How to translate a field name for all resources in react-admin - admin-on-rest

The translation of generics inputs was the same for all resources, so how can i specifiy it in the resource file ?
something like this should be great !
export default {
resources: {
'*': {
fields: {
lastname: 'Nom',

That's not possible for now but that looks like a good feature request. Would you mind opening an issue about it on our repository?


Is there a way to get a structure of a Strapi CMS Content Type?

A content-type "Product" having the following fields:
string title
int qty
string description
double price
Is there an API endpoint to retrieve the structure or schema of the "Product" content-type as opposed to getting the values?
For example: On endpoint localhost:1337/products, and response can be like:
field: "title",
type: "string",
other: "col-xs-12, col-5"
field: "qty",
type: "int"
field: "description",
type: "string"
field: "price",
type: "double"
where the structure of the schema or the table is sent instead of the actual values?
If not in Strapi CMS, is this possible on other headless CMS such as Hasura and Sanity?
You need to use Models, from the link:
Link is dead -> New link
Models are a representation of the database's structure. They are split into two separate files. A JavaScript file that contains the model options (e.g: lifecycle hooks), and a JSON file that represents the data structure stored in the database.
This is exactly what you are after.
The way I GET this info is by adding a custom endpoint - check my answers here for how to do this - &
For handlers you can do something like:
async getProductModel(ctx) {
return strapi.models['product'].allAttributes;
I needed the solution for all Content Types so I made a plugin with /modelStructure/* endpoints where you can supply the model name and then pass to a handler:
//more generic wrapper
async getModel(ctx) {
const { model } = ctx.params;
let data = strapi.models[model].allAttributes;
return data;
async getProductModel(ctx) {
ctx.params['model'] = "product"
return this.getModel(ctx)
//define all endpoints you need, like maybe a Page content type
async getPageModel(ctx) {
ctx.params['model'] = "page"
return this.getModel(ctx)
//finally I ended up writing a `allModels` handler
async getAllModels(ctx) {
Object.keys(strapi.models).forEach(key => {
//iterate through all models
//possibly filter some models
//iterate through all fields
Object.keys(strapi.models[key].allAttributes).forEach(fieldKey => {
//build the response - iterate through models and all their fields
//return your desired custom response
Comments & questions welcome
This answer pointed me in the right direction, but strapi.models was undefined for me on strapi 4.4.3.
What worked for me was a controller like so:
async getFields(ctx) {
const model = strapi.db.config.models.find( model => model.collectionName === 'clients' );
return model.attributes;
Where clients is replaced by the plural name of your content-type.

Gridsome GraphQL not returning posts

I'm trying to create a simple blog for my site using local markdown. To my knowledge I've followed the Gridsome docs to accomplish this, but queries don't return any posts. I have installed source-filesystem and transformer remark.
module.exports = {
siteName: 'My Blog',
plugins: [
use: '#gridsome/source-filesystem',
options: {
path: './content/posts/**/*.md',
typeName: 'Post',
My markdown files are in the content/posts folder, but when I use the GraphQL explorer it returns 0 for allPosts totalCount. Similarly, just making a <page-query> returns an error. Any help would be much appreciated.

Unable to filter custom data in siteMetaData in Gatsby using GraphQL in GraphiQL

I've created a basic Gatsby site with the default starter. I'm now trying to add some custom data (the people array) to gatsby-config.json like so:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: `Gatsby Default Starter`,
description: `XXX`,
author: `#gatsbyjs`,
people : [
{ id : 1234, name : "Bill Smith", sales : 143, birthdate : "2233-03-22" },
{ id : 5678, name : "Roger Miller", sales : 281, birthdate : "2230-01-06" }
plugins: [
{ resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: { name: `images`, path: `${__dirname}/src/images`, }
{ resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
name: `gatsby-starter-default`, short_name: `starter`, start_url: `/`,
background_color: `#663399`, theme_color: `#663399`, display: `minimal-ui`,
icon: `src/images/gatsby-icon.png`
Then, in GraphiQL, what I'm trying to do is a query to get a list of people, but limit it to just those with sales above 200, that's my end goal. So first, I did a basic test:
site {
siteMetadata {
people {
That works, I get all people back. Then, I tried:
site {
siteMetadata {
people(sales: { gt: 200 }) {
That gets me an error "Unknown argument sales on field people of type SiteSiteMetadata". That kinda seems to be telling me that Sift underneath Gatsby doesn't have any notion of my custom fields in its schema, which would kind of make sense to me. So, as a test, I try this:
site {
siteMetadata(author: { eq: "none" }) {
My expectation is the query runs successfully but returns an empty result set since the author element's value isn't "none". But instead, I get the same basic error but now telling me "Unknown argument author on field siteMetadata of type Site" and now I'm confused because it seems like it should know about THOSE fields even if it doesn't know about arbitrary ones I add. Then again, maybe that query won't ever work because there's only a single siteMetaData object versus trying to query an array. I'm not sure.
So then I do some research and I see some reference to 'filter', so I try this now:
site {
siteMetadata(filter: { eq: "none" }) {
That gets me "Unknown argument filter on field siteMetadata of type Site."
And now I'm kind of out of ideas.
I did find one post that seemed to possibly imply that you can't query custom data elements like this at all, but some replies seem to imply you, in fact, can (and clearly that first test worked, so the data is found, I just can't get the filtering to work). Maybe I'm using the wrong syntax, but if so then I can't seem to find what the correct syntax looks like (and what's worse is that in the Gatsby docs, the ONE example that MIGHT provide me an answer is error'ing out in the playground and I can't see the code).
It seems like such a simple thing, but I'm at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: After I wrote this, I tried putting the data in a separate file that get loaded with the gatsby-transformer-json plugin and tried to query that. The data gets loaded, but I still can't filter the query. I can do:
testData {
people {
...and that works, returns my data fine. But if I try:
testData {
people(sales:{gt:200}) {
testData {
people(filter:{sales:{gt:200}}) {
...I get the same types of errors. So, I think that at least proves this isn't an issue of querying it from siteMetaData specifically, but I still don't know how to make it do what I want.
For anyone who wants to reproduce this, just add the file data.json in the root of the project with this content:
"people" : [
{ "id" : 1234, "name" : "Bill Smith", "sales" : 143, "birthdate" : "2233-03-22" },
{ "id" : 5678, "name" : "Roger Miller", "sales" : 281, "birthdate" : "2230-01-06" }
Then, add this to the plugins array in gatsby-config.json:
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-json`,
options: { typeName: `testData` }
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: { name: `data`, path: `${__dirname}/data.json` }
No other changes from the initially-generated project are needed. Then, just hop into GraphiQL and try to execute the queries above.
Or, to make things easier, I've created a codesandbox instance that demonstrates this:
EDIT2: I had the thought that maybe this is an issue with GraphiQL itself. So, I created a simple component:
import React from "react"
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby"
const Test = () => {
const testData = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query TestDateQuery {
testData(filter: {sales: {gte:200}}) {
people {
console.log("testData", testData);
return (
<div />
export default Test
I then dropped that into my main Layout component. I get the same sort of error (about filter being an unknown argument) rather than seeing my data. If I remove the filter, I DO see ALL the data. So, again, I can't figure out why just filter isn't working, but that's what I've narrowed it down to.

apollo writeQuery does not work

i have a problem with local apollo modification like this:
`updateBoth: (schema, value) =>
query: queryObject,
variables: { id },
data: {
Object: {
objectSchema: {
structure: schema,
i am struggling greatly anybo can help me?
it does not update value (this time but generally acts bad in many situations)

Graphql relay array field

I am starting to develop for relay coming from Apollo.
I have a dumb server running on a SQLITE3 database just for testing while I am refactoring.
Using graphql-relay on the backen.
Currently I have something like this:
root: {
allFoo: [FooType]
I was wondering how I would add a new FooType item to the allFoo list.
On the getConfigs the RANGE_ADD only acts upon connections.
So do I need to make my allFoo type a connection instead of a GraphqlList(FooType) ? Or can I use FIELD_CHANGE somehow?
Take a look at this example:
The below example is a demo on how to add an image to the image list.
getConfigs() {
return [{
type: 'RANGE_ADD',
parentName: 'User',
connectionName: 'images',
edgeName: 'newImageEdge',
rangeBehaviors: {
'': 'prepend',
Hope this helps!
