AWS AppSync resolver cache layer? - caching

What is a common pattern to have AWS AppSync resolvers cache their output?
I'm writing an API that fronts data that will not change at all over time. The API returns the contents of books (title, author, chapters, etc.).
My initial idea was to have the resolver request some JSON payload from CloudFront. If the requested document is not in CloudFront, CloudFront would trigger a Lambda function, which would know how to fetch the JSON document (from a database), then put the payload in CloudFront. This seems weird conceptually, but it would solve the caching problem.
const query = `{
bookById(bookID: "468c95") {
chapters {
const book = query(query);
// book => {
// bookId: "468c95",
// title: "AppSync for Normal People",
// author: null,
// chapters: [
// {
// title: "Chapter 1: Dawn of Men",
// text: [
// "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.",
// "..."
// ]
// },
// { ... }
// ]
// }
In other words, calling the fictitious query method will trigger some resolver in AppSync. That resolver will absolutely always return the same data. Thus, why not have the data that the resolver works with (I guess you can view that as the input to the resolver) be cached in CloudFront so it can be served from memory instead of having to hit some backend storage (like a database) or trigger a Lambda?!


Can Apollo read partial fragments from cache?

I have a simple mutation editPerson. It changes the name and/or description of a person specified by an id.
I use this little snippet to call the mutator from React components:
function useEditPerson(variables) {
const gqlClient = useGQLClient();
const personFragment = gql`fragment useEditPerson__person on Person {
return useMutation(gql`
mutation editPerson($id: ID!, $description: String, $name: String) {
editPerson(id: $id, description: $description, name: $name) {
`, {
optimisticResponse: vars => {
const person = gqlClient.readFragment({
fragment: personFragment,
return {
editPerson: {
__typename: "Person",
description: "",
name: "",
This works well enough unless either the name or description for the indicated person hasn't yet been queried and does not exist in the cache; in this case person is null. This is expected from readFragment - any incomplete fragment does this.
The thing is I really need that data to avoid invariant errors - if they're not in the cache I'm totally okay using empty strings as default values, those values aren't displayed anywhere in the UI anyway.
Is there any way to read partial fragments from the cache? Is there a better way to get that data for the optimistic response?
I guess you use the snippet in the form that has all the data you need. So, you can pass the needed data to your useEditPerson hook through the arguments and then use in optimistic response, and then you won't need to use gqlClient.

GraphQL vs Normalized Data Structure Advantages

From Redux docs:
This [normalized] state structure is much flatter overall. Compared to
the original nested format, this is an improvement in several ways...
Many APIs, public or not, return JSON data that has deeply nested objects. Using data in this kind of structure is often very difficult for JavaScript applications, especially those using Flux or Redux.
Seems like normalized database-ish data structures are better to work with on front end. Then why GraphQL is so popular if it's whole language style is revolved around quickly getting any nested data? Why do people use it then?
This kind of discussion is off-topic on SO ...
it's not only about [normalized] structures ...
graphql client (like apollo) takes care of all data fetching related nuances (error handling, cache, refetching, data conversion, and many more) also but hardly doable with redux.
Different use cases, you can use both:
keep (complex) app state in redux,
handle data fetching in apollo (you can use it for local state, too).
Let's look at why we want to normalize the cache and what kind of work we have to do to get a normalized cache.
For the main page we fetch a list of TODOs and a list of high priority TODOS. Our two endpoints return the following data:
all: [{ id: 1, title: "TODO 1" }, { id: 2, title: "TODO 2" }, { id: 2, title: "TODO 2"}],
highPrio: [{ id: 1, title: "TODO 1" }]
If we would store the data like this into our cache, we have a difficult time updating a single todo, because we have to update the todo in every array we have in our store or might have in our store in the future.
We can normalize the data and only store references in the array. This way we can easily update a single todo in a single place:
queries: {
all: [{ ref: "Todo:1" }, { ref: "Todo:2" }, { ref: "Todo:2" }],
highPrio: [{ ref: "Todo:1" }}]
refs: {
"Todo:1": { id: 1, title: "TODO 1" },
"Todo:2": { id: 2, title: "TODO 2" },
"Todo:3": { id: 3, title: "TODO 3" }
The downside is, that this shape of data is now much harder to use in our list component. We will have to transform the cache a lot, roughtly like so:
function denormalise(cache) {
return {
all:{ ref }) => cache.ref[ref]),
highPrio:{ ref }) => cache.ref[ref]),
Notice how now updating Todo:1 inside of the cache will update all queries that reference the todo automatically, if we run this function inside of the React component (this is often called a selector in Redux).
The magical thing about GraphQL is that it is a strict specification with a type system. This allows GraphQL clients like Apollo to globally identify objects and normalise that cache. At the same time it can also automatically denormalise the cache for you and update objects in the cache automatically after a mutation. This means that most of the time you have to write no caching logic at all. And this should explain why it is so popular: The best code is no code!
const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(gql`
{ all { id title } highPrio { id title }
This code automatically fetches the query on load, normalizes the response and writes it into the cache. Then denormalizes the cache back into the shape of the query using the cache data. Updates to elements in the cache automatically update all subscribed components.

Is it possible for vue-apollo to return different results from the Playground?

I have a GraphQL query called myAccounts which returns an array of accounts. When I go to the Playground and call the query:
accounts {
I get this result:
"data": {
"accounts": [
"email": "",
"email": "",
However, when I am in my Component, vue-apollo returns two items in the array, but seems to overwrite the second item with the first. Here is the query (in MyAccounts.gql):
query myAccounts {
accounts: myAccounts {
and here is the Apollo query in the component:
import MY_ACCOUNTS_QUERY from '~/apollo/queries/MyAccounts'
apollo: {
accounts: {
result(data) {
and here is what vue-apollo logs out through the result:
Expected behavior
I would expect the data returned in the Playground to be identical to what vue-apollo is fetching.
vue: 2.6.10
vue-apollo: #nuxtjs/apollo: 4.0.0-rc18
Additional context
I thought the result hook would be the best way to debug, but any other suggestions gladly welcomed. I assumed that this was a bug in our code, but I cannot figure out what could be causing the repetition (and mismatch).
Apollo normalizes its cache based on the __typename and the id (or _id) field. You need to include an id or _id field in your selection set alongside email. Failing to do so results in both objects being assigned the same key. If you don't have an id field to request, you'll need to provide a custom dataIdFromObject function as shown here.
From Guillaume Chau (
This is because the Apollo Client cache can't compute a different ID
for the two items, so you endup with Account:undefined (or similar)
for both. Open the Apollo devtools and look at the myAccounts key in
the cache.
Learn more:

Resolve to the same object from two incoherent sources in graphql

I have a problem I don't know how to solve properly.
I'm working on a project where we use a graphql server to communicate with different apis. These apis are old and very difficult to update so we decided to use graphql to simplify our communications.
For now, two apis allow me to get user data. I know it's not coherent but sadly I can't change anything to that and I need to use the two of them for different actions. So for the sake of simplicity, I would like to abstract this from my front app, so it only asks for user data, always on the same format, no matter from which api this data comes from.
With only one api, the resolver system of graphql helped a lot. But when I access user data from a second api, I find very difficult to always send back the same object to my front page. The two apis, even though they have mostly the same data, have a different response format. So in my resolvers, according to where the data is coming from, I should do one thing or another.
Example :
type User {
id: string,
communication: Communication
type Communication {
mail: string,
type User {
id: string,
mail: string,
I've heard a bit about apollo-federation but I can't put a graphql server in front of every api of our system, so I'm kind of lost on how I can achieve transparency for my front app when data are coming from two different sources.
If anyone has already encounter the same problem or have advice on something I can do, I'm all hear :)
You need to decide what "shape" of the User type makes sense for your client app, regardless of what's being returned by the REST APIs. For this example, let's say we go with:
type User {
id: String
mail: String
Additionally, for the sake of this example, let's assume we have a getUser field that returns a single user. Any arguments are irrelevant to the scenario, so I'm omitting them here.
type Query {
getUser: User
Assuming I don't know which API to query for the user, our resolver for getUser might look something like this:
async () => {
const [userFromA, userFromB] = await Promise.all([
// transform response
if (userFromA) {
const { id, communication: { mail } } = userFromA
return {
// response from B is already in the correct "shape", so just return it
if (userFromB) {
return userFromB
Alternatively, we can utilize individual field resolvers to achieve the same effect. For example:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getUser: async () => {
const [userFromA, userFromB] = await Promise.all([
return userFromA || userFromB
User: {
mail: (user) => {
if (user.communication) {
return user.communication.mail
return user.mail
Note that you don't have to match your schema to either response from your existing REST endpoints. For example, maybe you'd like to return a User like this:
type User {
id: String
details: UserDetails
type UserDetails {
email: String
In this case, you'd just transform the response from either API to fit your schema.

can some one explain this code to me

Good day im newbie here and im tackling graphql and im having some problem on mutation can someone explain this block of code for me thank you
RootMutation: {
createAuthor: (root, args) => { return Author.create(args); },
createPost: (root, { authorId, tags, title, text }) => {
return Author.findOne({ where: { id: authorId } }).then( (author) => {
console.log('found', author);
return author.createPost( { tags: tags.join(','), title, text });
Sure, this is an example of two mutations in a GraphQL server. We can break it down to understand what is going on.
First let's look at the type system. A GraphQL schema normally has two root fields query and mutation (and sometimes subscription). These root fields are the root of your data hierarchy and expose the queries (GET requests) and mutations (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc requests) that you have access to.
By the looks of it you are implementing a schema with a root mutation type that looks like this:
type Mutation {
createAuthor: Author
createPost: Post
A type in GraphQL is made up of a set of fields each of which can have an associated resolver. Resolvers in GraphQL are like the event handlers you would attach to endpoints in REST.
The code that you have above is defining two resolvers that will handle the logic associated with the createAuthor and createPost mutations. I.E. the code in the createPost resolver is what will be run when I issue a query like this:
mutation CreatePost($post: CreatePostInput!) {
createPost(input: $post) {
The GraphQL runtime parses the query and routes the operation to the correct resolver depending on the content of the query. In this example, it would see that I am calling the createPost mutation and would make sure to call the createPost resolver which in your case looks like this:
createPost: (root, { authorId, tags, title, text }) => {
return Author.findOne({ where: { id: authorId } }).then( (author) => {
console.log('found', author);
return author.createPost( { tags: tags.join(','), title, text });
To understand how a resolver works, let's look at the GraphQLFieldResovler type definition from graphql-js
export type GraphQLFieldResolver<TSource, TContext> = (
source: TSource,
args: { [argName: string]: any },
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => mixed;
As you can see a GraphQLFieldResolver is a function that takes 4 arguments.
source: The source is the parent object of the current field. For example if you were defining a resolver for a field fullName on the User type, the source would be the full user object.
args: The args are any input arguments for that resolver. In my query above it would contain the value of the $post variable.
context: Context is a global context for a GraphQL execution. This is useful for passing information around that a resolver might need. For example, you include a database connection that you can use from your resolvers without importing it in every file.
info: The info object contains information about your GraphQL schema, the query, and other information such as the path to the current resolver being executed. This is useful in many ways. Here is one post talking about how you can use it to precompute queries: (
This idea of having types and field resolvers is part of what makes GraphQL so powerful. Once you've defined you type system and the resolvers for their fields you can structure your schema however you want and GraphQL will always make sure to call the correct resolver no matter how deeply nested a query might be.
I hope this helps :)
