How to generate bytes array from PublicKey - go

I'm use crypto lib, ran into a problem: I need to convert the PublicKey type into byte[], as it can be done with a private key:
How can I solve this problem?

ecdsa.PrivateKey is a struct:
type PrivateKey struct {
D *big.Int
So privkey.D.Bytes() returns you the bytes of the D big integer.
Similarly, ecdsa.PublicKey:
type PublicKey struct {
X, Y *big.Int
You may do the same with pubkey.X and pubkey.Y fields. These will give you 2 separate byte slices. If you need to merge them into one, you need to come up with some kind of "format", e.g. encoding the length of the first slice (the result of pubkey.X.Bytes()) using 4 bytes, then the first slice, then the length (4 bytes again) of the 2nd slice, and the second slice itself.
Best would be to use the elliptic.Marshal() function for this:
func Marshal(curve Curve, x, y *big.Int) []byte
Marshal converts a point into the uncompressed form specified in section 4.3.6 of ANSI X9.62.
Example using it:
var pubkey *ecdsa.PublicKey = // ...
data := elliptic.Marshal(pubkey, pubkey.X, pubkey.Y)

For the lovely folks looking for a solution when it comes to ed25519/crypto. I banged my head for nearly 3 hours until I figured it out:
func getPrivateKey() ed25519.PrivateKey {
// TODO You fill in this one
func main() {
prvKey := getPrivateKey() // Get the private key
pubKey := prvKey.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
if !ok {
log.Errorf("Could not assert the public key to ed25519 public key")
pubKeyBytes := []byte(pubKey)


How can I map a list of integers to an integer in golang? [duplicate]

Is it possible to use slices as keys?
There is my attempt:
h := map[[]string]string{
[]string{"a", "b"} : "ab",
the compiler gives me an error invalid map key type []string. So either it's not possible or I declared it incorrectly (if so, what would be a correct way?).
However, it is possible to use arrays as map keys:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
m := make(map[[2]int]bool)
m[[2]int{1, 2}] = false
fmt.Printf("%v", m)
No, slices cannot be used as map keys as they have no equality defined.
Volker already told that this is not possible and I will give a little bit more details of why is it so with examples from the spec.
Map spec tells you:
The comparison operators == and != must be fully defined for operands
of the key type; thus the key type must not be a function, map, or
It already tells you that the slice can't be a key, but you could have checked it also in the comparison spec:
Slice, map, and function values are not comparable.
This means that also slice can't be a key, an array can be a key. For example you can write:
h := map[[2]string]string{
[2]string{"a", "b"} : "ab",
Depending on your requirements and the complexity of your data, you could use a string as a map key and then use a hash of your slice as the map key.
The nice thing is you can use this technique with anything that can be converted to or from a slice of bytes.
Here's a quick way to convert your slice of strings into a slice of bytes:
Here's an example using SHA1:
type ByteSliceMap struct {
buf *bytes.Buffer
m map[string][]byte
func (b *ByteSliceMap) key(buf []byte) string {
h := sha1.New()
sum := h.Sum(nil)
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sum)
func (t *ByteSliceMap) value(key []byte) (value []byte, ok bool) {
value, ok = t.m[t.key(key)]
func (t *ByteSliceMap) add(key, value []byte) {
if t.m == nil {
t.m = make(map[string][]byte)
t.m[t.key(key)] = value
Working version
One way to get around this problem is to actually create a key from a slice which has well defined comparison operators:
func createKey(s []string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%q", s) }
m := make(map[string]string)
s := []string{"a","b"}
m[createKey(s)] = "myValue"
In a similar fashion you would have to create functions for creating keys of slices with type different to string.

Scramble/unscramble an integer value to/from hexadecimal string

I'm attempting to implement some Go code to solve a problem in which I need to sufficiently obfuscate a known integer value by converting it into a seemingly random hexadecimal string, when provided a known key value as an additional input parameter. The resulting hexadecimal string needs to always be the same number of characters in length (ideally, <= 32 characters).
Furthermore, using the same key string value, I need to un-obfuscate the hexadecimal string back into the original integer. For additional context, I'd like to satisfy the following function signatures (but am open to alternative methods, if necessary):
func Scramble(key string, value int32) string {
// TODO: Given a known key and value, generate a sufficiently unpredictable hexadecimal string.
func Unscramble(key string, value string) int32 {
// TODO: Given a known key and value, generate the integer that created the hexadecimal string.
func main() {
key := "Something super secret!"
scrambled := Scramble(key, 135)
fmt.Printf("Scrambled: %s\n", scrambled) // Scrambled: a1dec128b590b9ec3281110d6d188c26
unscrambled := Unscramble(key, scrambled)
fmt.Printf("Unscrambled: %d\n", unscrambled) // Unscrambled: 135
I think XOR'ing may be the right direction, but I'm unsure and not particularly familiar with the topic yet.
Any insight/direction would be greatly appreciated! Please let me know if I can provide any additional context/clarifications.
There are many native or external packages to achieve what you want, but if you want to implement this yourself for a learning experience, you can try the following tack:
Rather than shuffle your data back and forth between string and int32 format - keep the data in its raw type and use Stringer methods to convert to hex - and helper methods/functions to convert to the desired type. This simplifies the scrambling/unscrambling logic - as the input types are the same for both.
// Code custom type so we can add stringer methods
type Code uint32
// String converts code to hex string format
func (c Code) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", uint32(c))
// CodeFromString gets a code from a hex string
func CodeFromString(hexs string) (Code, error) {
ui, err := strconv.ParseUint(hexs, 16, 32)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Code(ui), nil
// XOR scrambles/unscrambles
func XOR(key, value Code) Code {
return key ^ value
And to use:
keyHex := "74490a85"
valueHex := "d195c729"
value, _ := CodeFromString(valueHex)
key, _ := CodeFromString(keyHex)
scrambled := XOR(key, value)
unscrambled := XOR(key, scrambled)
Playground Example:

ed25519.Public result is different

Using the package i m trying to get a public key for a given private key.
Those data are from test 2 (mutable with salt)
Problem is, ed25519.Public() won t return the same public key when i fed it with the given private key.
The golang implementation returns the last 32 bytes of the PVK. But in my test data this is unexpected.
The code here
package main
import (
func main() {
priv := "e06d3183d14159228433ed599221b80bd0a5ce8352e4bdf0262f76786ef1c74db7e7a9fea2c0eb269d61e3b38e450a22e754941ac78479d6c54e1faf6037881d"
pub := "77ff84905a91936367c01360803104f92432fcd904a43511876df5cdf3e7e548"
sig := "6834284b6b24c3204eb2fea824d82f88883a3d95e8b4a21b8c0ded553d17d17ddf9a8a7104b1258f30bed3787e6cb896fca78c58f8e03b5f18f14951a87d9a08"
// d := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(priv))
privb, _ := hex.DecodeString(priv)
pvk := ed25519.PrivateKey(privb)
buffer := []byte("4:salt6:foobar3:seqi1e1:v12:Hello World!")
sigb := ed25519.Sign(pvk, buffer)
pubb, _ := hex.DecodeString(pub)
sigb2, _ := hex.DecodeString(sig)
log.Println(ed25519.Verify(pubb, buffer, sigb))
log.Printf("%x\n", pvk.Public())
log.Printf("%x\n", sigb)
log.Printf("%x\n", sigb2)
How to generate the same public key than the bep using golang ?
This is due to different ed25519 private key formats. An ed25519 key starts out as a 32 byte seed. This seed is hashed with SHA512 to produce 64 bytes (a couple of bits are flipped too). The first 32 bytes of these are used to generate the public key (which is also 32 bytes), and the last 32 bytes are used in the generation of the signature.
The Golang private key format is the 32 byte seed concatenated with the 32 byte public key. The private keys in the Bittorrent document you are using are the 64 byte result of the hash (or possibly just 64 random bytes that are used the same way as the hash result).
Since it’s not possible to reverse the hash, you can’t convert the Bittorrent keys to a format that the Golang API will accept.
You can produce a version of the Golang lib based on the existing package.
The following code depends on the internal package, so if you want to use it you will need to copy that package out so that it is available to you code. It’s also very “rough and ready”, I’ve basically just copied the chunks of code needed from the existing code to get this to work.
Note that the public key and signature formats are the same, so as long as you are not sharing private keys you don’t need to use this code to get a working implementation. You will only need it if you want to check the test vectors.
First generating the public key from a private key:
// Generate the public key corresponding to the already hashed private
// key.
// This code is mostly copied from GenerateKey in the
// package, from after the SHA512
// calculation of the seed.
func getPublicKey(privateKey []byte) []byte {
var A edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
var hBytes [32]byte
copy(hBytes[:], privateKey)
edwards25519.GeScalarMultBase(&A, &hBytes)
var publicKeyBytes [32]byte
return publicKeyBytes[:]
Next generating a signature:
// Calculate the signature from the (pre hashed) private key, public key
// and message.
// This code is mostly copied from the Sign function from
//, from after the SHA512 calculation of the
// seed.
func sign(privateKey, publicKey, message []byte) []byte {
var privateKeyA [32]byte
copy(privateKeyA[:], privateKey) // we need this in an array later
var messageDigest, hramDigest [64]byte
h := sha512.New()
var messageDigestReduced [32]byte
edwards25519.ScReduce(&messageDigestReduced, &messageDigest)
var R edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
edwards25519.GeScalarMultBase(&R, &messageDigestReduced)
var encodedR [32]byte
var hramDigestReduced [32]byte
edwards25519.ScReduce(&hramDigestReduced, &hramDigest)
var s [32]byte
edwards25519.ScMulAdd(&s, &hramDigestReduced, &privateKeyA, &messageDigestReduced)
signature := make([]byte, 64)
copy(signature[:], encodedR[:])
copy(signature[32:], s[:])
return signature
Finally we can use these two functions to demonstrate the test vectors:
privateKeyHex := "e06d3183d14159228433ed599221b80bd0a5ce8352e4bdf0262f76786ef1c74db7e7a9fea2c0eb269d61e3b38e450a22e754941ac78479d6c54e1faf6037881d"
expectedPublicKey := "77ff84905a91936367c01360803104f92432fcd904a43511876df5cdf3e7e548"
expectedSig := "6834284b6b24c3204eb2fea824d82f88883a3d95e8b4a21b8c0ded553d17d17ddf9a8a7104b1258f30bed3787e6cb896fca78c58f8e03b5f18f14951a87d9a08"
privateKey, _ := hex.DecodeString(privateKeyHex)
publicKey := getPublicKey(privateKey)
fmt.Printf("Calculated key: %x\n", publicKey)
fmt.Printf("Expected key: %s\n", expectedPublicKey)
keyMatches := expectedPublicKey == hex.EncodeToString(publicKey)
fmt.Printf("Public key matches expected: %v\n", keyMatches)
buffer := []byte("4:salt6:foobar3:seqi1e1:v12:Hello World!")
calculatedSig := sign(privateKey, publicKey, buffer)
fmt.Printf("Calculated sig: %x\n", calculatedSig)
fmt.Printf("Expected sig: %s\n", expectedSig)
sigMatches := expectedSig == hex.EncodeToString(calculatedSig)
fmt.Printf("Signature matches expected: %v\n", sigMatches)

creating generic functions for multi type arrays in Go

I am trying to create a generic function that can handle actions on slices in Go... for instance, append an item of any type to a slice of that same type. This is simply a generic purpose for a more complex solution, but overall the issue boils down to this example:
package main
type car struct {
make string
color string
type submarine struct {
name string
length int
func genericAppender(thingList interface{}, thing interface{}) []interface{} {
return append(thingList, thing)
func main() {
cars := make([]car, 0, 10)
cars[0] = car{make: "ford", color: "red"}
cars[1] = car{make: "chevy", color: "blue"}
subs := make([]submarine, 0, 10)
subs[0] = submarine{name: "sally", length: 100}
subs[1] = submarine{name: "matilda", length: 200}
newCar := car{make: "bmw", color: "white"}
genericAppender(&cars, newCar)
The code playground is at this location
The above errors as follows:
prog.go:14: first argument to append must be slice; have interface {}
After this change you're still getting a runtime error (index out of range) however the problem is that thingList is not of type []interface{} but rather interface{} so you can't append to it. Here's an updated version of your code on playground that does a type assertion to convert it to an []interface{} in line with the append. In reality you need to do that on a separate line and check for errors.
So to put some code here;
func genericAppender(thingList interface{}, thing interface{}) []interface{} {
return append(thingList.([]interface{}), thing)
will solve the basic problem you're facing. As noted, you still get runtime errors when indexing into the slice. Also, you could change the argument to avoid this by making it;
func genericAppender(thingList []interface{}, thing interface{}) []interface{} {
return append(thingList, thing)
Here's a complete example of the second type;
Note I also corrected the runtime error. When you use make with 3 args they are, in this order, type, length, capacity. This means the length of the array is 0 so when you try to assign to indexes 0 and 1 it was causing a panic for IndexOutoFRange. Instead I removed the middle argument so it's make([]interface{}, 10) meaning the length is initially set to 10 so you can assign to those indexes.
In the answer above if you do the following then it throws error. This is what the original question was about:
//genericAppender(subs, newCar). // Throws "cannot use subs (type []submarine) as type []interface {} in argument to genericAppender"
The trick is to convert your slice of specific type into a generic []interface{}.
func convertToGeneric(thingList interface{}) []interface{} {
input := reflect.ValueOf(thingList)
length := input.Len()
out := make([]interface{},length)
for i:=0 ;i < length; i++ {
out[i] = input.Index(i).Interface()
return out
This you can call the function like this:
genericAppender(convertToGeneric(subs), newCar)
You can check modified working code here:
With Go 1.19 (Q4 2022), no need for interface, or "convert your slice of specific type into a generic []interface{}"
CL 363434 comes with a new slices packages:
// Package slices defines various functions useful with slices of any type.
// Unless otherwise specified, these functions all apply to the elements
// of a slice at index 0 <= i < len(s).
package slices
import "constraints"
// Grow increases the slice's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for
// another n elements. After Grow(n), at least n elements can be appended
// to the slice without another allocation. If n is negative or too large to
// allocate the memory, Grow panics.
func Grow[S ~[]T, T any](s S, n int) S {
return append(s, make(S, n)...)[:len(s)]
// Equal reports whether two slices are equal: the same length and all
// elements equal. If the lengths are different, Equal returns false.
// Otherwise, the elements are compared in index order, and the
// comparison stops at the first unequal pair.
// Floating point NaNs are not considered equal.
func Equal[T comparable](s1, s2 []T) bool {
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
return false
for i, v1 := range s1 {
v2 := s2[i]
if v1 != v2 {
return false
return true
// ...
Ian Lance Taylor confirms in issue 45955:
This package is now available at
Per this thread, it will not be put into standard library until the 1.19 release.
We may of course adjust it based on anything we learn about having it in x/exp.

Slice as a key in map

Is it possible to use slices as keys?
There is my attempt:
h := map[[]string]string{
[]string{"a", "b"} : "ab",
the compiler gives me an error invalid map key type []string. So either it's not possible or I declared it incorrectly (if so, what would be a correct way?).
However, it is possible to use arrays as map keys:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
m := make(map[[2]int]bool)
m[[2]int{1, 2}] = false
fmt.Printf("%v", m)
No, slices cannot be used as map keys as they have no equality defined.
Volker already told that this is not possible and I will give a little bit more details of why is it so with examples from the spec.
Map spec tells you:
The comparison operators == and != must be fully defined for operands
of the key type; thus the key type must not be a function, map, or
It already tells you that the slice can't be a key, but you could have checked it also in the comparison spec:
Slice, map, and function values are not comparable.
This means that also slice can't be a key, an array can be a key. For example you can write:
h := map[[2]string]string{
[2]string{"a", "b"} : "ab",
Depending on your requirements and the complexity of your data, you could use a string as a map key and then use a hash of your slice as the map key.
The nice thing is you can use this technique with anything that can be converted to or from a slice of bytes.
Here's a quick way to convert your slice of strings into a slice of bytes:
Here's an example using SHA1:
type ByteSliceMap struct {
buf *bytes.Buffer
m map[string][]byte
func (b *ByteSliceMap) key(buf []byte) string {
h := sha1.New()
sum := h.Sum(nil)
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sum)
func (t *ByteSliceMap) value(key []byte) (value []byte, ok bool) {
value, ok = t.m[t.key(key)]
func (t *ByteSliceMap) add(key, value []byte) {
if t.m == nil {
t.m = make(map[string][]byte)
t.m[t.key(key)] = value
Working version
One way to get around this problem is to actually create a key from a slice which has well defined comparison operators:
func createKey(s []string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%q", s) }
m := make(map[string]string)
s := []string{"a","b"}
m[createKey(s)] = "myValue"
In a similar fashion you would have to create functions for creating keys of slices with type different to string.
