Modify Web API action name generated by Swagger -

I have a Web API project which is integrated with Swagger. I am using a low code platform IDE OutSystems to consume the REST API.
Outsystems IDE takes following URL to generate REST methods:
I have the following action method in my web API project:
public IHttpActionResult AllLoanApplicationsByUser(string userID, [FromUri]List<string> lstInstitutionId)
For this method Swagger is generating following method name:
How to configure Swagger to generate method name similar to the action name from code?
Note: Dashboard is the name of the controller.

Okay. I found the answer here.
This is what I was looking for:


Swagger not generating paths in yaml/json file when code is compiled

Trying to generate API documentation for a spring boot application using swagger. Using swagger-maven-plugin to generate yaml documentation from code. After compiling, the generated yaml/json file does not contain any path. However the controller class where the APIs are defined is getting scanned. But none of the APIs defined there are showing up in documentation. However accessing http://localhost:8080/api-docs shows a json and that is listing all the APIs as expected. What could be the issue? I have made sure of the following:
controller is annotated with #Api
tag value is set to false in pom.xml
basepath is the same across pom and controller class
All API paths are of the form http://localhost:8080/{id}/
Got my problem resolved. The Controller class methods were not declared public and hence was not showing up in swagger.yaml and json files even though the api-docs were listing them.
Try mapping your controller into a path.
Eg:- #Controller #RequestMapping(value = "/api")
For further clarification you can refer this article:

How to mock REST service response in actual code flow for lower environments

I have a service which calls the REST Api and that REST API call is chargeable, so i want when we deploy the code in Dev & QA environment, mock response should be returned while actual functionality testing.
How can i achieve that ?
Mock Rest API response in actual code flow
The endpoint for your api shouldn't be hard-coded in the code, instead you can set the endpoint in a properties file.
ie. In a file like .../myapp/src/resources/
Then in your code you can use Spring's #Value annotation to get the value.
public class SomeServiceApi {
private String endpoint;
// ...
While in development, the property can point to some mock endpoint that you've set up yourself, or if the api supports it, a sandbox endpoint for the api.

Return IQueryable<SomeEntity> failed

Currently I am using aspnetboilerplate to enhance a project which include both mvc and web api, after port web api code to abp, I found the controller cannot return entity successfully, the code like below:
public IQueryable<SomeEnity> GetEntities()
return _repository.GetAll().Where(e => e.TagId == 1);
The exception from postman is popular:
The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.
After some searching, I get it work with introducing a SomeEntityDto (another class), because the entity number for the web api so many that I don't want introduce so many dto for each entity.
The question is:
Why the same code work with original project (EF and ASP.NET MVC) but failed with abp framework? Any solution?
Note: I also tried this, but not work.

REST and spring-mvc

Since REST based controller methods only return objects ( not views ) to the client based on the request, how can I show view to my user ? Or maybe better question what is a good way to combine spring-mvc web app with REST, so my user always get the answer, not in just ( for example ) JSON format, but also with the view ?
So far as I understood, REST based controller would be perfectly fitting to the mobile app ( for example twitter ), where views are handled inside the app and the only thing server has to worry about is to pass the right object to the right request. But what about the web app ?
I might be wrong in several things ( correct me if I am ), since I am trying to understand REST and I am still learning.
To simplify things - you basically have two options:
1) Build Spring MVC application.
2) Build REST backend application.
In case of first option - within your application you will have both backend and frontend (MVC part).
In case of second option you build only backend application and expose it through REST API. In most cases, you will need to build another application - REST client for your application. This is more flexible application because it gives you opportunity to access your backend application from various clients - for example, you can have Android, IOS applications, you can have web application implemented using Angular etc...
Please note, that thins are not so simple, you can within one application have both REST backend and REST client etc... This is just very very simplified in order that you get some general picture. Hope this clarified a little things.
There is some additional clarification related to REST and views worth learning. From your question, I can see that you mean "view" in a sense of UI(user interface) and typical MVC usage. But "view" can mean different things in a different contexts.
JSON can be considered as a view for data
JSON is a representation of the resource, just like HTML is
JSON doesn't have style (unless you are not using a browser
extension, which most the users are not using)
The browser is recognizing HTML as a markup language and applying a
style to it
Both are media types
Both JSON and HTML are data formats
Both can be transferred over the wire
This method returns a view
String home(Model model) {
return "home"; // resources\templates\home.html
This method Returns String
#RequestMapping(value = "/home")
public String home() {
return "Success";
If you annotate a method with #ResponseBody, Spring will use a json mapper to generate the response. Instead of annotating every method with #ResponseBody you can annotate your class with #RestController.
If you want to return a view, you need to annotate the class with #Controller instead of #RestController and configure a viewresolver. Bij default spring will use thymeleaf as a viewresolver if you have spring-web as a dependency on the classpath. The return type of the method is a String that references the template to be rendered. The templates are stored in src/main/resources/templates.
You can find a guide on the spring website:

VS2013 (RTW): Authentication differences in SPA template vs MVC5 template?

I've been playing with the new ASP.NET identity offerings in the VS2013 RTW MVC template (for "indivual user accounts"), and it works great: I am able to integrate Facebook login while customizing the way the data is serialized.
All well and good, but I noticed that if I create a new SPA app (instead of MVC), the authentication story seems very different. As an example:
From the SPA template:
public AccountController()
: this(Startup.UserManagerFactory(), Startup.OAuthOptions.AccessTokenFormat)
public AccountController(UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager,
ISecureDataFormat<AuthenticationTicket> accessTokenFormat)
UserManager = userManager;
AccessTokenFormat = accessTokenFormat;
From the MVC template:
public AccountController()
: this(new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext())))
public AccountController(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
UserManager = userManager;
This is just the difference in constructors of the Account controller. There are many, many other differences as well. With the MVC version I was able to easily derive my own context class from ApplicationDBContext, and use that to store my own tables alongside the authentication tables. I couldn't figure out how to customize the data storage in the SPA template.
Also, the SPA template includes and uses this class:
public class ApplicationOAuthProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
The MVC template doesn't define (or use) this class.
I don't understand why there needs to be any differences at all between an MVC template and an SPA template.
Could anyone give me some guidance as to why authentication is handled so differently in these two templates? Starting a project from scratch, is there a preferred path to follow between the two? (It seems like the code in the MVC template is best, especially in terms of customizing how the data is stored by defining a custom EF Context class.)
Take MVC and SPA project templates as Controller vs ApiController implementation sample.
As well as CookieAuthentication and oAuthAuthentication.
MVC uses Controller at the first request as well as all subsequent requests (having request defined Action Methods).
SPA uses Controller at the first request to SPA and all other interactions are handled by ApiController.
MVC uses cookie authentication.
SPA uses oAuth authentication.
Now in real apps, we need to take mix of both. Stating this, you can use the IdentityModel.cs (ApplicationDBContext) and it's customized copy of MVC project in your SPA too.
In oAuth implementation, the token is issued in GrantResourceOwnerCredentials method of ApplicationOAuthProvider. The user verification uses the same database of Identity framework by default. Moreover, oAuth provide authentication check in ApiController. In the sample implementation, oAuth's ResourceOwner flow is provided where user's username and password are verified.
In my opinion, templates are starting point examples.
I did notice the same thing when I first looked at all the posts about changing the model for the user and I couldn't find the model in the SPA template. Of course, the difference as #jd4u pointed out is that one is based on Controller and the other on ApiController.
So, I decided to see what it would take to make the SPA solution use the same Identity Model extension as the MVC template. I created a post that goes through the process that I went through. There is a link at the bottom to download the code from GitHub.
