How to put 'id' value in ajax url? - ajax

I had dependant dropdown selection in edit page to edit staff profile. The view for the selection is this:
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3">
<label for="kategori">Kategori:</label>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<select name="kategori" class="form-control select2" style="width:250px">
<option value="">--- pilih ---</option>
#foreach ($categories as $key => $value)
<option value="{{ $key }}">{{ $value }}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3">
<label for="pangkat">Pangkat:</label>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<select name="pangkat" class="form-control select2"style="width:250px">
The ajax script as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function ()
var CatID = jQuery(this).val();
url : '/edit_profil/{id}/getpangkat/' +CatID,
type : "GET",
dataType : "json",
jQuery.each(data, function(key,value){
$('select[name="pangkat"]').append('<option value="'+ key +'">'+ value +'</option>');
This is the route code to the edit page and also to the selection value:
Route::get('/edit_profil/{id}', 'Modul\ProfilController#edit')->name('editProfil');
The controller for edit page is:
$dataItemregistration = DB::table('itemregistrations')
->join('sections', 'itemregistrations.sectionid', '=', 'sections.sectionid')
->join('categories', 'itemregistrations.categoryid', '=', 'categories.categoryid')
->join('sandaran', 'itemregistrations.sandarid', '=', 'sandaran.sandarid')
->join('statusrumah', 'itemregistrations.statusrumahid', '=', 'statusrumah.statusrumahid')
->join('bangsa', 'itemregistrations.bangsaid', '=', 'bangsa.bangsaid')
->join('kahwin', 'itemregistrations.kahwinid', '=', 'kahwin.kahwinid')
->join('agama', 'itemregistrations.agamaid', '=', 'agama.agamaid')
->join('jantina', 'itemregistrations.jantinaid', '=', 'jantina.jantinaid')
->join('negeri', 'itemregistrations.negeriid', '=', 'negeri.negeriid')
->join('statuspro', 'itemregistrations.statusproid', '=', 'statuspro.statusproid')
->join('statuspengundi', 'itemregistrations.statuspengundiid', '=', 'statuspengundi.statuspengundiid')
->join('kategori_bank', 'itemregistrations.bankid', '=', 'kategori_bank.bankid')
->join('operasi', 'itemregistrations.operasiid', '=', 'operasi.operasiid')
->select('itemregistrations.*', 'sections.sectionname', 'categories.categoryname', 'sandaran.sandarname', 'statusrumah.status_rumah_semasa', 'bangsa.bangsaname','kahwin_status', 'agamaname', 'jantinaname', 'negeriname', 'statusproname', 'statusmengundi', 'bankname', 'operasiname')
->where('itemregistrations.itemregistrationid', $id)
$categories = DB::table('categories')->pluck("categoryname","CategoryID");
return view('profil.edit', compact('dataItemregistration', 'categories', 'id'));
Controller for getpangkat is:
public function getpangkat($id)
$operasi = DB::table("operasi")->where("CategoryID",$id)->pluck("operasiname","OperasiID");
return json_encode($operasi);
I had problem to get the value of dependant dropdown because of the url path. The edit page path contain the staff id like this "", but I don't know how to set the url in the ajax call contain the staff id value.
How can I modify the code to get dependant dropdown works?

Change your ajax url to this as you need to pass id between /edit_profil/ and /getpangkat/
url : 'edit_profil/{{ $id }}/getpangkat/' +CatID,
and in your route you need to specify the variable CatID also
And in your function
public function getpangkat($id, $CatID)
$operasi = DB::table("operasi")->where("CategoryID",$CatID)->pluck("operasiname","OperasiID");
return json_encode($operasi);
Hope it helps!


Getting value from (select2) to another filed input laravel

I have select2 field input. After using select2 its will showing new column and data from this input selected.
I have referenced like this link. So after I using select2, this value will show in a new column. But I don't know how to catch this data. I am using Laravel and this is my controller and view:
$collection = Alat::get(['nama_alat','no_inventaris','status_alat','id']);
foreach ($collection as $item) {
$inven[$item->id] = $item->no_inventaris.'-'.$item->nama_alat;
This is will shown in columns no_inventaris and nama_alat in the select2. But in the $collection, I have status_alat, this data is what I need to display in another column.
This is my view:
// This is form Select2
<div class="form-group">
<label>Pilih Inventaris</label>
<select class="form-control select2bs4" name="alat_id" id="alat_id" style="width: 100%;" aria-hidden="true" onchange="Show()">
<option value=""></option>
#foreach($inven as $id => $item )
<option value="{{ $id }}">{{ $item }} </option>
// This is form what i need to show another value
<div class="form-group" id="divid" style="display:none">
<label class="control-label" for="title">Kondisi Alat Sekarang:</label>
<input type="text" name="" class="form-control" id="value" data-error="Please enter title." readonly />
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
Here's my Javascript:
function Show()
var fieldValue = $('#alat_id').val();
if(fieldValue == "")
document.getElementById("divid").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("divid").style.display = 'inline'
This data I need to catch in the controller $collection as status_alat. How can I catch this data after input the select2 and showing in the new column? This column is shown, but I don't know how to catch this data. Sorry for my bad English
The best solution should be using ajax, it is quite complicated to access a PHP collection variable inside a javascript. If it were me, I would create a function that fetch the selected select2 data by its id. This is my example code :
function select2Changed()
var alat_id = $('#alat_id').val();
if(fieldValue == ""){
document.getElementById("divid").style.display = 'none';
} else{
document.getElementById("divid").style.display = 'inline';
$.ajax({url: "[url]/get-alat-status/"+alat_id, success: function(result){
document.getElementById("value").value = result;

Laravel search results in second page

I'm working with vuejs in laravel 5.6 and I've made search form with 2 inputs, but i'm not sure how to show results in different page and my data return by json.
User fill inputs/input -> click search button
User redirects to other page -> see results
public function indexsearch(Request $request)
$area = request('area');
$keywords = request('keywords');
$projects = Project::where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
->orWhere('body', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
->orWhere('area', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
$projects = Project::where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
->orWhere('body', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
->orWhere('area', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
return response()->json($projects);
Route::get('indexsearch', 'Api\SearchController#indexsearch');
<div class="form-row justify-content-center align-items-center mmt-5">
<div class="col-md-4">
<label class="sr-only" for="inlineFormInput">Query</label>
<input v-model.lazy="keywords" type="text" class="customformdes form-control mb-2" id="inlineFormInput" placeholder="E.g. Larave, Vue, Design, Writer">
<div class="col-md-4">
<label class="sr-only" for="inlineFormInputGroup">Area</label>
<input v-model.lazy="area" type="text" class="customformdes form-control mb-2" id="inlineFormInputGroup" placeholder="E.g. Jabodetabek, Medan, Surabaya">
<div class="col-md-2">
<button type="button" class="customformdes btn btn-block btn-primary mb-2"><i class="fab fa-searchengin"></i> Search</button>
// currently this part shows the result as hidden drop-down
<b-list-group v-if="results.length > 0">
<b-list-group-item v-for="result in results" :key="" :to="`/projects/${result.slug}`">{{result.title}}</b-list-group-item>
var _ = require('lodash');
import navbar from './navbar.vue';
export default {
data() {
return {
keywords: null,
area: null,
results: []
watch: {
keywords(after, before) {
methods: {
fetch() {
axios.get('/api/indexsearch', { params: { keywords: this.keywords, area: this.area } })
.then(response => this.results =
.catch(error => {});
By my current control code I cannot get my second input (area) alone, meaning: If I don't fill first input and just fill second input i cannot get results.
I don't know how to show results in other page and not as drop-down in the same page (part is commented in my component code)
Thanks in advance.
For your first issue, you can add more watcher for the area:
(Since you are just calling a single method from your watcher, you can just directly use the method's name as the value of your watcher as it is just the same.)
watch: {
keywords: 'fetch',
area: 'fetch'
you can also use $ to watch for multiple values at the same time.
Instead of:
watch: {
keywords(after, before) {
you can have it like this:
mounted() {
function() {
return this.keywords + this.area
(newVal, oldVal) => {
As for the second issue, you can pass props data to the target page.
See this example code below:
<div v-for="result in results" :key="">{{ result.title }}</div>
export default {
props: ['results']
router configuration:
import ResultsPage from 'ResultsPage.vue'
new Router({
routes: [
// ... some other routes in here
path: '/results',
name: 'results',
props: true,
component: ResultsPage,
then you can now navigate to the ResultsPage by using $router.push():
methods: {
fetch() {
axios.get('/api/indexsearch', {
params: {
keywords: this.keywords,
area: this.area
.then(response => {
name: 'results',
params: {
.catch(error => {});
You will need to add $area as your search term to solve the first issue.
And to show the results on a separate page you will need to request a route that returns a view in your search method.
// Controller
public function indexsearch(Request $request)
$area = request('area');
$keywords = request('keywords');
$projects = Project::where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
->orWhere('body', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
->orWhere('area', 'LIKE', "%{$area}%")
$projects = Project::where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
->orWhere('body', 'LIKE', "%{$keywords}%")
->orWhere('area', 'LIKE', "%{$area}%")
return view('search_results', compact('projects'));
If you want to show the results on a separate page then you don't really need vue here.
You can do something like this to submit a form in your view:
<form action="search"> <!-- or whatever your searchindex route is -->
<div class="form-row justify-content-center align-items-center mmt-5">
<div class="col-md-4">
<label class="sr-only" for="inlineFormInput">Query</label>
<input v-model.lazy="keywords" type="text" class="customformdes form-control mb-2" id="inlineFormInput" placeholder="E.g. Larave, Vue, Design, Writer">
<div class="col-md-4">
<label class="sr-only" for="inlineFormInputGroup">Area</label>
<input v-model.lazy="area" type="text" class="customformdes form-control mb-2" id="inlineFormInputGroup" placeholder="E.g. Jabodetabek, Medan, Surabaya">
<div class="col-md-2">
<button type="button" class="customformdes btn btn-block btn-primary mb-2"><i class="fab fa-searchengin"></i> Search</button>
Then in your search results blade (search_results.blade.php) view:
#foreach($projects as $project)
<b-list-group-item>{{ $project->title }}</b-list-group-item>
I hope this helps solve your issue.

Creating a cascade drop down without primary and foriegn key relationship with coeigniter

This is the structure of my table "task"
Dependencies are as follows
One project has multiple task
One project has multiple employees
I need to create a dropdown list when user selects a particular project tasks relevant to them will automatically load to the next dropdown list. In this situation I do not need primary and foriegn key relationship. Any help would be really appreciated
This is my controller
public function Task(){
$data['cname'] = $this->welcome4->show_students3();
$data['projects'] = $this->welcome4->show_students();
$data['employee'] = $this->welcome4->show_students2();
This is my model
function show_students2(){
$query = $this->db->get('employee');
$query_result = $query->result();
return $query_result;
function show_students3(){
$query = $this->db->get('clientdetails');
$query_result = $query->result();
return $query_result;
function show_students4(){
$query = $this->db->get('task');
$query_result = $query->result();
return $query_result;
This is my view
<div class="form-group">
<label>Select Project</label>
<div class="form-group">
<select name="projectname" class="input form-control">
<option value="none" selected="selected">Select Project</option>
<?php foreach($projects as $s):?>
<option value="<?php echo $s->projectname?>"><?php echo $s->projectname?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Select Client</label>
<select name="cname" class="input form-control">
<option value="none" selected="selected">Select client</option>
<?php foreach($cname as $s):?>
<option value="<?php echo $s->cname?>"><?php echo $s->cname?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Select Employee</label>
<div class="form-group">
<select name="employee" class="input form-control">
<option value="none" selected="selected">Select Employee</option>
<?php foreach($employee as $s):?>
<option value="<?php echo $s->employee?>"><?php echo $s->employee?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
This loads all projects, clients, employee in the database.But now I want when project is selected in the first drodown, second dropdown should show only relevant clients and employees to it. Not all of them
Lets consider this will be your Projects select box, in which you are loading data dynamically on page load with php.
<select name="projectname" id="projectname"></select>
Tasks select box.
<select name="tasks" id="tasks"></select>
Inside your controller add below mentioned code. This function will be used for get data from ajax call.
public function getTasks() {
$Id = $this->input->post('project_id');
if ($Id):
$this->load->model('Task_model', 'Tasks', TRUE);
$data = $this->Tasks->getProjectTasks($Id);
if ($data):
$result['status'] = true;
$result['records'] = $data;
$result['status'] = false;
echo json_encode($fdata);
Inside model please add this function. Which will fetch data from DB
ans pass it to controller back.
public function getProjectTasks($id = null) {
if ($id):
$this->db->where('project_id', $id);
$this->db->where('status', TRUE);
$query = $this->db->get('tasks');
$records = $query->result();
if ($records):
return $records;
return false;
return false;
And finally in you View file please add below function.
$(document).on('#projectname', 'change', function() {
var projectId = $(this).val();
type: 'POST',
url: 'URL',
data: {project_id: projectId},
dataType: "json",
beforeSend: function() {
.append('<option selected="selected">Select Task</option>');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status) {
$.each(data.records, function(i, item) {
$('#tasks').append($('<option>', {
value: item.value,
text: item.text
} else {
.append('<option selected="selected">No Task available</option>');

How to filter data in laravel 5?

<span class="opensans size13"><b>Gender</b></span>
<select class="form-control" name="gender" id="gender" placeholder="Gender">
<option value="" selected="">Gender</option>
<option value="M">Male</option>
<option value="F">Female</option>
<span class="opensans size8" style="color: red;"></span>
<div class="clearfix pbottom15"></div>
<span class="opensans size13"><b>Published</b></span>
<select class="form-control" name="published" id="published" placeholder="Published">
<option value="" selected="">Published</option>
<option value="YES">YES</option>
<option value="NO">NO</option>
<span class="opensans size8" style="color: red;"></span>
<div class="col-md-5">
<div class="right wh70percent">
<select class="form-control" name="status_sort" id="status_sort" placeholder="Status">
<option value="" selected="">Status</option>
<option value="N">N</option>
<option value="BL">BL</option>
public function dataCustomerList($param)
$status = $param['status_sort'];
$gender = $param['gender'];
$published = $param['published'];
$published_check = 'NO';
$published = 0;
else if($published=='YES'){
$published_check = 'YES';
$published = 1;
$customer = customer::paginate(10);
$customer = customer::where('tb_customer.customer_status', '=', $status)
if(!empty($gender) AND !empty($published_check)){
$customer = customer::where('tb_customer.gender', '=', $gender)
->where('tb_customer.published', '=', $published)
else if(!empty($gender)){
$customer = customer::where('tb_customer.gender', '=', $gender)
else if(!empty($published_check)){
$customer = customer::where('tb_customer.published', '=', $published)
return $customer;
The interface is like this :
When I just choose published and gender and then press the search button, data are displayed according
When I only select status, the displayed data in accordance
But when I choose the gender, published and status, the displayed data do not match
I want to ask again. In addition to my code, whether there are other simpler code?
Thank you
You should build your query every time you add a filter, like:
$customer = customer;
if(!empty($status)) {
$customer = $customer->where('tb_customer.customer_status', '=', $status);
if (!empty($gender)) {
$customer = $customer->where('tb_customer.gender', '=', $gender);
if (!empty($published_check)) {
$customer = $customer->where('tb_customer.published', '=', $published);
return $customer->paginate(10);
in this way you just add conditions and you don't need to check every single case and write again the same query
Disclaimer: I'm not a Laravel user, you could need to slightly edit the code, just saying the way to build the query

Laravel Pagination Appends Not Keeping Search Data

I've been able to implement the pagination and appends() on my form and it does show the proper values in the url on page 2, though it doesn't actually bring the values back into the form/query, it simply resets the actual data being searched for and displays all.
Here is my form code and the appends.
{{ Form::open(array('class' => 'stdform', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'all')) }}
<input type="text" name="srch_lname" class="input-large"
value="{{ Input::old('srch_lname', Session::get('srch_lname')) }}" />
<input type="text" name="srch_fname" class="input-large"
value="{{ Input::old('srch_fname', Session::get('srch_fname')) }}" />
<?php echo $employees->appends(array("srch_lname" => Session::get('srch_lname'),
"srch_fname" => Session::get('srch_fname') ))->links(); ?>
And my Controller
public function getIndex() {
$srch_lname = Session::get('srch_lname');
$srch_fname = Session::get('srch_fname');
$employees = vEmployees::co()->restrictions()
->where('lastname', 'LIKE', $srch_lname . '%')
->where('firstname', 'LIKE', $srch_fname . '%')
return View::make('employees.index')
->with('employees', $employees)
->with('title', 'Users');
public function postIndex() {
if (Input::has('btnSearch')) {
return Redirect::to('/employees')->with('search', 1)
->with('srch_lname', Input::get('srch_lname'))
->with('srch_fname', Input::get('srch_fname'));
else {
return Redirect::to('/employees');
Full Form
{{ Form::open(array('class' => 'stdform', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'all')) }}
<div class="stepContainer">
<div class="formwiz content">
<h4 class="widgettitle">Search for an Employee</h4>
<span class="field">
<input type="text" name="srch_lname" class="input-large"
value="{{ Input::old('srch_lname', Session::get('srch_lname')) }}" />
<span class="field">
<input type="text" name="srch_fname" class="input-large"
value="{{ Input::old('srch_fname', Session::get('srch_fname')) }}" />
<div class="actionBar" style="text-align: right;">
<button class="btn btn-primary" name="btnSearch" value="1">
Search for Employee(s)
{{ Form::close() }}
You need to pass your inputs to the view so that Input::old() has values to work with after the redirect from postIndex to getIndex.
in getIndex(), add to View::make()
->with('input', [ 'srch_lname'=> $srch_lname, 'srch_fname' => $srch_fname ]);
It looks like you do not have the pageSearch value in your pagination query string. Try this.
<?php echo $employees->appends(
array("btnSearch" => "1",
"srch_lname" => Session::get('srch_lname'),
"srch_fname" => Session::get('srch_fname') )
)->links(); ?>
I made a small sample but since I don't have your employees I just used the User model and commented out the filtering, just used as a test to pass and get input values.
Note the change to Input:: from Session, in getIndex() and in the form for $employees->appends(). Use Input instead of Session, I did not see anywhere in your code where you save the filter values in session variables.
I also changed the Redirect::to() to pass the parameters in the URL since it is a get method.
I tested and the filter values are passed to getIndex() and the form fields, also the inputs get properly passed by pagination links.
class EmployeeController extends BaseController
function getIndex()
$srch_lname = Input::get('srch_lname');
$srch_fname = Input::get('srch_fname');
$employees = User::query()
//->where('lastname', 'LIKE', $srch_lname . '%')
//->where('firstname', 'LIKE', $srch_fname . '%')
// make input available for page's form fields as old input
Session::flash('_old_input', Input::all());
return View::make('employees')
->with('employees', $employees)
->with('title', 'Users');
function postIndex()
if (Input::has('btnSearch'))
return Redirect::to('/employees?search=1&srch_lname=' . urlencode(Input::get('srch_lname')) . '&srch_fname=' . urlencode(Input::get('srch_fname')));
//return Redirect::to('/employees')->with('search', 1)
// ->with('srch_lname', Input::get('srch_lname'))
// ->with('srch_fname', Input::get('srch_fname'));
return Redirect::to('/employees');
Form and ->appends():
{{ Form::open(array('class' => 'stdform', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'all')) }}
<div class="stepContainer">
<div class="formwiz content">
<h4 class="widgettitle">Search for an Employee</h4>
<span class="field">
<input type="text" name="srch_lname" class="input-large"
value="{{ Input::old('srch_lname', Session::get('srch_lname')) }}" />
<span class="field">
<input type="text" name="srch_fname" class="input-large"
value="{{ Input::old('srch_fname', Session::get('srch_fname')) }}" />
<div class="actionBar" style="text-align: right;">
<button class="btn btn-primary" name="btnSearch" value="1">
Search for Employee(s)
{{ Form::close() }}
<?php echo $employees->appends(array("srch_lname" => Input::get('srch_lname'),
"srch_fname" => Input::get('srch_fname') ))->links(); ?>
I got it working! I continued to do some research and running the search through POST was really a major issue in adding that gap between the search itself and holding the data into the GET method of pagination.
I'll run through everything I did below for anyone in the future having the same issue.
I first created a Route that would direct to a new function in my EmployeesController
Route::get('emp_srch', 'EmployeesController#search');
And created the new function in the Controller
public function search() {
$srch_lname = Input::get('srch_lname');
$srch_fname = Input::get('srch_fname');
$employees = vEmployees::co()->restrictions()
->where('lastname', 'LIKE', $srch_lname . '%')
->where('firstname', 'LIKE', $srch_fname . '%')
Session::flash('_old_input', Input::all());
return View::make('employees.index')
->with('employees', $employees)
->with('title', 'Users')
->with('pagetitle', 'Employees')
It's essentially the function I had in the getIndex though rearranging the way the search was functioning I believe was the defining factor in actually getting this to work in my case.
I also changed the url on the form, which directed to my new Route. As well as changing the form so it uses the GET Method and no longer POST.
{{ Form::open(array('url' => 'emp_srch', 'class' => 'stdform', 'method' => 'get')) }}
I do want to thank vladsch and whoacowboy for helping push me in the right direction(s).
