Ruby regex: union 2K values in one regex, - ruby

I code a process to process bunch of text files and capture its name if any of 2000 literals exists in it (1 or many). So I'm thinking to combine that many values into one regex, do you think it's doable, I did test for 100 and looks like it's OK. Tx all
Code below depics my flow and sample code, just without looping.
# 1. read regex value list as file [alpha,fox, delta] # 2000 values
# 2. read file into s #5000 files
# 3. find if any of #1 values exists in each #2 file. *with regex tweaks to match format dbname.dob.table
s = '1 dbName.dbo.ALPHA 2 DBNAME.bcd.ALPHA 3 dbName..ALPHA 4 ALPHA 5x dbName.alphA 6x alpha.XX 7x ###dbName.###a.alpha --alpha
dbName..FOX dbName.dbo.DELTA '
value1 = '(?<=^|\s)(?:dbName\.[a-z]*\.)?(?:alpha)(?=\s|$)'
value2 = '(?<=^|\s)(?:dbName\.[a-z]*\.)?(?:fox)(?=\s|$)'
value2000 = '(?<=^|\s)(?:dbName\.[a-z]*\.)?(?:delta)(?=\s|$)'
regex = /#{value1}|#{value2}|#{value2000}/i ## can I union 2000 regex's ???
puts 'reg1: ' + regex.to_s
puts 'result: ' + s.scan(regex).to_s
if s.scan(regex) then puts '...Match!!!d' end

Declaring 2000 variables is highly unnecessary; you should define all values in a single array, then somehow loop through them.
Also, the regular expression is highly repetitive - e.g. the use of (?:dbName\.[a-z]*\.) 2000 times. This can be simplified by grouping all of your values within the non-capture group as follows:
values = %w(alpha fox delta)
regex = /(?<=^|\s)(?:dbName\.[a-z]*\.)?(?:#{Regexp.union(values)})(?=\s|$)/
This is the result:
If you extend that values array to contain 2000 strings, the other code does not need to change.

Provided two conditions are met, I would do it as follows, which I think would be far more efficient than using a gigantic regular expression, which, by its nature, requires that a linear search of the "bad words" be performed for each word in the string, until a match is found or it is determined that there are no matches.
We are given a file whose path is contained in a variable fname and an array of bad words:
arr = ["alpha", "fox", "delta", "charlie", "mabel"]
The first condition that I spoke of above is that, by way of example, "ALPHA" and "Alpha" match "alpha", but "aLPha" does not (or some variant of that).
The second condition is that there is a regular expression with a capture group that would capture a bad word if a bad word were present at the given location in a match. For example:
regex = (?<=^|\s)(?:dbName\.[a-z]*\.)?(\p{Alpha}+)(?=\s|$)
Wherever there is a match, the capture group (\p{Alpha}+) would capture a string of one or more alphanumeric characters whose value is assigned to the global variable $1. We will then check to see if the value of $1 is a bad word. (The regular expression might have other capture groups as well, in which case we might be looking for $2 or $3, say, or a named capture group.)
If there were more than one such regular expression to check for, the code below could be executed for each of them until a match is found or it is determined that there are no more matches.
The first step is to convert the array of bad words to a set:
require 'set'
bad_words = arr.flat_map { |w| [w, w.capitalize, w.upcase] }.to_set
#=> #<Set: {"alpha", "Alpha", "ALPHA", "fox", "Fox", "FOX",
# "delta", "Delta", "DELTA", "charlie", "Charlie", "CHARLIE",
# "mabel", "Mabel", "MABEL"}>
This allows very fast word lookups--much faster than stepping through an array. We may then search the file as follows.
rv = IO.foreach(fname).any? do |line|
line.gsub(regex).any? { bad_words.include?($1) }
IO::foreach without a block is seen to return an enumerator. We can then chain that to any? to determine if there is a line that contains a match of the regular expression and the value of its capture group is contained in the set bad_words. If such a line is found the search terminates and true is returned; else, false is returned.
It is seen that String#gsub without a block returns an enumerator, which here I've chained to any?. This form of gsub has nothing to do with string replacements; it just generates matches. Those matches are passed to the block, but we are only interested in the contents of the capture group, which are held by $1. Hence the expression bad_words.include?($1).


Substring extraction issues with regex in Ruby

I'm attempting to do some substring extraction in Ruby through the use of regular expressions, and running into some issues with the regexp being "overly selective".
Here's the target string I'm attempting to match:
"Exam­ple strin­g with 3 numbe­rs, 2 comma­s, and 6,388­ other­ value­s that are not inclu­ded."
What I'm attempting to extract is the numerical values in the statement provided. In order to account for the comma, I came up with the expression /(\d{1,3}(,\d{1,3})*)/.
Testing the following in IRB, this is the code and result:
string = "Exam­ple strin­g with 3 numbe­rs, 2 comma­s, and 6,388­ other­ value­s that are not inclu­ded."
puts strin­g.scan(/(\­d{1,3}(,\d­{1,3})*)/)­
=> "[[\"3\", nil], [\"2\", nil], [\"6,388\", \",388\"]]"
What I'm looking for is something along the lines of ["3", "2", "6,388"]. Here's the issues I need help correcting:
Why does Ruby include nil for each match group that is not comma-delimited, and how do I adjust the regular expression/match strategy to remove that and get a "flat" array?
How do I prevent the regular expression from matching a sub-expression of the substring I'm attempting to match (that is, ",388" in "6,388")?
I did attempt to use .match(), but ran into the issue that it simply returned "3" (presumably, the first value matched) with no other information apparent. Attempting to index that with [1] or [2] resulted in nil.
If there's a capturing group in pattern, String#scan returns array of arrays to express all groups.
For each match, a result is generated and either added to the result
array or passed to the block. If the pattern contains no groups, each
individual result consists of the matched string, $&. If the pattern
contains groups, each individual result is itself an array containing
one entry per group.
By removing capturing group or by replacing (...) with non-capturing group (?:...), you will get a different result:
string = "Example string with 3 numbers, 2 commas, and 6,388 other values ..."
string.scan(/\d{1,3}(?:,\d{1,3})*/) # no capturing group
# => ["3", "2", "6,388"]

How do I regex-match an unknown number of repeating elements?

I'm trying to write a Ruby script that replaces all rem values in a CSS file with their px equivalents. This would be an example CSS file:
body{font-size:1.6rem;margin:4rem 7rem;}
The MatchData I'd like to get would be:
# Match 1 Match 2
# 1. font-size 1. margin
# 2. 1.6 2. 4
# 3. 7
However I'm entirely clueless as to how to get multiple and different MatchData results. The RegEx that got me closest is this (you can also take a look at it at Rubular):
This will match single instances of value declarations (so it will properly return the desired Match 1 result), but entirely disregards multiples.
I also tried something along the lines of ([0-9.]+?rem\s*)+, but that didn't return the desired result either, and doesn't feel like I'm on the right track, as it won't return multiple result data sets.
EDIT After the suggestions in the answers, I ended up solving the problem like this:
# search for any declarations that contain rem unit values and modify blockwise
#output.gsub!(/([^ }{;]+):\s*([^}{;]*[0-9.]rem+[^;]*)(?=\s*;|\s*})/i) do |match|
# search for any single rem value
string = match.gsub(/([0-9.]+)rem/i) do |value|
# convert the rem value to px by multiplying by 10 (this is not universal!)
value = sprintf('%g', Regexp.last_match[1].to_f * 10).to_s + 'px'
string += ';' + match # append the original match result to the replacement
match = string # overwrite the matched result
You can't capture a dynamic number of match groups (at least not in ruby).
Instead you could do either one of the following:
Capture the whole value and split on space
Use multilevel matching to capture first the whole key/value pair and secondly match the value. You can use blocks on the match method in ruby.
This regex will do the job for your example :
But whith this you can't match something like : margin:4rem 7rem 9rem
This is what I've been able to do: DEMO
Regex: (?<={|;)([^:}]+)(?::)([^A-Za-z]+)
And this is what my result looks like:
# Match 1 Match 2
# 1. font-size 1. margin
# 2. 1.6 2. 4
As #koffeinfrei says, dynamic capture isn't possible in Ruby. Would be smarter to capture the whole string and remove spaces.
str = 'body{font-size:1.6rem;margin:4rem 7rem;}'
str.scan(/(?<=[{; ]).+?(?=[;}])/)
.map { |e| e.match /(?<prop>.+):(?<value>.+)/ }
#⇒ [
# [0] #<MatchData "font-size:1.6rem" prop:"font-size" value:"1.6rem">,
# [1] #<MatchData "margin:4rem 7rem" prop:"margin" value:"4rem 7rem">
# ]
The latter match might be easily adapted to return whatever you want, value.split(/\s+/) will return all the values, \d+ instead of .+ will match digits only etc.

Capturing groups don't work as expected with Ruby scan method

I need to get an array of floats (both positive and negative) from the multiline string. E.g.: -45.124, 1124.325 etc
Here's what I do:
Although it works fine on regex101 (capturing group 0 matches everything I need), it doesn't work in Ruby code.
Any ideas why it's happening and how I can improve that?
See scan documentation:
If the pattern contains no groups, each individual result consists of the matched string, $&. If the pattern contains groups, each individual result is itself an array containing one entry per group.
You should remove capturing groups (if they are redundant), or make them non-capturing (if you just need to group a sequence of patterns to be able to quantify them), or use extra code/group in case a capturing group cannot be avoided.
In this scenario, the capturing group is used to quantifiy a pattern sequence, thus all you need to do is convert the capturing group into a non-capturing one by replacing all unescaped ( with (?: (there is only one occurrence here):
text = " -45.124, 1124.325"
puts text.scan(/[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?/)
See demo, output:
Well, if you need to also match floats like .04 you can use [+-]?\d*\.?\d+. See another demo
There are cases when you cannot get rid of a capturing group, e.g. when the regex contains a backreference to a capturing group. In that case, you may either a) declare a variable to store all matches and collect them all inside a scan block, or b) enclose the whole pattern with another capturing group and map the results to get the first item from each match, c) you may use a gsub with just a regex as a single argument to return an Enumerator, with .to_a to get the array of matches:
text = "11234566666678"
# Variant a:
results = []
text.scan(/(\d)\1+/) { results << Regexp.last_match(0) }
p results # => ["11", "666666"]
# Variant b:
p text.scan(/((\d)\2+)/).map(&:first) # => ["11", "666666"]
# Variant c:
p text.gsub(/(\d)\1+/).to_a # => ["11", "666666"]
See this Ruby demo.
assumes there is a leading digit before the decimal point
see demo at Rubular
If you need capture groups for a complex pattern match, but want the entire expression returned by .scan, this can work for you.
Suppose you want to get the image urls in this string perhaps from a markdown text with html image tags:
str = %(
<img src="">
<img src="">).strip
You may have a regular expression defined to match just the urls, and maybe used a Rubular example like this to build/test your Regexp
image_regex =
Now you don't need each sub-capture group, but just the the entire expression in your your .scan, you can just wrap the whole pattern inside a capture group and use it like this:
image_regex =
=> ["",
How does this actually work?
Since you have 3 capture groups, .scan alone will return an Array of arrays with, one for each capture:
=> [["", "user-", "githubusercontent"],
["", nil, "zenhubusercontent"]]
Since we only want the 1st (outter) capture group, we can just call .map(&:first)

At which position does the regex fail?

I need a very simple string validator that would show where is first symbol not corresponding to the desired format. I want to use regex but in this case I have to find the place where the string stops corresponding to the expression and I can't find a method that would do that.
(It's got to be a fairly simple method... maybe there isn't one?)
For example if I have regex:
with string:
The desired result should be 7
An idea: what you can do is to tokenize your pattern and write it with optional nested capturing groups:
Then you only need to count the number of capture groups you obtain to know where the regex engine stops in the pattern and you can determine the offset of the match end in the string with the whole match length.
As #zx81 notices it in his comment, if one of the elements can match the next element (example Q can match the element E), things become different.
Let's say that Q is \w (and can match E and R). For the string QQQEEERRR the precedent pattern will give only one capturing group (the greedy \w+ matches all) when ^(\w+)(E+)(R+)$ will give three groups: QQQEE, E, RRR
To obtain the same result you need to add an alternation:
In the alternation, the case where E exists must be tested first, and only if this branch fails (with the lookahead), then the other branch where E doesn't exist is used.
Thus the full pattern can be rewritten like this to deal with this specific case:
Perhaps could you take a look to the gem amatch too.
This is an interesting task that can be accomplished with a neat regex trick:
We have four optional lookaheads checking various parts of the pattern and capturing the partial matches to Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 incrementally.
Group 1 contains Q+ if it can be matched, in your example QQQQ.
Group 2 contains Q+E+ if it can be matched, in your example EEE.
Group 3 contains Q+E+R+ if it can be matched, in your example nil.
Group 3 contains Q+E+R+$ if it can be matched, in your example nil.
In your code, check which is the last Group that is set by testing !$1.nil?, !$2.nil? and so on.
The last one set gives you the length that is matchable, so in your example $2.length gives you the 7 you wanted.
Incidentally, the fact that Group 2 is the last one set also tells you that we fail on R+.
For your example, you could do the following.
Change your regex from:
R = /^(Q*)(E*)(R*)/
and then apply the following method to the string:
def nbr_matched_chars(str)
str.scan(R).flatten.reduce(0) {|t,e| return t if e.nil?; t+e.size }
str matches the original regex if and only if nbr_matched_chars(str) == str.size.
nbr_matched_chars("QQQQEEE2ER") #=> 7
nbr_matched_chars("QQQQEEEERR") #=> 10 (= "QQQQEEEERR".size)
nbr_matched_chars("QQAQQEEEER") #=> 2
To see why this [evidently :-)] works, we can look at the results of invoking String#scan, followed by Array#flatten:
"QQQQEEE2ER".scan(r).flatten #=> ["QQQQ", "EEE" , nil ]
"QQQQEEEERR".scan(r).flatten #=> ["QQQQ", "EEEE", "RR"]
"QQAQQEEEER".scan(r).flatten #=> ["QQ" , nil , nil ]

How can I extract a variable number of sub-matches from a Ruby regex?

I have some strings that I would like to pattern match and then extract out the matches as variables $1, $2, etc.
The pattern matching code I have is
a = /^([\+|\-]?[1-9]?)([C|P])(?:([\+|\-][1-9]?)([C|P]))*$/i.match(field)
puts result = #{a.to_a.inspect}
With the above I am able to easily match the following sample strings:
"C", "+2C", "2c-P", "2C-3P", "P+C"
And I have confirmed all of these work on the Rubular website.
However, when I try to match "+2P-c-3p", it matches however, the MatchData "array-like object" looks like this:
result = ["+2P-C-3P", "+2", "P", "-3", "P"]
The problem is that I am unable to extract into the array, the middle pattern "-C".
What I would expect to see is:
result = ["+2P-C-3P", "+2", "P", "-", "C", "-3", "P"]
It seems to extract only the end part "-3P" as "-3" and "P"
Does anyone know how I can modify my pattern to capture the middle matches ?
So as an other example, +3c+2p-c-4p, I would expect should create:
["+3c+2p-c-4p", "+3", "C", "+2", "P", "-", "C", "-4", "P"]
but what I get is
["+3c+2p-c-4p", "+3", "C", "-4", "P"]
which completely misses the middle part.
You have a profound (but common) misunderstanding how character classes work. This:
is wrong. Unless you want to match pipe | characters. There is no alternation in character classes - they are not like groups. This would be correct:
Also, there are no meta-characters in a character class, so you only need to escape very few characters (namely, the closing square bracket ] and the dash -, unless you put it at the end of the group). So your regex reduces to:
Your second misunderstanding is that group count is dynamic - that you somehow have more groups in the result because more matches occurred in the string. This is not the case.
You have exactly as many groups in your result as you have parentheses pairs in your regex (less the number of non-capturing groups of course). In this case, that number is 4. No more, no less.
If a group matches multiple times, only the contents of the last match occurrence will be retained. There is no way (in Ruby) to get the contents of previous match occurrences for that group.
As an alternative, you could regex-split the string into its meaningful parts and then parse them in a loop to extract all info.
This is what I managed to do :
This way you capture multiple elements.
The only problem is the validity of the string. As ruby doesn't have look-behind I can't check the start of the string, so zerhyju+2P-C-3P is valid (but will only capture +2P-C-3P) whereas +2P-C-3Pzertyuio isn't valid.
If you want to both capture and check if your string is valid, the best way (IMO) is to use two regexes, one to check the value ^(?:[+-]?\d?[CP])*$ and a second one to capture ([+-]?\d?)(C|P) (You could also use ([CP]) for the last part).
