I have a program that parses a log file and returns a slice of structs with populated data from the file.
Also I have written a function to add a struct item to the aforemetioned list.
But there is an error that says "Cannot use 'sf' (type *SegmentationFault) as type SegmentationFault" which stems from this function. How am I to solve this problem?
func (sfList *SegmentationFaultList) AddItem(item SegmentationFault) []SegmentationFault {
sfList.Items = append(sfList.Items, item)
return sfList.Items
func parseLogFile(logPath string) (s *SegmentationFaultList){
logFile, err := os.Open(logPath)
checkError(err, "Could not open your log file")
defer logFile.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(logFile)
parsing := false
sf := new(SegmentationFault)
sfs := []SegmentationFault{}
sfList := SegmentationFaultList{sfs}
var beginRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i).+\[err\]:F-(\d+): Dump: Segmentation fault at ([\da-z]+)$`)
var endRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i).+\[info\]:Engine child with pid \d+ terminated`)
var sfTextRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i).+\[err\]:F-\d+: Dump:(.+)`)
for scanner.Scan() {
beginMatch := beginRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text())
switch {
case beginMatch != nil:
sf.pid = beginMatch[1]
sf.sfAt = beginMatch[2]
parsing = true
case endRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text()) != nil:
parsing = false
case parsing:
sf.sfText = append(sf.sfText, strings.TrimSpace(sfTextRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text())[1]))
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return sfList
Your problem is that you are passing a pointer value (*SegmentationFault) where you just want a value SegmentationFault.
Instead of
sf := new(SegmentationFault)
You should do:
sf := SegmentationFault{}
I have the concept of Context which is a map that can hold any structure. Basically, I want to create a generic getter that adddressably 'populates' the destination interface (similarly to how json decoding works).
Here's an example of how I want this to work:
type Context map[string]interface{}
// Random struct that will be saved in the context
type Step struct {
Name string
func main() {
stepA := &Step{Name: "Cool Name"}
c := Context{}
c["stepA"] = stepA
var stepB *Step
err := c.Get("stepA", stepB)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(stepB.Name) // Cool Name
stepB.Name = "CoolName2"
fmt.Println(stepA.Name) // I want to say: CoolName2
func (c Context) Get(stepId string, dest interface{}) error {
context, ok := c[stepId]
if !ok {
return nil
destinationValue := reflect.ValueOf(dest)
contextValue := reflect.ValueOf(context)
destinationValue.Set(contextValue) // Errors here
return nil
I leaned towards using reflect, but maybe I don't need it? - so opened to other suggestions (except for generics as that complicates other matters) I'm getting the following error with the above:
panic: reflect: reflect.Value.Set using unaddressable value
You can test it here.
The argument passed to Get must be a pointer type whose element type is identical to the type in the context map. So if the value in the context map is of type *Step, then the argument's type must be **Step. Also the passed in argument cannot be nil, it can be a pointer to nil, but it itself cannot be nil.
So in your case you should do:
var stepB *Step
err := c.Get("stepA", &stepB) // pass pointer-to-pointer
if err != nil {
And the Get method, fixed up a bit:
func (c Context) Get(stepId string, dest interface{}) error {
context, ok := c[stepId]
if !ok {
return nil
dv := reflect.ValueOf(dest)
if dv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || dv.IsNil() {
return errors.New("dest must be non-nil pointer")
dv = dv.Elem()
cv := reflect.ValueOf(context)
if dv.Type() != cv.Type() {
return errors.New("dest type does not match context value type")
return nil
I am calling this code:
package multicall
import (
var multicallContractAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x5e227AD1969Ea493B43F840cfF78d08a6fc17796")
var multicallContractEthBalanceSelector = "4d2301cc"
func GetBalances(addresses []string, ETHProviderURL string) ([]string, error) {
ethProvider, err := ethclient.Dial(ETHProviderURL)
if err != nil {
multicallContract, err := NewMulticallCaller(multicallContractAddress, ethProvider)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("multicallContract: ", multicallContract)
var calls = []MulticallCall{}
for _, address := range addresses {
hashAddress := common.HexToHash(address)
call := MulticallCall{multicallContractAddress, []byte("0x"+multicallContractEthBalanceSelector+hashAddress.String()[2:])}
calls = append(calls, call)
var results []byte
err = multicallContract.contract.Call(&bind.CallOpts{}, results, "aggregate", common.Hex2Bytes(addresses[0]))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Result: ", &results)
return nil, nil
like this:
multicall.GetBalances([]string{"<MY_ADDRESS>"}, "<INFURA_API_KEY>")
And it returns this error:
# github.com/mteam88/keyswarm/multicall
multicall/multicall.go:37:58: cannot use results (variable of type []byte) as type *[]interface{} in argument to multicallContract.contract.Call
It seems like results should be a specific type/interface (maybe []uint8) but I can't seem to pass it like that to the Call function.
I have tried tons of things and I can't seem to get it. My Google diving has uncovered this Why am I getting a compile error 'cannot use ... as type uint8 in argument to ...' when the parameter is an int which led me to my previous assumption.
If you -1 please comment (:
Please provide links to relevant documentation in your answer.
NOTE: https://github.com/mteam88/keyswarm/blob/multicall/multicall/multicallContract.go is the location of the defenitions of MulticallCall and other Multicall prefixed defenitions.
I am trying to build a generic CrudRepository struct using Gorm for my api.
I know generics are coming to GoLang in version 2 but I try to build this lib using reflection or any other lib.
In my CrudRepository:
func (repository *BaseRepository) find(result interface{}, pageSize int, page int) error {
if page < 1 {
return errors.ExceedsMinimumInt("page", "", 0, true, nil)
offset := (page - 1) * pageSize
ent := reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(result))
repository.db = repository.db.Limit(pageSize).Offset(offset)
err := repository.db.Find(&ent).Error
result = ent
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
And calling this method sth like:
func List(){
var entityList []MyEntity
find(entityList, 1, 10)
I think, I cannot pass any interface reference into Gorm.db.Find() method
Is there any other way to succeed?
Use a pointer of a slice as input argument of custom find method.
func (repository *BaseRepository) find(result interface{}, pageSize int, page int) error {
if page < 1 {
return errors.ExceedsMinimumInt("page", "", 0, true, nil)
if reflect.TypeOf(result).Kind() != reflect.Slice { 👈 check ❗️
return errors.New("`result` is not a slice")
offset := (page - 1) * pageSize
db = db.Limit(pageSize).Offset(offset)
if err := db.Find(result).Error; err != nil {
return err
return nil
usage 👇🏻
var entityList []MyEntity
err := find(&entityList, 10, 1)
Also you have to check input argument (result), because db.Find isn't fit to find single strut 👇🏻 (Retrieving a single object)
If you want to avoid the ErrRecordNotFound error, you could use Find
like db.Limit(1).Find(&user), the Find method accepts both struct and
slice data
For example (Book table is empty):
b := Book{}
rowsAffectedQuantity := db.Find(&b).RowsAffected // 👈 0
err = db.Find(&b).Error // 👈 nil
I have this json that I convert to:
var leerCHAT []interface{}
but I am going through crazy hoops to get to any point on that map inside map and inside map crazyness, specially because some results are different content.
this is the Json
I need to get to profile then inside there is a "DisplayName" field.
so I been doing crazy hacks.. and even like this I got stuck half way...
First is an array so I can just do something[elementnumber]
then is when the tricky mapping starts...
SORRY about all the prints etc is to debug and see the number of elements I am getting back.
if leerCHAT[3] == "presence_diff" {
var id string
presence := leerCHAT[4].(map[string]interface{})
log.Printf("algo: %v", len(presence))
log.Printf("algo: %s", presence["joins"])
vamos := presence["joins"].(map[string]interface{})
for i := range vamos {
id = i
vamonos := vamos[id].(map[string]interface{})
metas := vamonos["profile"].(map[string]interface{}) \\\ I get error here..
so far I can see all the way to the meta:{...} but can't continue with my hacky code into what I need.
NOTICE: that since the id after Joins: and before metas: is dynamic I have to get it somehow since is always just one element I did the for range loop to grab it.
The array element at index 3 describes the type of the variant JSON at index 4.
Here's how to decode the JSON to Go values. First, declare Go types for each of the variant parts of the JSON:
type PrescenceDiff struct {
Joins map[string]*Presence // declaration of Presence type to be supplied
Leaves map[string]*Presence
type Message struct {
Body string
Declare a map associating the type string to the Go type:
var messageTypes = map[string]reflect.Type{
"presence_diff": reflect.TypeOf(&PresenceDiff{}),
"message": reflect.TypeOf(&Message{}),
// add more types here as needed
Decode the variant part to a raw message. Use use the name in the element at index 3 to create a value of the appropriate Go type and decode to that value:
func decode(data []byte) (interface{}, error) {
var messageType string
var raw json.RawMessage
v := []interface{}{nil, nil, nil, &messageType, &raw}
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(raw) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no message")
t := messageTypes[messageType]
if t == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown message type: %q", messageType)
result := reflect.New(t.Elem()).Interface()
err = json.Unmarshal(raw, result)
return result, err
Use type switches to access the variant part of the message:
defer ws.Close()
for {
_, data, err := ws.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Read error: %v", err)
v, err := decode(data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Decode error: %v", err)
switch v := v.(type) {
case *PresenceDiff:
fmt.Println(v.Joins, v.Leaves)
case *Message:
fmt.Printf("type %T not handled\n", v)
Run it on the playground.
How to parse xml in such silly format:
<key>KEY1</key><string>VALUE OF KEY1</string>
<key>KEY2</key><string>VALUE OF KEY2</string>
Parsing would be very simple if all values would have same type - for example strings. But in my case each value could be string, data, integer, boolean, array or dict.
This xml looks nearly like json, but unfortunately format is fixed, and I cannot change it. And I would prefer solution without any external packages.
Use a lower-level parsing interface provided by encoding/xml which allows you to iterate over individual tokens in the XML stream (such as "start element", "end element" etc).
See the Token() method of the encoding/xml's Decoder type.
Since the data is not well structured, and you can't modify the format, you can't use xml.Unmarshal, so you can process the XML elements by creating a new Decoder, then iterate over the tokens and use DecodeElement to process them one by one. In my sample code below, it puts everything in a map. The code is also on github here...
package main
import (
type PlistArray struct {
Integer []int `xml:"integer"`
const in = "<key>KEY1</key><string>VALUE OF KEY1</string><key>KEY2</key><string>VALUE OF KEY2</string><key>KEY3</key><integer>42</integer><key>KEY3</key><array><integer>1</integer><integer>2</integer></array>"
func main() {
result := map[string]interface{}{}
dec := xml.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(in))
dec.Strict = false
var workingKey string
for {
token, _ := dec.Token()
if token == nil {
switch start := token.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
fmt.Printf("startElement = %+v\n", start)
switch start.Name.Local {
case "key":
var k string
err := dec.DecodeElement(&k, &start)
if err != nil {
workingKey = k
case "string":
var s string
err := dec.DecodeElement(&s, &start)
if err != nil {
result[workingKey] = s
workingKey = ""
case "integer":
var i int
err := dec.DecodeElement(&i, &start)
if err != nil {
result[workingKey] = i
workingKey = ""
case "array":
var ai PlistArray
err := dec.DecodeElement(&ai, &start)
if err != nil {
result[workingKey] = ai
workingKey = ""
fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized token")
fmt.Printf("%+v", result)