Three.js - scaling background image to fit window, without stretching it - three.js

When using scene.background the texture is stretched to fit the window size.
I'm trying to reproduce the CSS cover attribute behavior as described on the MDN page:
Scales the image as large as possible without stretching the image.
If the proportions of the image differ from the element, it is cropped
either vertically or horizontally so that no empty space remains.
I understand the repeat and offset texture attributes should be used, but I'm not sure how.

Same problem with you. After digging docs I resolved it. Below code should work for people struggle with this.
targetWidth is your surface or canvas width.
imageWidth is width of texture need fit to target.
const targetAspect = targetWidth / targetHeight;
const imageAspect = imageWidth / imageHeight;
const factor = imageAspect / targetAspect;
// When factor larger than 1, that means texture 'wilder' than target。
// we should scale texture height to target height and then 'map' the center of texture to target, and vice versa.
scene.background.offset.x = factor > 1 ? (1 - 1 / factor) / 2 : 0;
scene.background.repeat.x = factor > 1 ? 1 / factor : 1;
scene.background.offset.y = factor > 1 ? 0 : (1 - factor) / 2;
scene.background.repeat.y = factor > 1 ? 1 : factor;


Three JS - Scaling texture to fit a (any size) Plane perfectly

In essence, I want to replicate the behaviour of how the CSS, background-size: cover works.
Looking here you can see the image is being scaled keeping its aspect ratio, but it's not really working correctly, as the image does not fill the Plane, leaving margins either side -
Code snippet (Lines 170 - 175) -
var geometryAspectRatio = 5/3;
var imageAspectRatio = 3264/2448;
textTile.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
textTile.repeat.x = geometryAspectRatio / imageAspectRatio;
textTile.offset.x = 0.5 * ( 1 - textTile.repeat.x );
What I want to happen is for it so scale-up and then reposition its self in the centre (much how cover works).
var repeatX, repeatY;
repeatX = w * this.textureHeight / (h * this.textureWidth);
if (repeatX > 1) {
//fill the width and adjust the height accordingly
repeatX = 1;
repeatY = h * this.textureWidth / (w * this.textureHeight);, repeatY); = (repeatY - 1) / 2 * -1;
} else {
//fill the height and adjust the width accordingly
repeatX = w * this.textureHeight / (h * this.textureWidth);
repeatY = 1;, repeatY); = (repeatX - 1) / 2 * -1;
For anyone confused by this as I was, the missing piece for me is that .repeat.x and .repeat.y properties of any texture can be values less than one, and scales up the image when is under 1 as the inverse of the scale. Think about it, when it's scale 2, in a way it repeats .5 times because you only see half of the image.
Something not supported by textures in THREE.js and common in some libraries, would be
.scaleX = 2; (not supported in THREE.js textures as of v1.30.1)
And the THREE.js texture equivalent would be
texture.repeat.x = .5;
To convert scale to "repeat", simply do the inverse of the scale
var desiredScaleX = 3;
var desiredRepeatX = 1 / desiredScaleX;
The repeat for scale 3 comes out to (1/3) = .3333; In other words a 3x image would be cropped and only show 1/3 of the image, so it repeats .3333 times.
As for scaling to fit to cover, generally choosing the larger scale of the two will do the trick, something like:
var fitScaleX = targetWidth / actualWidth;
var fitScaleY = targetHeight / actualHeight;
var fitCoverScale = Math.max(fitScaleX,fitScaleY);
var repeatX = 1 / fitCoverScale;
var repeatY = 1 / fitCoverScale;

Scaling an image proportionally based on the image's dimensions and my restriction size

Looking for an expression that allows me to accomplish this:
I have an image of arbitrary width/height, whose dimensions I can grab before I draw it.
Because the image may be very large, I want to scale it down.
My canvas is going to have width w and height h.
For illustration purposes let's just say it's 320x240.
If the dimensions of the image are equal or smaller than the dimensions of the canvas, then the scale ratio is just 1.
If they are larger, I will scale it proportional to how much larger it is compared to the canvas size.
So for example if my image is 640x480, my scale ratio will be 0.5
If my image is 640x240, my scale ratio would still be 0.5
Similarly if it were 320x480
Can this be written in a single math expression? For ex:
def scale_ratio(canvas_width, canvas_height, image_width, image_height)
#math formula for calculating scale
return scale
function scale(canvas_width, canvas_height, image_width, image_height) {
return Math.min(Math.max(canvas_width / image_width, canvas_height / image_height), 1);
EDIT: You might want to do something like this to reduce rounding errors:
var scale_width = image_width;
var scale_height = image_height;
if (image_width > canvas_width || image_height > canvas_height) {
var image_ratio = image_height / image_width;
if (image_ratio * canvas_width > canvas_height) {
scale_width = canvas_height / image_ratio;
scale_height = canvas_height;
} else {
scale_width = canvas_width;
scale_height = image_ratio * canvas_width;

Resize image by pixel amount

I tried to find out, but I couldn't.
A image, for example, 241x76 has a total of 18,316 pixels (241 * 76).
The resize rule is, the amount of pixels cannot pass 10,000.
Then, how can I get the new size keeping the aspect ratio and getting less than 10,000 pixels?
pixels = width * height
if (pixels > 10000) then
ratio = width / height
scale = sqrt(pixels / 10000)
height2 = floor(height / scale)
width2 = floor(ratio * height / scale)
ASSERT width2 * height2 <= 10000
end if
Remember to use floating-point math for all calculations involving ratio and scale when implementing.
import math
def capDimensions(width, height, maxPixels=10000):
pixels = width * height
if (pixels <= maxPixels):
return (width, height)
ratio = float(width) / height
scale = math.sqrt(float(pixels) / maxPixels)
height2 = int(float(height) / scale)
width2 = int(ratio * height / scale)
return (width2, height2)
An alternative function in C# which takes and returns an Image object:
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
public Image resizeMaxPixels(int maxPixelCount, Image originalImg)
Double pixelCount = originalImg.Width * originalImg.Height;
if (pixelCount < maxPixelCount) //no downsize needed
return originalImg;
//EDIT: not actually needed - scaleRatio takes care of this
//Double aspectRatio = originalImg.Width / originalImg.Height;
//scale varies as the square root of the ratio (width x height):
Double scaleRatio = Math.Sqrt(maxPixelCount / pixelCount);
Int32 newWidth = (Int32)(originalImg.Width * scaleRatio);
Int32 newHeight = (Int32)(originalImg.Height * scaleRatio);
Bitmap newImg = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);
//this keeps the quality as good as possible when resizing
using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(newImg))
gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
gr.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
gr.DrawImage(originalImg, new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight));
return newImg;
with graphics code from the answer to Resizing an Image without losing any quality
EDIT: Calculating the aspect ratio is actually irrelevant here as we're already scaling the width and height by the (square root) of the total pixel ratio. You could use it to calculate the newWidth based on the newHeight (or vice versa) but this isn't necessary.
Deestan's code works for square images, but in situations where the aspect ratio is different than 1, a square root won't do. You need to take scale to the power of aspect ratio divided by 2.
Observe (Python):
def capDimensions(width, height, maxPixels):
pixels = width * height
if (pixels <= maxPixels):
return (width, height)
ratio = float(width) / height
scale = (float(pixels) / maxPixels)**(width/(height*2))
height2 = round(float(height) / scale)
width2 = round(ratio * height2)
return (width2, height2)
Let's compare the results.
initial dimensions: 450x600
initial pixels: 270000
I'm trying to resize to get as close as possible to 119850 pixels.
with Deestan's algorithm:
capDimensions: 300x400
resized pixels: 67500
with the modified algorithm:
capDimensions. 332x442
resized pixels: 82668
width2 = int(ratio * height / scale)
would better be
width2 = int(ratio * height2)
because this would potentially preserve the aspect ratio better (as height2 has been truncated).
Without introducing another variable like 'sc', one can write
new_height = floor(sqrt(m / r))
new_width = floor(sqrt(m * r))
given m=max_pixels (here: 10.000), r=ratio=w/h (here: 241/76 = 3.171)
Both results are independent of each other! From each new_value, you can calculate the other dimension, with
(given: new_height) new_width = floor(new_height * r)
(given: new_width) new_height = floor(new_width / r)
Because of clipping the values (floor-function), both pairs of dimensions may differ in how close their ratio is to the original ratio; you'd choose the better pair.
Scaling images down to max number of pixels, while maintaining aspect ratio
This is what I came up with this afternoon, while trying to solve the math problem on my own, for fun. My code seems to work fine, I tested with a few different shapes and sizes of images. Make sure to use floating point variables or the math will break.
orig_pixels=(orig_width * orig_height)
if (orig_pixels <= max_pixels) {
# use original image
else {
# scale image down
ratio=sqrt(orig_pixels / max_pixels)
new_width=floor(orig_width / ratio)
new_height=floor(orig_height / ratio)
Example results
1920x1080 (1.77778 ratio) becomes 565x318 (1.77673 ratio, 179,670 pixels)
1000x1000 (1.00000 ratio) becomes 424x424 (1.00000 ratio, 179,776 pixels)
200x1200 (0.16667 ratio) becomes 173x1039 (0.16651 ratio, 179,747 pixels)

How do I find a dimension of aspect ratio 4:3 which fits within a predetermined size?

The problem here is I have a display window of size x by y, and I need to display an image inside the window without any scrolling, and to maintain the aspect ratio of 4:3. I have the following snippet of code:
// Lock the current height, calculate new width of the canvas and scale the viewport.
// get width of the movie canvas
qreal width = canvas_->width();
// Find the height of the video
qreal height = (width/4.0) * 3;
// find original width and height for video to calculate scaling factor
qreal videoWidth = movieData_->GetWidth();
qreal videoHeight = movieData_->GetHeight();
// calculate scaling factor
qreal scaleFactorWidth = width/videoWidth;
qreal scaleFactorHeight = height/videoHeight;
Of course, by using either the height, or the width as the 'anchor', one way or other the new image will cause scrolling (assuming the original image is larger than the window in the first place). How do I find a dimension of aspect ratio 4:3 which fits within a predetermined size?
I would need to pass in a scale factor for both x and y to do the scaling
canvas_->scale(scaleFactorWidth, scaleFactorHeight);
Just take the minimum of the both calculated values:
scale = min(scaleFactorWidth, scaleFactorHeight)
or (if you want outer-fit)
scale = max(scaleFactorWidth, scaleFactorHeight)
struct dimensions resize_to_fit_in(struct dimensions a, struct dimensions b) {
double wf, hf, f;
struct dimensions out;
wf = (double) b.w / a.w;
hf = (double) b.h / a.h;
if (wf > hf)
f = hf;
f = wf;
out.w = a.w * f;
out.h = a.h * f;
return out;
An here is a C version where the returned dimension will be a dimension 'a' fitted in dimension 'b' without loosing aspect ratio.
Find the largest of the two values width, w and height h. Say your maximum width x height is 100 x 80. Note that 100/80 = 1.25.
Case 1: If w/h > 1.25, then divide w by 100 to get the ratio of your original size to the new size. Then multiply h by that ratio.
Case 2: Otherwise, then divide h by 80 to get the ratio of your original size to the new size. Then multiply w by that ratio.
Here's an ActionScript version of what you ask (resize while maintaining aspect ratio)... shouldn't be too hard to port to whatever:
private static function resizeTo(dispObj:DisplayObject, width:Number, height:Number) : void
var ar:Number = width / height;
var dispObjAr:Number = dispObj.width/dispObj.height;
if (ar < dispObjAr)
dispObj.width = width;
dispObj.height = width / dispObjAr;
dispObj.height = height;
dispObj.width = height * dispObjAr;
EDIT: In order to maintain 4:3 the source images would need to be 4:3

Given aspect ratio of a rectangle, find maximum scale and angle to fit it inside another rectangle

I've read a few dozen questions on this topic, but none seem to be exactly what I'm looking for, so I'm hoping this isn't a duplicate.
I have an image, whose aspect ratio I want to maintain, because it's an image.
I want to find the largest scale factor, and corresponding angle between 0 and 90 degrees inclusive, such that the image will fit wholly inside a given rectangle.
Example 1: If the image and rectangle are the same ratio, the angle will be 0, and the scale factor will be the ratio of the rectangle's width to the image's width. (Or height-to-height.)
Example 2: If the image and rectangle ratios are the inverse of each other, the scale factor will be the same as the first example, but the angle will be 90 degrees.
So, for the general case, given image.width, image.height, rect.width, rect.height, how do I find image.scale and image.angle?
OK, I figured it out on my own.
First, calculate the aspect ratio. If your image is 1:1, there's no point in this, because the angle is always zero, and the scale is always min(Width, Height). Degeneration.
Otherwise, you can use this:
// assuming below that Width and Height are the rectangle's
_imageAspect = _image.width / _image.height;
if (_imageAspect == 1) { // div by zero implied
trace( "square image...this does not lend itself to rotation ;)" );
_imageAspectSq = Math.pow( _imageAspect, 2 );
var rotate:Float;
var newHeight:Float;
if (Width > Height && Width / Height > _imageAspect) { // wider aspect than the image
newHeight = Height;
rotate = 0;
} else if (Height > Width && Height / Width > _imageAspect) { // skinnier aspect than the image rotated 90 degrees
newHeight = Width;
rotate = Math.PI / 2;
} else {
var hPrime = (_imageAspect * Width - _imageAspectSq * Height) / ( 1 - _imageAspectSq );
var wPrime = _imageAspect * (Height - hPrime);
rotate = Math.atan2( hPrime, wPrime );
var sine = Math.sin(rotate);
if (sine == 0) {
newHeight = Height;
} else {
newHeight = (Width - wPrime) / sine;
The first two cases are also degenerate: the image's aspect ratio is less than the rectangle. This is similar to the square-within-a-rectangle case, except that in that case, the square is always degenerate.
The code assumes radians instead of degrees, but it's not hard to convert.
(Also I'm a bit shocked that my browser's dictionary didn't have 'radians'.)
