How to check if user is still logged in google? - laravel-5

I am using Google OAuth through Laravel Socialite to authenticate all the users in my web app.
I need the user session to end as soon as possible if user logs out of his google account.
I am trying to set up a middleware that would perform regular checks if user is still signed in with google. But I can't find a way to ask "Is still the current user on google?"
I tried to get \Socialite::driver('google')->user() in the middleware but that doesn't seem to work without doing a redirect to google beforehand. I would like this check to be as quick and unobtrusive as possible. It should also work during a background ajax call.
It seems that it would be trivial using the client side authentication as there is gapi.auth2.init().isSignedIn.get(). However, that would mean I have to ask users for two authorizations (server side and client side) which seems wrong.
Looking at the docs at google, I see nothing that would let me check their authentication status apart from reauthenticating. Access token won't expire on logout... Is there a workaround?

It turns out that we can actually use gapi javascript in tandem with Socialite - just use the same client token. I didn't suspect that I will just get all the info without logging in separately for browser session, but it works.
I added the following code to the end of my master blade template to check state for authorized users.
var currentUserEmail = '{{Auth::user()->email}}'; // user "sameness" criterion
var googleClientId = '{{env('GOOGLE_ID')}}'; // the same oauth client id
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{mix('js/checkGoogleAuth.js')}}"></script>
The script checkGoogleAuth is a simple then, I copied the google tutorial and shortened it:
var auth2; // The Sign-In object.
var googleUser; // The current user.
* Initializes Signin v2 and sets up listeners.
var initSigninV2 = function() {
auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: googleClientId,
scope: 'profile'
// Listen for sign-in state changes.
var checkState = function (user) {
//if signed out or changed user
if (!auth2.isSignedIn.get() || currentUserEmail != auth2.currentUser.get().getBasicProfile().getEmail())
$('.logout-username').click(); //click logout button
gapi.load('auth2', initSigninV2); //launch it
I hope it helps someone else as well!


Unable to get authenticated user using Laravel 5.8 and Auth0

I have a Laravel 5.8 API that I want to secure using Auth0. So far I've followed every step of this tutorial:
On the front side, Login/logout links are currently implemented in Blade, and this works fine, though the rendered content on the page is done using Vue Router, making AJAX requests to the API for the data.
The default User model in Laravel has been modified to store name, sub, and email per the tutorial, and this populates as well.
The API endpoint is secured using the jwt middleware created during the tutorial, and I can successfully submit a GET along with a hard-coded Bearer auth token in Postman and get a good response.
However, at some point I'd like to be able to pass an access token off to Vue so it can do its thing, but I'm unable to get the current authenticated user. After hitting Auth0, it redirects back to my callback route with auth gobbledlygook in the URL. The route in turn loads a controller method, and everything even looks good there:
// Get the user related to the profile
$auth0User = $this->userRepository->getUserByUserInfo($profile); // returns good user
if ($auth0User) {
// If we have a user, we are going to log them in, but if
// there is an onLogin defined we need to allow the Laravel developer
// to implement the user as they want an also let them store it.
if ($service->hasOnLogin()) { // returns false
$user = $service->callOnLogin($auth0User);
} else {
// If not, the user will be fine
$user = $auth0User;
\Auth::login($user, $service->rememberUser()); // "normal" Laravel login flow?
I'm not an expert on the framework, but the last line above seems to start the "normal" Laravel user login flow. Given that, shouldn't I see something other than null when I do auth()->user(), or even app('auth0')->getUser()?
Try using a simple tutorial if you're a beginner, I would recommend this
It uses a simple JWT package to create a jwt token which you can get when the user authenticates.

Google calendar API - How to make a request without having to prompt a login?

I have a simple question:
I am developing a website that needs full authorisation to make requests to a Google calendar. I manage to do all the requests I need with javascript from a web server and it works, but I need to be logged into my google account for it to work. This caused a problem for other users that use my website because the request doesn't work if they are not logged into MY google account.
I understand why it doesn't work, my question is How can I do for my website to get full access granted for use the google calendar without having to log into my google account, even better if nobody had to log into a Google account to perform the task??
The form of login you are currently using is called Oauth2. It requires that a user authenticate access.
What you should be using is a service account. Service accounts are pre authorized. You will need to share your personal calendar with the service account then it will be able to access it.
The only drawback is that service account authentication is not supported by JavaScript you will need to switch to a server sided language like node.js for example.
'use strict';
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const path = require('path');
* The JWT authorization is ideal for performing server-to-server
* communication without asking for user consent.
* Suggested reading for Admin SDK users using service accounts:
* See the defaultauth.js sample for an alternate way of fetching compute credentials.
async function runSample () {
// Create a new JWT client using the key file downloaded from the Google Developer Console
const client = await google.auth.getClient({
keyFile: path.join(__dirname, 'jwt.keys.json'),
scopes: ''
// Obtain a new drive client, making sure you pass along the auth client
const drive ={
version: 'v2',
auth: client
// Make an authorized request to list Drive files.
const res = await drive.files.list();
if (module === require.main) {
// Exports for unit testing purposes
module.exports = { runSample };
Code ripped from smaples jwt

Cookies or Session on Google Apps Script Webservice

I've created websites before where the server-side code has access to either Cookies on the browser or some sort of Session variables. I have not figured out how to do this with GAS. I can host a website with GAS, but I have no way of seeing the login session when a new page is loaded. How do I do this?
I would expect to see this information in the doGet() event, like this:
function doGet(e){
e.session.userid; //or something like this
NOTE: Anyone can access my site, even anonymous. So I can't rely on Google logins.
Google has a Session method.
// Log the email address of the person running the script (visiting the page).
var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
In regard to the comment about cookie based identification.
I am no expert at this but my thought was to do something like this
Client JS
var clientCookie = document.cookie
document.cookie= cookieString
.craeteCookie(clientCookie) // server function to create cryptographic cookie string
Server Side
function createCookie(clientCookie){
//check cookie is valid
// create client cookie

Auth0 and Google API, access token expired, howto write files to Google Drive

I've written an online converter and integrated Auth0 to my website. What I'm trying to achieve is to auto-upload the converted file to the Google Drive of a logged in user. I set up Google oauth in Auth0 and everything seemed to work fine.
The problem is, Google's access_token expires after 60min and I don't have a refresh_token. Therefore, the user needs to log in via the Google Login-page again. That is not, what I want, because the user is in fact logged in way longer than just 60min on my site, but Google refuses API-calls (because the Google token expired).
I know I can request a refresh_token by setting access_type=offline but this will add the permission Have offline access. I don't want that, I just want to upload data to the user's Drive, if he clicked the convert button on my page. I don't want to ask the users for permissions I don't need. If I (as a user) would link my Google account on a similar page and the tool asks for offline access I wouldn't approve, to be honest - the permission sounds like the tool creator can do whatever he wants with your account whenever he wants... There are many tools out there that have write access to a user's Drive without asking for offline access and with one single login until the user revokes the permission. How is that done?
Is there a way to make Google API calls without asking for offline access and without forcing the user to approve the app (that is already approved by him) again and again every 60min?
Thanks in advance,
Is there a way to make Google API calls without asking for offline access and without forcing the user to approve the app (that is already approved by him) again and again every 60min?
Yes there are ways, but it depends on the specifics of your use case. For example, is your code in Java/php/etc running on a server, or is it JavaScript running in the browser?
Running your auth in the browser is probably the simplest solution as the Google library ( does all the work for you.
By asking for offline access you are requesting a refresh token. Google is going to tell the user that you are requesting offline access. You can request something without telling the user what they are authorizing.
No there is no way to request a refresh token without displaying that message. Nor is there a way for you to change the message it's a standard Google thing.
I found the solution!
Enable Use Auth0 instead of the IdP to do Single Sign On in your client's Dashboard
Create a new Angular-route to handle the silent login callback (e.g. /sso)
$rootScope.$on("$locationChangeStart", function() {
if ($location.path().indexOf("sso") == -1) {
authService.relogin(); //this is your own service
to your run-function and set the callbackURL in angularAuth0Provider.init() to your new Angular-route (<YOUR_DOMAIN>/sso). Add this URL to your accepted callbacks in the Auth0 dashboard - this won't end in an infinite loop, because the locationChangeStart-event won't call authService.relogin() for this route
Add $window.close(); to the controller of the Angular-route (/sso) to auto-close the popup
Authenticate the user via Auth0 and save the timestamp and the Auth0-access_token somewhere
On reload:
Check, if the Auth0-token is still valid in authService.relogin(). If not, the user has to login again either way. If the token is valid and the Google token is about to expire (check this with the saved timestamp to prevent unnecessary API calls) check for SSO-data and login silently, if present
/* ... */
if (validToken && googleExpired) {
angularAuth0.getSSOData(function (err, data) {
var lastUsedConnection = data.lastUsedConnection;
var connectionName = (_.isUndefined(lastUsedConnection) ? undefined :;
var isGoogle = (_.isUndefined(connectionName) ? false : connectionName == "google-oauth2");
if (!err && data.sso && isGoogle) {
localStorage.setItem("last-relogin", new Date().getTime());
popup: true,
Now you will find a fresh Google access_token for this user (without asking for offline access)

node.js Express/ hybrid application with facebook

I am using express/ combination in my node.js app. So far it's working fine.
Now, I need to store facebook user id and email id (after user being authorized) into session scope. I see there are lot of options and a bit lost here.. in my app, most of the communications happen through ultimately what i want is to access user id and email id anytime in the client side...
var express = require("express"),
fs = require("fs"),
app = express.createServer(
form({ keepExtensions: true })
io = require("");
socket = io.listen(app);
After being authorized, I suggest using the accessToken which is already in the cookies and then sending it through the and fetching the email and the id using graph.facebook or your own DB. The problem with storing user ID and Email is that it could insecure, since session hijacking could happen.
Facebook has its own experts on security to make sure it wouldn't be hijacked. Use it!
This might help:
After being authorized you can store the data in your session via express
On a very basic level:
// Get data from facebok and store it on a var `userData`
// server
socket.on('getUserData', function (callback) {
// client
socekt.emit('getUserData', function(userData) {
