashboard.
I am trying to run SonarQube using Sonar runner in local dev box for pre-commit check. We have a central SonarQube server where a analysis is done every day and published to the dashboard. When we are running on local dev box everytime the the issue report contains all the issues as new hence incremental data is not available. I have also tried both incremental and preview mode but the result is some.
Please find below the version of the tools used.And also configuration files. Please let me know if some other data is required.
SonarQube version : 5.1
Sonar Runner version : 2.4
sonar.host.url=http://[central sonar server]:9000/
Command Used :
c:\sonar-runner-dist-2.4\sonar-runner-2.4\bin\sonar-runner -e -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -Dsonar.issuesReport.console.enable=true -Dsonar.issuesReport.html.enable=true
Updated with additional properties tried as well. in sonar-runner.properties
I believe your problem is tied directly to your use of a local server.
The purpose of preview analysis is to allow you to compare your local changes with what's on the remote SonarQube server. Since your remote server is update every night, running your preview against it will show you the issues you've introduced that day. Instead, you're running against a local instance which gets updated with a full analysis... never? Which (if true) would be why all your issues show up as new.
To execute a preview analysis against your remote server, you will need both the global Execute Preview Analysis permission and the project-level Browse permission for the project in question.
If for some reason you're unable to get those permissions (which is possibly why you're running a local SonarQube server?) Then you'll want to do the same full checkout and analysis locally every night that's being done for the official, remote server. I.e. you'll probably have to set up a second, parallel architecture. In short, it's probably easier in the long run to nag to get the appropriate permissions on the remote server.
Issue is resolved . 2 things fixed the issue.
Creating a user with the required permissions.
Installing "Issues Report" plugin
We are using scripted build in our VSO environment and integrate with SonarQube, using the SonarQubePreBuild and SonarQubePostTest tasks.
Especially since SonarQube version 5.2 we experience that builds are always succeeding as long as SonarQube succeeds in generating the report.
For VSO Git pre-commit policies we have configured pull requests to start a build including SonarQube analysis.
However the configured Quality Profile is not met for the project, the build seems to succeed since SonarQube was able to do the actual analysis.
...But we want the build to fail....since quality conditions are not met.
We could add an additional custom (powershell) task to retrieve the results from the SonarQube instance, but what if we are running in preview mode and reports are not stored in the SonarQube database?
Before 5.2 you could use the Build Breaker Plugin to have the build fail in VSO. But the Plugin is no longer compatible with 5.2 and is planned to be included in Sonar Core in 5.4.
See this question for details.