Password Policy errors not being thrown with LDAP Spring Security - spring

I have am fairly new to Spring Security with LDAP and I am trying to authenticate with a user who has a password expired on the LDAP server(FreeIPA).
I cannot seem to trigger any password expired exception etc. The Password Policy Response Controls always return null....
Here is my code, perhaps I am doing something incorrectly. How do I handle password policy errors? They don't fire at all currently.
<bean id="freeIpaContextSource" class="">
<constructor-arg value="${}"/>
<property name="base" value="${}"/>
<bean id="freeIpaLdapTemplate" class="">
<constructor-arg name="contextSource" ref="freeIpaContextSource"/>
I have a custom LdapAuthenticator below which uses a ldaptemplate to authenticate users.
public DirContextOperations authenticate(Authentication authentication) {
checkForIllegalStateDuringAuthentication(authentication);"*** Beginning to authenticate against LDAP zone %s ***", authorizationZone.getName()));
zoneAuthenticationService.saveRequestDataInSession((UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) authentication, authorizationZone.getName());
CollectingAuthenticationErrorCallback errorCallback = new CollectingAuthenticationErrorCallback();
boolean isAuthenticated = false;
String userName = authentication.getName();
String password = authentication.getCredentials().toString();
String filterLookup = buildLDAPFilterLookupString(userName);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) {"*** Attempting authentication for user %s ***", userName));
try {
isAuthenticated = ldapTemplate.authenticate(StringUtils.EMPTY, filterLookup, password, errorCallback);
} catch (Exception exception) {
if (!isAuthenticated) {
if (errorCallback.getError() == null) {
errorCallback.execute(new AuthenticationException(null));
//Any LDAP exception caught are stored inside the errorCallBack for use later to display an appropriate error.
logger.error(String.format("*** Authentication for user %s has failed. Exception has occurred while system performed LDAP authentication. ***", userName), errorCallback.getError());
throw new LdapAuthenticationException(errorCallback.getError().getMessage(), errorCallback.getError());
}"*** Authentication for user %s has succeeded ***", userName));
return new DirContextAdapter(buildAuthenticatedDN(userName));
No matter what I do I cannot get any password policy errors to return. From my understanding you need to set a request control with PasswordPolicyControl when attempting to authenticate, but I never receive any response controls from the server. I have tried implementing something like below, but no luck on anything.
LdapContext context = (LdapContext)ldapTemplate.getContextSource().getContext(buildAuthenticatedDN(userName).toString(), password);
Control[] rctls = new Control[]{new PasswordPolicyControl(false)};
PasswordPolicyResponseControl ctrl = PasswordPolicyControlExtractor.extractControl(context);
//ctrl is always null
if (ctrl.isExpired()) {
throw new
What am I doing wrong? I am struggling greatly with this and any help would very much be appreciated.

If your client really sends the correct response control you might hit this issue (open since 7 years):
#1539 [RFE] Add code to check password expiration on ldap bind
IIRC FreeIPA enforces password expiry only during Kerberos pre-authc (kinit).


Error message is not displayed when when validating a user using spring framework

So I am trying to authenticate a user using a POST login API but the issue is when the user does not exist (meaning username (unique) not in the database) the thrown error message is not displayed on the client side (POSTMAN). I tried debugging and the error is thrown but not displayed all I see is Status: 401 Unauthorized from POSTMAN
But when the user exists but the password doesn't match, it displays the correct thrown error message. NOTE: I am using spring's OAuth 2.0 Resource Server JWT
Controller method
#PostMapping(path = "/login", consumes = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<?> login(#Valid #RequestBody UserDTO userDTO) throws UsernameNotFoundException {"Authenticating {}", userDTO.getUsername());
userDTOService.confirmUser(userDTO); // Where the issue occurs
Authentication authentication = authenticationManager
.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userDTO.getUsername(), userDTO.getPassword()));
return ResponseEntity.ok()
Service method (confirm user method)
public void confirmUser(UserDTO userDTO) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
* Check if username exist in the database
* Check if the password provided equals password in database
* */
String username = userDTO.getUsername();
String password = userDTO.getPassword();
Optional<User> user = userRepository.findUserByUserName(username);
// This error is not displayed
if (user.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.error("User {} does not exist", username);
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(username + " does not exist");
boolean checkingCredentials = user
param ->
passwordEncoder.matches(password, param.getPassword())
if (!checkingCredentials) {
LOGGER.error("Bad user credentials");
throw new RuntimeException("Please check username or password");
The reason I was getting a 401 instead of the correct error message is because my approach was wrong. I had 2 solutions to this but I am not sure if the 2nd is the industry standard.
The first approach:
Pass the user credentials to a UsernamePasswordToken to generate a token.
Then I the token into the authentication manager to be authenticated
Surround the auth manager in a try catch block to return an exception. The thrown error message will be of your chosen.
The second approach:
I want to check if user exists in the database or else throw Not found exception
If step 1 passed then I want to check the user password trying to log in and the hashed password in the database. If they do not match, I want to throw an invalid password exception
If no error is thrown, then I want to pass the users name, password and authorities into UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken().

Spring Oauth with multiple users tables

I am creating an application using Spring with Oauth2 as a backend for two apps (provider app and a consumer app). I have two different types of users; Providers, and consumers, each with its own db table.
The problem I am facing is that I cannot find a way to know if the request is coming from a provider or a customer, as each one will be in a different db table.
The username is Not unique between the two tables. So, a provider and a consumer can have the same username (and password).
I think any of the following solutions will suffice, however, I can’t find any way to implement any of them.
Having two different endpoints for each user class. e.g. “/provider/oauth/token” and “/consumer/oauth/token”. Each with its custom authentication manager.
Or: Having two authorization servers in the same Spring application, and then mapping their “/oauth/token” to different endpoints.
Or: Sending custom data in the oauth request to know where the request is coming from, and then dynamically selecting an authentication manager.
Or: Associating different authentication manager to different OAuth clients, and then ensuring that each app will have its respective client ID.
If any of these solutions is possible, or if there is another way to accomplish this, please let me know.
Any help is appreciated.
Edit - Solution
Following the answer below, I added another client with a different client ID, check the id in the UserDetailsService and then decide which db to use. Here is the code:
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String email) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication = (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
User user = (User) authentication.getPrincipal();
String username = user.getUsername();
if (username.equals(OAuth2Configuration.provider_app))
// Load from provider db
else if (username.equals(OAuth2Configuration.consumer_app))
// Load from consumer db
throw new UsernameNotFoundException("ClientID " + username + " not found.");
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken is used as /oauth/token is protected with Basic Oauth using the client id and secret.
I think you should be able to look inside SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication.
This should be an instance of OAuth2Authentication, from which you can (after you cast) call getOAuth2Request() to get the original Oauth2Request details.
With this information you can have a single UserDetailsService that can delegate lookups to the correct db tables. You could use scopes or resourceIds to help determine what db table to use.
You could use the third option. but this is not a good principal to follow. you can send a custom param in the oauth/token end point. it can be accessed by AutoWiring HttpServletRequest in the userDetailsService.
private HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest;
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
try {
String userType = httpServletRequest.getParameter("user_type");"Load user method \n Username : " + username + "\nuser_type : " + userType);
if (userType == null) {
throw new CustomOauthException("User type is required !");
if (userType.equals(String.valueOf(MOBILE_USER))) {
//get user..
} else if (userType.equals(String.valueOf(DRIVER))) {
//get driver..
} else if (userType.equals(String.valueOf(ADMIN))) {
//get admin
throw new CustomOauthException("User type is not valid !");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception : " + e.getMessage());
throw new CustomOauthException(e.getMessage());

Get session attributes in tomcat realm

I am developing an application in J2E with struts 2 and tomcat v6.
I have a login page in my application where the user will have to type his password by clicking on a virtual keyboard (made on my own).
Before the keyboard appears, i have an action to randomise the characters' . This action also encode all characters for security reasons and set the map of characters and code in session.
The authentication is done with a JDBC realm in tomcat.
What i am trying to do is to decode the user's password. I have tried a filter with the url-pattern "j_security_check" but i found it was not possible to catch this event in filter.
So I am trying to decode the password in the JDBC realm, but it is not working. I have tried to use ServletActionContext.getRequest() in the realm but I am facing a null pointer exception.
Is it possible to get the map stored in session in the realm ?
If it is not, any clues of how to do this are welcome because I haven't found any solution.
One posible solution is writing Custom Authenticator, extending FormAuthenticator
//Will expand the basic FORM authentication to include auth based on request headers
public class CustomAuthenticator extends FormAuthenticator{
public boolean authenticate(Request request, Response response, LoginConfig config) throws IOException{
if(request.getUserPrincipal() == null){
Realm realm = context.getRealm();
//Pick the user name and password from the request headers
//you can decode the password here
if(username == null || pass ==null) return super.authenticate(....);
boolean authenticated = realm.authenticate(username, pass);
if(authenticated == false) return false;
//Set the username/password on the session and set the principal in request
session.setNote(Constants.SESS_USERNAME_NOTE, username);
session.setNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE, password);
register(request, response, principal, Constants.FORM_METHOD, username, pass);
return true;
See also: and

UserDetails getPassword returns null in spring security 3.1. How to get password of currently logged in user?

I have implemented change password functionality using spring security but ((UserDetails) principal).getPassword()) is returning null for logged in user.
If I remember correctly, this used to work earlier in 3.0. Was this changed in 3.1 so that the current password of the logged in user cannot be retrieved?
In the below code I am checking the current password typed in user password from the web page. I am then checking if the logged in user's password matches the typed in password. If it does then I want to set oldPasswordMatchNewPassword = true.
How do I implement this functionality?
#RequestMapping(value = "/account/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String submitChangePasswordPage(
#RequestParam("oldpassword") String oldPassword,
#RequestParam("password") String newPassword) {
Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
String username = principal.toString();
if (principal instanceof UserDetails) {
username = ((UserDetails) principal).getUsername();
System.out.println("username: " + username);
System.out.println("password: "
+ ((UserDetails) principal).getPassword());
if (((UserDetails) principal).getPassword() != null) {
if (((UserDetails) principal).getPassword().equals(oldPassword)) {
oldPasswordMatchNewPassword = true;
if (oldPasswordMatchNewPassword == true) {"Old password matches new password. Password will be updated.");
changePasswordDao.changePassword(username, newPassword);
return "";
} else {"Old password did not match new password. Password will be not be updated.");
return null;
I put a couple of sysout()s so that I can see the values returned.
For ((UserDetails) principal).getUsername() I can see the correct logged in user.
((UserDetails) principal).getPassword() it is returning null.
How do I get ((UserDetails) principal).getPassword() this value?
Thanks in advance!
I used this block of code (erase-credentials="false") to fix this. I do not know if this is an elegant solution but it fixed my problem:
<authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager" erase-credentials="false">
<!-- authentication-provider user-service-ref="userService" -->
<jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="dataSource" />
Yes, this has changed in version 3.1. Credentials are cleared after a successfull authentication by default. You can set eraseCredentialsAfterAuthentication to false on the ProviderManager to prevent this.
See details here:
Since the password isn't retained in memory after the user has been authenticated (generally a good thing), you would need to explicitly reload it in order to use it. An alternative and more flexible strategy is to inject an instance of the AuthenticationManager and use that directly:
String name = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
try {
authenticationManager.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(name, oldPassword));
// Update password here with your dao
} catch (AuthenticationException e) {
// Old password was wrong
that way you don't need to worry about things like password-encoding strategies. Note that you shouldn't be storing passwords in plain text. They should be hashed using bcrypt or something similar.

Spring Security in Standalone Application

How do I use Spring Security in a standalone application. I just need to use the Authentication portion of Spring Security. I need to authenticate users against Windows Active Directory. There are lots of examples in the web for using spring security in Servlets but couldn't find much for using them in standalone applications.
I am only looking for something to complete this method
boolean isValidCredentials(String username, String password)
//TODO use spring security for authentication here..
You can use the ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider from spring-security-ldap if you just need to do authentication.
Just create a bean in your application context like:
<bean id="adAuthProvider" class="">
<constructor-arg value="your.domain" />
<constructor-arg value="ldap://" />
Then use it like
try {
adAuthProvider.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken("user", "password"));
} catch (AuthenticationException ae) {
// failed
public Authentication authenticate( String username, String password ) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( username, password );
Authentication auth = _authProvider.authenticate( token );
if (null != auth) {
SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication( auth );
_eventPublisher.publishEvent( new InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent( auth, this.getClass() ) );
return auth;
throw new BadCredentialsException( "null authentication" );
I haven't tried above code by myself, but looks reasonable. Below link to javadoc for convenience SecurityContextHolder
