Can I have gradle support in IDEA without importing it? - gradle

I have quite big IDEA project which we incrementally migrate to gradle. I don't want to "import" newly migrated parts right now, but I do want to have IDEA support (syntax highlighting, code completion, etc) for writing gradle scripts. From brief searching it is still not obvious how to get it. Is it possible it all?

As long you have the Groovy plugin installed and enabled, and have *.gradle listed as a Registered Pattern for "Groovy" in Settings > Editor > File Types you should get groovy features when editing a build.gradle file.


Use of plugins in gradle

I have a question on the usage of plugins in gradle in general. What features do they provide?
For example, why should I use an Idea plugin if my IDE is intelliJ. What if I don't use that will there be any difference.
If you want to know about Gradle plugins in general, you should read the relevant part of the user guide. It does a good job of explaining the concept.
As for the IntelliJ plugin in particular: no you should generally not add it. IntelliJ can import Gradle projects just fine without it. The only time it makes sense to add it is if you need to customize the import process in a way that differs from the default. But even that is often better done through adding the specific IntelliJ configuration files to your VCS repository. If you like to know more about best practices for this, the Gradle forums are a better match for discussing the different approaches.

How to build an ANTLR grammar with Gradle in a multi-platform project?

So I have been struggling all afternoon with getting some Gradle build to work for a Kotlin multiplatform project that involves an ANTLR grammar. What I'm trying to do is to have a parser generated by ANTLR from a shared grammar for both a Kotlin (or Java if that doesn't work) and JavaScript target. Based on this I'd like to write some library around the parser that can be used from the JVM and JavaScript.
So I have set up a Kotlin multi-platform project because that seemed like a nice way of killing two birds with one stone (here is a repo I created a source set commonAntlr where I placed the grammar file under commonAntlr/antlr/project_txt.g4. According to the documentation of the ANTLR plugin this is how stuff should be set up. I also apply the antlr plugin at the top (here is the build.gradle.kts -
Now I run gradle build in the hopes that the ANTLR plugin will at least try to generate some nice Java code for me from the grammar using the default settings. Alas, it does not. The ANTLR plugin does not even get started, which is what I can tell from the output. The build later fails with some obscure JavaScript problem, but that looks unrelated and I'd like to skip over it for now.
Now my Gradle-foo isn't exactly strong (I have only used it in extremely simple projects, most of my experience is in Maven), and I have the distinct feeling I'm missing something here. However the documentation of the plugin just says
To use the ANTLR plugin, include the following in your build script:
plugins {
Which I did. Since I get zero output, I have a feeling that I need to do a bit more for this to work. I have read a lot of the Gradle documentation up and down to find out how plugins work in general and I found that they add tasks to the build and also add some dependencies so that tasks are invoked when you try to build certain things. However I don't really understand how plugins work together with source sets and how you can tell Gradle "would you please run the generateGrammarSource task for this source set" (or if it even works like this).
So if some of the Gradle gods could enlighten me on this, this would be much appreciated :)
I have met a similar issue:
My solution -- which is still a work in progress -- consists in decomposing the problem.
I reasonable solution in my opinion is to create a Kotlin/JVM project (say parser-jvm) where to put the generated Java code + any JVM specific facility, and a Kotlin/JS project where to put the generated JS code + any JS specific facility (say parser-js). The next step is to create a Kotlin/MPP (say parser-common) project whose JVM implementation depends on parser-jvm and whose JS implementation depends on parser-js.
My approach is actually working for JVM while I'm experiencing some issues for JS, which are mostly caused by this issue.
The main drawback of this approach is that some Gradle coding is required to setup ANTLR with Kotlin/JS. I already faced this problem in my build.gradle and I'm quite satisfied with the result and the overall architecture of the project. However, I believe that my proposal is far less troublesome than configuring a Kotlin/MPP project to work with ANTLR.

Ant to maven conversion

I need to convert few projects from ant to maven. I know the basics of both, also read a lot of articles on how to. However, is it a good idea to write a pom using eclipse? Or is it better to write it without using eclipse? The M2Eclipse plugin needs maven to be tweaked more, will the changes related to M2Eclipse cause problems when the war is built on jenkins?
Pros of using Eclipse IDE:
The formatting of pom.xml will be taken care, when you add the 'maven-eclipse-codestyle.xml' to the code formatter, as mentioned here. Formatting will be harder when you do it without an IDE.
The auto-completion feature of eclipse will make your coding easier, since it will automatically sense the open tags and close them. You need to close all the open tags manually, if you don`t use an IDE.
You can view the dependency hierarchy of the dependencies added and hence it might be a bit helpful while managing the dependencies.This can be extremely useful ,when you have transitive dependencies (Dependencies within other dependencies). You can find more about transitive dependencies here.
An IDE will warn you of common mistakes that may occur while coding (something like, 'forgetting to close an open tag','placing a tag in an incorrect location'). This will save a whole lot of time. If you don`t use an IDE, you need to correct the mistakes only when you get an exception after executing a maven command.
Eclipse will warn of missing artifacts (when the dependencies are not present in the local repository), which can help you to fix it before executing the maven goal.
Cons of using Eclipse IDE:
m2e plugin will throw 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration' errors all over your pom.xml files. These errors won`t affect your build, but may be quite annoying.
I personally have done migration from Ant to Maven2. IMO it is better to write pom.xml on your own so that you wont face any last minute surprises as well as you will get complete overall knowledge on what you are exactly doing with your pom file.
However if you still want to go with m2e, from my experience it did not create any problems at all. Regarding the build - I guess there shouldn't be any issue. You can refer this link if you need more info about m2e and jekins - m2e and jenkins

How do I make a custom gradle template?
After much reading in forums, gradle's jira, and githubs, it seems the above plugin is the popular choice for getting maven archetype-like functionality in Gradle.
It comes with multiple templates to choose from, but how do I make my own?
Is there a guide or something that can kick start me into making my own template?
I have a setup I made to generate a new application with all the boiler plate pieces my company requires. I was able to generate this from an existing project using maven archetypes. I want to accomplish the same in Gradle so I can also take advantage of the ability to run groovy scripts when the generation occurs.
So far it looks like the only way to do this is to fork that project and make my own plugin with added template files and such.
Know this is a old question, but there is a wiki page on how to create your own templates:

Gradle context sensitive support in STS/Eclipse

I am trying to evaluate Gradle as next-gen build tool for some of my future projects.
Steps I've done so far:
I have Java 7 installed on my machine.
Installed Gradle 2.0
Installed Spring Tool Suite 3.6.1, went to dashboard and added support for
Gradle and installed also Groovy-Eclipse package.
Now when I start Gradle projects from scratch or I clone some of the projects from github,
I am not able to get context sensitive help, like Ctrl + Space to autocomplete stuff in
build.gradle file.
I was reading a lot of documentation on net about this, and couldn't find proper answer, so if someone can give me some idea is it working?
Previously I was using Maven, and m2-eclipse, so when I type in pom.xml I am able to do Ctrl + Space which prevents me to make typo mistakes.
NOTE: Just please note that I've enabled Gradle DSL support for my Gradle projects.
Thank You
Gradle's build language is much more dynamic, extensible, and powerful than a Maven POM, and hence it's much harder to develop full IDE support for it. Recent versions of the Eclipse Gradle Plugin have limited editing support, and work is underway to take it to the next level. IntelliJ 14 is already further along, but expect to see further improvements there as well.
