querying data with micrometer - spring-boot

We have this fancy monitoring system to which our spring-boot services are posting metrics to an influx DB with micrometer. There's a nice grafana frontend, but the problem is that we're now at a stage where we have to have some of these metrics available in other services to reason on.
The whole system was set up by my predecessor, and my current understanding of it is practically zero. I can add and post new metrics, but I can't for the life of me get anything out of it.
Here's a short example:
Our gateway increments the counter for each image that a camera posts to it. The definition of the counter looks like this:
private val imageCounters = mutableMapOf<String, Counter>()
private val imageCounter = { camera: String ->
imageCounters.getOrPut(camera) {
registry.counter("gateway.image.counter", "camera", camera)
And the counter is incremented in the code like this:
Now we're improving our billing, and the billing service needs to know how many images for a certain camera went through the gateway. So naturally the first thing I try looks like this:
class MonitoringService(val metrics: MeterRegistry) {
private val log = logger()
private val imageCounters = mutableMapOf<String, Counter>()
private val imageCounter = { camera: String ->
imageCounters.getOrPut(camera) {
metrics.counter("gateway.image.counter", "camera", camera)
fun test() {
val test = imageCounter("16004").count()
val bugme = true
log.info("influx test: $test")
There's two problems with this: First off it always returns zero, so obviously I'm doing it wrong. I just can't figure out what it is.
Second, even if it would return a reasonable value, I don't see a way to limit this by time (I'll usually need the number of images uploaded during the current month).
What worries me is that while I can find a lot of documentation on how to post data with micrometer, I can't seem to find any documentation on how to query. Is Micrometer only designed to post monitoring data, but not query it? the .getOrPut() method would indicate it can do both, but since querying data seems undocumented as far as I can tell, that might be a misconception on my part.
There is an influx-db client for Java, which I'll try next, but at the end of the day I don't want multiple components in my application doing the same thing just because I'm not familiar with the tools I inherited.

InfluxMeterRegistry is a StepMeterRegistry, so the created Counter from it is a StepCounter. StepCounter.increment() increments the count in the current step but StepCounter.count() will return the count in the previous step. That's why you're seeing 0 with count() although you've already invoked increment() several times. You can see it in the next step and the default step is 1 minute, so you have to wait for 1 minute to see it.
See the following test to get an idea on how it works: https://github.com/izeye/sample-micrometer-spring-boot/blob/influx/src/test/java/com/izeye/sample/InfluxMeterRegistryTests.java


MongoTemplate, Criteria and Hashmap

Good Morning.
I'm starting to learn some mongo right now.
I'm facing this problem right now, and i'm start to think if this is the best approach to resolve this "task", or if is bettert to turn around and write another way to solve this "problem".
My goal is to iterate a simple map of values (key) and vector\array (values)
My test map will be recived by a rest layer.
now after some logic, i need to use the Dao in order to look into db.
The Key will be "realm", the value inside vector are "castle".
Every Realm have some castle and every castle have some "rules".
I need to find every rules for each avaible combination of realm-castle.
AccessLevel is a pojo labeled by #Document annotation and it will have various params, such as castle and realm (both simple int)
So the idea will be to iterate a map and write a long query for every combination of key-value.
public AccessLevel searchAccessLevel(Map<String,Integer[]> request){
Query q = new Query();
Criteria c = new Criteria();
request.forEach((k,v)-> {
for (int i: Arrays.asList(v)
) {
List<AccessLevel> response=db.find(q,AccessLevel.class);
for (AccessLevel x: response
) {
As you can see i'm facing an error concerning $and.
Due to limitations of the org.bson.Document, you can't add a second '$and' expression specified as [...]
it seems mongo can't handle various $and, something i'm pretty used to abuse over sql
select * from a where id =1 and id=2 and id=3 and id=4
(not the best, sincei can use IN(), but sql allow me)
So, the point is: mongo can actualy work in this way and i need to dig more into the problem, or i need to do another approach, like using criterion.in(), and make N interrogation via mongotemplate one for every key in my Map?

Reactive Redis does not continually publish changes to the Flux

I am trying to get live updates on my redis ordered list without success.
It seems like it fetches all the items and just ends on the last item.
I would like the client to keep get updates upon a new order in my ordered list.
What am I missing?
This is my code:
class LiveOrderController {
lateinit var redisOperations: ReactiveRedisOperations<String, LiveOrder>
#GetMapping(produces = [MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE], value = "/orders")
fun getLiveOrders(): Flux<LiveOrder> {
val zops = redisOperations?.opsForZSet()
return zops?.rangeByScore("orders", Range.unbounded())
There is no such feature in Redis. First, reactive retrieval of a sorted set is just getting a snapshot, but your calls are going in a reactive fashion. So you need a subscription instead.
If you opt in for keyspace notifications like this (K - enable keyspace notifications, z - include zset commands) :
config set notify-keyspace-events Kz
And subscribe to them in your service like this:
ReactiveRedisMessageListenerContainer reactiveRedisMessages;
// ...
reactiveRedisMessages.receive(new PatternTopic("__keyspace#0__:orders"))
.map(m -> {
return m;
<further processing>
You would see messages like this: PatternMessage{channel=__keyspace#0__:orders, pattern=__keyspace#0__:orders, message=zadd}. It will notify you that something has been added. And you can react on this somehow - get the full set again, or only some part (head/tail). You might even remember the previous set, get the new one and send the diff.
But what I would really suggest is rearchitecting the flow in some way to use Redis Pub/Sub functionality directly. For example: publisher service instead of directly calling zadd will call eval, which will issue 2 commands: zadd orders 1 x and publish orders "1:x" (any custom message you want, maybe JSON).
Then in your code you will subscribe to your custom topic like this:
return reactiveRedisMessages.receive(new PatternTopic("orders"))

Excessive Metadata when getting all states in Test Corda vault

Im testing a Corda 4 Cordapp and set up a spring web server to make api calls to my cordapps. I have one api called named ```get-all-contract1-states`` which does exactly what it says. It gets all of my contract1 states in the vault.
When I call this function, it does return the states, but also returns an excessive amount of repetitive metadata making the output for 1 state more than 600k lines long.
#GetMapping(value = "/get-contract1-states", produces = arrayOf(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE))
fun getContract1s() = rpcOps.vaultQueryBy(criteria = VaultQueryCriteria(status = Vault.StateStatus.ALL), paging = PageSpecification(DEFAULT_PAGE_NUM, 200), sorting = Sort(emptySet()), contractStateType = contract1State::class.java).states
Most of the repetitive metadata (which makes up about 85% of the 600k lines) is at the end of the Json regarding "zero":false,"one":false,"fieldSize":256,"fieldName":"SecP256R1Field". Are there any flags, options, or simply any way to get back a clean version of the contract without so much excess data. I only care about the variables from the contract, nothing more.
What you currently have will return you a collection of:
data class Page<out T : ContractState>(val states: List<StateAndRef<T>>,
val statesMetadata: List<StateMetadata>,
val totalStatesAvailable: Long,
val stateTypes: StateStatus,
val otherResults: List<Any>)
Hence why you're getting all the metadata. What you're after in this data object is states (which actually returns StateAndRef) and then just state within each.
The following code should get you what you're after:
#GetMapping(value = "/get-contract1-states", produces = arrayOf(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE))
fun getContract1s() = proxy.vaultQueryBy(criteria = QueryCriteria.VaultQueryCriteria(status =
Vault.StateStatus.ALL), paging = PageSpecification(DEFAULT_PAGE_NUM, 200),
sorting = Sort(emptySet()), contractStateType = IOUState::class.java).states.map { it.state.data }
Note: the key bit here is the mapping to state.data

Firestore transaction produces console error: FAILED_PRECONDITION: the stored version does not match the required base version

I have written a bit of code that allows a user to upvote / downvote recipes in a manner similar to Reddit.
Each individual vote is stored in a Firestore collection named votes, with a structure like this:
{username,recipeId,value} (where value is either -1 or 1)
The recipes are stored in the recipes collection, with a structure somewhat like this:
Each time a user votes on a recipe, I need to record their vote in the votes collection, and update the score on the recipe. I want to do this as an atomic operation using a transaction, so there is no chance the two values can ever become out of sync.
Following is the code I have so far. I am using Angular 6, however I couldn't find any Typescript examples showing how to handle multiple gets() in a single transaction, so I ended up adapting some Promise-based JavaScript code that I found.
The code seems to work, but there is something happening that is concerning. When I click the upvote/downvote buttons in rapid succession, some console errors occasionally appear. These read POST https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1beta1/projects/myprojectname/databases/(default)/documents:commit 400 (). When I look at the actual response from the server, I see this:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "the stored version (1534122723779132) does not match the required base version (0)",
Note that the errors do not appear when I click the buttons slowly.
Should I worry about this error, or is it just a normal result of the transaction retrying? As noted in the Firestore documentation, a "function calling a transaction (transaction function) might run more than once if a concurrent edit affects a document that the transaction reads."
Note that I have tried wrapping try/catch blocks around every single operation below, and there are no errors thrown. I removed them before posting for the sake of making the code easier to follow.
Very interested in hearing any suggestions for improving my code, regardless of whether they're related to the HTTP 400 error.
async vote(username, recipeId, direction) {
let value;
if ( direction == 'up' ) {
value = 1;
if ( direction == 'down' ) {
value = -1;
// assemble vote object to be recorded in votes collection
const voteObj: Vote = { username: username, recipeId: recipeId , value: value };
// get references to both vote and recipe documents
const voteDocRef = this.afs.doc(`votes/${username}_${recipeId}`).ref;
const recipeDocRef = this.afs.doc('recipes/' + recipeId).ref;
await this.afs.firestore.runTransaction( async t => {
const voteDoc = await t.get(voteDocRef);
const recipeDoc = await t.get(recipeDocRef);
const currentRecipeScore = await recipeDoc.get('score');
if (!voteDoc.exists) {
// This is a new vote, so add it to the votes collection
// and apply its value to the recipe's score
t.set(voteDocRef, voteObj);
t.update(recipeDocRef, { score: (currentRecipeScore + value) });
} else {
const voteData = voteDoc.data();
if ( voteData.value == value ) {
// existing vote is the same as the button that was pressed, so delete
// the vote document and revert the vote from the recipe's score
t.update(recipeDocRef, { score: (currentRecipeScore - value) });
} else {
// existing vote is the opposite of the one pressed, so update the
// vote doc, then apply it to the recipe's score by doubling it.
// For example, if the current score is 1 and the user reverses their
// +1 vote by pressing -1, we apply -2 so the score will become -1.
t.set(voteDocRef, voteObj);
t.update(recipeDocRef, { score: (currentRecipeScore + (value*2))});
return Promise.resolve(true);
According to Firebase developer Nicolas Garnier, "What you are experiencing here is how Transactions work in Firestore: one of the transactions failed to write because the data has changed in the mean time, in this case Firestore re-runs the transaction again, until it succeeds. In the case of multiple Reviews being written at the same time some of them might need to be ran again after the first transaction because the data has changed. This is expected behavior and these errors should be taken more as warnings."
In other words, this is a normal result of the transaction retrying.
I used RxJS throttleTime to prevent the user from flooding the Firestore server with transactions by clicking the upvote/downvote buttons in rapid succession, and that greatly reduced the occurrences of this 400 error. In my app, there's no legitimate reason someone would need to clip upvote/downvote dozens of times per seconds. It's not a video game.

Spring data Neo4j Affected row count

Considering a Spring Boot, neo4j environment with Spring-Data-neo4j-4 I want to make a delete and get an error message when it fails to delete.
My problem is since the Repository.delete() returns void I have no ideia if the delete modified anything or not.
First question: is there any way to get the last query affected lines? for example in plsql I could do SQL%ROWCOUNT
So anyway, I tried the following code:
public void deletesomething(Long somethingId) {
private something getExistingsomething(Long somethingId, int depth) {
return Optional.ofNullable(somethingRepository.findOne(somethingId, depth))
.orElseThrow(() -> new somethingNotFoundException(somethingId));
In the code above I query the database to check if the value exist before I delete it.
Second question: do you recommend any different approach?
So now, just to add some complexity, I have a cluster database and db1 can only Create, Update and Delete, and db2 and db3 can only Read (this is ensured by the cluster sockets). db2 and db3 will receive the data from db1 from the replication process.
For what I seen so far replication can take up to 90s and that means that up to 90s the database will have a different state.
Looking again to the code above:
public void deletesomething(Long somethingId) {
in debug that means:
getExistingsomething(somethingId).getId() // will hit db2
somethingRepository.delete(...) // will hit db1
and so if replication has not inserted the value in db2 this code wil throw the exception.
the second question is: without changing those sockets is there any way for me to delete and give the correct response?
This is not currently supported in Spring Data Neo4j, if you wish please open a feature request.
In the meantime, perhaps the easiest work around is to fall down to the OGM level of abstraction.
Create a class that is injected with org.neo4j.ogm.session.Session
Use the following method on Session
Example: (example is in Kotlin, which was on hand)
fun deleteProfilesByColor(color : String)
var query = """
MATCH (n:Profile {color: {color}})
val params = mutableMapOf(
"color" to color
val result = session.query(query, params)
val statistics = result.queryStatistics() //Use these!
