The following transaction
failed whith the following error:
"type": "action",
"error": {
"type": "functionCallError",
"error": {
"type": "executionError",
"error": "Smart contract panicked: The contract is not initialized"
But what I got on the indexer is the following:
So I would like to know if there is anyway to get the failure message from the indexer?
Look in the next blocks for the corresponding receipt from the SuccessReceiptId (id GrXdFKA9byvCmxGiQkGc9iaFn88FfePk4tfJhvcTGMwc), and in its execution outcome you will find that status.
I cannot recommend more to watch or read the Data Flow in NEAR
FYI, just to follow up and clarify for anyone with this question, after following the above response by "Vlad Frolov", in order to get the Receipt Status, I had to check
which will provide the results of the receipts, so I started to track the receipts that I am interested in, in this case for
SuccessReceiptId (GrXdFKA9byvCmxGiQkGc9iaFn88FfePk4tfJhvcTGMwc)
"ExecutionError":"Smart contract panicked: The contract is not initialized"
] }, "receipt":{
"receiverId":"dev-cliquidity-perk-jorge.near" } }
And as you can see in the json response,the following status:
"ExecutionError":"Smart contract panicked: The contract is not initialized"
Anyway to fully understand how transactions/receipts work this document helped a lot.
I am using Google Ads PHP library to create Campaign.
I created almost any type of campaigns but didn't manage to optimize them by specific Conversion Actions.
For example:
I have created 3 different Conversion Actions:
Then I created a Campaign:
I set bidding strategy to MAXIMIZE_CONVERSIONS and then tried to set Conversion Actions to optimize to.
This is my code snippet:
new CommonMaximizeConversions([
'target_cpa' => $this->convert()->micros(1)
new SelectiveOptimization([
'conversion_actions' => [
It gives me this error:
"message": {
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"code": 3,
"details": [
"#type": "",
"errors": [
"errorCode": {
"requestError": "UNKNOWN"
"message": "The error code is not in this version.",
"trigger": {
"stringValue": ""
"location": {
"fieldPathElements": [
"fieldName": "operations",
"index": 0
"fieldName": "create"
"fieldName": "selective_optimization"
"fieldName": "conversion_actions"
"requestId": "xbgMUFFeP4447GFW_nJrIA"
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? Or suggest any help?.
I would like to find the datetime for 1 day ago so that I can create link to kibana in an email sent from the watcher. Using Elasticsearch 5.0.2
I've tried the watch below but it returns an error of
ScriptException[runtime error]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Unable to find dynamic method [minusDays] with [1] arguments for class [org.joda.time.DateTime].];
minusDays does exist in the joda DateTime spec
but it doesn't exist in the elastic codebase
here's the watch
PUT /_xpack/watcher/watch/errors-prod
"trigger": {
"schedule": {
"daily": {
"at": [
"input": {
"search": {
"request": {
"search_type": "query_then_fetch",
"indices": [
"types": [
"body": {
"size": 0,
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"actions": {
"send_email": {
"transform": {
"script" : "return [ 'from' : ctx.trigger.scheduled_time.minusDays(1) ]"
"email": {
"profile": "standard",
"from": "",
"to": [
"subject": "errors",
"body": {
"html": "<html><body><p>from {{ctx.payload.from}}</p><p>to {{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}</p></body></html>"
I needed something similar and was able to hack this together by modifying a comment that almost worked from an elastic forum.
"transform": {
"script" : {
"source" : "def payload = ctx.payload; DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(\"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'\"); ctx.payload.from = df.format(Date.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(ctx.execution_time.getMillis() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) ))); return payload"
Hope that helps!
I am unable to connect using with setting engine = socketio, please find my configuration json below
socket error {"type":"Transport error", "description":400}
"scenarios": [
"name": "my test",
"engine": "socketio",
"flow": [
"emit": {
"channel": "command",
"namespace": "command"
"think": 1
"scenarios": [
"name": "my test",
"engine": "socketio",
"flow": [
"emit": {
"channel": "command"
"data": "hello"
"namespace": "/command"
"think": 1
Please try using above command
I want edit the structure of json through Terminal using terminal commands or scripts.
If I have a json file Structure like this:
"Helloo": [
"AlbumTitle": {
"S": "Famous"
"SongTitle": {
"S": "Call Me Today"
"Artist": {
"S": "No One You Know"
"AlbumTitle": {
"S": "Famous1"
"SongTitle": {
"S": "Call Me Today1"
"Artist": {
"S": "No One You Know11"
"Music": [
"Album": {
"S": "Pop Songs"
"Production": {
"S": "X-series"
"Song": {
"S": "Once upon
"Artist": {
"S": "XYZ"
So here i want add "Putrequest" and "Item" attributes to each item of the array.. So i want the output like this:
"Helloo": [
"AlbumTitle": {
"S": "Famous"
"SongTitle": {
"S": "Call Me Today"
"Artist": {
"S": "No One You Know"
"AlbumTitle": {
"S": "Famous1"
"SongTitle": {
"S": "Call Me Today1"
"Artist": {
"S": "No One You Know11"
"Music": [
"Album": {
"S": "Pop Songs"
"Production": {
"S": "X-series"
"Song": {
"S": "Once upon
"Artist": {
"S": "XYZ"
I tried to use Jq for this but still struggling.. Please help me To add these attributes to json using command prompt or bash/shell scripting.
Assuming you actually got valid JSON the following jq expression might work for you:
map_values(map({"PutRequest": { "Item": .}}))
jq 'map_values(map({"PutRequest": { "Item": .}}))' file.json
map_values( # Map values iterate over an object and assign the
# returned value to the property
map( # Map iterate over an array and assign the returned value
# to the index, and creates a new array if an object is
# mapped
{ # Return an object
"PutRequest": { # With PutRequest as a property
"Item": . # And Item, which contains the value (.)