What's wrong with this nearest neighbor interpolation shader? - algorithm

GPU.js converts a JS func into a shader. The following function knows this.thread.x as the current index being operated on, but it is ultimately working as a WebGL shader.
export default function(sprite, w, h, scale) {
var bufferWidth = w * 4;
var channel = this.thread.x % 4;
var thread = this.thread.x - channel;
var y = Math.round(this.thread.x / bufferWidth);
var x = (thread % bufferWidth) / 4;
var upscale = scale * 10;
var upscaleY = y * 10;
var upscaleX = x * 10;
var scaledY = Math.round(upscaleY / upscale);
var scaledX = Math.round(upscaleX / upscale);
var newIndex = scaledY * bufferWidth + scaledX * 4;
if (x <= w * scale && y <= h * scale) {
return sprite[newIndex + channel];
} else {
return 0;
This almost works, but rows become skipped completely, actually making the result shorter than it should, and lines where those missing rows travel up and down and left to right on the image as it's scaled over time.
You can see this effect here: https://enviziion.github.io/lost-worlds/
What's wrong with my algo? Ive tried tweaking rounding and all sorts of stuff but no luck.

Use Math.floor when computing y:
var y = Math.floor(thread / bufferWidth);
If you use Math.round then it will start rounding up to the next row halfway across the buffer, which will produce a weird discontinuity.
Mathematically, you should be able to get back thread.x from y * bufferWidth + x * 4, which works for floor but not round.


How can i split a list of points in all angle

I try to seperate a list of point into all basic angle
Here's my code
var increment =15/50;
var distance = 20;
var count = 0;
for( theta=0;theta <50; theta++) {
var newX = centerX +distance*Math.cos(theta*2*Math.PI*increment);
var newY = centerY +distance*Math.sin(theta*2*Math.PI*increment);
cxt.fillText("o",newX, newY);
I try to modify the increment many times but either they didn't make into straght lines or all the points turn into a mess
What is the exact increment number or function for this?
Problem 1
No need for count - it is being incremented in exactly the same fashion as theta:
var increment =15/50;
var distance = 20;
for( theta=0;theta <50; theta++) {
var newX = centerX +distance*Math.cos(theta*2*Math.PI*increment);
var newY = centerY +distance*Math.sin(theta*2*Math.PI*increment);
cxt.fillText("o",newX, newY);
if(theta%5===0){ // just use theta here
Problem 2
The if statement increments distance once every 5 points, which means each "ring" only contains 5 points, whereas they should have as many points as basic angles. The logic should therefore be:
if (theta % 16 === 0) { // there are 16 "basic angles"
distance += 20;
Problem 3
1 is not an integer multiple of the fractional increment 15/50, so the second "ring" of points will not line up with the first - there will be an angular offset of 2*PI/5 between consecutive rings.
It is more efficient to separate the single loop into two nested loops, as suggested by Damien. The outer loop should increment the angle as the trigonometric functions are expensive.
var num_basic_angles = 16; // number of basic angles
var separation = 20; // distance between each point
var num_points; // number of points per angle
for (var angle = 0; angle < num_basic_angles; angle++) {
var theta = 2*Math.PI*angle/num_basic_angles;
var cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
var sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
for (var point = 0; point < num_points; point++) {
var x = centerX + distance * point * cos_t;
var y = centerY + distance * point * sin_t;
If you really want to do things in a single loop, use theta = Math.floor(i / num_basic_angles), point = i % num_basic_angles, where i is the loop counter from 0 to num_basic_angles * num_points - 1.
Problem 4
The "basic angles" are not evenly distributed, so incrementing by a fixed value will not work.
No need to be too smart here, because these basic angles are arbitrarily defined anyway. Just store them in an array:
var basic_angles = [0,30,45,60,90,120,135,150,180,210,224,240,270,300,315,330];
var separation = 20; // distance between each point
var num_points; // number of points per angle
for (var angle = 0; angle < basic_angles.length; angle++) {
var theta = Math.PI/180.0*basic_angles[angle];
var cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
var sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
for (var point = 0; point < num_points; point++) {
var x = centerX + distance * point * cos_t;
var y = centerY + distance * point * sin_t;

2D Circular search pattern

I need an algorithm to give me coordinates to the nearest cells (in order of distance) to another cell in a 2D grid. Its for a search algorithm that then checks those coordinates for all sorts of things for suitability. Anyways, so far I came up with this:
function testy(cx, cy, idx) {
var radius = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(idx / Math.PI));
var segment = Math.round(idx - (radius * Math.PI));
var angle = segment / radius;
var x = Math.round(cx + radius * Math.cos(angle));
var y = Math.round(cy + radius * Math.sin(angle));
return [x, y];
addEventListener("load", function() {
var canv = document.createElement("canvas");
canv.width = 800;
canv.height = 600;
var ctx = canv.getContext("2d");
var scale = 5;
var idx = 0;
var idx_end = 10000;
var func = function() {
var xy = testy(0,0,idx++);
var x = xy[0] * scale + canv.width / 2;
var y = xy[1] * scale + canv.height / 2;
ctx.rect(x, y, scale, scale);
if (idx < idx_end) setTimeout(func, 0);
but as you can tell, its kinda crap because it skips some cells. There's a few assumptions I'm making there:
That the circumference of a circle of a certain radius corresponds to the number of cells on the path of that circle. I didn't think that would be too great of a problem though since the actual number of cells in a radius should be lower than the circumference leading to duplication(which in small amounts is ok) but not exclusion(not ok).
That the radius of a circle by the n-th index specified would be slightly more than Math.floor(Math.sqrt(idx / Math.PI)) because each increase of 1 to the radius corresponds to 2 * Math.PI being added to the circumference of the circle. Again, should lead to slight duplication but no exclusion.
Other than that I have no idea what could be wrong with it, I fail at math any more complex than this so probably something to do with that.
Perhaps there is another algorithm like this already out there though? One that doesn't skip cells? Language doesn't really matter, I'm using js to prototype it but it can be whatever.
Instead of thinking about the full circle, think about a quadrant. Adapting that to the full circle later should be fairly easy. Use (0,0) as the center of the circle for convenience. So you want to list grid cells with x,y ≥ 0 in order of non-decreasing x² + y².
One useful data structure is a priority queue. It can be used to keep track of the next y value for every x value, and you can extract the one with minimal x² + y² easily.
q = empty priority queue, for easy access to element with minimal x²+y²
Insert (0,0) into queue
while queue is not empty:
remove minimal element from queue and call it (x,y)
insert (x,y+1) into queue unless y+1 is off canvas
if y = 0:
insert (x+1,0) into queue unless x+1 is off canvas
do whatever you want to do with (x,y)
So for a canvas of size n this will enumerate all the n² points, but the priority queue will only contain n elements at most. The whole loop runs in O(n² log(n)). And if you abort the loop eraly because you found what you were looking for, it gets cheaper still, in contrast to simply sorting all the points. Another benefit is that you can use integer arithmetic exclusively, so numeric errors won't be an issue. One drawback is that JavaScript does not come with a priority queue out of the box, but I'm sure you can find an implementation you can reuse, e.g. tiniqueue.
When doing full circle, you'd generate (−x,y) unless x=0, and likewise for (x,−y) and (−x,−y). You could exploit symmetry a bit more by only having the loop over ⅛ of the circle, i.e. not inserting (x,y+1) if x=y, and then also generating (y,x) as a separate point unless x=y. Difference in performance should be marginal for many use cases.
"use strict";
function distCompare(a, b) {
const a2 = a.x*a.x + a.y*a.y;
const b2 = b.x*b.x + b.y*b.y;
return a2 < b2 ? -1 : a2 > b2 ? 1 : 0;
// Yields points in the range -w <= x <= w and -h <= y <= h
function* aroundOrigin(w,h) {
const q = TinyQueue([{x:0, y:0}], distCompare);
while (q.length) {
const p = q.pop();
yield p;
if (p.x) yield {x:-p.x, y:p.y};
if (p.y) yield {x:p.x, y:-p.y};
if (p.x && p.y) yield {x:-p.x, y:-p.y};
if (p.y < h) q.push({x:p.x, y:p.y+1});
if (p.y == 0 && p.x < w) q.push({x:p.x + 1, y:0});
// Yields points around (cx,cy) in range 0 <= x < w and 0 <= y < h
function* withOffset(cx, cy, w, h) {
const delegate = aroundOrigin(
Math.max(cx, w - cx - 1), Math.max(cy, h - cy - 1));
for(let p of delegate) {
p = {x: p.x + cx, y: p.y + cy};
if (p.x >= 0 && p.x < w && p.y >= 0 && p.y < h) yield p;
addEventListener("load", function() {
const canv = document.createElement("canvas");
const cw = 800, ch = 600;
canv.width = cw;
canv.height = ch;
const ctx = canv.getContext("2d");
const scale = 5;
const w = Math.ceil(cw / scale);
const h = Math.ceil(ch / scale);
const cx = w >> 1, cy = h >> 1;
const pointgen = withOffset(cx, cy, w, h);
let cntr = 0;
var func = function() {
const {value, done} = pointgen.next();
if (done) return;
if (cntr++ % 16 === 0) {
// lighten older parts so that recent activity is more visible
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.01)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, cw, ch);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)";
ctx.fillRect(value.x * scale, value.y*scale, scale, scale);
setTimeout(func, 0);
<script type="text/javascript">module={};</script>
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mourner/tinyqueue/54dc3eb1/index.js"></script>

Binary Image "Lines-of-Sight" Edge Detection

Consider this binary image:
A normal edge detection algorithm (Like Canny) takes the binary image as input and results into the contour shown in red. I need another algorithm that takes a point "P" as a second piece of input data. "P" is the black point in the previous image. This algorithm should result into the blue contour. The blue contours represents the point "P" lines-of-sight edge of the binary image.
I searched a lot of an image processing algorithm that achieve this, but didn't find any. I also tried to think about a new one, but I still have a lot of difficulties.
Since you've got a bitmap, you could use a bitmap algorithm.
Here's a working example (in JSFiddle or see below). (Firefox, Chrome, but not IE)
// part 1: occlusion
mark all pixels as 'outside'
for each pixel on the edge of the image
draw a line from the source pixel to the edge pixel and
for each pixel on the line starting from the source and ending with the edge
if the pixel is gray mark it as 'inside'
otherwise stop drawing this line
// part 2: edge finding
for each pixel in the image
if pixel is not marked 'inside' skip this pixel
if pixel has a neighbor that is outside mark this pixel 'edge'
// part 3: draw the edges
highlight all the edges
At first this sounds pretty terrible... But really, it's O(p) where p is the number of pixels in your image.
Full code here, works best full page:
var c = document.getElementById('c');
c.width = c.height = 500;
var x = c.getContext("2d");
//////////// Draw some "interesting" stuff ////////////
function DrawScene() {
x.rect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
x.fillStyle = '#fff';
x.rect(c.width * 0.1, c.height * 0.1, c.width * 0.8, c.height * 0.8);
x.fillStyle = '#000';
x.rect(c.width * 0.25, c.height * 0.02 , c.width * 0.5, c.height * 0.05);
x.fillStyle = '#000';
x.rect(c.width * 0.3, c.height * 0.2, c.width * 0.03, c.height * 0.4);
x.fillStyle = '#fff';
var maxAng = 2.0;
function sc(t) { return t * 0.3 + 0.5; }
function sc2(t) { return t * 0.35 + 0.5; }
for (var i = 0; i < maxAng; i += 0.1)
x.lineTo(sc(Math.cos(i)) * c.width, sc(Math.sin(i)) * c.height);
for (var i = maxAng; i >= 0; i -= 0.1)
x.lineTo(sc2(Math.cos(i)) * c.width, sc2(Math.sin(i)) * c.height);
x.moveTo(0.2 * c.width, 0.03 * c.height);
x.lineTo(c.width * 0.9, c.height * 0.8);
x.lineTo(c.width * 0.8, c.height * 0.8);
x.lineTo(c.width * 0.1, 0.03 * c.height);
x.fillStyle = '#000';
//////////// Pick a point to start our operations: ////////////
var v_x = Math.round(c.width * 0.5);
var v_y = Math.round(c.height * 0.5);
function Update() {
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'
|| !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident/)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/rv 11/))
|| $.browser.msie == 1)
document.getElementById("d").innerHTML = "Does not work in IE.";
//////////// Make our image binary (white and gray) ////////////
var id = x.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
for (var i = 0; i < id.width * id.height * 4; i += 4) {
id.data[i + 0] = id.data[i + 0] > 128 ? 255 : 64;
id.data[i + 1] = id.data[i + 1] > 128 ? 255 : 64;
id.data[i + 2] = id.data[i + 2] > 128 ? 255 : 64;
// Adapted from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Bresenham's_line_algorithm#JavaScript
function line(x1, y1) {
var x0 = v_x;
var y0 = v_y;
var dx = Math.abs(x1 - x0), sx = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1;
var dy = Math.abs(y1 - y0), sy = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1;
var err = (dx>dy ? dx : -dy)/2;
while (true) {
var d = (y0 * c.height + x0) * 4;
if (id.data[d] === 255) break;
id.data[d] = 128;
id.data[d + 1] = 128;
id.data[d + 2] = 128;
if (x0 === x1 && y0 === y1) break;
var e2 = err;
if (e2 > -dx) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; }
if (e2 < dy) { err += dx; y0 += sy; }
for (var i = 0; i < c.width; i++) line(i, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < c.width; i++) line(i, c.height - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < c.height; i++) line(0, i);
for (var i = 0; i < c.height; i++) line(c.width - 1, i);
// Outline-finding algorithm
function gb(x, y) {
var v = id.data[(y * id.height + x) * 4];
return v !== 128 && v !== 0;
for (var y = 0; y < id.height; y++) {
var py = Math.max(y - 1, 0);
var ny = Math.min(y + 1, id.height - 1);
for (var z = 0; z < id.width; z++) {
var d = (y * id.height + z) * 4;
if (id.data[d] !== 128) continue;
var pz = Math.max(z - 1, 0);
var nz = Math.min(z + 1, id.width - 1);
if (gb(pz, py) || gb(z, py) || gb(nz, py) ||
gb(pz, y) || gb(z, y) || gb(nz, y) ||
gb(pz, ny) || gb(z, ny) || gb(nz, ny)) {
id.data[d + 0] = 0;
id.data[d + 1] = 0;
id.data[d + 2] = 255;
x.putImageData(id, 0, 0);
// Draw the starting point
x.arc(v_x, v_y, c.width * 0.01, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
x.fillStyle = '#800';
c.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
var x = evt.pageX - c.offsetLeft,
y = evt.pageY - c.offsetTop;
v_x = x;
v_y = y;
}, false);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<center><div id="d">Click on image to change point</div>
<canvas id="c"></canvas></center>
I would just estimate P's line of sight contour with ray collisions.
For rad = 0 To PI * 2 Step RESOLUTION
ray = CreateRay(P, rad)
hits = Intersect(ray, contours)
If Len(hits) > 0
Add(hits[0], lineOfSightContour)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_surface_determination with e.g. a Z-Buffer is relatively easy. Edge detection looks a lot trickier and probably needs a bit of tuning. Why not take an existing edge detection algorithm from a library that somebody else has tuned, and then stick in some Z-buffering code to compute the blue contour from the red?
First approach
Main idea
Run an edge detection algorithm (Canny should do it just fine).
For each contour point C compute the triplet (slope, dir, dist), where:
slope is the slope of the line that passes through P and C
dir is a bit which is set if C is to the right of P (on the x axis) and reset if it is to the left; it used in order to distinguish in between points having the same slope, but on opposite sides of P
dist is the distance in between P and C.
Classify the set of contour points such that a class contains the points with the same key (slope, dir) and keep the one point from each such class having the minimum dist. Let S be the set of these closest points.
Sort S in clockwise order.
Iterate once more through the sorted set and, whenever two consecutive points are too far apart, draw a segment in between them, otherwise just draw the points.
You do not really need to compute the real distance in between P and C since you only use dist to determine the closest point to P at step 3. Instead you can keep C.x - P.x in dist. This piece of information should also tell you which of two points with the same slope is closest to P. Also, C.x - P.x swallows the dir parameter (in the sign bit). So you do not really need dir either.
The classification in step 3 can ideally be done by hashing (thus, in linear number of steps), but since doubles/floats are subject to rounding, you might need to allow small errors to occur by rounding the values of the slopes.
Second approach
Main idea
You can perform a sort of BFS starting from P, like when trying to determine the country/zone that P resides in. For each pixel, look at the pixels around it that were already visited by BFS (called neighbors). Depending on the distribution of the neighbor pixels that are in the line of sight, determine if the currently visited pixel is in the line of sight too or not. You can probably apply a sort of convolution operator on the neighbor pixels (like with any other filter). Also, you do not really need to decide right away if a pixel is for sure in the line of sight. You could instead compute some probability of that to be true.
Due to the fact that your graph is a 2D image, BFS should be pretty fast (since the number of edges is linear in the number of vertices).
This second approach eliminates the need to run an edge detection algorithm. Also, if the country/zone P resides in is considerably smaller than the image the overall performance should be better than running an edge detection algorithm solely.

Midpoint Displacement 2D algorithm producing unusual patterns

I'm having difficulties with the Midpoint Displacement Algorithm using Haxe. I am implementing this by following the steps found here.
First, create an array that represents a blank map. You begin by giving the four corners a random value.
In this square, create the middle point by averaging the four corners and adding a small 'error', or random value. Then create the midpoints of the 4 sides by averaging the two corners each is between. After these steps, you are left with 4 squares. Repeat the steps:
Create the middle point by averaging the four corners and adding a small 'error'.
Create the midpoint of each side by averaging the two corners each point is between.
Each iteration, make the range of the RNG smaller. That way the original few points can have pretty large variation, but the later points only get tiny adjustments. This ensures the right amount of detail in an image.
Here is the function I've written to perform these steps and then normalize the values:
public static function generateFloatMatrix(Columns:Int, Rows:Int, RangeModifier:Float = 0.65):Array<Array<Float>>
//Blank 2D Array
var matrix:Array<Array<Float>> = InitFloatMatrix(Columns, Rows);
var range:Float = 1;
//Set Values for all four corners
matrix[0][0] = Math.random() * range;
matrix[Rows-1][0] = Math.random() * range;
matrix[0][Columns-1] = Math.random() * range;
matrix[Rows - 1][Columns - 1] = Math.random() * range;
//Calculates the amount of segments in base 2
var length = Math.sqrt((Columns * Columns) + (Rows * Rows));
var power:Int = Std.int(Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(length) / Math.log(2))));
//Stores largest calculated value for normalization
var max:Float = 0;
var width:Int = Std.int(Columns);
var height:Int = Std.int(Rows);
var i:Int = 1;
while (i < power)
//Segment Size
width = Std.int(Columns / i);
height = Std.int(Rows / i);
for (y in 0...i)
for (x in 0...i)
//Top Left Coordinates per segment
var left = width * x;
var top = height * y;
//Find Midpoint
var xMid = Math.ceil(left + (width / 2));
var yMid = Math.ceil(top + (height / 2));
//Make sure right and bottom do not go out of bounds
var right:Int = (left + width < Columns ? left + width : Columns - 1);
var bottom:Int = (top + height < Rows ? top + height : Rows - 1);
//Sets midpoint value to average of all four corners.
matrix[yMid][xMid] =
(matrix[top][left] +
matrix[bottom][left] +
matrix[bottom][right] +
matrix[top][right]) / 4;
//trace ("Top: " + top + " - Left: " + left + " - Bottom: " + bottom + " - Right: " + right);
//Adds random value to midpoint
matrix[yMid][xMid] += Math.random() * range;
//Set side values to average of adjacent corners
matrix[top][xMid] = (matrix[top][left] + matrix[top][right]) / 2;
matrix[bottom][xMid] = (matrix[bottom][left] + matrix[bottom][right]) / 2;
matrix[yMid][left] = (matrix[top][left] + matrix[bottom][left]) / 2;
matrix[yMid][right] = (matrix[top][right] + matrix[bottom][right]) / 2;
max = Math.max(matrix[top][left], max);
//Reduces range
range *= RangeModifier;
i *= 2;
//Normalizes all values in matrix
for (y in 0...Rows)
for (x in 0...Columns)
matrix[y][x] /= max;
return matrix;
These are the images it is producing if I use each value to render each pixel to the specified coordinate. All the pixels that are rendered white have the value 0, black is value 1.
Your problem is that you don't necessarily hit the already populated pixels with your calculations if your map dimensions are not a power of two. For example if your map is 30 units wide, your grid width is 15 in the first pass and 7 in the second pass, where it bases its calculations on the yet untouched unit 14.
A solution is to do all calculations with floating-point arithmetic until you determine the unit indices, which must of course be integer:
while (i < power)
var width:Float = Columns / i; // Floating-point division
var height:Float = Rows / i;
for (y in 0...i)
for (x in 0...i)
var left:Int = Math.floor(width * x);
var top:Int = Math.floor(height * y);
var xMid:Int = Math.floor(width * (x + 0.5));
var yMid:Int = Math.floor(height * (y + 0.5));
var right:Int = Math.floor(width * (x +1));
var bottom:Int = Math.floor(height * (y + 1));
//Make sure right and bottom do not go out of bounds
if (right > Columns - 1) right = Columns - 1;
if (bottom > Rows - 1) bottom = Rows - 1;
// Do offset and interpolation stuff
This should give you a random map, graph-paper effect and all.
(Caveat: I'm not familiar with Haxe, but have tested this in Javascript, which doesn't have an integer type. I've used Math-floor throughout, where you'll want to do it the Haxe way.)
Finally, it looks to me that you do too many passes. I'd base the power on the maximum of the two dimensions instead of the diagonal. You can also skip the last step where wthe width is near one.

Eliminating off-of-ball roll in Trackball controls (with code/fix)

Is the intent of the TrackballControl to have a "border" outside the trackball that induces roll? I personally dislike it. It is a bit discontinuous, and does't really have a lot of purpose (imho).
If not, the function getMouseProjectionOnBall can be changed similar to the following. This does two things (not necessarily "correctly"):
Normalize the radius to fill both axis
Map z values outside of the ball (ie where z was previously 0)
I find this a lot more natural, personally.
this.getMouseProjectionOnBall = function(clientX, clientY) {
var xnormalized = (clientX - _this.screen.width * 0.5 - _this.screen.offsetLeft) / (_this.screen.width / 2.0);
var ynormalized = (_this.screen.height * 0.5 + _this.screen.offsetTop - clientY) / (_this.screen.height / 2.0);
var mouseOnBall = new THREE.Vector3(
var length = mouseOnBall.length();
var ballRadius = 1.0; // As a fraction of the screen
if (length > ballRadius * 0.70710678118654752440) {
var temp = ballRadius / 1.41421356237309504880;
mouseOnBall.z = temp * temp / length;
// Remove old method.
// This Left z = 0, which meant rotation axis
// becomes z, which is a roll
} else {
mouseOnBall.z = Math.sqrt(1.0 - length * length);
var projection = _this.object.up.clone().setLength(mouseOnBall.y);
return projection;
