Hashing using int array or unordered_map in STL? - performance

Which is more efficient in terms of memory and time complexity hashing using int array or unordered_map in STL?
By hashing I mean storing elements formed by the combination of a key value and a mapped value, and fast retrieval of individual elements based on their keys.
Actually I was trying to solve this question.
Here's my solution:-
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define MAX 15000005
using namespace std;
* author: vivekcrux
int gcd(int a, int b)
if (b == 0)
return a;
return gcd(b, a % b);
int c[MAX];
int n;
int sieve()
bitset<MAX> m;
int ans = 0;
for(int i=2;i<MAX;i++)
int mans = 0;
for(int j=i;j<MAX;j+=i)
mans += c[j];
ans = max(ans,mans);
return ans;
int main()
int i,j;
int a[n+1];
int g = a[0];
g = gcd(g,a[i]);
a[i] /= g;
if(a[i]!=1) c[a[i]]++;
int m = sieve();
cout<<n - m<<endl;
return 0;
In this code if I use
unordered_map<int,int> c;
instead of
int c[MAX];
I get a Memory limit exceeded verdict.I have found here that unordered_map has a constant average time complexity on average, but no details about space complexity is mentioned here.I wonder why am I getting MLE with unordered_map.

unordered_map uses bucket to store values. A bucket is a slot in the container's internal hash table to which elements are assigned based on the hash value of their key. Lets see the following code in C++17.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
unordered_map<int,int> mp;
mp[4] = 1;
mp[41] = 5;
mp[67] = 6;
The output comes out be 7 (depends on compiler). This is the number of buckets used in the above code. But if we use an array of size 67, it will obviously take more memory. Another case would be that if we would had numbers 1, 2 and 3 instead of 4, 41 and 67, the output would have been 7. Here using array was the way to go for saving space. So it depends on the keys you are storing in the hash table. For time complexity, both performs equally same. There is a collision condition in unordered_map which would blow the overall time complexity of the code. Here is the codeforces link of the blog.


How to find the maximum gcd for a set and an integer efficiently?

Given a set of integer S, and some questions containing an integer w.
For each question, compute max{gcd(w,x)} (x in S).
The range for all the numbers, n, is also given, so w<n,x<n (x in S).
I have tried simply computing all the gcds, but it is not efficient enough. I think the key is doing some pretreatment so that each question can be done in O(log n) or less.
Well, this is what I tried:
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
int gcd(int a,int b){
return b?gcd(b,a%b):a;
int n,m,S[1000010],w;
int main(){
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
int mx=0;
for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
return 0;
An opportunity for optimization is to reduce the subset of S to be considered. Since gcd(w,x) cannot be greater than x, elements less than the current maximum can be skipped.
Given a set of integer, I use set <int> S;:
for (auto it = S.rbegin(); it != S.rend(); ++it)
if (*it <= mx)
mx = max(mx, gcd(w, *it));

why am i getting access violation error c++?

i am getting 0xc0000005 error(access violation error), where am i wrong in this code?
i couldnt debug this error. please help me.
question is this
Formally, given a wall of infinite height, initially unpainted. There occur N operations, and in ith operation, the wall is painted upto height Hi with color Ci. Suppose in jth operation (j>i) wall is painted upto height Hj with color Cj such that Hj >= Hi, the Cith color on the wall is hidden. At the end of N operations, you have to find the number of distinct colors(>=1) visible on the wall.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
int t;
for(int tt= 0;tt<t;tt++)
int h,c;
int temp = 0;
int A[h], B[c];
vector<int> fc;
for(int i = 0;i<h;i++)
for(int j =0;j<h;j++)
return 1;
if(count(A,A+h,B[0]) == h)
return 1;
for(int i = 0;i<h;i++)
temp = A[i];
if(temp == fc[fc.size()-1])
fc[fc.size()-1] = B[i];
There are several issues.
When reading values into B, your loop check is j<h. How many elements are in B?
You later look at fc[fc.size()-1]. This is Undefined Behavior if fc is empty, and is the likely source of your problem.
Other issues:
Don't use #include <bits/stdc++.h>
Avoid using namespace std;
Variable declarations like int A[h], where h is a variable, are not standard C++. Some compilers support them as an extension.

Finding an efficient algorithm

You are developing a smartphone app. You have a list of potential
customers for your app. Each customer has a budget and will buy the app at
your declared price if and only if the price is less than or equal to the
customer's budget.
You want to fix a price so that the revenue you earn from the app is
maximized. Find this maximum possible revenue.
For instance, suppose you have 4 potential customers and their budgets are
30, 20, 53 and 14. In this case, the maximum revenue you can get is 60.
**Input format**
Line 1 : N, the total number of potential customers.
Lines 2 to N+1: Each line has the budget of a potential customer.
**Output format**
The output consists of a single integer, the maximum possible revenue you
can earn from selling your app.
Also, upper bound on N is 5*(10^5) and upper bound on each customer's budget is 10^8.
This is a problem I'm trying to solve . My strategy was to sort the list of budgets and then multiply each of those with its position-index in the sequence - and then print the max of the resulting sequence. However this seems to be quite time-inefficient (at least in the way I'm implementing it - I've attached the code for reference). My upper bound on time is 2 seconds. Can anyone help me find a
more time-efficient algorithm (or possibly a more efficient way to implement my algorithm) ?
Here is my solution :
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
long long max(long long[],long long);
void quickSortIterative(long long[],long long,long long);
long long partition(long long[],long long,long long);
void swap(long long*,long long*);
int main(){
long long n,k=1;
if(n<1 || n > 5*((long long)pow(10,5))){
long long budget[n],aux[n];
for(long long i=0;i<n;i++){
if(budget[i]<1 || budget[i] > (long long)pow(10,8)){
for(long long j=n-1;j>=0;j--){
aux[j] = budget[j]*k;
return 0;
long long partition (long long arr[], long long l, long long h){
long long x = arr[h];
long long i = (l - 1);
for (long long j = l; j <= h- 1; j++)
if (arr[j] <= x)
swap (&arr[i], &arr[j]);
swap (&arr[i + 1], &arr[h]);
return (i + 1);
void swap ( long long* a, long long* b ){
long long t = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = t;
void quickSortIterative(long long arr[], long long l, long long h){
long long stack[ h - l + 1 ];
long long top = -1;
stack[ ++top ] = l;
stack[ ++top ] = h;
while ( top >= 0 ){
h = stack[ top-- ];
l = stack[ top-- ];
long long p = partition( arr, l, h );
if ( p-1 > l ){
stack[ ++top ] = l;
stack[ ++top ] = p - 1;
if ( p+1 < h ){
stack[ ++top ] = p + 1;
stack[ ++top ] = h;
long long max(long long arr[],long long length){
long long max = arr[0];
for(long long i=1;i<length;i++){
return max;
Quicksort can take O(n^2) time for certain sequences (often already sorted sequences are bad).
I would recommend you try using a sorting approach with guaranteed O(nlogn) performance (e.g. heapsort or mergesort). Alternatively, you may well find that using the sort routines in the standard library will give better performance than your version.
You might use qsort in C or std::sort in C++, which is most likely faster than your own code.
Also, your "stack" array will cause you trouble if the difference h - l is large.
I have used STL library function sort() of C++. It's time complexity is O(nlogn). Here, you just need to sort the given array and check from maximum value to minimum value for given solution. It is O(n) after sorting.
My code which cleared all the test cases :
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
long long n, a[1000000], max;
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
sort(a, a + n);
max = a[n - 1];
for(i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--){
//printf("%lld ", a[i]);
if(max < (a[i] * (n - i)))
max = a[i] * (n - i);
return 0;
I dont know if my answer is right or wrong please point out mistakes if there is any
void main()
register int i,j;
long long int n,revenue;
long long int a[n];
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
passed all the test cases
for _ in range(n):
for i in range(l):
#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// your code goes here
long long n;
std::cin >> n;
long long a[n];
for(long long i=0;i<n;i++)
std::cin >> a[i];
long long max=LONG_MIN,count;
for(long long i=0;i<n;i++)
std::cout << max << std::endl;
return 0;
The following solution is in C programming Language.
The Approach is:
Input the number of customers.
Input the budgets of customers.
Sort the budget.
Assign revenue=0
Iterate through the budget and Multiply the particular budget with the remaining budget values.
If the previous-revenue < new-revenue. assign the new-revenue to revenue variable.
The code is as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int i,j,noOfCustomer;
long long int budgetOfCustomer[noOfCustomer],maximumRevenue=0;
budgetOfCustomer[i]=budgetOfCustomer[i] + budgetOfCustomer[j];
budgetOfCustomer[j]=budgetOfCustomer[i] - budgetOfCustomer[j];
budgetOfCustomer[i]=budgetOfCustomer[i] - budgetOfCustomer[j];
return 0;

CUDA Thrust and sort_by_key

I’m looking for a sorting algorithm on CUDA that can sort an array A of elements (double) and returns an array of keys B for that array A.
I know the sort_by_key function in the Thrust library but I want my array of elements A to remain unchanged.
What can I do?
My code is:
void sortCUDA(double V[], int P[], int N) {
real_t *Vcpy = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
thrust::sort_by_key(V, V + N, P);
i'm comparing the thrust algorithm against others that i have on sequencial cpu
N mergesort sortCUDA
113 0.000008 0.000010
226 0.000018 0.000016
452 0.000036 0.000020
905 0.000061 0.000034
1810 0.000135 0.000071
3621 0.000297 0.000156
7242 0.000917 0.000338
14484 0.001421 0.000853
28968 0.003069 0.001931
57937 0.006666 0.003939
115874 0.014435 0.008025
231749 0.031059 0.016718
463499 0.067407 0.039848
926999 0.148170 0.118003
1853998 0.329005 0.260837
3707996 0.731768 0.544357
7415992 1.638445 1.073755
14831984 3.668039 2.150179
115035495 39.276560 19.812200
230070990 87.750377 39.762915
460141980 200.940501 74.605219
Thrust performance is not bad, but I think if I use OMP can probably get easily a better CPU time
I think this is because to memcpy
void thrustSort(double V[], int P[], int N)
thrust::device_vector<int> d_P(N);
thrust::device_vector<double> d_V(V, V + N);
thrust::sequence(d_P.begin(), d_P.end());
thrust::sort_by_key(d_V.begin(), d_V.end(), d_P.begin());
where V is a my double values to sort
You can modify comparison operator to sort keys instead of values. #Robert Crovella correctly pointed that a raw device pointer cannot be assigned from the host. The modified algorithm is below:
struct cmp : public binary_function<int,int,bool>
cmp(const double *ptr) : rawA(ptr) { }
__host__ __device__ bool operator()(const int i, const int j) const
{return rawA[i] > rawA[j];}
const double *rawA; // an array in global mem
void sortkeys(double *A, int n) {
// move data to the gpu
thrust::device_vector<double> devA(A, A + n);
double *rawA = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(devA.data());
thrust::device_vector<int> B(n);
// initialize keys
thrust::sequence(B.begin(), B.end());
thrust::sort(B.begin(), B.end(), cmp(rawA));
// B now contains the sorted keys
And here is alternative with arrayfire. Though I am not sure which one is more efficient since arrayfire solution uses two additional arrays:
void sortkeys(double *A, int n) {
af::array devA(n, A, af::afHost);
af::array vals, indices;
// sort and populate vals/indices arrays
af::sort(vals, indices, devA);
std::cout << devA << "\n" << indices << "\n";
How large is this array? The most efficient way, in terms of speed, will likely be to just duplicate the original array before sorting, if the memory is available.
Building on the answer provided by #asm (I wasn't able to get it working), this code seemed to work for me, and does sort only the keys. However, I believe it is limited to the case where the keys are in sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... corresponding to the (double) values. Since this is a "index-value" sort, it could be extended to the case of an arbitrary sequence of keys, perhaps by doing an indexed copy. However I'm not sure the process of generating the index sequence and then rearranging the original keys will be any faster than just copying the original value data to a new vector (for the case of arbitrary keys).
#include <iostream>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/sort.h>
using namespace std;
__device__ double *rawA; // an array in global mem
struct cmp : public binary_function<int, int, bool>
__host__ __device__ bool operator()(const int i, const int j) const
{return ( rawA[i] < rawA[j]);}
void sortkeys(double *A, int n) {
// move data to the gpu
thrust::device_vector<double> devA(A, A + n);
// rawA = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&(devA[0]));
double *test = raw_pointer_cast(devA.data());
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(rawA, &test, sizeof(double *));
thrust::device_vector<int> B(n);
// initialize keys
thrust::sequence(B.begin(), B.end());
thrust::sort(B.begin(), B.end(), cmp());
// B now contains the sorted keys
thrust::host_vector<int> hostB = B;
for (int i=0; i<hostB.size(); i++)
std::cout << hostB[i] << " ";
for (int i=0; i<hostB.size(); i++)
std::cout << A[hostB[i]] << " ";
int main(){
double C[] = {0.7, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.6, 1.2, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 10.0};
sortkeys(C, 9);
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;

What would be the datastructure in following scenario? (Stack with maximum)

Please note that there is no limitation of memory.
I need to insert int from 1 to 1000.
I can do the each of the following operations in constant order of time:
push():adds to the top
pop():removes the top element
getMax(): returns the max element
Please suggest me appropriate datastructure.
Since there is no limitation of memory, I will use 2 vectors - one for the actual data on the stack, and the other to keep track of the max at every state of the stack.
For simplicity sake I'm assuming this stack holds only +ve ints.
I know this doesn't have any error checking. But I am just providing the data structure idea here, not the full-fledged solution.
class StackWithMax
StackWithMax() : top(-1), currentMax(0) { }
void push(int x);
int pop();
int getMax() { return m[top]; }
vector<int> v; // to store the actual elements
vector<int> m; // to store the max element at each state
int top;
int currentMax;
void StackWithMax::push(int x)
v[++top] = x;
m[top] = max(x, currentMax);
int StackWithMax::pop()
int x = v[top--];
currentMax = m[top];
return x;
Use normal stack structure and additional array for counters
int c[1..1000] and variable int maxVal=0.
In code add actions after stack operations:
On push(x) -> c[x]++ ; maxVal = max(x,maxVal)
On pop():x -> c[x]-- ; if (c[x] == 0) { j=x; while(c[--j] == 0); maxVal = j; }
maxVal should have always maximum value.
Maybe I am wrong, this should have amortized computational complexity O(1).
It has been a long time since I have been analysing algorithms.
