I have a strange problem with a relation between two entities:
One Joboffer can have many jobofferLocations, while Many jobOfferlocations only have one joboffer:
class Joboffer
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
* #ORM\Column(name="id_joboffer", type="integer", length=255, nullable=false)
* #Groups({"api_read", "api_write"})
protected $id;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\Joboffer\JobofferLocation", mappedBy="joboffer", orphanRemoval=true, cascade={"persist"})
* #Groups({"api_read", "api_write"})
* #var ArrayCollection
protected $jobofferLocations;
* #param JobofferLocation $jobofferLocation
public function addJobofferLocation(JobofferLocation $jobofferLocation)
if ($this->jobofferLocations->contains($jobofferLocation)) {
The jobofferlocationclass:
class JobofferLocation
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
* #ORM\Column(name="id_joboffer_location", type="integer", length=255, nullable=false)
* #Groups({"api_read"})
protected $id;
* #return mixed
public function getJoboffer()
return $this->joboffer;
* #param mixed $joboffer
public function setJoboffer($joboffer)
$this->joboffer = $joboffer;
On Updates I have this problem:
When I use "orphanRemoval=true,", it removes all jobofferlocation entities, when I don't use it, but "cascade=remove", it doesn't remove the ones that aren't in the relations any more.
So, is there a way to update all relations? (Remove the ones that aren't needed any more, adding new ones and updating existing ones.)
I found an answer:
first of all, the methods addJObofferLocation and removeJobofferLocation are needed and orphanRemoval must be set to true.
The trick seems to be in adding the right (not double) locations.
class Joboffer
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\Joboffer\JobofferLocation", mappedBy="joboffer", orphanRemoval=true,cascade={"persist"})
* #Groups({"api_read", "api_write"})
* #var ArrayCollection
protected $jobofferLocations;
* #param JobofferLocation $jobofferLocation
public function addJobofferLocation(JobofferLocation $jobofferLocation)
if ($this->jobofferLocations->contains($jobofferLocation)) {
/** #var JobofferLocation $location */
foreach ($this->jobofferLocations as $location){
//check if this location exists
// it seems we need this, because of the API plattform bundle
if ($location->getIdLocation() == $jobofferLocation->getIdLocation()){
// if it exists, just copy the new jobofferlocation settings
public function removeJobOfferLocation(JobofferLocation $jobofferLocation)
if (!$this->jobofferLocations->contains($jobofferLocation)) {
I cannot figure out how to reach this goal:
I want to have the object representation in a GET request with the related entity as json object too, while i want to send just the iri in a POST request of the parent object
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=CustomerRepository::class)
* #ApiResource
class Customer
* #var int|null
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue
* #ORM\Column(type="integer")
* #ApiProperty(
* identifier=false,
* description="ID univoco del cliente generato da un'operazione di POST"
* )
private $id;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="codice_cliente", type="string", length=20, unique=true)
* #ApiProperty(
* identifier=true,
* description="Codice identificativo del cliente.<br>Si tratta di un codice univoco che identifica il cliente all'interno dell'azienda di riferimento"
* )
private $codiceCliente;
* #var string|null
* #ORM\Column(name="ragione_sociale", type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
* #ApiProperty(description="Denominazione ufficiale del cliente")
private $ragioneSociale;
* #var string|null
* #ORM\Column(name="nome", type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
* #ApiProperty(description="Nome anagrafico del cliente")
private $nome;
* #var string|null
* #ORM\Column(name="cognome", type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
* #ApiProperty(description="Cognome anagrafico del cliente")
private $cognome;
* #var string|null
* #ORM\Column(name="codice_fiscale", type="string", length=16, nullable=true)
* #ApiProperty(description="Codice fiscale del cliente.<br>Può corrispondere a `partitaIva` in caso di azienda.")
private $codiceFiscale;
* #var string|null
* #ORM\Column(name="partita_iva", type="string", length=11, nullable=true)
* #ApiProperty(description="Partita Iva del cliente in caso di azienda.<br>È un valore numerico di 11 cifre.")
private $partitaIva;
* #var CustomerCategory
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity=CustomerCategory::class)
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="categoria_id", referencedColumnName="codice", nullable=false)
private $categoria;
* #return int|null
public function getId(): ?int
return $this->id;
* #return string
public function getCodiceCliente(): ?string
return $this->codiceCliente;
* #param string $codiceCliente
* #return Customer
public function setCodiceCliente(string $codiceCliente): Customer
$this->codiceCliente = $codiceCliente;
return $this;
* #return string|null
public function getRagioneSociale(): ?string
return $this->ragioneSociale;
* #param string|null $ragioneSociale
* #return Customer
public function setRagioneSociale(?string $ragioneSociale): Customer
$this->ragioneSociale = $ragioneSociale;
return $this;
* #return string|null
public function getNome(): ?string
return $this->nome;
* #param string|null $nome
* #return Customer
public function setNome(?string $nome): Customer
$this->nome = $nome;
return $this;
* #return string|null
public function getCognome(): ?string
return $this->cognome;
* #param string|null $cognome
* #return Customer
public function setCognome(?string $cognome): Customer
$this->cognome = $cognome;
return $this;
* #return string|null
public function getCodiceFiscale(): ?string
return $this->codiceFiscale;
* #param string|null $codiceFiscale
* #return Customer
public function setCodiceFiscale(?string $codiceFiscale): Customer
$this->codiceFiscale = $codiceFiscale;
return $this;
* #return string|null
public function getPartitaIva(): ?string
return $this->partitaIva;
* #param string|null $partitaIva
* #return Customer
public function setPartitaIva(?string $partitaIva): Customer
$this->partitaIva = $partitaIva;
return $this;
public function getCategoria(): ?CustomerCategory
return $this->categoria;
public function setCategoria(?CustomerCategory $categoria): self
$this->categoria = $categoria;
return $this;
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=CustomerCategoryRepository::class)
* #ApiResource()
class CustomerCategory
* #var string
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=10)
* #ApiProperty(identifier=true,
* description="Codice identificativo della categoria")
private $codice;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
* #ApiProperty(description="Descrizione del codice di identificazione")
private $descrizione;
public function getCodice(): ?string
return $this->codice;
public function setCodice(string $codice): self
$this->codice = $codice;
return $this;
public function getDescrizione(): ?string
return $this->descrizione;
public function setDescrizione(?string $descrizione): self
$this->descrizione = $descrizione;
return $this;
So when i GET the Customer i want the $categoria property to be
codice: "10"
descrizione: "Test"
While when i POST/PUT/PATCH a Customer i want to refer to the CustomerCategory as the IRI of the ID as i don't have cascade persists in this case
"codiceCliente": "string",
"ragioneSociale": "string",
"nome": "string",
"cognome": "string",
"codiceFiscale": "string",
"partitaIva": "string",
"categoria": "/api/customer_categories/10"
I want also to have the correct representation on the OPEN API docs
You can get such results using a Serialization Group, except for the #id and #type being added to both Customer and to the $categoria property (API Platform automatically adds them).
First add the following to both your Entities:
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
To configure a Serialization Group only for the get operations of Customer:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=CustomerRepository::class)
* #ApiResource(
* itemOperations={
* "get"={
* "normalization_context"={"groups"={"customer:get"}}
* },
* "patch",
* "put",
* "delete"
* },
* collectionOperations={
* "get"={
* "normalization_context"={"groups"={"customer:get"}}
* },
* "post"
* }
* )
class Customer
And then add #Groups({"customer:get"}) to the doc blocks of all props of Customer except $id, including $categoria. I only give one example here:
* #var string|null
* #ORM\Column(name="ragione_sociale", type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
* #ApiProperty(description="Denominazione ufficiale del cliente")
* #Groups({"customer:get"})
private $ragioneSociale;
Also add #Groups({"customer:get"}) to the doc blocks of $codice and $descrizione of CustomerCategory.
This should do the trick and leave the post, put and patch operations unchanged (expecting and returning just the iri of $categoria). It should automatically give a correct representation on the OPEN API docs.
Tip: The readme of branch chapter4-api of my tutorial also contains instructions for adding Serialization Groups two Entities related like yours, and the resulting code is in branch chapter5-api.
/*When I try to view the output of my project on the browser, I am redirected to the following error
"ErrorException (E_WARNING)rtrim () expects the parameter 1 to be
string, given the object ".
Can someone help me?
i find the problem in following function public function setBasePath($basePath ){
below the code Application.php:
namespace Illuminate\Foundation;
use Closure;
use RuntimeException;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Container\Container;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Log\LogServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel as HttpKernelContract;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadEnvironmentVariables;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request as SymfonyRequest;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application as ApplicationContract;
class Application extends Container implements ApplicationContract, HttpKernelInterface
* The Laravel framework version.
* #var string
const VERSION = '5.6.39';
* The base path for the Laravel installation.
* #var string
protected $basePath;
* Indicates if the application has been bootstrapped before.
* #var bool
protected $hasBeenBootstrapped = false;
* Indicates if the application has "booted".
* #var bool
protected $booted = false;
* The array of booting callbacks.
* #var array
protected $bootingCallbacks = [];
* The array of booted callbacks.
* #var array
protected $bootedCallbacks = [];
* The array of terminating callbacks.
* #var array
protected $terminatingCallbacks = [];
* All of the registered service providers.
* #var array
protected $serviceProviders = [];
* The names of the loaded service providers.
* #var array
protected $loadedProviders = [];
* The deferred services and their providers.
* #var array
protected $deferredServices = [];
* The custom database path defined by the developer.
* #var string
protected $databasePath;
* The custom storage path defined by the developer.
* #var string
protected $storagePath;
* The custom environment path defined by the developer.
* #var string
protected $environmentPath;
* The environment file to load during bootstrapping.
* #var string
protected $environmentFile = '.env';
* The application namespace.
* #var string
protected $namespace;
* Create a new Illuminate application instance.
* #param string|null $basePath
* #return void
public function __construct($basePath = null)
if ($basePath) {
* Get the version number of the application.
* #return string
public function version()
return static::VERSION;
* Register the basic bindings into the container.
* #return void
protected function registerBaseBindings()
$this->instance('app', $this);
$this->instance(Container::class, $this);
$this->instance(PackageManifest::class, new PackageManifest(
new Filesystem, $this->basePath(), $this->getCachedPackagesPath()
* Register all of the base service providers.
* #return void
protected function registerBaseServiceProviders()
$this->register(new EventServiceProvider($this));
$this->register(new LogServiceProvider($this));
$this->register(new RoutingServiceProvider($this));
* Run the given array of bootstrap classes.
* #param array $bootstrappers
* #return void
public function bootstrapWith(array $bootstrappers)
$this->hasBeenBootstrapped = true;
foreach ($bootstrappers as $bootstrapper) {
$this['events']->fire('bootstrapping: '.$bootstrapper, [$this]);
$this['events']->fire('bootstrapped: '.$bootstrapper, [$this]);
* Register a callback to run after loading the environment.
* #param \Closure $callback
* #return void
public function afterLoadingEnvironment(Closure $callback)
return $this->afterBootstrapping(
LoadEnvironmentVariables::class, $callback
* Register a callback to run before a bootstrapper.
* #param string $bootstrapper
* #param \Closure $callback
* #return void
public function beforeBootstrapping($bootstrapper, Closure $callback)
$this['events']->listen('bootstrapping: '.$bootstrapper, $callback);
* Register a callback to run after a bootstrapper.
* #param string $bootstrapper
* #param \Closure $callback
* #return void
public function afterBootstrapping($bootstrapper, Closure $callback)
$this['events']->listen('bootstrapped: '.$bootstrapper, $callback);
* Determine if the application has been bootstrapped before.
* #return bool
public function hasBeenBootstrapped()
return $this->hasBeenBootstrapped;
* Set the base path for the application.
* #param string $basePath
* #return $this
public function setBasePath($basePath )
$this->basePath = rtrim($basePath, '\/');
return $this;
* Bind all of the application paths in the container.
* #return void
protected function bindPathsInContainer()
$this->instance('path', $this->path());
$this->instance('path.base', $this->basePath());
$this->instance('path.lang', $this->langPath());
$this->instance('path.config', $this->configPath());
$this->instance('path.public', $this->publicPath());
$this->instance('path.storage', $this->storagePath());
$this->instance('path.database', $this->databasePath());
$this->instance('path.resources', $this->resourcePath());
$this->instance('path.bootstrap', $this->bootstrapPath());
* Get the path to the application "app" directory.
* #param string $path Optionally, a path to append to the app path
* #return string
public function path($path = '')
return $this->basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'app'.($path ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path : $path);
* Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
* #param string $path Optionally, a path to append to the base path
* #return string
public function basePath($path = '')
return $this->basePath.($path ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path : $path);
* Get the path to the bootstrap directory.
* #param string $path Optionally, a path to append to the bootstrap path
* #return string
public function bootstrapPath($path = '')
return $this->basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'bootstrap'.($path ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path : $path);
* Get the path to the application configuration files.
* #param string $path Optionally, a path to append to the config path
* #return string
public function configPath($path = '')
return $this->basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config'.($path ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path : $path);
* Get the path to the database directory.
* #param string $path Optionally, a path to append to the database path
* #return string
public function databasePath($path = '')
return ($this->databasePath ?: $thi`enter code here`s->basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'database').($path ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path : $path);
Can you check you .env for APP_BASE_PATH?
The Application is initialized in bootstrap/app.php file
$app = new Illuminate\Foundation\Application(
$_ENV['APP_BASE_PATH'] ?? dirname(__DIR__)
As you can see it looks APP_BASE_PATH environment variable and if this is not set it uses the path to your root application folder.
dirname(__DIR__) returns the path to the parent folder.
Based on the details you posted it looks like the problem can be with the value you set for APP_BASE_PATH
This response assumes you are using the latest version of Laravel, 5.8
I try to create a tree structure for a catalog of products.
A catalog can have multiple levels and levels can contain multiple products.
I manage to save my structure in database but when I want to edit it, I have this error :
Error : Missing value for primary key catalogCode on AppBundle\Entity\CatalogLevel
at OutOfBoundsException ::missingPrimaryKeyValue ('AppBundle\Entity\CatalogLevel', 'catalogCode')
in vendor\doctrine\common\lib\Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory.php at line 125
when I do this in my CatalogController :
$form = $this->createForm(CatalogTreeType::class, $catalog);
But, just before that line, I verify if I get my levels correctly and it's looking like that's the case :
// Create an ArrayCollection of the current levels
$originalLevels = new ArrayCollection();
foreach ($catalog->getLevels() as $level) {
// returns
AppBundle\Controller\CatalogController.php:337:string 'TT-FTEST' (length=8)
AppBundle\Controller\CatalogController.php:337:string 'TT-FTEST' (length=8)
CatalogLevel entity has a composite key : levelId + catalogCode.
Considering the primary key catalogCode isn't empty, I don't understand this error...
Catalog Entity
* #ORM\Table(name="catalogue")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Entity\CatalogRepository")
* #UniqueEntity(fields="code", message="Catalog code already exists")
class Catalog
* #ORM\Column(name="Catalogue_Code", type="string", length=15)
* #ORM\Id
* #Assert\NotBlank()
* #Assert\Length(max=15, maxMessage="The code is too long ({{ limit }} characters max)")
private $code;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="CatalogLevel", mappedBy="catalog", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
* #Assert\Valid
private $levels;
* Constructor
public function __construct()
$this->levels = new ArrayCollection();
* Get levels
* #return ArrayCollection
public function getLevels()
return $this->levels;
* Add level
* #param \AppBundle\Entity\CatalogLevel $level
* #return Catalog
public function addLevel(\AppBundle\Entity\CatalogLevel $level)
if (!$this->getLevels()->contains($level)) {
return $this;
* Remove level
* #param \AppBundle\Entity\CatalogLevel $level
public function removeLevel(\AppBundle\Entity\CatalogLevel $level)
CatalogLevel Entity
* #ORM\Table(name="catalogue_niveau")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Entity\CatalogLevelRepository")
class CatalogLevel
* #ORM\Column(name="Niveau_ID", type="string", length=15)
* #ORM\Id
private $id;
* #ORM\Column(name="Catalogue_Code", type="string", length=15)
* #ORM\Id
private $catalogCode;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Catalog", inversedBy="levels")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="Catalogue_Code", referencedColumnName="Catalogue_Code")
private $catalog;
* Set id
* #param string $id
* #return CatalogLevel
public function setId($id)
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
* Get id
* #return string
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set catalogCode
* #param string $catalogCode
* #return CatalogLevel
public function setCatalogCode($catalogCode)
$this->catalogCode = $catalogCode;
return $this;
* Get catalogCode
* #return string
public function getCatalogCode()
return $this->catalogCode;
I would like to remind you that this error occured on the editAction (it works very well on the addAction) when I display the pre-filled form.
Thanks for your help !
I think that is because you haven't autoincrement id in entity CatalogLevel. Try add to id this code:
You have some problems in the way you've created you Entities. You should use auto generate strategy. Also the "#ORM\Id" annotation is the unique identifier.
Also, your "JoinColumn" is incorrect. You need to refer back to the "Catalog" Entity, and it's id (identifier). There is no need for 2 "#ORM\Id" entries in the class CatalogLevel.
So make these changes:
* #ORM\Table(name="catalog")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Entity\CatalogRepository")
class Catalog
* #ORM\Column(name="cat_id", type="integer")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $cat_id;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="CatalogLevel", mappedBy="catalog", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
* #Assert\Valid
private $levels;
* #ORM\Table(name="catalog_level")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Entity\CatalogLevelRepository")
class CatalogLevel
* #ORM\Column(name="cat_level_id", type="integer")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $cat_level_id;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Catalog", inversedBy="levels")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="local_cat_id", referencedColumnName="cat_id")
private $catalog;
I have some difficulties about applying validation for only one associated entity.
So I have two entities, News and NewsTranslation. A news could be translated in multiple languages. But I would like to apply validation only if locale is en.
// AppBundle/Entity/News.php
class News
use ORMBehaviors\Translatable\Translatable;
use ORMBehaviors\Timestampable\Timestampable;
* #var int
* #ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;
* #var int
* #ORM\Column(name="status", type="smallint")
* #Assert\NotBlank
private $status;
// AppBundle/Entity/NewsTranslation.php
class NewsTranslation
use ORMBehaviors\Translatable\Translation;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="title", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
* #Assert\NotBlank
* #Assert\Length(max = 255)
private $title;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="text", type="string", nullable=true)
* #Assert\NotBlank
private $text;
# AppBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml
- Valid: ~
I tried to use a Closure for the validation_groups form option. But it looks like Symfony do validation on News entity and Valid constraint apply the same groups on NewsTranslation.
I know I could use Callback constraint but that's mean to redo NotBlank, Length and other exiting constraints by myself. And I would like to avoid it if possible.
I'm using Symfony 2.8.*
I try using an en validation group. But looks like the validation is launch on News entity with validation_groups. And with Valid constraint the en validation group is given to validate NewsTranlation. So even it's the en or fr translation the group change nothing in this case.
I also try using the validation medatada through an #Assert\Callback or by using loadValidatorMetadata method into NewsTranslation entity. And the problem stay similar. I can't apply an constraint for a specific entity of collection.
I finally found a way by creating a custom validator.
Like this I could use core constraints easily.
In the translation entity, I could use my validator like this:
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="title", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
* #Assert\Length(max = 255)
* #AppAssert\ValidTranslation(locales = {"fr"}, constraints = {
* #Assert\NotBlank
* })
private $title;
And the validator:
namespace AppBundle\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Composite;
* #Annotation
* #author Nicolas Brousse
class ValidTranslation extends Composite
public $locales = array();
public $constraints = array();
public function getCompositeOption()
return 'constraints';
public function getRequiredOptions()
return array('locales', 'constraints');
namespace AppBundle\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException;
* #author Nicolas Brousse
class ValidTranslationValidator extends ConstraintValidator
* If property constraint
* {#inheritdoc}
public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
if (!$constraint instanceof ValidTranslation) {
throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, __NAMESPACE__.'\ValidTranslation');
if (false) { // #todo check by interface or trait
throw new UnexpectedTypeException($value, 'not a translation entity');
$context = $this->context;
$entity = $this->context->getObject();
if (in_array($entity->getLocale(), $constraint->locales)) {
$context = $this->context;
if ($context instanceof ExecutionContextInterface) {
$validator = $context->getValidator()->inContext($context);
$validator->validate($value, $constraint->constraints);
} else {
// 2.4 API
$context->validateValue($value, $constraint->constraints);
you form need to return 2 validations_groups, "Default" and the validation group corresponding to the "en" locale
Hi guys i have implemented vichuploadbundle to upload images but i want in the admin the user to remove the image.
namespace George\PageBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use George\UserBundle\Entity\User;
use Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation as Gedmo;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File;
use Vich\UploaderBundle\Mapping\Annotation as Vich;
* Page
* #ORM\Table()
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="George\PageBundle\Entity\PageRepository")
* #Vich\Uploadable
class Page
* #var integer
* #ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="title", type="text")
private $title;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="content", type="text")
private $content;
* #var boolean
* #ORM\Column(name="visible", type="boolean")
private $visible;
* #var \DateTime
* #ORM\Column(name="created", type="datetime")
private $created;
* #var \DateTime
* #ORM\Column(name="modefied", type="datetime")
private $modefied;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="description", type="string", length=255)
private $description;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="keywords", type="string", length=255)
private $keywords;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="George\UserBundle\Entity\User", inversedBy="pages")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(onDelete="CASCADE")
private $owner;
//#ORM\Column(length=128, unique=true)
* #Gedmo\Slug(fields={"title"})
* #ORM\Column(length=128, unique=true)
private $slug;
* Get id
* #return integer
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set title
* #param string $title
* #return Page
public function setTitle($title)
$this->title = $title;
return $this;
* Get title
* #return string
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
* Set content
* #param string $content
* #return Page
public function setContent($content)
$this->content = $content;
return $this;
* Get content
* #return string
public function getContent()
return $this->content;
* Set visible
* #param boolean $visible
* #return Page
public function setVisible($visible)
$this->visible = $visible;
return $this;
* Get visible
* #return boolean
public function getVisible()
return $this->visible;
* Set created
* #param \DateTime $created
* #return Page
public function setCreated($created)
$this->created = $created;
return $this;
* Get created
* #return \DateTime
public function getCreated()
return $this->created;
* Set modefied
* #param \DateTime $modefied
* #return Page
public function setModefied($modefied)
$this->modefied = $modefied;
return $this;
* Get modefied
* #return \DateTime
public function getModefied()
return $this->modefied;
* Set description
* #param string $description
* #return Page
public function setDescription($description)
$this->description = $description;
return $this;
* Get description
* #return string
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;
* Set keywords
* #param string $keywords
* #return Page
public function setKeywords($keywords)
$this->keywords = $keywords;
return $this;
* Get keywords
* #return string
public function getKeywords()
return $this->keywords;
* #return mixed
public function getOwner()
return $this->owner;
* #param mixed $owner
public function setOwner(User $owner)
$this->owner = $owner;
public function getSlug()
return $this->slug;
// ..... other fields
* NOTE: This is not a mapped field of entity metadata, just a simple property.
* #Vich\UploadableField(mapping="product_image", fileNameProperty="imageName")
* #var File
private $imageFile;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
* #var string
private $imageName;
* #ORM\Column(type="datetime")
* #var \DateTime
private $updatedAt;
* If manually uploading a file (i.e. not using Symfony Form) ensure an instance
* of 'UploadedFile' is injected into this setter to trigger the update. If this
* bundle's configuration parameter 'inject_on_load' is set to 'true' this setter
* must be able to accept an instance of 'File' as the bundle will inject one here
* during Doctrine hydration.
* #param File|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $image
public function setImageFile(File $image = null)
$this->imageFile = $image;
if ($image) {
// It is required that at least one field changes if you are using doctrine
// otherwise the event listeners won't be called and the file is lost
$this->updatedAt = new \DateTime('now');
* #return File
public function getImageFile()
return $this->imageFile;
* #param string $imageName
public function setImageName($imageName)
$this->imageName = $imageName;
* #return string
public function getImageName()
return $this->imageName;
Can you advice me what is the best solution to this. I think it will be best if i have a method remove image and in the method try to use bundles build in function for removal the image (which i don't find anywhere) and update it in the database. In the front end this can be don trough ajax or on submit... Is there a build in function for the removal of file in the vichuploadbundle?
I have found how to remove the image. The bundle provides a custom form type in order to ease the upload, deletion and download of images.
When you build the form you specifies the widget:
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
// ...
$builder->add('image', 'vich_image', array(
'required' => false,
'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
This add a twig template for deleting the img :)